新视野大学英语3UNIT 4.pptx

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1、UNIT 4Five Famous Symbols of American Culture单词词组课文练习1.Come up with想出(办法,解决问题等)科学家找到了解决能源的新途径。Scientists have come up with new ways of saving energy.我们应该找出有效地措施来解决青少年吸毒现象日益增加的问题。We ear supposed to come up with effective measures to deal with the problem of the increase in drug use among teenagers.2.

2、refashioninto 把变成这些又旧又黑得房子正在被改建成现代的大楼。These old dark building are being refashioned into modern ones.3.Name after 以某人姓名命名这座大楼是以捐资者的名字命名的。The building was named after the donator.这座桥是以 那位英雄的名字命名的。The bridge was named after the hero.4.rise/come to fame 出名在娱乐圈打拼多年后他终于出人头地了。He finally came to fame after

3、 years struggle in the entertainment circle.许多年轻人很不现实,他们梦想着能一夜成名。Many q young person has been unrealistic and has dreamt of rising to fame overnight.5.capture one,s attention吸引注意吸引 他注意的是他的言谈而不是她的容貌。It was her words not her looks that captured his attention.校园的景色吸引了我的注意力。The view on campus captured m

4、y attention.6.save sb/sth from 使免于有很多办法可以挽救他们的婚姻。Lost can be done to save their marriage from failure.幸运的是,你那些珍贵的唱片在火灾中未被损毁。Luckily you precious records were saved from the fire.7.go against 违背说谎有悖于我的原则。Lying went against my principles.我应当警告你,如果这案子对你不利,你就可能坐牢。I should warn you that if the case gose

5、against you,you may find yourself in prison.8liberate from 解放释放我们的任务之一是把人民从贫困中解放出来。One of our tasks is to liberate people from peverty.approve v.approve v.1.vt.accept 批准批准 We need to get an official from the government to approve this project.我们需要一位政府官员来支持这个项目。我们需要一位政府官员来支持这个项目。2.vi.show or feel tha

6、t sth.is good 赞成赞成His father didnt approve of his leaving school at 16.他父亲不赞成他他父亲不赞成他16岁就离开学校。岁就离开学校。I didnt approve of his manner.我不喜欢他的举止。我不喜欢他的举止。affection n.affection n.feeling of fondness 喜爱喜爱搭配:搭配:win/gain ones affection(s)得到某人的爱情得到某人的爱情 have an affection for/towards sb.深爱着某人深爱着某人 I have a dee

7、p affection towards my adopted child,whose love is sacred to me even if we have no blood relationship.我对养子的感情很深,即便我们没有血缘关系,我对养子的感情很深,即便我们没有血缘关系,他的爱对我而言仍是十分神圣的。他的爱对我而言仍是十分神圣的。assemble vt.assemble vt.1.fit sth.together 组装组装We spent all day trying to assemble our new bookshelves.我们用了一整天来安装新书架。我们用了一整天来安

8、装新书架。2.(cause sth./sb.to)come together;collect 聚集;收集聚集;收集He is assembling evidence concerning a murder.他在收集一宗谋杀案的证据。他在收集一宗谋杀案的证据。歌迷聚集在机场等明星出现。歌迷聚集在机场等明星出现。The fans assembled at the airport,waiting for the singer to show up.inspire vt.inspire vt.1.give sb.a feeling of wanting to do sth.good 给给以灵感以灵感这

9、首歌的灵感来自一个真实的故事。这首歌的灵感来自一个真实的故事。The song was inspired by a true story.2.fill sb.with confidence or eagernessOur work is to motivate those voters and inspire them to join our cause.我们的工作是发动那些投票人,促使他们加入我们的我们的工作是发动那些投票人,促使他们加入我们的事业。事业。stretch v.stretch v.1.vt.Make sth.longer,wider or tighter by pulling

10、拉长拉长My T-shirt stretched when I washed it.我的我的T恤衫洗后变大了。恤衫洗后变大了。2.vt.Cause to go as far as possible 使尽全力使尽全力Im afraid we cant take on any more work We are fully stretched.恐怕我们不能再接更多工作了,我们现在已经是全力恐怕我们不能再接更多工作了,我们现在已经是全力以赴了。以赴了。3.vi.spread over a large area or distance 延伸延伸The long white beaches stretch

11、 for miles along the coast.长长的白色海滩沿着海岸绵延数英里。长长的白色海滩沿着海岸绵延数英里。reputation n.reputation n.1.the opinion that people in general have about what sb.or sth.is like 声望声望People often neglect/sacrifice their health in their pursuit of wealth,reputation and higher social status.人们在追求财富、名声和社会地位时经常忽略人们在追求财富、名声和

12、社会地位时经常忽略/牺牺牲了健康。牲了健康。2.搭配:搭配:live up to ones reputation 不负盛名不负盛名 lose/ruin ones reputation 名誉扫地名誉扫地 a man of good/bad reputation 名誉很好名誉很好/不好的人不好的人 build up a reputation 博得名声博得名声 inspect vt.inspect vt.1.look at sth.closely 检查检查The workers inspected the new machine at regular intervals lest/for fear

13、that/in case that it should go wrong.工人们定期检查新机器,以确保其正常运转。工人们定期检查新机器,以确保其正常运转。2.make an official visit to make sure that rules are being obeyed,etc.视察视察 The President inspected the troops of naval force,land force and air force on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the republic.主席在国庆主席在国庆50周年时检阅

14、了海陆空三军。周年时检阅了海陆空三军。recruit vt./n.recruit vt./n.1.vt.persuade sb.to become a new member of an organization,esp.the army 招募;吸收(新成员)招募;吸收(新成员)The state is recruiting young people to the teaching professions.这个州在招聘年轻人从事教学工作。这个州在招聘年轻人从事教学工作。2.n.新成员新成员The new recruits were trained for six months and then

15、sent to the war front.新兵训练新兵训练6个月后就被送上了前线。个月后就被送上了前线。原句原句:It is said that he had used his wifes arm as the model,but felt her face was too beautiful for the statue.(L.8)句型提炼句型提炼据说据说据说据说,他用了妻子的手臂为模本,但又觉得她的脸,他用了妻子的手臂为模本,但又觉得她的脸,他用了妻子的手臂为模本,但又觉得她的脸,他用了妻子的手臂为模本,但又觉得她的脸太漂亮,不适合做神像。太漂亮,不适合做神像。太漂亮,不适合做神像。太漂

16、亮,不适合做神像。1.Typical patterns for reporting sth.It is said/reported that sb.does(did)sth./sth.happens(ed).据说据说 /据报道,某人做据报道,某人做(了了)某事某事 /某事发生某事发生(了了)。应用应用:a.据说,埃及的金字塔是外星人建据说,埃及的金字塔是外星人建造的。造的。应用应用:b.据报道,在理想的状况下人可以据报道,在理想的状况下人可以活到活到150岁。岁。It is said that the pyramids in Egypt were constructed by ET(extra

17、terrestrials).It is reported that man is able to live up to 50 years under ideal conditions.原句原句:While white people had previously been used as models for most American coins,famed artist James Earle Fraser went against tradition by using three actual American Indians as models for his creation.(L.5

18、0)While people tend to do sth.,someone goes against tradition/conventionality by doing something else.尽管人们习惯于做某事,另尽管人们习惯于做某事,另有人却反传统有人却反传统/常规而行之,做了别的事。常规而行之,做了别的事。尽管尽管尽管尽管此前一直是白人被用作美国硬币上的模特,此前一直是白人被用作美国硬币上的模特,此前一直是白人被用作美国硬币上的模特,此前一直是白人被用作美国硬币上的模特,而而而而著著著著名艺术家詹姆斯名艺术家詹姆斯名艺术家詹姆斯名艺术家詹姆斯 厄尔厄尔厄尔厄尔 弗雷泽弗雷泽弗

19、雷泽弗雷泽却反传统而行之却反传统而行之却反传统而行之却反传统而行之,启启启启用用用用了三名真正的美洲印第安人作为自己创作的原型。了三名真正的美洲印第安人作为自己创作的原型。了三名真正的美洲印第安人作为自己创作的原型。了三名真正的美洲印第安人作为自己创作的原型。2.Typical patterns for contrast句型提炼句型提炼应用应用:几乎所有的花儿都在春天开,但是:几乎所有的花儿都在春天开,但是梅花却违背常规在深冬绽放,它因不畏严梅花却违背常规在深冬绽放,它因不畏严寒而赢得盛誉。寒而赢得盛誉。While almost all flowers come into blossom in

20、 spring,the plums goagainst the conventio-nality by flowering in deep winter,thus earning a reputation for being fearless of severe cold.Vocabulary Test(1)Vocabulary Test(1)1.Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is _.A)granted B)impli

21、ed C)exaggeratedD)remedied2.Everybody _ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.A)assembled B)accumulated C)piledD)joined C)exaggeratedA)assembledVocabulary Test(2)Vocabulary Test(2)3.If my plan isnt _ of by the committee,all my work will have been wasted.A)approved B)consented C)agree

22、dD)admitted4.The leader of the expedition _ everyone to follow his example.A)promoted B)reinforced C)sparked D)inspiredA)approvedD)inspiredVocabulary Test(3)Vocabulary Test(3)5.Very few scientists _ completely new answers to the worlds problems.A)catch up with B)come up with C)keep up withD)put up w

23、ith6.The socks were too small,and it was only by _ them that he managed to get them on.A)spreading B)extending C)lengtheningD)stretchingB)came up withD)stretchingVocabulary Test(4)Vocabulary Test(4)7.Of all the soldiers they had the _ of being the fiercest,the most patriotic,the toughest.A)recogniti

24、onB)reservation C)recreationD)reputation 8.He wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won _ and a scholarship.A)faithB)statusC)fameD)courageD)reputationC)fameVocabulary Test(5)Vocabulary Test(5)9.Mr.Bloom is not _ now,but he will be famous someday.A)significant B)dominant C)magnificentD)prom

25、inent10.Each of them had a different _ of what actually happened,but hers was by far more believable.A)message B)theory C)version D)comment D)prominentC)versionapprove of go against dedicate to come up with,name after rise to fame work on refashion into liberate from save from evolve from for sale1.

26、Finally he _ an approach to dealing with their financial problem.2.All the pictures in this exhibition are _.3.Is Tom still _ the new book that he promised?4.This island was _ his discoverer.5.Luckily your precious records were _ the fire.6.Pop stars often _ at a young age.came up withfor saleworkin

27、g onnamed aftersaved fromDirections:Directions:Directions:Directions:Fill in the blanks with the phrases Fill in the blanks with the phrases Fill in the blanks with the phrases Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.Change the form where necessary.given below.Change the form where necessary

28、.given below.Change the form where necessary.given below.Change the form where necessary.rise to fame7.If my plan isnt _ by the Committee,all my work will come to nothing.8.The Womens Movement in 1960s and 70s has _ them _ kitchen and housework to a certain degree.9.Anything that _ the law of nature

29、 will receive severe punishment from it.10.Some people still do not believe that man _monkeys.liberated fromgoes againstevolved fromapprove of go against dedicate to come up with approve of go against dedicate to come up with approve of go against dedicate to come up with approve of go against dedic

30、ate to come up with name after rise to fame work on refashion into name after rise to fame work on refashion into name after rise to fame work on refashion into name after rise to fame work on refashion into liberate from save from evolve from for saleliberate from save from evolve from for saleliberate from save from evolve from for saleliberate from save from evolve from for saleapproved of


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