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1、人教PEP版英语四年级下册全册教案设计Consolidation&Extension“ Be ready to help others(1) Create a situation.(2) Make a demonstration with one student.Help students make their own dialogues.Work in groups to make their own dialogues. And then act them out in class.Create a natural and real situation. Let students use

2、the sentence structures reasonably. Cultivate students/ comprehensive language using ability.Homework1. Practice the dialogues.2. Do the exercise.A板书设计A作业设计1. Read the chants for your family.2. Try to find more words that have ar and al Read and share them in your group.3. Do the exercises.A教学反思1 .突

3、出学生学习的自主性。鼓励学生主动参与,通过读一读、看一看、找一找的活动,总结并归纳出发音 规则,提高学生进行自主探究、归纳的能力。2 .整个教学过程设计流畅,学生能够轻松学习,很好地实现了教学目标。3 .以学生最喜欢的chant复习导入,再在chant中学习,最后在chant中巩固。Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsLets spellBe able to perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combinations “ar and al in the words. Streng

4、then the pronunciation rules by reading the chants. Be able to read the new words that have the letter combination “ar and “al according to the pronunciation rules. Be able to spell the words according to the pronunciation rules of the letter combinations and finish the task.Teaching PrioritiesBe ab

5、le to perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combinations “ar” and al” in the words.Teaching DifficultiesBe able to observe, perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combinations “ar” and al by discovery learning.Teaching ProceduresTeachingTeachers ActivitiesS

6、tudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesStagesWarm-up & Revision & Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Enjoy the songPhonics Song.3. Revision.4. Lead-in.1. Greetings.2. Enjoy the song.3. Chant together.Arouse students learning interest. Review the pronunciation of the letters and the letter combinations ir and ur in

7、the words. Lead in the new lesson.Presentation(1) Teach the pronunciation of “ar. Show Chant 1.(2) Look, read and find.(3) Summarize the pronunciation rule.(4) Play the recording.(5) Say and read some other words. Read Chant 1.(2) Look at the words. Read the words by themselves.(3) Try to summarize

8、the pronunciation rule.(4) Read the words after the recording.(5) Read the words that have ar according to the pronunciation rule.Lead students to perceive and conclude the pronunciation rule of the letter combination ar in the words. Develop students autonomous learning ability.2. Teach the pronunc

9、iation of al.(1) Show Chant 2.(2) Look, read and find.(3) Summarize the pronunciation rule.(4) Play the recording.(5) Say and read some other words.(1) Read Chant 2.(2) Look at the words. Read the words by themselves.(3) Try to summarize the pronunciation rule.(4) Read the words after the recording.

10、(5) Read the words that have al according to the pronunciation rule.Lead students to perceive and conclude the pronunciation rule of the letter combination al in the words. Develop students autonomous learning ability.3. Read the chants.Show the chants on the PPT.Read the chants and pay attention to

11、 the words that have ar and al”.Strengthen the memory of the pronunciation rules of the letter combinations ar ancTal.(续表)TeachingTeacher/s ActivitiesStudents* ActivitiesTeaching PurposesStagesPractice1. Read, listen and number.(1) Play the recording.(2) Check the answers by reading the words in ord

12、er.(1) Read the words in the book.(2) Listen and number the words.(3) Check the answers.Consolidate the pronunciation rules of the letter combinations“ar and al. Achieve the purpose of listening and writing.2. Look, listen and write.(1) Show the pictures.(2) Play the recording.(3) Check the answers.

13、(1) Look at the pictures.(2) Listen and write down the words.(3) Check the answers.(4) Read the phrases loudly.Consolidation&Extension1. Lets read.Show the picture of starry sky.Read the words that havear and alStrengthen the memory of the pronunciation rules of the letter combinations ar and al by

14、reading the chant.2. Lets chant.Show the chant on the PPT.(1) Read the chant. Pay attention to the words that have ar and al.(2) Chant together.Homework1. Read the chants for your family.2. Try to find more words that have ar and al. Read and share them in your group.3. Do the exercises.The fourth p

15、eriod (第四课时)Part B Lets learn & Let/s playA教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Let/s learn 能够听、说、认读单词 urainy, snowy, cloudy, sunny, windy n 能够在语境中正确运用这五个单词描述天气状况 能够在语境中理解“world, Sydney, London, Moscow, Singapore”的意思并能够正确发音 能够熟练地用句型“一Whats the weather like in Sydney? 一Its hot and sunny.” 询问或描述 天气情况Lets play能够通过活动进一步练

16、习和巩固新单词和新句型A教学重点能够听、说、认读并熟练运用单词“rainy, snowy, cloudy, sunny, windy”。A教学难点能够在真实的语境中灵活运用所学单词和句型。A教学准备1 .预习本课时的相关内容。2 .PPT课件、课文录音、视频、教学卡片等。A教学过程Step 1: Warm-up & Revision &Lead-inTeaching purpose利用PPT出示天气图片, 复习描述天气状况的相关单 词,再用表格的形式展示几 个城市的天气,请学生用前 面学过的句型“Itsin” 来对这些城市的天气进行描 述,并提前渗透句型“Wha the weather lik

17、e in?”。1. Greetings.2. Revision.Show some pictures about the weather on the PPT. Students look at the pictures and review the words cold, warm, cool, hot” . (出示课件)3. Let/s say.课件出 ZFLets say.iIts.in.:CityWeatherXianwarm(2 2cC)Chongqinghot(36t)Qinghaicaol(15t:)Changchun81d(51)T: Whats the weather lik

18、e in Xian? (Point to Xian and help students understand the question.)Ss: Its warm in Xian.4. Lead-in.T: Today we/re going to talk about the “weather” .Write down the topic Weather on the blackboard.Step 2: Presentation1. Look at the picture. Teach the major cities in the world.Show the picture of u

19、Lets learn ” to students on the PPT.(出示课件)T: What/s this?Ss: Its a map.T: Yes. Its a world map. Who are they?Ss: The weather reporter, Johns mother and Johns father.T: Look! Johns father is packing his bag. He will travel around the world. Where is he going?Point to the cities one by one. Lead stude

20、nts to read them several times.Teaching purpose利用天气图标和单词卡 片,分步教学新单词,在句 型和chant中操练新单词。2. Teach the word sunny”T: Where is Johns father going?Ss: Hes going to Sydney.T: What/s the weather like in Sydney? Lets listen.Play the recording.(出示课件)Students listen and try to answer with Its hot and sunny.”Wri

21、te down the sentence structure Whats the weather like in.?” and the word “sunny on the blackboard. Write the letter -y in red chalk.Show the word card to students. Ask students learn to read the word.Point to the map and ask.T: What/s the weather like in Sydney?Ss: Its sunny.Ask students practice th

22、e word like this: Sunny, sunny. Its sunny in Sydney.3. Learn the word “rainy”.Show the picture of Lets learn to students.(出 示课件)Point to the weather sign on the map.T: Whats the weather like in London?Ss: Its rainy in London.Write down the word “rainy on the blackboard. Write the letter -y in red ch

23、alk.Show the word card to students. Ask students to read the word.Point to the map and ask.T: Whats the weather like in London?Ss: Its rainy.Ask students to practice the word: Rainy, rainy. Its rainy in London.4. Teach the word snowy.Show the picture of Lets learn to students/ 出示课件)Point to the weat

24、her sign on the map.T: What/s the weather like in Moscow?Ss: Its snowy in Moscow.Write down the word “snowy on the blackboard. Write the letter -y in red chalk.Show the word card to students. Ask students to read the word.Point to the map and ask.T: What/s the weather like in Moscow?Ss: Its snowy.Te

25、aching purpose通过播放刮风的声音, 调动学生的多种感官,加深 对新单词的认识,从而有效 地记忆单词。Let students practice the word: Snowy, snowy. Its snowy in Moscow.5. Teach the word windy”.Show the picture of Lets learn to students.(出示课件) Point to the weather sign on the map.T: Whats the weather like in Beijing? Listen! What sound?(课件播放:刮风

26、 的声音)Ss: It/s windy in Beijing.Write down the word windy“ on the blackboard. Write the letter -y in red chalk.Show the word card to students. Let students learn to read the word.Point to the map and ask.T: Whats the weather like in Beijing?Ss: It/s windy.Let students practice the word like this: Win

27、dy, windy. Its windy in Beijing.6. Teach the word cloudy.Show the picture of Lets learn to students.(出示课件)Point to the weather sign on the map.T: Whats the weather like in Singapore?Ss: Its cloudy in Singapore.T: Yes. We see some clouds in the sky.(课件出示:多云的图片)Write down the word “cloudy on the black

28、board. Write the letter -y in redchalk.Show the word card to students. Let students learn to read the word.Point to the map and ask.T: What/s the weather like in Singapore?55. Its cloudy.Let students practice the word like this: Cloudy, cloudy. Its cloudy in Singapore.Teaching purpose引导学生观察描述天气 状况的五

29、个单词,并试着总 结其构词规律,进而培养学 生的学习策略。56. Lead students to summarize.T: Please look at these words. What can you find?Ss: They all have the letter “-y at the end of the words.T: Yes! They are adjectives. The nouns plus “-y at the end of the words constitute an adjective.(名词词尾加-y构成形容词,特别提醒以重读闭音节结 尾的单词要双写最后一个辅

30、音字母。)Listen, read and practice.(1) Students read the words and the sentences after the recording. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. (出示课件)(2) Students use the sentence structures ”Whats the weather like in.?Its to practice in pairs. Deepen students understanding of the new words

31、.Teaching purpose配对并说一说和Lets do活动帮助学生操练新单 词和句型,激发学生的学习 兴趣,让学生在学中玩,在 玩中学,轻松有效地掌握学 习内容。Step 3: PracticeMatch and say.Show the weather, the weather signs and the cities of “ Lets learn ” on the PPT. Let students try to match them.(课件出示:连线题)Ask students to say the sentences by using the sentence structu

32、re1. Lets do.Present the chart and the chant on the PPT. Let students say the chant by following the model.CityWeatherLondonrainyMoscowsnowyBeijingwindySingaporecloudySydneysunny课件出示Lets do.The world weather today.Rainy, rainy. Its rainy in London. Whats the weather like in London? Its rainy in Lond

33、on.Teaching purpose通过创设“小小天气播 报员”这个自然真实的情 景,让学生在情景中合理运 用所学词汇及句型,培养学 tL 2LA 人、工、二 m 匕工Step 4: Consolidation & Extension“To be a weather reporter”1. Create a situation.Show a world map to students.T: Do you want to be a weather reporter? Now lets try!2. Lets play.Ask a student to stick the word cards

34、on the map. Then the student tries to be a weather reporter.SI: Heres the world weather report. Its windy in London today-,A板书设计Unit 3 breather$ the weather like in.?cloudy.sunny.rainy.snowq.Q一也S 666owindy.A作业设计Show a weather report to your family.1. Do the exercises.A教学反思1 .整个教学设计从课堂的导入,到知识的输入,直到最后

35、的整合运用,都经过层层铺垫,有着很清晰的层 次感和很强的逻辑性。2 .注重学生读的能力的培养,始终利用多媒体进行示范教学,引导学生模仿正确的语音和语调。3 .利用说唱歌谣的形式来调动学生的学习积极性,而且只给出了范例,让学生学会举一反三,给学生时间 和空间来充分展现自己,提高了学生的课堂参与度和学习积极性。4 .利用一切契机帮助学生运用句型,在句型中学习,在句型中练习,在句型中运用。Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsLets learn Be able to listen, say and read the new words “rainy, snowy, cl

36、oudy, sunny, windy” . Be able to describe the weather by using these words above properly in the context.in the context and Be able to understand the words u world, Sydney, London, Moscow, Singapore pronounce them correctly.Be able to ask and describe the weather with the sentence structures “ 一What

37、s the weather like in Sydney?Its hot and sunny. skillfully.Lets playBe able to practice and use the new words and the new sentence structures in different activities.Teaching Priorities Be able to listen, say, read and use the new words “rainy, snowy, cloudy, sunny, windy” skillfully.Teaching Diffic

38、ulties Be able to use the words and the sentence structures properly in the real context.Teaching ProceduresTeaching StagesTeacher* s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up & Revision&Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Revision.Show some pictures about the weather on the PPT.3. Lets say.4. Lead-i

39、n.1. Greetings.2. Look at the pictures and review the words about the weather.3. Talk about the weather in different cities with the teacher.Arouse students/ learning interest. Infiltrate the sentence structure Whats the weather like in? in advance. Lead in the new lesson.Presentation1. Look at the

40、picture. Teach the major cities in the world.Learn the major cities in the world one by one.Lead in the new words properly.Help students learn and practice the words in sentences.26. Teach the words “sunny, rainy, snowy, windy, cloudyListen to the recording. Learn the new words according to the weat

41、her signs and the word cards.Learn to read and practice the words in sentences.7. Lead students to summarize.Summarize the rule of the word composition.Help students summarize the rule of the word composition.8. Listen, read and practice. Play the recording.Read the words and the sentences after the

42、 recording. Then practice the sentence structures in pairs.Make sure students can read the words and the sentences correctly and fluently. Use the sentence structures to deepen students/ understanding of thenew words.(续表)Teaching StagesTeacher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesPractice

43、1. Match and say.Show the weather, the weather signs and the cities on the PPT.Match the weather, the cities and the weather signs. Say the sentences by using the sentence structureIt sinEnliven the class. Practice the words and the sentence structure. Arouse students learning interest. Have a good

44、command of the content easily and effectively.2. Lets do.Present the chart and the chant on the PPT.Say the chant by following the model.Consolidation&Extension“To be a weather reporter1. Create a situation.Show a world map on the PPT.2. Lets play.Ask a student to stick the word cards on the map.Loo

45、k at the world map. Stick the word cards on the map. Then try to be a weather reporter.Create a natural and real situation. Students can use the sentences reasonably and correctly. Cultivate students comprehensive language using ability and divergent thinking.Homework1. Show a weather report to your

46、 family.2. Do the exercises.The second period (第二课时)Part A Lets learn & Let,s doA教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Lets learn能够听、说、认读单词和短语library, teachers office, first floor, second floor能够熟练运用句型“一Wheres the library? 一Its on the first floor.v询问并回答学校教室和场馆的位置能够在活动中激发学生热爱学校的情感Lets do能够在图片、动作和音频等的帮助下听懂指令并根据指令做出正确的动作反应能够了解校园日常行为规范,知道在什么场所做什么事情A教学重点能够听、说、认读并熟练运用单词和短语 u library, teachers office, first floor, second floor?oA教学难点能够掌握单词library中辅音连缀的发音。A教学准备L预习本课时的相关内容。2.PPT课件、课文录音、校园


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