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《策略eaiprinciples2025.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《策略eaiprinciples2025.docx(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、in a sense, methodologies are like coaches they dont magically guarantee success, but they do provide principles and practices that can lead to the best solutions. Over the next few months, this column will dig into Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) methodologies, examining 10 principles base

2、d on the five EAI laws (see the July 2002 issue of eAI Journal):从某种意义义上说,方方法论的角角色就像教教练一样,它它不一定能能保证成功功,但它所所提供的准准则和实践践指导着最最佳实践。下下面将论述述的10条条准则源于于五条EAAI原理。 Thee whoole iis grreateer thhan tthe ssum oof thhe paarts.整体的作用用远大于个个体作用的的简单聚合合 Theere iis noo endd-staate.事物的发展展永远没有有终点 Theere aare nno unniverrsal

3、 stanndardds.没有适用一一切事物的的规律 Infformaationn adaapts to mmeet locaal neeeds.信息需要契契合实践需需要 Alll dettailss aree rellevannt.所有的现象象都存在千千丝万缕的的关联The 110 prrinciipless inccludee lesssonss leaarnedd froom booth tthe sstudyy of otheer sccienttificc dissciplliness andd praacticcal eexperriencces ggaineed frrom aa

4、ppliied ssysteem inntegrratioon acctiviitiess oveer maany yyearss. Thheyrre neeitheer coompleete nnor uuniveersall. Exxperiienceed prractiitionners mustt deccide whicch off thee priincipples applly inn a ggivenn sittuatiion, how to mmodiffy thhem, and whenn neww onees arre neeededd. Thhis mmonthh we

5、ll sstartt witth thhe fiirst two prinnciplles.这10条准准则源于对对其它科学学规律的研研究和应用用整合的实实践活动。他他们即非完完整,也非非通用。有有经验的实实施者必须须根据实际际情况确定定适用哪条条,应做些些什么修改改,或使用用新的准则则。Alignn Plaans tto Sttrateegy制定短期计计划和长期期策略The ssucceessfuul immplemmentaationn of endttoendd inttegraated soluutionns iss bassed oon a funddamenntal aliggnme

6、nnt beetweeen buusineess aand ttechnnologgy allong seveeral dimeensioons. The Capaabiliity MMaturrity Modeel (CCMM) for softtwaree (seee Fiiguree 1) is aan appproaach tthat can be aappliied tto otther disccipliines releevantt to EAI, inccludiing tthe mmaturrity of tthe bbusinness in mmanagging procc

7、essees; tthe IIT orrganiizatiion iin enngineeerinng ennterpprisee-levvel iinteggratiion ssoluttionss; annd thhe whhole orgaanizaationn in the use of mmodells orr mettadatta inn plaanninng annd maanagiing ooperaationns.Thesee matturitty moodelss cann be usedd to estaablissh ann oveeralll tarrget for

8、the orgaanizaationn andd to keepp thee varriouss bussinesss annd ITT orgganizzatioons iin allignmment as tthey movee towward the targget. For exammple,it wwouldd be wasttefull (iff nott imppossiible) forr an orgaanizaationn to inveest iin beeing at llevell 3 oon thhe EAAI maaturiity sscalee andd lev

9、vel 55 on the modeelingg matturitty sccale if iit waas sttill at llevell 1 ffrom the busiinesss proocesss matturitty peerspeectivve. TTiminng iss anootherr keyy aliignmeent ddimennsionn. Giiven the magnnitudde annd vaarietty off chaallennges assoociatted wwith achiievinng hiigherr matturitty leevels

10、s, hoow shhouldd onee gett staartedd? Soome cchalllengees caan bee tacckledd immmediaatelyy; ottherss willl reequirre fuundammentaal chhangees inn orgganizzatioonal struucturre, ttechnnologgy, aand iindusstry matuurityy thaat coould takee manny yeears to aaccommplissh. AAlthoough no ssinglle appproa

11、ach ccan aaddreess eeach enteerpriisess uniique posiitionn, sttart by aalignning planns allong threee diifferrent horiizonss: Shoort-rrangee (neext 1100 ddays): Thhe foocus is oon a deliiveraable taskk plaan. DDevellop ttactiical planns thhat aaddreess iimmeddiatee neeeds aand ddelivverabbles. Relle

12、asee inccremeentall funnctioonaliity ffrequuentlly annd piilot new inittiatiives. Meddium-rangge (nnext 100 weekks): The focuus iss on prepparinng a joinnt buusineess aand IIT rooad mmap. Listt alll rellatedd bussinesss annd ITT iniitiattivess, iddentiify ddepenndenccies, andd upddate the roadd mapp

13、 quaarterrly wwith a twwo-yeear rrolliing wwindoow. Lonng-raange (nexxt 1000 moonthss): TThe ffocuss is on ddevissing a sttrateegic plann. Esstabllish a loong-tterm targget mmaturrity leveel, ddevellop iinteggratiion rrequiiremeents and enteerpriise sstanddardss, annd maake ppoliccy deecisiions (add

14、dresssing whatt to deveelop in-hhousee andd whaat too outtsourrce, etc.).Thesee acttivitties are grouuped baseed onn howw quiicklyy we thinnk thhey ccan bbe coompleeted. Thee dettaileed pllan iis drrivenn by the prioorityy thaat eaach eenterrprisse pllacess on the overrarchhing objeectivve. SSome of

15、 tthe mmediuum- aand llong-rangge acctiviitiess cann staart iimmeddiateely aand pproceeed iin paaralllel.具体整合的的程度由多多方面的因因素在决定定,可以根根据企业的的具体情况况,制定不不同的整合合规划。短期规划(1100天内内):制定定战术性计计划,立即即需要的且且是可以实实现的。慢慢慢增加新新的功能或或启动新的的计划。中期规划(1100周内内):准备备一个业务务流程及iit路线图图。列出所所有相关业业务和itt活动,标标识相关内内容,异22年为限,季季度性的更更新路线图图。长期规划(11

16、00月内内):制定定一个战略略性的规划划。确立长长期性的成成熟目标,确确定整合需需求,及企企业标准,制制定政策。Consoolidaate FFirstt, Inntegrrate Secoond强化为先,整整合其次Just becaause we ccan iinteggratee inddepenndentt sysstemss doeesntt meaan thhat iit shhouldd be our firsst chhoicee forr devvelopping busiinesss sollutioons. Inteegrattion addss oveerheaad an

17、nd addditiionall layyers of ccompllexitty thhat sshoulld bee donne onnly wwhen neceessarry. TThe ffirstt chooice, wheeneveer feeasibble, shouuld bbe too connsoliidatee dissparaate ssysteems tthat perfform simiilar funcctionns.整合增加了了企业的费费用和额外外的复杂性性,只有必必需才实行行。首要的的选择应当当是加强执执行业务功功能的离散散系统。Many fraggmentt

18、ed, overrlappping systtems in oorgannizattionss todday aare tthe rresullt off difffereent ppartss of a coompanny buuildiing ttheirr ownn sysstemss andd dupplicaatingg funnctioons tthat exisst ellsewhhere. Thiis iss esppeciaally truee wheen coompannies mergge. TTo prrevennt thhis, orgaanizaationns mu

19、ust aadoptt a sstronnger preddispoositiion tto coonsollidatte syystemm commponeents and incrreasee reuuse aacrosss thhe ennterpprisee.This prinnciplle dooes nnot nnegatte thhe prrinciiple of bbusinness proccess evollutioon orr inttentiionall varriatiion iin prrocessses. Havving dupllicatte syystemms

20、 peerforrmingg simmilarr funnctioons ccan bbe goood iif wee unddersttand thatt thee objjectiive iis noot too perrmaneentlyy opeeratee witth coompetting proccessees, bbut tto usse booth ssysteems oonly untiil wee dettermiine wwhichh onee is bestt.Princciplee 3: Use a prrocesss-drrivenn appproacchto d

21、eveelop end-to-eend ssoluttionss.采用流程驱驱动方式来来开发端到到端解决方方案Enterrprisse-leevel inteegrattion is cchalllengiing bbecauuse iit reequirres ddealiing wwith multtipleeinteegrattion probblemss forr whiich ttherees nno siinglee sollutioon. IInteggratiion ddimennsionns caan inncludde daata, proccess, plaatforrm

22、, nnetwoork,oorgannizattion, loccatioon, eemplooyeess,cusstomeers, and prodductss, ammong otheers.企业级集成成具有挑战战性,因为为它需要处处理许多集集成问题,而而不存在一一个通用解解决方案。集集成因素包包括,数据据,过程,平平台,网络络,组织,地地域,员工工,客户,产产品,等等等。With so mmany variiablees, tthe ppotenntiall sollutioons aare iinfinnite. Thoousannds oof coompetting softtwar

23、ee prooductts adddresss thhe inntegrratioon chhalleenge. Wheere ddo wee staart? Tradditioonallly, aa datta-ceentriic appproaach tto inntegrratioon haas beeen ppromiinentt, buut thhis cconfllictss witth EAAI prrinciiple 4. FFurthhermoore, somee inddustrry annalyssts ssay tthat 80 pperceent oof ellect

24、rronicc datta inn commpaniies iis unnstruucturred (thatt is, it resiides outsside of ddatabbasess, tyypicaally in ttext filees). Withh thee expplosiion oof thhe Weeb annd thhe apppearrancee of conttent-baseed seearchh engginess, itts bbecomming incrreasiinglyy cleear tthat dataa cann be acceessedd s

25、ucccesssfullly evven wwithoout aa dattabasse. SStilll, thhe diistinnctioon beetweeen sttructturedd andd unsstrucctureed daata rremaiins ccritiical.面对如此之之多的变数数,解决方方案也不确确定。存在在许多的软软件产品应应对整合的的挑战。该该从何而起起?通常,一一个以数据据为中心的的整合方案案会首先进进入人们的的眼帘,但但这同规则则4冲突。许许多分析家家宣称800%的数据据是非结构构化的,分分散在数据据库之外。随随着互联网网的发展和和基于内容容的搜索引

26、引擎的出现现,数据可可以轻松访访问而无须须数据库。然然而,结构构化和非结结构化数据据处理的差差别依然严严重。In soome oorgannizattionss, daata iinteggratiion (or aanothher iinteggratiion ddimennsionn) iss thee bigggest immeediatte prrobleem annd wiill ddrivee thee inttegraationn sollutioon. DData and otheer coorporrate asseets aare kkey ddimennsionns, b

27、but tthe iinteggratiion ccorneerstoone ggenerrallyy is the busiinesss proocesss.在某些企业业中,数据据集成(或或其它集成成要素)是是最大的问问题,决定定着集成方方案。数据据和其它要要素作为主主要考虑因因素,但是是集成的基基础通常为为企业流程程。The bbusinness evennt moodel is tthe ccommoon inntegrratioon ellemennt drrivinng alll ottherss. Thhe buusineess eeventt is a coontaiiner o

28、f ddata thatt occcurs in aa proocesss conntextt. Itts tthe ffirstt steep inn briinginng thhe prrocesss annd daata ddimennsionns toogethher. Channges to tthe eend-tto-ennd buusineess pproceessess shoould be ddriveen thhrouggh thhe buusineess eeventt moddel aat thhe ennterpprisee levvel, downn to the

29、depaartmeentall andd appplicaationn levvel, up tto thhe suupplyy chaain llevell andd acrross to ootherr inttegraationn dimmensiions (loccatioon, ssysteems, netwwork, etcc.).业务流程模模型通常驱驱动其它的的要素。业业务事件在在处理的上上下文中包包含了需要要的数据。端端到端的业业务处理过过程由企业业级的业务务事件模型型驱动,下下到部门和和应用层次次,上到供供应链层次次,并且关关联其它集集成要素(地地域,系统统,网络等等)。Pr

30、incciplee 4: Estaablissh cllear linees offowneershiip annd acccounntabiilityy.确定明晰的的属主和责责任整合最终的的责任总会会落在高层层领导身上上,包括CCIO , CFOO ,甚至至CEO。然然而,集成成使得分散散的元素像像一个整体体一样工作作。集成总总是缺乏明明确的责任任者。属主主和责任的的两个重要要方面是: 初始的集成成方案开发发、部署管管理 现有共享集集成设施的的维护管理理The uultimmate respponsiibiliity ffor iinteggratiion aalwayys reesidee

31、s wiith aa C-llevell exeecutiive (chieef innformmatioon offficeer, cchieff finnanciial oofficcer, and evenn chiief eexecuutivee offficerr). HHowevver, sincce inntegrratioon innvolvves mmakinng inndepeendennt ellemennts wwork as oone, inteegrattion inittiatiives ofteen laack cclearr ownners of ddaily

32、y ressponssibillitiees. TTwo ccritiical aspeects of oownerrshipp andd acccounttabillity are: Proogramm mannagemment for the inittial deplloymeent oof ann inttegraated soluutionn Onggoingg mannagemment of tthe sshareed inntegrratioon innfrasstruccturee.Many orgaanizaationns reecognnize the needd forr

33、 a pprogrram tteam for the inittial inteegrattion inteegrattion deplloymeent aand aappoiint aa proogramm mannagerr to headd up the effoort aand aassumme ovveralll reesponnsibiilityy. Thhe prrograam maanageer iss ressponssiblee forr marrshalllingg ressourcces aand ccoorddinatting the effoorts of rrel

34、atted pprojeects to aachieeve aa speecifiic ovveralll obbjecttive. Proogramm mannagemment is aa rellativvely welll-esttabliishedd dissciplline withh a llargee boddy off knoowleddge aavaillablee. Unfoortunnatelly, ffew oorgannizattionss havve cllearlly deefineed owwnersship and respponsiibiliity ffor

35、 ssustaaininng syystemm inttegraationn.Witthoutt thiis acccounntabiilityy, soolutiions rapiidly degeeneraate oonce theyyre deplloyedd beccausee thee commponeents conttinuee to evollve iindeppendeentlyy witth innsuffficieent ffocuss on evollutioon off thee inttegraationn as a whhole. Thee welll-unnde

36、rsstoodd orgganizzatioonal probblem is tthat locaal opptimiizatiion lleadss to globbal ddeterrioraationn. Glloball conntroll andd staandarrds aare ppart of tthe eequattion, butt theese mmust be ttempeered withh thee reaalizaationn thaat ann ecoologyy isnnt aa macchinee, annd thhere willl alwways be

37、aareass beyyond globbal ccontrrol. The ssoluttion is tto buuild up aan orrganiizatiionss cappabillity to uunderrstannd annd reeuse systtems resoourcees buuilt withh litttle archhiteccturee. Thhis wwouldd inccludee an embeeddedd mettadatta laayer, as welll as techhnoloogiess succh ass datta prrofilli

38、ng and reveerse archhiteccturaal enngineeerinng.Prroacttivelly maanagiing aand mmainttainiingdeeployyed iinteggratiion mmust be ssomeooness priimaryy ressponssibillity. Thiis geeneraally invoolvess thee creeatioon off a ccentrral EEAI mmanaggemennt grroup withh a lleadeer annd a stafff too suppportt

39、 thee scoope oof reesponnsibiilitiies.需要建立一一个专门小小组来进行行整合,是是所有组织织都能意识识到的。然然而整合结结束后呢?因为系统统发展的,局局部的优化化导致整体体的恶化。如如何解决这这个问题。问题的答案案是建立一一个小组,需需能够理解解并重用系系统资源。管管理和维护护整合系统统是他们的的主要职责责。Princciplee 5: Enfoorce EAI archhiteccturee明确EAII体系结构构Archiitectture refeers tto hoow coomputter ssysteem coomponnentss aree or

40、gganizzed aand iinteggrateed. AA mullti-ttiereed, nnon-rredunndantt, cooarsee-graiined archhiteccturee shoould be ddefinned aand eenforrced acrooss tthe eenterrprisse.A mullti-ttiereed, nnon-rredunndantt arcchiteecturre meeans the totaal seet off funnctioons iinvollved in tthe eend-tto-ennd inntegrr

41、atedd sollutioon arre prrovidded bby diistinnct llayerrs, eeach provvidinng unniquee andd nonn-oveerlapppingg serrvicees. TThis archhiteccturee musst appply to tthe eentirre ennterpprisee andd shoould be ccoarssegraainedd to provvide suffficieent hhigh-leveel coonsisstenccy foor innterooperaabiliity

42、 aand aa cerrtainn deggree of llocall freeedomm. Foor exxamplle, tthe aarchiitectture shouuld ssuppoort ssemanntic diveersitty (ddiffeerentt intterprretattionss of the samee datta) aand ppermiit usse off divversee tecchniccal ttoolss andd tecchniqques. Wherre too draaw thhe liine bbetweeen eenforrce

43、d stanndardds annd inndiviiduall chooice is aa mattter of eenterrprisse cuulturre annd poolicyy.The aarchiitectture shouuld aalso provvide the basiis foor orrganiizatiionall ressponssibillity and owneershiip off eacch laayer. Forr exaamplee, thhe arrchittectuure mmay sstatee thaat: Businness dataa p

44、errsistts att thee appplicaationn commponeent llayerr andd nott in the midddlewaare llayerr. Stewaardshhip oof thhe daata (inclludinng trransfformiing iit too a ccommoon ennterpprisee deffinittion, maiintaiiningg itss inttegriity, avaiilabiilityy, ettc.)iis thhe reesponnsibiilityy of the appllicatti

45、on owneer.Therees nno sttandaard eenterrprisse arrchittectuure; eachh entterprrise mustt creeate its own. Figgure 1, aan ouutlinne off fivve-tiieredd arcchiteecturre, ccouldd be usedd as a cooncepptuall staartinng pooint:Notess on the EAI archhiteccturee: The bbusinness proccess layeer maay orr mayy

46、 nott exiist iin a giveen ennterpprisee. Iff it doessexisst, iit maay noot coome iinto playy in a giiven inteegrattion sincce thhe prrocesss meediattion layeer caan haandlee somme ruudimeentarry (根根本的,未未发展的) intter-aappliicatiion pproceessess andd maiintennancee eveents. Thiis laayer reallly eemergg

47、es wwhen therres a cllearlly iddentiifiedd bussinesss prrocesss owwner and a buusineess pproceess mmanaggemennt toool iis ussed. The iinferrencee enggine (推理机机) prroviddes llinguuistiic innterppretaationn rulles ffor aambigguouss inpputs and to ggenerrate a “bbest fit” outpput bbasedd on “fuzzzy llo

48、gicc” prrinciipless. Thhis iis a critticall EAII serrvicee sinnce ttransslatiing iinforrmatiion ffrom one domaain tto annotheer wiith ddiffeerentt semmantiics aand nno “ccrispp” maappinng ruules is aa commmon probblem.Princciplee 6: Manddate inteegrattion requuiremmentss forr neww appplicaationns在新应用中中考虑整合合需求Appliicatiion


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