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1、(六)年英语课时教学案【第一单元第1课时】课题Module 1 UnitlGowing up课型New课前补改教材简析及学情分析这是本学期的第一堂课,单词和句子都很简单,主要是复习her hair was short and her eyes were big.这个句型,并且利用本句型介绍自己,这是孩子们比较感兴趣的话题,对于教学中的语言知识要“早渗透,中积累,勤反复”,灵活处理,适当讲解语法知识。时刻关注每个学生的学习英语的情绪,根据情况分层达标,承认学生认知水平的差异性,发现问题,及时补救。学习目标1. Listen, say, read and write the new words.2

2、. Using the simple present tense to simple truth.重点难点The new words and sentences.教法学法TPR教学资源Tape word, s card教学过程:情境引入1. Sing an English song.2. The Ss read the English song.学习新知1.出示照片介绍朋友或家人。如:T: Look at this photo. This is my mother. She s about fifty years old. She, s a Chinese teacher. She s goo

3、d at Art and Music. She likes her students very much.然后把学生分成四人小组,请每位学生介绍自己准备的照片,从关系、年龄、外貌、爱好等方面进行介绍。2.在黑板上写出数字(一百以内),让学生用英语快速大声说出来。T:(write 30 on the blackboard) What number is it?SI: It s thirty.(二)While-task procedures1 .顺着上面最后一个学生的话语询问学生的年龄,引出单词monthoT: How old are you?SI: I m eleven years old.T:

4、(show the first photo in Listen and say)Look at this baby. How old is she? She is about two months old.(show a calendar and write month on the blackboard) There are twelve months in a year.请学生跟读month,然后看着日历回答。T: How many months are there in spring?51: There are three months in spring.T: This month i

5、s September. Which month was last month?52: August.2.接着上一活动最后一个问题,出示一张婴儿的照片,引出was, cute。T: Do you know who the baby in this photo is?SI: Is that you?T: No, That s my mother. In this photo, she was about six months old. She was cute.出示自己家人小时候的照片,用句型This is He was描述,引出handsome, pretty等词,帮助学生理解生词的含义。3.

6、出示Listen and say的图片,播放录音,学生边听边看图片。再次播放录音,教师板书对话中出现的生词was和were,通过与is和are对比,帮助学生理解词义。T: Look at Sally in this photo. Sally was two months old. She was cute. Look at Sally in this photo. She was one year old. She was lovely. What were her eyes like?Ss: They were big.T: What about her hair?Ss: Her hair

7、was short.T: What does Sally look like in Photo4?Ss: She, s tall and pretty.T: Is her hair long or short?Ss: Her hair is long.播放对话录音,请学生逐句跟读,鼓励学生尽量模仿录音中人物的语音语调。4.请每对同桌分别选择两张图片互相介绍。教师在教室内来回巡视,如果学生有困难,及时给予帮助。然后让学生填空完成Listen and say的反馈练习,并核对答案。鼓励学生根据完成的词组介绍,描述Sally不同时期的年龄和外貌。交际应用Ask and answer.1. How o

8、ld was Bally?2. What did she like?3. 对子活动。一个学生出示父母或其他家人的照片,请另一个学生猜。51: Who s the baby in this photo? Is that your mother?52: No. This is my father. He was about five months old.53: He was a sweet baby.拓展延伸1.Ss introduce their partnerJ s family members to the other group memebers.2.Play a game: About

9、 you板书设计:课后反思:小学英语重在真实自然,贴近学生的生活。MIUI Growing up教材中选用的单词和句式,一般都是社会中最常见,最基础的,但由于种种原因,有些学生还是不能很好的掌握他cuteHer hair was short们的语音、音调。尤其是一些较难读的单词。小学生英语and her eyes were big.学习有困难的原因既有内因,又有外因。由于原因的错综handsomeHer hair is long.复杂,一味简单地进行知识到课,搞反复操练,只会使学pretty生对英语学习产生更强烈的厌学情绪。只有摸清原因,对症下药,才能解决困难。(六)年英语课时教学案【第一单元

10、第2课时】课题Module 1 UnitlGowing up课型New课前补改教材简析及学情分析这节课是对上一节课的巩固复习,通过学习小蝌蚪找妈2 Justin 的故事复习句型 her hair was short and her eyes 对于小蝌蚪找妈妈的故事,六年级的学生是非常熟悉的,巨型也都是简单的陈述句,语态是一般过去时,所以,与课的学习是比较轻松的。妈 Little were big.课文中的2生对于本学习目标1. Listen, say, read and write the new words: turtle fly also2. Using the simple presen

11、t tense to simple truth.重点难点The new words and sentences.教法学法TPR教学资源Tape picture教学过程:情境引入1. Have a greeting.2. The Ss introduce themselves.I wasMy hair was ,and my eyes were*.3. Recite the words.学习新知1 .出示Read a story的挂图,通过提问引导学生观察图片并引出故事。1) What season was it?(It was spring.)2) What was in the river?

12、(There was a tadpole in the river. His names Little Justin.)3) What colour was Little Justin?(He was black.)T: Little Justin was unhappy because he couldn t find its mother.2 .让学生读图片1的故事,然后教师提问,检测学生是否听懂。3 .出示图片2和3,首先要求学生四人一组看图提问,鼓励学生仔细观察图片,教师在各组巡视,如果学生有需要则及时给予帮助。4.让学生完成Read a story的后续练习,然后核对答案。还可以让学

13、生研究小蝌蚪的成长过程,填空完成下面短文。交际应用5. Play a game: Acting拓展延伸Tell the story.板书设计:MIUI Growing upHis mother: green, four legs, no tail , a big mouth课后反思:小学英语教学应较多地采用认知法,而不是直接法。直接法即大量接触真实的语言,进行真实的交流,大量重复模仿,强化记忆,养成习惯。视听法、听说法、交际法都属于直接法。以直接法为主进行教学,一定要有语言环境。认知法不排除模仿,但由于缺乏语言环境,学习途径主要是通过理性思维,学习语音、语法、词汇知识,掌握语言规则,指导听说读

14、写,举一反三,形成可持续发展的语言能力。对于小学生尤其要培养他们可持续发展的语言学习能力,不能排斥语言知识.课题Unit 1 Growing up课型new课前补改教材简析及学情分析通过Think and say的练习,帮助学生运用句型He/She was His/Herwas/were介绍人在不同成长阶段的年龄、身份、外貌特征及爱好。学习目标L帮助学生复习字母e、i、y和字母组合e-e、ee、ea在单词中的发音。2.通过Make and write的写作活动,让学生进一步巩固和运用核心句型。重点难点1 .语音:e, e-e, ee, ea, i, y2 .句型He/She wasHis/He

15、r was/were-法法物学讲授法教学资源幻灯片教学过程:情境引入1. Greeting.2. Review the words.学习新知1 .让学生看Think and say的图片,根据关键词思考如何口头描述图片。然后两人一组练习说一说。请几组学生上来作介绍。51: In Photol, Kitty was a cute baby. She was about six months old.52: In Photo2, Ben was a primary school student. He was 11 years old.S3:2 .出示Learn the sounds里面的单词,请

16、学生轻声朗读,找出发音规律,教师进行总结。e, e-e, ee, ea-/i:/1, y/i/然后播放Learn the sounds的录音,请学生跟录音朗读单词。3.请学生完成Listen and circle的练习,然后核对答案。还可以出示符合发音规律的几组单词,请学生根据读音规律直接拼读。/1:/1) hemebe2) freegreenthree3) teabeanflea/i/1) riskkillpick2) lipnickhit3) family thirsty hungry4.学生完成Make and write的练习,在方框内贴两张父母年轻时的照片,并填空完成照片描述。然后学

17、生结对或分组互相交流。交际应用请学生展示一组自己父母或朋友不同时期的照片并作介绍。教师根据学生具体情况给予提示或帮助。拓展延伸学生两人一组活动,发给学生两张作业纸。一张上面有四张图片,一张上面有与图片对应的文字。学生一人拿图片纸,一人拿文字纸,互相问答,把文字和相应的图片配对。板书设计:Unit 1 Growing upHe/She was*His/Herwas/were*课后反思:学习途径主要是通过理性思维,学习语音、语法、词汇知识,掌握语言规则,指导听说读写,举一反三,学生基本能够掌握字母和字母组合的发音。课题Unit2 My summer hoilday课型New课前补改教材简析及学情分

18、析本节课是第一模块第二单元的第一课时。本单元主要是学习在暑假过得怎么样?通过Kitty和Alice的对话讨论展开话题。学习句型 How was your summer holiday?本课内容对于六年级的学生学习是轻松地。学生已经在过去的学习中接触过假期和过去式的内容。学习目标1. Listen, say, read and write the new words: the Great Wall the Palace Museum Tian, anmen Square2. Using the sentences in the life.重点难点The new words and sentenc

19、es.教法学法TPR教学资源Tape picture教学过程:情境引入1 . Have a greeting.2 .The Ss act the last class s story.3 . Recite the words.4 .Ask and answer:T:What did you go on your holiday?5 : I went to .学习新知1 .The Ss read the dialogue and find the new words.2 .Play the recording: Listen and sayThe Ss read the dialogue fol

20、low in their books.3 .Play the recording again:The Ss listen and repeat.4 .Ss read the dialogue by themselves.交际应用1.Match and say拓展延伸1.Ss read the dialogue to the other group memebers.2.Play a game: GuessingWhat, s meaning?板书设计:U2 My summer holidaythe Great Wallthe Palace MuseumTian, anmen Square fa

21、mousHow was your summer holiday? It was wonderful .课后反思:小学英语重在真实自然,贴近学生的生活。教材中选用的单词和句式,一般都是社会中最常见,最基础的,但由于种种原因,有些学生还是不能很好的掌握他们的语音、音调。需要教师设计恰当的游戏活动练习句型0(六)年英语课时教学案【第二单元第2课时】课题Unit2 My summer holiday课型New课前补改教材简析及本节课是第一模块第二单元的第二课时。是对第一节课的延伸学习。通过对别人的假期的描述,学习本课的单词和句型。因为有上节课的基础,所以,本节课学生的学习会轻松一些。学情分析学习目标1

22、. Listen, say, read and write the new words: enjoy during spent stay countryside2. Using the sentences in the life.重点难点The new words and sentences.法法教学TPR教学资源Tape picture教学过程:情境引入1. Have a greeting.2. The Ss make a new dialogue.3. Recite the words.4. Ask and answer:T: How was your summer holiday?S:

23、It was wonderful . We went to the .学习新知1. The Ss read the dialogue and find the new words.2. The Ss read the dialogue.3. PlayThe Ssthe recording:Look and read read the dialogue follow in their books.4. PlayThe Ssthe recording again: listen and repeat.5.Ss read the dialogue by themselves.6. Complete

24、the postcards.交际应用1.Ss read the dialogue to the other group memebers.2. Ask and answer.拓展延伸Do workbookTo help the student sum up the learning of the whole unit.板书设计:U2 My summer holidayHow was your summer holiday?It was wonderful . enjoy during spent stay countryside课后反思:小学英语教学应较多地采用直接法即大量接触真实的语言,进行

25、真实的交流,大量重复模仿,强化记忆,养成习惯。视听法、听说法、交际法都属于直接法。以直接法为主进行教学,一定要有语言环境。认知法不排除模仿,但由于缺乏语言环境,学习途径主要是通过理性思维,学习语音、语法、词汇知识,掌握语言规则,指导听说读写,举一反三,形成可持续发展的语言能力。(六)年英语课时教学案【第2单元第3课时】课题Unit2 My summer hoilday课型new课前补改教材简析及学情分析本节课所学内容是帮助学生复习字母e、a和字母组合ea在单词中的发音。及巩固本单元所学知识和技能。学习目标1 .帮助学生复习字母e、a和字母组合ea在单词中的发音。2 .通过学习任务,帮助学生巩固

26、和综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能。重点难点语音:e, a, ea.教法学法TPR教学资源幻灯片教学过程:情境引入1 .播放Listen and enjoy的录音。出示图片,引入Listen and enjoy的内容。2 .说段活动。教师在黑板上写几个单词,请淡定生根据黑板上的单词来造句。单词:visit, go, is, do, watch, rideT: Last Sunday, I visited my grandmother in the countryside.SI: I did my homework in the morning.学习新知1 .小组调查。51: What did y

27、ou do during the summer holiday?52: I went to the beach during the summer holiday.2 .全班交流。3 .出示Learn the sounds里面的单词,请学生轻声朗读,找出发音规律,教师进行总结。e, a, ea/e/4.播放Listen and circle的录音,请学生完成练习,然后和学生核对答案。交际应用朗读单词。教师出示符合e、a及字母组合ea的发音规律的单词,请学生根据读音规则直接拼读。拓展延伸学生完成Think and write的练习。板书设计:Unit 2 My summer holiday Lo

28、ok the sounds e, a, eaf/e/课后反思:靠持续不断的语言知识,而不是“玩”来培养学生持久的兴趣小学英语教学是要重视培养兴趣,但不能单靠唱,玩,单靠唱歌游戏不能培养学生持久的兴趣。新鲜劲儿一过,孩子们就会厌倦。所以,唱歌游戏应该作为小学生学习英语语言知识、技能的一些手段,而不是培养兴趣的手段。我们可以采用多种手段帮助小学生在记忆力强的时期多记单词,多学习语言规则,并尽可能多创造模仿的机会,提高学生的语音和语调。在英语学习中,听、说、读、写、译五种能力是可以互补的。真正做到听说先行,读写跟上。光听说不读写,很难收到高效。只靠模仿不培养学习能力,也难减轻学习负担。所以小学生还是

29、应当认真进行语言学习。(六)年英语课时教学案第3单元第一二课时】课题Unit3 Healthy or unhealthy课型新课前补改教材简析及学情分析本节课是第一模块第三单元的第一课时。这单元主要是学习饮食健康以及东西方文化饮食的差异。本课通过朋友间的对早饭的讨论展开话题。通过学习让学生知道早饭对身体健康很重要,而食物单词学生早已经学过,所以本课的单词不是很难,重点是对巨型的学习。学习目标1. Listen, say, read and write the new words: Healthy unhealthy cola should important2. Using the sente

30、nces in the life.重点难点The new words and sentences.教法学法TPR教学资源Tape picture教学过程:一情境引入.1. Have a greeting.2. Free talk.3. Recite the words4.Ask and answer:T:What food do you like? S:I like .二学习新知1. The Sjread the dialogue and find the new words.2. The Sfread the dialogue.3. Play the recording: Listen an

31、d sayThe Ss read the dialogue follow in their books.4.Play the recording again: The Ss listen and repeat.5.Ss read the dialogue by themselves.6.Complete Alice, s report.三交际应用1.Ss read the dialogue to the other group memebers.2. Ask cind answer四拓展延伸板书设计:Unit3 Healthy or unhealthyWhat did you have for

32、 breakfast this morning?I had .课后反思:、小组合作没有生成,变成了简单的机械重复。二、课堂激励语言和方式不地道。三、课前与学生交流使用的语言无意义。四、教学方法和手段缺少目的性和实效性。五、对学生,尤其是后进生的关注不够,两极分化。六、缺少教学反馈,让学生运用学到的语言进行自主表达(即说和写)的教学效果检验过程不够。七、提供给学生的语言太少。(六)年英语课时教学案【第3单元第2课时】课题Unit3 Healthy or unhealthy课型新课前补改教材简析及学情分析本节课是第一模块第三单元的第二课时。是对上一节课的延伸学习。主要是让学生通过学习知道健康的食物

33、和运动会使身体健康,而吃大量的垃圾食物和不运动会造成肥胖和不健康的身体。有上节课的基础,所以本课的学习对于六年级的学生是很轻松的。学习目标1. Listen, say, read and write the new words: strong candy2. Using the sentences in the life.重点难点The new words and sentences.教法 TPR学法教学资源Tape picture教学过程:一情境引入1. Sing an English song.2. Free talk.3. Recite the words.4. Ask and answ

34、er:T: What did you have for breakfast this morning?S:I had.二学习新知1. The Ss talk about unhealthy or unhealthy.2. The Ss read the dialogue and find the new words.3. The Ss read the text.4. Play the recording: Listen and sayThe Ss read the dialogue follow in their books.5. Play the recording again:The S

35、s listen and repeat.6. Ss read the dialogue by themselves.7. Do a quiz.三交际应用1. Ss read the dialogue to the other group memebers.2. Do a survey.四拓展延伸板书设计:Unit3 Healthy or unhealthyHealthy children eat .They drink*.课后反思:小学英语教学是要重视培养兴趣,但不能单靠唱歌游戏去学习,因为培养兴趣主要是为了学习英语。唱歌游戏应该作为小学生学习英语语言知识、技能的一些手段,而不是培养兴趣的手段

36、。我们可以采用多种手段帮助小学生在记忆力强的时期多记单词,多学习语言规则,并尽可能多创造模仿的机会,提高学生的语音和语调。在英语学习中,听、说、读、写、译五种能力是可以互补的。真正做到听说先行,读写跟上。光听说不读写,很难收到高效。所以小学生还是应当认真进行语言学习。不断反思,集体讨论,积极了解讯息是我们现代教师必须作到的功课,我们的不断积累和成长才能帮助孩子们更好的进步。(六)年英语课时教学案【第3单元第3课时】课题Unit3 Healthy or unhealthy课型新课前补改材析及情析教简及学分主要是让学生通过学习知道健康的食物和运动会包吃大量的垃圾食物和不运动会造成肥胖和不健康白课的

37、基础,所以本课的学习对于六年级的学生是彳W身体健康,而 J身体。有上节中轻松的。学习目标1. Listen, say, read and write the new words: strong candy2. Using the sentences in the life.重点难点The new words and sentences.教法 TPR学法教学资源Tape picture教学过程:一情境引入1. Sing an English song.2. Free talk.3. Recite the words.二学习新知1 . The Ss read the text.2 .Play th

38、e recording: Listen and sayThe Ss read the dialogue follow in their books.3 .Play the recording again:The Ss listen and repeat.4 .Ss read the dialogue by themselves.三交际应用1. Ss read the dialogue to the other group members.2. Do a survey.四拓展延伸板书设计:课后反思:面对新教材,首先思想观念要转变,对生动活泼的课程内容进行肢解,使其成为不胜其烦的“知Unit3 H

39、ealthy or unhealthy识点”的堆砌,把“Reading”当成讲解知识点的例子。教师的教育思想是在长期受应试教育的影响下形成的,很多人崇尚“苦读”、“勤教”,不以人为本,“应试第一,分数至上”,把学生基本上看成是挣分的机器,对学生“乐学”的潜能几乎没有开发,英语教学过程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授,忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养。这种教学观念与新课程的要求极不相适。(六)年英语课时教学案第4单元第L课时】课题Unit4 Our neighbours课型新课前补改材析及情析教简及学分这节课是本册书的第四单元,主要是学习有关我们的邻居的话题。本课首先通过学生和老师的对话Who

40、 are your neighbours?Did you play with them last weekend?你上周和你的邻居完了吗?展开话题。由于在以前的学习中学过朋友的话题,所以,本课学生不是很陌生。学习目标1. Listen, say, read and write the new words: neighbpours play chess table tennis2. Using the sentences in the life.重点难点The new words and sentences.教法 TPR学法教学资源Tape picture教学过程:一情境引入1. Have a

41、greeting.2. Free talk.The Ss talk about their friends3. Ask and answer:T: What did you have for breakfast this morning?S:I had-.二学习新知1 . The Ss talk about their neighbours in Chinese.2 .The Ss read the dialogue and find the new words.3 .The Ss read the dialogue.4 .Play the recording: Listen and sayT

42、he Ss read the dialogue follow in their books.5 .Play the recording again:The Ss listen and repeat.6 .Ss read the dialogue by themselves.7. Play a game.三交际应用1.Ss read the dialogue to the other group memebers.2.Circle the correct answers.四拓展延伸1.Copy the words for five times.2.Introduce your neighbour

43、s.板书设计:Unit4 Our neighboursWho are your neighbours?Did you play with them last weekend?课后反思:于学生基础差别比较大,每天教学任务也比较重,逐个做思想工作也是不现实的。因此,我打算把以上学生进行分层辅导,积极了解学生情况,以便因材施教,对于这些学生的要求与其他学生相比应相应的降低一些,以抓他们的基础知识为主。课堂上多提问他们一些比较简单的内容,作业也应适当容易些。帮助他们找到适合自己的教学方法,树立自信心,提高英语听、说、读、写的技能,为以后的英语学习打下良好的基础。尤其是六年级的综合复习阶段,还是要注重培

44、优、促中、补差。(六)年英语课时教学案【第单元第,一课时】课题Unit4 Our neighbours课型新课前补改教材简析及学情分析这节课时对上节课的延伸学习,通过兔子和猫头鹰的故事展开学习。这是一节阅读课,学习后让学生知道兔子是怎样解决他们的邻居猫头鹰总是制造噪音而使他们无法睡觉,也让同学知道兔子为什么住在洞里的。对于六年级的学生阅读课和回答问题是非常困难的一种学习方式,本节课应重点讲解学习目标1. Listen, say, read and write the new words: owl noisy dig 2. Using the sentences in the life.重点难点

45、The new words and sentences.教法学法TPR教学资源Tape picture教学过程:-情境引入1. Have a greeting.2. Recite the words.3. Ask and answer:SI: Who are your neighbours?Did you play with them last weekend?S2:I did-.1.二学习新知1 . The Ss read the dialogue and find the new words.2 .The Ss read the dialogue.3 .Play the recording: Read a storyThe Ss read the story follow in their books.4 .Play the recording again:The Ss listen and repeat.5.Ss read the story by thems


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