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《毛里求斯公司章程13313.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《毛里求斯公司章程13313.docx(38页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、THE CCOMPAANIESS ACTT NO. 15 OF 22001 22001年年公司法法第155号令CONSTTITUTTION-公公司章程OF.2ND FFLOORR, BLLOCK B, RUISSSEAU CREOOLE OOFFICCESLA MIIVOIEE, BLLACK RIVEERREPUBBLIC OF MMAURIITIUSSCONSTTITUTTIONOF.Indexx目录Articcle条文 PPagess1.Innterppretaationn解释32. Name, reggisteered offiice aand nnaturre off Commpan

2、yy 公司名名称,注册册办公室及及公司性质质 4 2.1 Name公公司名称42.2 Regisstereed offficee 注册登记地地42.3 Naturre off thee Commpanyy公司性质质43. Sharees股本43.1Righhts aand qqualiificaationns off shaares股权及股股权证书43.2Issuuancee of new sharres新增股权43.3Purcchasee or otheer accquissitioon off ownn shaares公司股权权的购买或或认购53.4Sharre reegistter股权登

3、记记53.5Sharre ceertifficattes股权证书书63.6Trannsferr of sharres股权转让让63.7Trannsmisssionn of sharres股权流转转64. Meetiings of mmembeers股东会74.1 Meetiings and resoolutiions in llieu of mmeetiings股股东会及股股东决议74.2 Proceeduree at meettingss of membbers股股东会程序序75. Direcctorss董事135.1 Appoiintmeent oof diirecttors董事的任任命1

4、35.2 Remunnerattion of ddirecctorss董事薪酬酬135.3 Proceeedinngs oof diirecttors董事议事事程序146.Offficeers官员157.Seeal公司印章章168.Diivideends股息169. Solveency testt偿付能力力测试1710. Windiing uup 公司清算算17THE CCOMPAANIESS ACTT NO. 15 OF 22001THE CCONSTTITUTTION OF.根据20001年公公司法制制定的-公司司章程1.INNTERPPRETAATIONN 解释释In tthis con

5、sstituutionn, iff nott incconsiistennt wiith tthe ssubjeect oor coontexxt, tthe wwordss andd exppresssionss staandinng inn thee firrst ccolummn off thee folllowiing ttablee shaall bbear the meanningss sett opppositte thhem rrespeectivvely in tthe sseconnd coolumnn theereoff. 本公公司章程所所及之文字字和表述,主主要以右栏栏

6、的解释为为准。ExprressiionsMeaniings1.1 “Act” 本法The Companies Act No. 15 of 2001 as amended from time to time 指修改后2001年公司法1.2“bboardd”董事会会The boarrd off dirrectoors oof thhe Coompanny.公司司的董事会会1.3“cconsttituttion”章程This constitution as originally framed or as from time to time amended最初制定的章程或修改后的章程1.4“mmemb

7、eer”股东东A persoon whho hoolds sharres iin thhe Coompanny.持有有本公司股股权的人1.5 “perrson”自然人、法人或非法人团体An individual, a corporation, a trust, the estate of a deceased individual, a partnership or an unincorporated association of persons. 任何个人,公司,信托,遗产管理机构,合伙人或非法人团体1.6.11“orddinarry reesoluutionn” 一般般决议A reesol

8、uutionn passsed if iit iss prooposeed ass succh annd moore vvotess aree casst inn favvour of tthe rresollutioon thhan aare ccast agaiinst it bby suuch mmembeers aas, bbeingg enttitleed too do so, votee in persson oor byy prooxy aat a meetting of mmembeers.公司享享有表决权权的多数股股东或股东东代理人一一致达成的的决议1.6.22 “speec

9、iall ressoluttion”特别决议 A resolution passed by a majority of not less than three-fourths of such members as, being entitled so to do, vote in person or by proxy at a meeting of members convened for the purpose of voting such a resolution. 公司四分之三以上绝大多数有表决权的股东或股东代理人在股东会会议上达成的决议1.7“sseal” 印章The commmon

10、sseal of tthe CCompaany.公公司的印章章1.8“ssolveency testt”清偿能力的判断断标准Thhe teest oof coompannys solvvencyy proovideed foor inn Artticlee 9章程程第9条规规定的对公公司偿付能能力的判断断标准1.9“ttreassury sharre” 公司股A shhare in tthe CCompaany hheld by tthe CCompaany 公公司持有的的本公司股股权1.10wriittenn orr anyy terrm off likke immportt incclud

11、ees woords typeewrittten, priintedd, paainteed, eengraaved, litthogrrapheed, pphotoograpphed or rrepreesentted oor reeprodducedd by any modee of reprresenntingg or re-pproduucingg worrds iin a visiible formm, inncludding teleex, tteleggram, cabble, facssimille orr othher fform of wwritiing pproduuce

12、d by eelecttroniic coommunnicattion.“书面的”或任何类似似的表述,是是指以打字字,印刷,绘绘画,雕刻刻,平版印印刷,拍摄摄等方式或以任何可可视形式表表现的文字字,包括电电传、电报报、电缆、传传真或通过过电子通讯讯形式产生生的其他书书面形式。1.11Savee as aforresaiid anny woords or eexpreessioons ddefinned iin thhe Acct shhall bearr thee samme meeaninng inn thiis coonstiitutiion. 前款文字字及书面表表述根据本本法的规定定在本

13、章程程中有同一一含义。1.12Whenneverr thee sinngulaar orr pluural numbber, or tthe mmascuulinee, feeminiine oor neeuterr gennder is uused in tthis consstituutionn, itt shaall eequallly, wherre thhe coontexxt addmitss, inncludde thhe ottherss. 本章章程中文字字表述上的的单复数,阳阳性、阴性性或中性词词汇,一律律平等。1.13 A refferennce tto mooney in

14、 tthis consstituutionn is a reefereence to tthe ccurreency of tthe UUniteed Sttatess of Amerrica unleess ootherrwisee staated. 本章程程所及之金金钱均指美美国货币(美美元),除除非另有规规定。2.NAAME, REGIISTERRED OOFFICCE ANND NAATUREE OF COMPPANY公公司名称、注注册登记地地和公司性性质2.1 Name 公司名称称The namee of the Comppany is .本公公司名称为为:-2.2 Regisste

15、reed offficee注册登记记地(相当当于我国公公司法所所指的公司司住所)The regiisterred oofficce off thee Commpanyy willl bee sittuateed att 2nd Flloor, Bloock BB, Ruuisseeau CCreolle Offficees, LLa Miivoiee, Bllack Riveer orr succh otther placce wiithinn thee Reppubliic off Mauuritiius aas thhe meemberrs frrom ttime to ttime may

16、 deteerminne.2.3NNaturre off thee Commpanyy公司性质质The Comppany is aa priivatee commpanyy andd thee liaabiliity oof thhe meemberrs iss limmitedd by sharres. Anyy invvitattion to tthe ppubliic too subbscriibe ffor aany ssharees orr debbentuures of tthe CCompaany iis heerebyy proohibiited.本公司为为私人公司司,为有限限

17、责任公司司。公司股股东的责任任以其出资资的股权为为限。公司司不得向公公众发出任任何认购公公司股权或或债券的邀邀约。3. SHAREES股权3.1RRightts annd quualifficattionss of sharres股权权与股权证证书3.1.11The desiignattionss, poowerss, prreferrencees, rrightts, qqualiificaationns, llimittatioons aand rrestrrictiions of eeach classs annd seeriess of sharres tthat the Comppa

18、ny is aauthoorizeed too isssue sshalll be fixeed byy orddinarry reesoluutionn to creaate sseparrate classses of ssharees annd alll thhe afforessaid righhts aas too votting, divvidennds, redeemptiions and disttribuutionns shhall be iidentticall witthin eachh sepparatte cllass. 公司股权权种类的确定、股东的权力力与权利、优优

19、先权、股股东资格、期期限以及限限制等事项项,须经股东东大会一般般决议来确确定。同一种类类的股权所所享有的表表决权、股股息、赎回回和分配是是同等的。3.1.2 The rrightts coonferrred uponn thee hollderss of the sharres oof anny cllass issuued wwith prefferreed riightss shaall nnot, unleess ootherrwisee exppresssly pproviided by tthe ttermss of the issuue off thee shaares of tt

20、hat classs, bbe deeemedd to be vvarieed byy thee creeatioon orr isssue oof fuurtheer shharess rannkingg paari ppassuu thherewwith. 持有优先权权的股权的的股东,其其权利不因因公司签发发的其他“同等权益益”的股权而有有所变化,除除非公司另另有规定。3.2IIssuaance of nnew ssharees 增资资3.2.1 Subjeect tto thhe prrovissionss of thiss connstittutioon, tthe bboardd m

21、ayy witthoutt preejudiice tto anny riightss preeviouusly confferreed onn thee hollderss of any exisstingg shaares or cclasss or seriies oof shharess, offfer, alllot, grannt opptionns ovver oor ottherwwise disppose of nnew ssharees off thee Commpanyy to suchh perrsonss at suchh timmes aand uupon such

22、h terrms aand ccondiitionns ass thee Commpanyy mayy by a reesoluutionn of the boarrd deetermmine.根据本章章程的规定定,董事会会在不损害害股东现有有权利的前前提下,根根据公司董董事会决议议,可以在一定时间间内,依据据一定的条条件,将公公司新增股股权提供、分分配或授予予其他人。3.2.2 Sharees inn thee Commpanyy shaall bbe isssuedd forr monney, servvicess renndereed, ppersoonal proppertyy, an

23、n esttate in rreal proppertyy, a prommissoory nnote or ootherr binndingg oblligattion to ccontrributte mooney or ppropeerty or aany ccombiinatiion oof thhe fooregooing as sshalll be deteerminned bby a resoolutiion oof thhe booard.公司为了增资、开拓拓新业务、购买个人财财产和不动产、本本票或其他他义务等目目的需要新新增股权的的,应当由董董事会决议议来决定。3.2.3 S

24、harees inn thee Commpanyy mayy be issuued ffor ssuch amouunt oor coonsidderattion as tthe bboardd mayy froom tiime tto tiime bby reesoluutionn dettermiine aand iin thhe abbsencce off fraaud tthe ddecission of tthe mmembeers aas too thee vallue oof thhe coonsidderattion receeivedd by the Comppany in

25、rrespeect oof thhe isssue is cconcllusivve unnlesss a qquesttion of llaw iis innvolvved. 公司应根根据董事会会的决议来来新增一定定数量或对对价的股权权,董事会会成员的决决定不得有有欺诈行为为。公司对对该事项的的决议是最最终决定,但但法律另有规规定除外。3.2.4 A shaare iissueed byy thee Commpanyy upoon coonverrsionn of, or in eexchaange for anotther sharre orr a ddebt obliigatiion o

26、or otther secuurityy in the Comppany, shaall bbe trreateed foor alll puurposses aas haavingg beeen isssuedd forr monney eequall to the conssiderratioon reeceivved oor deeemedd to havee beeen reeceivved bby thhe Coompanny inn resspectt of the otheer shhare, debbt obbligaationn or secuurityy. 公司司通过转换换

27、或交换公司其他股股权或债务务或其他有有价证券的的形式新增增股权的,应当等价交换,即新增股权的价值应等同于其他股权、债务或有价证券的对价。3.2.5 The CCompaany sshalll nott, evven wwhen it hhas nnoticce off thee facct, bbe boound by, or bbe coompellled in aany wway tto reecognnise any conttingeent, futuure oor paartiaal inntereest iin anny shhare or, exceept aas iss oth

28、herwiise pproviided by tthis consstituutionn or by aany ootherr laww, anny otther righht inn resspectt of any sharre, eexceppt ann abssolutte riight to tthe eentirrety therreof in tthe rregisstereed hoolderr. 任何人不得得以任何方方式约束公公司,或强强迫公司承承认某一股股权上的不不确定的、未未来的或部部分权益,除非本本章程或其其他法律另另有规定;也不得强迫迫公司承认认某一股权权上的额外外权

29、利,但但公司登记记在册的股股东享有绝绝对权利的的除外。3.2.6 The CCompaany mmay iissuee fraactioons oof shharess whiich sshalll havve coorresspondding fracctionnal lliabiilitiies, limiitatiions, preefereencess, prrivillegess, quualifficattionss, reestriictioons, righhts aand ootherr atttribuutes as tthosee whiich rrelatte too

30、thee whoole ssharee of the samee claass oor seeriess of sharres. 公司可以以新增部分分股权,该该类股权必必须与其他他同类股权具有相相应的责任任、期限、优优先权、特特权、资格格、限制、权权利和其他他特质。3.3PPurchhase or ootherr acqquisiitionn of own sharres公司司对本公司司股权的购购买或认购购3.3.11The Comppany may purcchasee andd reddeem or ootherrwisee acqquiree itss ownn shaares, but

31、t no purcchasee, reedempptionn or otheer accquissitioon shhall be mmade exceept iin acccorddancee witth thhe Acct. 公司可以以购买、回回赎,或认认购本公司司的股权,但但必须依法法进行。3.3.22Sharres tthat the Comppany purcchasees, rredeeems oor ottherwwise acquuiress purrsuannt too Artticlee 3.33.1 mmay bbe caancellled or mmay bbe hee

32、ld aas trreasuury ssharees. 公司根据前前款规定购购买、回赎赎,或认购购的股权可可以撤销,或被被持为本公司股权权。3.4SSharee reggisteer股权登登记3.4.11The boarrd shhall causse too be keptt a ssharee reggisteer coontaiiningg:董事会会应保存股股权登记的的以下事项项: namees annd adddressses of tthe ppersoons wwho hhold sharres iin thhe Coompanny;持有有公司股权权的股东姓姓

33、名和地址址3.4.11.2the numbber oof eaach cclasss andd serries of ssharees heeld bby eaach ppersoon; 每每个股东持持有的股权权数量及其其种类3.4.11.3the datee on whicch thhe naame oof eaach ppersoon waas enntereed inn thee shaare rregisster;股东姓名名登记的日日期3.4.22The sharre reegistter mmay bbe inn anyy forrm appprovved bby thhe booa

34、rd, inccludiing mmagneetic, eleectroonic, or otheer daata sstoraage fform, so longg as legiible eviddencee of its conttentss mayy be prodducedd.股权登登记的形式式应由董事事会批准,其形式包括磁盘储存、电子形式或其他数据存储形式,只要登记的内容有据可循。3.4.33A coppy off thee shaare rregisster, commmenccing fromm thee datte off thee reggistrratioon off t

35、hee Commpanyy, shhall be kkept at tthe rregisstereed offficee of the Comppany. 股权登登记的副本本,自公司司股权登记记之日起,应应保存在公公司的登记记注册地。3.5SSharee cerrtifiicatees股权证证3.5.11The Comppany shalll isssue to eeveryy memmber holdding sharres iin thhe Coompanny a certtificcate signned bby a direectorr or offiicer of tthe CCo

36、mpaany aand uunderr thee seaal sppeciffyingg thee shaare oor shharess helld byy himm.公司应应向每位股股东出具由由公司董事事或法定代表人人签署的股股权证书,并并加盖公司司印章,载载明股东持持有的股权权。3.5.22Any mmembeer reeceivving a ceertifficatte foor shharess shaall iindemmnifyy andd holld thhe Coompanny annd itts diirecttors and offiicerss harrmlesss f

37、rrom aany lloss or lliabiilityy whiich iit orr theey maay inncur by rreasoon off thee wroongfuul orr fraaudullent use or rrepreesenttatioon maade bby anny peersonn by virttue oof thhe poossesssionn theereoff. Iff a ccertiificaate iis daamageed, ddestrroyedd or lostt it may be rrenewwed oon prroducct

38、ionn of the damaaged certtificcate or oon saatisffactoory pprooff of its losss or desttructtion togeetherr witth suuch iindemmnityy as may be rrequiired by aa ressoluttion of tthe bboardd.获得股股权证的股股东,因故意或或采用欺诈诈的手段对对其持有的的股权登记记不实而对对公司、董董事和其他他股东造成成损失的,应应赔偿损失失,并承担担相应的责责任。如果果股权证被被损坏、灭灭失或遗失失的,经出出示损坏的的证书,或或

39、有证据证证明遗失或或灭失的,经董事会决议,可以重新申请股权证。3.5.33If sseverral ppersoons aare rregisstereed ass joiint hholdeers oof anny shharess, anny onne off succh peersonns maay giive aan efffecttual receeipt for any diviidendd payyablee in resppect of ssuch sharres. 如果多人人登记为共共同持有人人的,每人人均可以获获得一份基基于其股权权享有股息息的有效凭凭据。3.6TTrans

40、sfer of ssharees股权转转让 3.6.11Subjject to tthis consstituutionn, anny meemberr mayy traansfeer alll orr anyy of his sharres bby ann insstrumment in wwritiing.根根据本章程程,股东可可以书面文文件转让其其所有股权权或任何股股权。3.6.22The insttrumeent sshalll be execcutedd by or oon beehalff of the trannsferror aand tthe ttranssfereee an

41、nd thhe trransfferorr shaall rremaiin thhe hoolderr of the sharres ttranssferrred uuntill thee traansfeer iss reggisteered and the namee of the trannsferree iis enntereed inn thee memmberss reegistter iin reespecct thhereoof. 转让文件件应由转让让人和受让让人共同签签署。转让让人在转让让被登记之之前仍然持持有拟转让让的股权。转转让后,受受让人的姓姓名应登记记在公司股股东登记

42、册册中。3.6.3 The ddirecctorss mayy reffuse to rregisster any trannsferr of sharres 董事在在以下情况况下可以否否决股权转转让登记:(a) wheree thee Commpanyy hass a llien on tthe ssharee;公司对对股权设定定了留置权权(b) wheree thee shaare iis noot fuully paidd up;出资不充分分(c) wheree anyy calll iss duee andd unppaid on tthe ssharee or; 出资期期限已到期期但

43、股东没没有出资(d) wheree thee dirrectoors hhave notiice oof anny aggreemment by tthe mmembeer too traansfeer onnly tto soome sspeciifiedd perrson or ssubjeect tto soome sspeciifiedd connditiion.董董事已告知根据股股东协议,股权转让让只能针对对特定的人人或必须根根据特定的的条件,而而股东仍坚坚持转让3.7TTranssmisssion of ssharees股权变动3.7.11Uponn thee deaath, in

44、coompettencee or bankkrupttcy oof a membber, the execcutorr or admiinisttratoor off a ddeceaased membber, the guarrdiann of an iincommpeteent mmembeer, oor thhe trrusteee off a bbankrrupt membber, shalll bee thee onlly peersonn reccogniized by tthe CCompaany aas haavingg anyy tittle tto hiis shhare,

45、 butt theey shhall not be eentittled to eexerccise any righhts aas a membber oof thhe Coompanny unntil theyy havve prroceeeded as sset fforthh in the Artiicless 3.77.2 aand 33.7.33. 股东死亡亡,丧失行行为能力,或或破产的,死死者的执行行人或管理理人,无行行为能力人人的监护人人,或破产产股东的受受托人,应应被公司视视为有权持持有其股权权的人,但但在他们根根据第3.7.2条条履行一定定程序之前前,无权行行使股东权权利。3.7.22Any ppersoon beecomiing een


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