英语人教版八年级下册Unit3 SectionA第一课时.ppt

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1、I think it is a little bit hot in our classroom and I want to ask someone to open the window.What can I say?I can say 1.Open the window!2.Can you open the window?3.Could you please open the window?Which is the most polite?A:What are they doing?B:They are do the dishes 洗餐具洗餐具fold the clothes 叠衣服叠衣服cl

2、ean the living room 打扫起居室打扫起居室预习检测预习检测/fuld/make the bed整理床铺整理床铺sweep the floor扫地扫地wash the car刷车刷车take out the rubbish 倒垃圾倒垃圾A:What chores does he do every day?B:He every day.学科网 zxxk/t:r/swi:p/fl:(r)/rbi/Do you do these chores at home?Discuss them with your partner.1ado the dishestake out the rubb

3、ishfold your clothessweep the floormake your bedclean the living roomA:Do you often at home?B:Yes./No.洗餐具洗餐具做家务做家务do the dishes倒垃圾倒垃圾叠你的衣服叠你的衣服扫地扫地整理床铺整理床铺打扫起居室打扫起居室sweep the floorfold your clothesmake the bedtake out the rubbishclean the living roomStand up!Say“do the dishes”!take out the rubbish m

4、ake the bedfold the clothesclean the living roomdo the dishessweep the floorPeter,could you please take out the trash?-Peter,could you please take out the rubbish?-Sure,Mum.=Of course/certainly A:Could you please make your bed?B:Sure./Yes,sure./No problem.A:fold your clothes?B:_ Could you pleaseSure

5、./Yes,sure./No problem.A:Could you please do the dishes?B:Sorry,I cant.A:clean the living room?B:I have to do my homework first.Could you please Sorry,I cant.A:Could you please.?B:Yes,sure./All right./No problem./Certainly.Sorry,I cant.I have to do.Sorry,I cant.I am doing.Make polite requests礼貌提出请求礼

6、貌提出请求 A:Could you please B:Sure./Of course./certainly.Could you please A:Sure./Of course./certainly./Sorry,I cant.do the dishes sweep the floor fold your clothes clean the living room take out the rubbish make your bedThe general idea of the conversation is about.A.the chores that Peter doesB.the ch

7、ores that Peters mother doesC.the chores that Peter and his mother doListen for the general idea of 1b.CListen.Who will do these chores?Check()Peters mother or Peter.ChoresPeters motherPeterdo the dishessweep the floortake out the rubbishmake the bedfold the clothesclean the living room1bRetell the

8、dialogue Peters grandma is _ at seven.So his mother needs to _ the house.She asks Peter to _ her.But Peter needs to _ first.Then after that Peter can _ the rubbish,_his bed and _ his clothes.His mother has to _ the dishes,_ the floor and _ the living room.They have to _ the house before Peters grand

9、ma _.coming overcoming overcleancleanhelphelpfinish his homeworkfinish his homeworktake outtake outmakemakefoldfolddodosweepsweepcleancleanclean upclean uparrivesarrivesWho?How often?do the dishesclean the floordo the laundry What chores do you do at home?How often do you do these things?探究学习探究学习四人一

10、组,合作学习四人一组,合作学习 Hello!Im In my group,does the dishes and cleans_.We think.is the most able one at home.成果展示成果展示 Could you please sweep the floor?你能扫一下地吗?你能扫一下地吗?Could you please后加后加_.表示委婉的请求。表示委婉的请求。肯定回答常用肯定回答常用_否定回答常用否定回答常用_ 一般不用一般不用NO开头,用开头,用No显得态度生硬,不礼貌显得态度生硬,不礼貌动词原形动词原形Sure/Certainly/Of course.注

11、注:could是情态动词是情态动词can的过去式,但在本句中的过去式,但在本句中Could you do?不表示过去,用以表示礼貌,委婉不表示过去,用以表示礼貌,委婉或不确定的语气。或不确定的语气。Sorry,I cant.What did we learn today?倒垃圾倒垃圾 干家务干家务 洗餐具洗餐具 扫地扫地做饭做饭 整理床铺整理床铺叠衣服叠衣服 打扫客厅打扫客厅take out the rubbish do chores do the dishes sweep the floor make dinner make the bed fold the clothes clean th

12、e living room 课堂小结课堂小结-Could you please?-Yes,please./Sorry,I cant.I have toHow to make a polite request(礼貌的请求礼貌的请求):):We Love our parents.We help do the chores.1.Recite the important phrase and sentences.2.Help your parents do some chores at home.H HomeworkomeworkYou do and I say.Work with your part

13、ner,and guess what he/she does.ReviewLets do a guessing game!What chore is Mrs.Green doing?Shes sweeping the floor.要插入图片What chore is Miss Li doing?Shes doing the dishes.What chore is she doing nowShe is cooking a meal.What chore is Sally doing?She is taking out the trash.Listen.Peter asks his fathe

14、r if he can do four things.What does his father say?Check()“yes”or“no”.Peter wants toPeters father saysgo out for dinner.Yes Nogo to the movies.Yes Nostay out late.Yes Noget a ride.Yes No2aListen again.Why does Peters father say“no”?Draw lines to the reasons.Peter wants toPeters father saysHis fathe

15、rs reasonsgo out for dinner.Yes NoI have to do some work.go to the movies.Yes NoYou have to clean your roomstay out late.Yes NoI need to eat breakfast.get a ride.Yes NoYou have a basketball game.2bAsk for permission礼貌地取得同意礼貌地取得同意A:Could I use your computer?B:Sorry.Im going to work on it now.A:Well,c

16、ould I watch TV?B:Yes,you can,but first you have to clean your room.No,you cant.2cMake conversations between Peter and his father.Read the conversation and answer the questions:(1)What chores does the sister want her brother to do?(2)Where do you think their mother is?(3)Whos really the boss at home

17、?Mother.Take out the rubbish,fold the clothes and do the dishes.At the supermarket.Role-play the conversation.(Pay attention to the colorful words.)Sister:Tony,could you please help out with a few things?Brother:Could I at least finish watching this show?Sister:No.I think two hours of TV is enough f

18、or you!Brother:Fine.What do you want me to do?2dSister:Could you take out the rubbish,fold the clothes and do the dishes?Brother:So much?Sister:Yes,because Mom will be back from shopping any minute now.And she wont be happy if she sees this mess.Brother:But the house is already pretty clean and tidy

19、!Sister:Yes,well,its clean,but its not“mother clean”.1.help out动词短语,表示在某人繁忙或动词短语,表示在某人繁忙或 遇到困难时遇到困难时“给予帮助给予帮助”。help和和out之间还可以加入具体的之间还可以加入具体的“人人”。e.g.He helped me out with my task.他帮我完成了任务。他帮我完成了任务。They helped(us)out with the clean-up.他们帮助我们做大扫除。他们帮助我们做大扫除。2.at least 至少至少 e.g.We should brush our teet

20、h at least twice a day.我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。3.be back 回来回来 e.g.I wont be back till 11:00.我我11点以前回不来。点以前回不来。4.any minute now 一种常见的口语表达一种常见的口语表达法,相当于法,相当于“随时;马上;在任何时随时;马上;在任何时刻刻”的意思,的意思,表示事情有可能在极短表示事情有可能在极短的时间内发生或眼下就要发生。的时间内发生或眼下就要发生。minute还可以用还可以用second,moment,time等词替换。等词替换。e.g.Dont worry,he wil

21、l come here any minute now.别担心别担心,他会马上来这儿。他会马上来这儿。The guests are arriving any time now but were still not ready.客人即刻就到,但我们还没有准备好。客人即刻就到,但我们还没有准备好。Were expecting them any moment now.我们期待他们随时到来。我们期待他们随时到来。5.I think two hours of TV is enough for you!two hours 两个小两个小时时,作主作主语语,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形数形式。表示式。表示时间时

22、间、距离、度量、重量、金、距离、度量、重量、金额额等的等的复数名复数名词词作主作主语语,被看作整体被看作整体时时,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数。数。Twenty years is a long time.20年是一段很年是一段很长长的的时间时间。Two kilometers is a long way to go on foot.步行步行两千米是一段很两千米是一段很长长的路程。的路程。Fill in the blanks.Sister:Tony,could you please help out with a few things?Brother:Could I finish watching

23、this show?Sister:No.I think two hours of TV is for you!Brother:Fine.What do you want me to do?Sister:Could you ,fold the clothes and do the dishes?Brother:So much?Sister:Yes,because Mom will from shopping any minute now.And she wont be happy if she sees this.Brother:But the house is already pretty c

24、lean and !Sister:Yes,well,its clean,but its not“mother clean”!at leastenough take out the rubbishbe backmesstidyWhat did we learn today?倒垃圾倒垃圾 干家务干家务洗餐具洗餐具扫地扫地做饭做饭整理床铺整理床铺叠衣服叠衣服take out the rubbishdo chores do the dishes sweep the floor make dinner make the bed fold the clothes 打扫客厅打扫客厅帮助解决帮助解决至少至少完

25、成(做完成(做)某事某事购物回来购物回来看到这么凌乱看到这么凌乱clean the living room help outat least finish doing sth.be back from shoppingsee this mess1.Did you finish (watch)this show?2.Ill go to the park if it (not rain)tomorrow.3.Could you please(make)the bed?4.He doesnt want you (play)computer games.5.Two kilometers(be)not

26、far.Lets go there by bike.用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空watchingdoesnt rainmaketo playis 用下列词的适当形式填空。用下列词的适当形式填空。clean sweep take out make fold living room work have do can1._you please clean your room?2.Jerrys mom _the floor every Sunday.3.There is a TV in the _.4.Judy _hard in a hospital.She is a nurse.Coul

27、dsweepsliving roomworks5.Sams father is a policeman.Hes busy.So Sam _ to do the chores.6.Look!Dan is _ the trash.7.Her mother works in a restaurant.She _ the table after people have dinner.8.Amy doesnt like _the dishes.9.Could you please _ your bed?10.Tracy can _ her clothes.hastaking outcleansdoing

28、makefold一一.单项选择单项选择()1.-Could you please _ the living room?-No problem.A.cleaned B.cleans C.cleaning D.clean()2.-Could you please help out with a few things?-_.A.Yes,I could.B.Thats OK.C.Sure.D.Thats all right.()3.The basket is full of waste(废弃的废弃的)paper.Could you please help me _ the rubbish?A.take

29、 away B.took away C.took out D.take out()4.Two hours of homework _ too long for us.A.is B.are C.were D.be()5.-_ I use your bike?-Yes,you_.A.Can,could B.Could,could C.Could,can D.Can,couldntDCDACManners maketh man.不知礼,无以立也不知礼,无以立也。温彻斯特公学温彻斯特公学1.Could you please?Yes,Sure!/Sorry,I have to2.Could I?do t

30、he dishes sweep the floor take out the rubbish make your bedclean the living room fold your clothes SummaryChores:How to make a polite request andask for permission:一、补全单词补全单词1.-Could you take out the rubbish?-Sure,No p_.2.Look!A cat is lying on the f_.3.Please f_ the clothes by yourself.4.What a m_ youve made!Please clean it up.5.I s_ the desk every day.roblemlooroldessweep1.Help your parents do some chores at home.2.Write a conversation between you and your parents about doing chores at home.


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