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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高考英语必备经典句型1、as 句型: (1) as引导方式状语从句句型:“按照;正如” 例:We do farm work as the old peasant teaches us. As(it is)in your country, we grow wheat in the north and rice in the south. 正如(像) 你们国家一样,我们北方种植小麦,南方种植水稻。(2) as形容词副词原级(a an)名词as ; 否定式:not as/so - as 例:He is as good a player as his sister 他和他姐姐

2、一样是位优秀的运动员。 (3) such + n. + as to do 如此以致于 例:She is such a fool as to believe what he said. 她是一个如此的一个笨蛋以致相信了他所说的话。(4) so + adj./adv. + as to do sth 如此以致于 例:He was so strong as to carry the heavy box. 他是如此的强壮以致于能提起那重箱子。 (5) such - as- 象之类的 (接名词或定语从句) 例:He wished to be such a man as Lei Feng was. 他希望成

3、为一个像雷锋这样的人。 (6) the same 名词as 和一样的 (接名词或定语从句) 例:He is not the same man as he used to be 他不是从前的那样子了。 (7) as 引导非限制性定语从句 例:As is known to us, knowledge is power.众所周知,知识就是力量。 (8)引导时间状语从句。与while意义相近 例:We get wiser as we get older. 随着我们长大,我们也变得越来越聪明。 (9) 引导原因状语从句,与because的用法相近 例:As it was getting very lat

4、e, we soon turned back. 因为越来越迟了,所以我们不久就回来了。 (10) 引导让步状语从句 例:Child as he is, he knows much about science. 尽管他是一个小孩,但他对科学了解得很多。2、prefer 句型: (1) prefer to do sth 例:I prefer to stay at home. 我宁愿呆在家里。 (2) prefer doing sth 例:I prefer playing in defence. 我喜欢打防守。 (3) prefer sb to do sth 例:Would you prefer m

5、e to stay? 你愿意我留下来吗? (4) prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿.而不愿. 例句:I prefer to stay at home rather than go out 我宁愿呆在家里而不愿出去. (5) prefer doing sth to doing sth 例:I prefer watching football to playing it. 我喜欢看篮球,不喜欢打篮球。 (6) prefer sth to sth 例:I prefer tea to coffee. 我要茶不要咖啡。3、when 句型: (1) be doi

6、ng sth - when - 例:He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. 他正笑着的时候门突然开了,他妻子走了进来。 (2) be about to do sth - when - 例:We were about to start when it began to rain. 我们刚要出发,天就开始下雨了。 (3) had not done sth - when -/ hardly - when - 例: He had not fallen asleep when the telephone rang.

7、他刚要入睡电话就响了。 (4) had just done - when - 例:I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. 在劳累了一天之后我刚刚就寝,电话铃就响了。4、seem 句型: (1) It +seems + that从句 例:It seemed that everyone was satisfied. 看来好像每个人都很满意。 (2) It seems to sb that - 例:It seems to me that she is right. 我看她是对的, (3) There seem

8、s to be - 例:There seems to be a heavy rain. 看上去要有一场大雨。 (4) It seems as if - 例:It seemed that she couldnt come to class.看样子她不能来上课了。5、表示“相差;增加了;增加到”句型: (1) She is taller than I by three inches. 她比我高三英寸 (2) There is one year between us. 我们之间相差一岁。 (3) She is three years old than I 她比我大三岁。 (4) They have

9、increased the price by 50%. 他们把价格上涨了50%6、what 引导的名词性从句 (1) what 引导主语从句 例:What surprised me is that everybody seemed to be very indifferent to her. 让我吃惊的是每个人似乎对她都很冷淡. indifferent adj.不关心的;冷漠的 (2) what 引导宾语从句 例:We can learn what we do not know. 我们能学会我们不懂的东西。 (3) what 引导表语从句 例:That is what I want. 那正是我

10、所要的。 (4) what 引导同位语从句 例:I have no idea what they are talking about. 我不知道他们正在谈论什么.7、too句型: (1) tooto do sth 例:Politics is too important to be left to the politicians (Politics is so important that it cant be left to the politicians) 政治太重要了,不能由政治家来决定。 (2) only too - to do sth 例:I shall be only too ple

11、ased to get home. 我要回到家里就非常高兴。 (3) too + adj + for sth 例:These shoes are much too small for me. 我穿这双鞋太小了。 (4) too + adj + a + n. 例:This is too difficult a text for me. 这篇课文对我来说太难了。 (5) cant too +形容词 无论也不为过 例:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。8、wh

12、ere 句型: (1) where 引导的定语从句 例:This is the house where he lived last year. 这就是他去年住过的房子。 (2) where 引导的状语从句 例:Where there is a will,there is a way有志者事竟成。 He left his key where he could find他将钥匙放在易找到的地方。 I will go where I want to go我要去我想去的地方。 (3) where 引导的表语从句 例:This is where you are wrong. 这正是你错的地方。 注:引导

13、状语从句的where= 介词+the place where (定语从句) 例:Go where(ver) you are most needed.到最需要你的地方去。9、wish 句型 (1) wish that sb did sth 希望某人现在做某事 例:I wish I were as strong as you. 我希望和你一样强壮。 (2) wish that sb had done sth 希望某人过去做某事 例: I wish you had told me earlier 要是你早点告诉我就好了。 (3) wish that sb would/could do sth 希望某

14、人将来做某事 例:I wish you would succeed this time. 我希望你这次会成功。10、would rather 句型: (1) would rather do sth than do sth 宁愿做而不愿做 例:She would rather die than turn against his motherland. 她宁可死也不去背叛祖国。 (2) would rather have done sth 宁愿过去做过某事 例:I would rather have taken his advice. 我宁愿过去接受他的意见。 (3) would rather s

15、b had done sth 宁愿某人过去做过某事 例:I would rather I had passed the examination last week. 我真希望通过上星期的考试 (4) would rather sb did sth 宁愿某人现在或将来做某事 例: Who would you rather went with you? 你宁愿谁和你一起去?11、before 句型: (1) before sb can/ could 某人还没来得及 例:Before I could get in a word ,he had measured me 我还没来得及插话,他就给我量好了

16、尺寸 (2) It will be +时间+ before + 还有多长时间 例:It will be 4 years before he graduates. 他还有四年时间变毕业了。 (3) had done some time before (才) 例:We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land. 我们航行了四天四夜才见到陆地。 (4) had not done - before - 不到就 例:We hadnt run a mile before he felt tired. 我们还没走到一英里路就觉得累了。 (

17、5) It was not +一段时间+ before 不多久就 例:It wasnt two years before he left the country. 还没到两年他们离开了那国家。12、强调句型: (1) It is was 被强调部分that(who) 例:It was I who wrote to my uncle yesterday 是我昨天给我叔叔写信的。 (2) Is/was it + 被强调部分 + that (who) . 例:Was it your brother that you met in the street? 在街上你遇见的是你兄弟吗? (3) Where

18、/who/what/how等特殊疑问词 + is/was it that . 例:How is it that you will go to visit her tomorrow? 明天你究竟怎样去看望她? (4) do +谓语动词 (强调谓语) 例:They do know the place well. 他们的确很熟悉那个地方。13、用于表示过去未实现的希望和计划的句型: (1) should like to/ would like to/ would love to have done sth. 例:You should like to have written to your moth

19、er. 你本应当给你母亲写信。 (2) was / were going to do sth.(用过去将来时态表示原打算做什么) 例:Lucy was going to watch a basketball match. Lucy 原打算看一场篮球比赛。 (3) was / were going to have done sth. 表示未完成原来的计划和安排 例:Lily was going to have cleaned her bedroom, but she had no time. Lily 原打算清理她的卧室,但她没时间。 (4) expect, intend, hope, mean

20、, plan, promise, suppose, think, want, wish 常用过去完成时态,在这些词后接宾语从句或者接不定式的一般形式; 或者用一般过去时态后面接不定式的完成形式表示过去未曾实现的愿望 例:She had supposed him to be very rich. 她原以为他很有钱。 (5) wish that had done sth.表示过去未曾实现的愿望 例:I wish he had been here yesterday. 要是他昨天在这儿就好了。 (6) 情态动词should ,would, could, might, ought to等后接不定式的完

21、成时,表示过去本该做,打算做,想做而未做的事情 should have done =ought to have done 本应该做而没做 would have done = 本来就会去做某事而没做 could have done = 本可以做某事而没做 might have done 本可以做而没做 例:They ought to have apologized. 他们本该道歉的。14、倍数句型: (1)倍数比较级than, 例:The room is twice larger than that one这个房间是那个房间的两倍大。 There is 30 times greater chan

22、ce of being hit by lightening than being attacked by a shark. (2)倍数as原级as, 例:The room is three times as large as that one这个房间是那个房间的三倍。 (3)倍数the size heightlength weight width of 例:The room is three times the size of that one 这个房间是那个房间的3倍大。 15、 It is - that - 句型 (1) It is 名词 从句 It is a fact/an honour

23、 - that +陈述语气从句 例:It is a fact that the earth moves around the sun. 地球围绕太阳转是事实。 It is a pity/shame/no wonder that + 虚拟语气从句 例:It is a pity that he should not come. 他若不来可真是遗憾。 (2) It is 形容词 从句 It is natural/important/necessary/strange that + 虚拟语气从句 例:It is important that enough money be collected to f

24、und the project. 重要的是募集足够的钱,为这个项目提供资金。 It is obvious/apparent/clear that + 陈述语气从句 例:It is clear that she doesnt like the dress at all. 这很清楚她一点儿也不喜欢这条裙子。 (3) It 过去分词 从句 It is generally/commonly believed /accepted/thought/held that .+陈述语气从句 例:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable

25、 to us. 全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。 It is suggested/ordered/desired/requested/decided that +虚拟语气从句 例句:It is suggested that we should hold a meeting next week. 建议我们下周开上会。16、It 不及物动词 从句 (1) It seems that 例:It seems that Alice is not coming to the party at all. 看来Alice根本就不准备来参加聚会了。 (2) It happened that.很偶然. 例:I

26、t happened that I won the football lottery last week. 我上星期偶然中了足彩 (3) It occurred to sb that. 例句:It suddenly occurred to me that I knew how to solve that problem. 我突然想起我知道怎样解决那个问题. (4) It appears that. 例: It appears that Tom might change his mind. 看来汤姆会改变主意。17、比较句型: (1)原级比较: 例:English is not so diffi

27、cult a subject as Russia. 英语不是和像俄语一样难的科目。 Their bones are not as thick as adults.他们的骨头和成年人的不一样厚。 (2)一方超过另一方: 例:The weather of this year is a lot hotter than that of last year. 今年的气候比上一年的气候要热得多。 (3)一方不如另一方: 例:The restoration was so bad that it made some of the buildings less secure than they had been

28、 before. 修复工作是如此的糟,以致于它使得一些建筑没有以前安全了。 (4) The + er + S + V, the + er + S + V The + more + Adj + S + V, the + more + Adj + S + V (愈.愈.) 例:The harder you work, the more progress you make. 你愈努力,你愈进步。 The more books we read, the more learned we become. 我们书读愈多,我们愈有学问。 (5) more. than与其说倒不如说 例:Smith is mor

29、e diligent than intelligent. 与其说Smith聪明倒不如说他勤奋。 (6) no +形容词比较级+ than = as +形容词的反义词+ as 例:I am no better at English than you. 我的英语不比你好。 (7) that 在前后比较中代替不可数名词和特指的单数可数名词 例:The traditional picture of St Nicholas is quite different from that of Father Christmas. (8) one 在前后比较中代替泛指的单数可数名词。 例:I prefer a f

30、lat in Beijing to one in Nanjing, because I want to live near my Moms. 与南京相比我更喜欢在北京有一套公寓,因为我想跟我妈妈住一起。 (9) those 在前后比较中代替 特指的复数可数名词。 例:Salaries are higher here than those in my country. 这儿的工资比我们国家的高。 (10) ones 在前后比较中代替泛指的复数可数名词 例:Cars do cause us some health problems - in fact far more serious ones t

31、han mobile phones do.汽车确实给我们的身体健康带来问题,事实上比手机造成的问题更严重。18、感叹句型: (1) What a + Adj + N + S + V! 例:What an important thing it is to keep our promise! 信守我们的诺言是多么的重要啊! (2) How + Adj + a + N + V!(多么.!) 例:How important a thing it is to keep our promise! 遵守诺言是多么重要的事! (3) How + S + V! 例句:How I want to go to Be

32、ijing. 我多么想去北京啊!19、表法猜测的句型: (1) must have done sth 一定做过某事 否定形式:cant have done 例:She must have come here last night.她一定是昨晚来的。 She cant have gone there 她不可能到那儿去。 (2) may have done sth 可能做过某事 否定形式:may not have done 例:Philip may have been hurt seriously in the car accident. Philip 可能在这次车祸中伤得很严重。 (3) mig

33、ht have done sth 或许做过某事否定形式: might not have done 例:She might have known what the bottle contained. 她或许知道这个瓶子里装的是什么。 (4) should have done sth 估计已经做了某事否定形式:should not have done 例:She should have arrived in her office by now. 她此刻估计已经到达办公室了。20、动词不定式常用句型: (1) It takes / took / will take sb. some time / m

34、oney to do sth. 某人花/花了/将花多长时间/多少钱做某事. 例句:It took me years of hard work to speak good English. 为了讲一口流利的英语,我花了多年时间刻苦操练. (2) It is + adj +for/of sb to do sth 例:Lincoln said that it was not right for the South to break away from the Union. 林肯说南方脱离联邦是不对的。 It was careless of Tom to break the cup. (3) Sb.

35、have / has / had no choice but to do. 某人除了做别无选择. 例句:We had no choice but to take a taxi for wed missed the last bus. 由于错过了最后一班公共汽车,除了乘坐的士,我们别无选择. (4) Its not /just like sb. to do sth.的行为不/正像某人的一贯作风. 例:lts not like Jim to be late for class. He regards time as the most important thing in life. 上课迟到不像吉

36、姆的一贯作风,他把时间看作是生命中最重要的. (5) 形容词副词enough to do sth 例:I was fortunate enough to travel to South Africa. (6) It pays to + V (.是值得的。) 例句:It pays to help others. 帮助别人是值得的。 (7) It cost sb some time/money to do sth 例:It must cost a good deal to live here.住这儿一定会花很多钱的。 (8) do all he could to do sth do what he

37、 could to do sth do everything he could to do sth 例:They were doing everything they could to help the fatherland. 他们在尽最大努力去帮助祖国。 (9) It is hard to imagine/ say 很难想象/说 例:It is hard to imagine how Edison managed to work twenty hours each day. 很难想象爱迪生每天是怎样工作20小时的。 Its hard to say whether the plan is pr

38、actical. 这个计划是否实际很难说。21、动名词常用句型: (1) .have trouble/difficulty/a hard time/a difficult time (in) doing sth. (有困难做某事) 例:People from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other. 来自那两个国家的人们在相互理解上是没有困难的。 (2) upon/on doing sth, 一就 例:Upon / On hearing the unexpected news, he wa

39、s so surprised that he couldnt say a word. 一听到这个出乎意料的消息,他惊讶到说不出话来。 (3) There is no/some difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth. 例:There is no difficulty in solving this social problem. 解决这个社会问题毫无困难。 (4) There is no need/use harm/hurry in doing sth 例:There is no need in sending such expensive present. 没有必

40、要送这样贵重的礼物。 (5) spend some time/money (in) doing sth 例:They say children spend too much time chatting and playing games instead of focusing on their school work. 他们说孩子们花太多的时间在闲聊和玩游戏上,而不是集中在学习上。 (6) Its no use / good/ worth doing sth 例:Its no use talking with him. He wont listen to you. 跟他谈没用,他不会听你的。

41、(7) Its a waste of time/money/energy doing 例:Its a waste of time watching TV programme as this. 22、as if/though 句型: 例:He spoke to me as if I were deaf. 他那样给我说话,就像我是聋子似的。 The new students talked as though they had been friends for years. 新来的学生们说话很亲热,就像多年的老朋友似的。23、IF虚拟条件句 (1) 与过去事实相反 例:If the man had pointed with his first finger while he was in Brunei, everyone would have thought that he was very rude. 在Brunei,如果那人用第一个手指指着的话,那人人都会认为他很不礼貌。 (2) 与现在事实


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