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1、几点说明:1 .这是按照出版社要求编排的长难句分析也就是说这是出版书籍的标准和网络其他材料不可同日而语;2 .知识有价,这本书市场订价会在30元左右,而你们是自主定价买来的希望你们拷给同学的时候也能自主定价卖给ta,哪怕是象征性的;3 .程晓版权所有。我为了方便大家排版精缩印刷直接把word发上来了,一般是肯定要变成图片版的。不管怎样,我希望你们保留程晓版权所有这个文件名。4 .近300页,近9万字,大半年的潜心编写,怎么订价,悉听尊便。每日一句第1期英文原句:A variety of activities should be organized so that participants ca

2、n remain active as long as they want and then go on to something else without feeling guilty and without letting the other participants down.任务1)句子成分分析(可直接在原句上标注)任务2)结合下方核心词汇讲解与生词查阅,对句子进行翻译任务3)对比下方语法分析与参考翻译,再次对原句进行精读理解,并改进译文翻译:原句核心词汇精解:1) variety,不可数名词,表示“多样化,多样性”固定搭配:a variety of,表示“多样化的,多样性的“写作模仿:

3、 Nowadays, a variety of entertainment programs appear on TV, through which an increasing number of film stars and singing stars get an enormous amount of exposure to teenagers.当今,越来越多的影星和歌星经常在各种各样的电视节目中出镜,这使得他们在青少年面前的曝光率大大增加。构词分析:variety= var-(不同/变化)+ ety(表性质,状态的后缀)同根词常见的还有:various= var+ous(形容词后缀尸各种

4、各样的,vary(动词不同,有差异), variable = vari+able(形容词:易变的)2) participant,可数名词,表示“参与者”,动词形式为:participate,搭配为:participate in,例:Over half the population of this country participate in sport.4 ) remain,这里作系动词,表示“仍然是,保持不变后面常接形容词:remain active/silent/standing/unchanged此外remain还常作名词,表示“剩余物,残骸,遗迹,遗体”例:They were tidy

5、ing up the remains of their picnic.5 ) else,这里作动形容词,表示“其他的,别的”,常用于anywhere, someone等词后面6 ) down,这里作动形容词,表示“沮丧的,情绪失落的”语法分析:A variety of activities should be organized .1、句子主干一A variety of activities should be organized2、 so that引导目的状语从句,可翻译成:为了,以便于3、状语从句主干一participants can remain active and then go o

6、n to something else4、(as long as they want) as.as弓|导的同级比较状语从句用来表述remain active”的程度5X without. and without. without +动名词的复合结构作伴随状语表示这种动作或状态是伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在的;如本句中的伴随状语是伴随着g。on发生的语法补充:在so that / in order that所引导的目的状语从句中,从句中的谓语为:can / could / may /might / will / would / should + do.He goes closer to

7、the speaker so that he can hear the speaker clearer.He reads the letter carefully in order that he should not miss a word.写作模仿:sb. should do sth. so that sb. may/can do sth.某人需要做某事为了/以便于例:Each individual should attach importance to environmental protection and energy conservation so that we may make

8、 the earth a better place for our children.为了给子孙后代们创造一个好的环境,我们每一个人都应该重视环境保护和能源节约。参考译文:成年人应该组织多样化的活动以便于参加者(在一个活动中)想活跃多久就多久,(如果一个活动他们不想待了)他们就可以去其他活动,而不用感到内疚也不会让其他人失望。翻译点睛:为了更符合汉语的表达习惯,将英文的被动句处理成汉语的主动句是常见思路,同时可以考虑增加加我们、人们或上下文中能发现的主语来作句子的主语。每日一句第2期英文原句:However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already f

9、illed with so much competition that it would be wise to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, for example, publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, displaying student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs.任务1)句子成分分析(可直接在原句上标注)任务2)结合下方核心词汇讲解与生词查阅,对

10、句子进行翻译任务3)对比下方语法分析与参考翻译,再次对原句进行精读理解,并改进译文翻译:原句核心词汇精解:1 ) publish,动词,表示“出版,刊印”,此外还常表示“公布,发布”publisher名词:出版者,发行人2 ) newsletter,名词,表示“内部通讯稿,简报3 ) review,这里作名词,表示“评论文章(尤指对书和电影等)”,此外作名词还常表示“评审,检阅,复习课”,作动词常表示“写评论,审核,检阅,复习”全球性的自然科学杂志常以review命名,如Physical Review Letters物理评论快报4 ) display,这里作动词,表示“陈列、展示,此外作名词表

11、示“陈列,展示,展览”5 ) sponsor,这里作动词,表示“发起、主办”,同时作动词还有赞助、资助”的意思。此外作名词表示“发起人,主办者,保证人”写作模仿:It is wise to sponsor book discussion clubs to inspire students to read more.为了鼓励学生们多阅读,组织发起一个读书讨论俱乐部是一个明智的做法。语法分析:However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with for example, publishing newsletters with m

12、any student-written book reviews, displaying student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs.1、主句主干一the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with much competition2、so. that引导结果状语从句,可翻译成:如此.以至于3、状语从句主干一it would be wise to plan activities, it是形式主语,真正的主语是to plan activities,即:to plan activi

13、ties would be wise,为了避免“头重脚轻”从而使句子更加紧凑,我们往往引入形式主语4、(in which there are more winners than losers)为定语从句修饰activities, which 指代 activities5、横线部分为动名词词组,组成三个并列的例子参考译文:但是,典型的青少的生活中已经充满了如此多的竞争,以至于多安排一些“获胜者多失败者少(淡化竞争)的活动”(才)是明智之举,比如以通讯稿的形式出版一些学生写的读后感,举办学生艺术品展览,发起读书讨论会等。每日一句第3期英文原句:Physicians-frustrated by th

14、eir inability to cure the disease and fearing loss of hope in the patient- too often offer aggressive treatment far beyond what is scientifically justified.任务1)句子成分分析(可直接在原句上标注)任务2)结合下方核心词汇讲解与生词查阅,对句子进行翻译任务3)对比下方语法分析与参考翻译,再次对原句进行精读理解,并改进译文翻译:原句核心词汇精解:1) physician,这里作名词,表示内科医生surgeon,名词:外科医生2) frustr

15、ated,来自于动词:frustrate,使灰心;挫败;这里作形容词,表示“令人灰心的“写作模仿:Frustrated and pitiful, a young boy who got a low score in a school test is standing between his father and mother, and abuse from his parents is raining down on his awful performance in the test.一个考试得了低分的孩子正垂头丧气地站在父母中间,因为自己糟糕的成绩而忍受他们的谩3 ) inability,这

16、里作名词,表示“无能为力词根:in-是常见的否定前缀:incredible不可相信的,indispensable必不可少的,innocent 清白的、无辜的,关于否定前缀:in-常加在形容词,名词之前,如incorrect不正确的、inability无能无力、inaccurate不准确的;im-加在字母m,b,p之前这样的词有impossible不可能的、impolite不礼貌的、impudence厚颜无耻;I主要加在以1开头的单词的前边,比如:illegal非法的、illiterate文盲的没有文化的、illogical 不合逻辑的;ir-放在以r开头的英语单词前面,比如irregular不

17、稳定的、irresistible不可抵抗的、irresolvable 不能分解的不能解决的;4 ) aggressive,这里作形容词,表示“激进的,此外作为形容词也常表示“积极的、有进取心的;强有力的”等褒义意思5 ) treatment,来自于动词:treat,治疗,这里作名词,表示“治疗手段6 ) scientifically,自于形容词:scientific,科学的,这里作副词,表示“科学的”7 ) justified,动词justify (证明是正当的,认为有理)的分词形式写作模仿:Some local governments try all means to seek rapid

18、economic development regardless of causing severe environmental pollution to local areas, as they hold the view that after all, the end will justify the means.一些地方政府为了使经济迅速发展而不顾这些发展会给当地居民带来种种环境污染,并坚称结果会证明这样做是有意义的。语法分析:Physicians- and (fearing loss of hope in the patient- too) often offer aggressive

19、treatment far beyond what is scientifically justified.1、主句主干一Physicians offer aggressive treatment2、frustrated by their inability to cure the disease过去分词短语作后置定语修饰physicians3、(fearing loss of hope in the patient- too)现在分词短语作后置定语修饰physicians4、横线部分为不定式短语作后置定语修饰inability5、beyond what is scientifically j

20、ustified介词结构修饰treatment, what弓|导名词性从句作 beyond的宾语参考译文:医生因无力治好这种疾病感到受挫,同时又害怕病人失去希望,(于是)他们往往会采用超出科学合理范围的激进的治疗手段。每日一句第4期上文阅读:Energetic people now routinely work through their 60s and beyond, and remain dazzlingly productive. At 78, Viacom chairman Sumner Redstone jokingly claims to be 53. Supreme Court

21、Justice Sandra Day OConnor is in her 70s, and former surgeon general C. Everett Koop chairs an Internet start-up in his 80s.每日一句:These leaders are living proof that prevention works and that we can manage the health problems that come naturally with age.任务1)句子成分分析(可直接在原句上标注)任务2)结合下方核心词汇讲解与生词查阅,对句子进行

22、翻译任务3)对比下方语法分析与参考翻译,再次对原句进行精读理解,并改进译文翻译:原句核心词汇精解:1) proof,这里作名词,表示“证明,证据“living proof :活生生的例子写作模仿:Ma Yun is living proof that a person without handsome appearance can also achieve great success.同时proof作形容词表示防护的,常用来和名词构成合成形容词:例:Some sunscreen is nwater-proof (防水的)or ”sweatproofj (防汗的)making it a bett

23、er choice if you*re swimming一些防晒霜是防水或防汗的,这是游泳更好的选择。2) prevention,动词prevent (预防,阻止)的名词形式,这里表示预防3) naturally,这里作副词,表示“自然地”语法分析:These leaders are living proof and (that we can manage the health problems that come naturally with age).1、句子主干为:These leaders are living proof2、同位语从句that prevention works和(th

24、at we can manage the health problems that come naturally with age)用来说明proof3、划线部分that come naturally with age是以that弓I导的定语从句修饰health problems参考译文:这些领导人(的现状)就是活生生的例子,证明了预防(衰老)是有效的,并且我们能应对随着年龄增长自然而来的健康问题。每日一句第5期英文原句:Therefore, it is important to study humans in a calm and systematic manner, with the ho

25、pe that the knowledge resulting from such studies can lead humans to a more harmonious way of living with themselves and with all other life forms on this planet Earth.任务1)句子成分分析(可直接在原句上标注)任务2)结合下方核心词汇讲解与生词查阅,对句子进行翻译任务3)对比下方语法分析与参考翻译,再次对原句进行精读理解,并改进译文翻译:原句核心词汇精解:1 ) systematic,名词system (系统)的形容词形式,这里

26、表示“系统的2 ) manner,这里作名词,表示“方式、方法”,此外作名词还常表示“举止3 ) result from,固定搭配,表示“产生于“4 ) lead. to,固定搭配,表示“把带到5 ) harmonious,名词harmony (和谐、融洽)的形容词形式,这里表示“和谐的写作模仿:Only with peoples overall quality improved can we expect to build a harmonious society.只有人们的整体素质提升了,构建和谐社会才有希望实现。语法分析:Therefore, it is important to stu

27、dy humans in a calm and systematic manner, with the hope 1、主句主干一it is important to study humans in a calm and systematic manner , it只是形式主语,真正的主语是to study humans2、划线部分with the hope介词短语作伴随状语表示该状态伴随着主句动词study同时发生或存在3、为hope的同位语从句具体说明hope4、同位语句的主干一the knowledge can lead humans to a more harmonious way5、(

28、resulting from such studies)现在分词短语作后置定语修饰the knowledge6X of living with themselves and with all other life forms on this planet Earth介词短语作后置定语修饰way参考译文:因此,用一个冷静、系统的方式来研究人类是非常重要的,(人们)希望通过这些研究得出的知识能够让人类之间能更和谐地相处,也能让人类能够与地球上的所有其他生命更和谐地共存。翻译点睛:with the hope that.的处理汉语中情感/心理的表达习惯用动词,而英语是多用名词的语言,因此带有.这样一种

29、希望,不如翻译成希望怎么样,那么就需要增加一个主语(常结合上下文找一个泛主语,如人们、我们)每日一句第6期英文原句:Its(it指代上文的)理论)a theory to which many economists subscribe, but in practice it often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail.任务1)句子成分分析(可直接在原句上标注)任务2)结合下方核心词汇讲解与生词查阅,对句子进行翻译任务3)对比下方语法分

30、析与参考翻译,再次对原句进行精读理解,并改进译文翻译:原句核心词汇精解:1 ) economist,这里作名词,表示“经济学家,英国有本著名的杂志The Economist (即是我们熟悉的经济学人)2 ) subscribe,这里作动词,表示“同意,赞成”,此外作动词还常表示“订购,订阅“固定搭配subscribe to sth同意/赞成某事写作模仿:In addition, despite the fact that many Chinese people hate Japan, some of whom even call on everyone to boycott氐制)product

31、s made by Japanese which I believe is naive and ridiculous, I subscribe to the idea that we, Chinese people, must know that we can learn a lot from Japan, not only in science and technology, but also in citizens overall quality and some fine traditions.另外,尽管很多中国人憎恨日本,当中的一些人甚至呼吁大家抵制日货,而在我看来这是一种幼稚荒唐的行

32、为。我赞成的是我们中华儿女应该认识到日本有很多值得我们学习的地方,不仅仅是科学技术方面,还包括日本国民的整体素质和他们的一些优良传统。构词分析:subscribe= sub(under)+ scrib(write)+e =在单子下面写上自己的名字=v,订阅scrib, script表示“写,常见的的同根词还有:prescribe = pre (预先)+ scrib + e =预先写好的=v.开药方;指示,名词prescription;manuscript = manu (手)+ script =手写的=n.手抄本;原稿3 ) in the position of,固定搭配:处于.的地位4 )

33、flourish,这里作动词,表示“繁荣”,分词形式:flourishing,表示蓬勃发展的,兴旺的“写作模仿:With the flourishing Chinese e-commerce industry come new problems including Internet fraud(网络诈骗)and Internet theft(网络盗窃).随着中国电子商务产业的兴盛,包括网络诈骗和网络盗窃在内的这些新问题也不请自来。语法分析:Its a theory to which many economists subscribe,but in practice it often leave

34、s railroads in the position of determining (which companies will flourish and which will fail).1、 主句主干一Its a theory but it often leaves railroads in the position.2、to which many economists subscribe定语从句修饰theory, which 之前的to是把 subscribe to的to提前,因为正常搭配就是:subscribe to a theory认同这个理论,而把t。拆开并不影响词义,放在whic

35、h之前表达更为紧密。3、of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail介词短语作后置定语修饰position4、determining的两个宾语从句一(which companies will flourish and which will fail)参考译文:这是一个很多经济学家都认同的理论,但事实上这个理论使得铁路公司处于有权决定什么类型的公司兴盛,什么样的公司衰败的地位。每日一句第7期英文原句:For example, changes in the economy that lead to fewer jo

36、b opportunities for youth and rising unemployment in general make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. The resulting discontent may in turn lead more youths into criminal behavior.任务1)句子成分分析(可直接在原句上标注)任务2)结合下方核心词汇讲解与生词查阅,对句子进行翻译任务3)对比下方语法分析与参考翻译,再次对原句进行精读理解,并改进译文翻译:原句核心词汇精解:1 ) lead

37、to,导致,使得,注意这个to是介词,介词之后加名词,所以是lead to (into ) sth./ doing sth.,不要写成lead to do sth.例:His carelessness led to his failure.而lead sb. to do sth.表示促使/使得某人做某事,如:写作模仿:Nowadays, long working hours and low salary lead many people to quit their jobs and start their own business on the Internet.如今,过长的工作时间和过低的薪

38、酬使得很多人辞职,并通过互联网创业。另外:lead sb. to do sth.也可以表示带领某人做某事,如:The guide leads us to walk out of the forest.2 ) unemployment,失业,常见搭配:unemployment rate,失业率写作模仿:US unemployment Rate is at 5.50%, compared to 5.70% last month and 6.70% last year.美国现在的失业率是5.50%,而上个月是5.70%,去年则是6.70%。3 ) gainful,赚钱的、有报酬的4 ) result

39、ing,来自于result的动词词意:由产生,由引起,5 ) discontent,不满,肯定形式为:content,满意、满足;但是更多用它来做形容词词性:满足的、知足的,例:to be content with sth./ to be content to do sth.,彳列:She is quite content to live at home with her parents.同时contented,也表示满意的,知足的“,最主要区别在于:content 一般作表语,而 contented可以作定语,所以我们可以说:There was a contented smile on hi

40、s face.但不能用content smile.语法分析:For example, changes in the economy make gainful (employment) increasingly difficult to obtain.1、主句主干一changes make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain2、that 引导的定语修饰changes ,该定语从句中for youth和in general两个介词结构作状语3、(employment)为谓语动词make的宾语4、increasingly diffi

41、cult to obtain.作employment 的宾补The resulting discontent may in turn lead more youths into criminal behavior.1 )句子主干为一discontent may lead more youths into criminal behavior.2 ) in turn接着/转而,表示:A怎么了B , B转而/接着怎么了Co该词组在考研中考察过5次以上:真题还原:When the competitive environment pushed our ancestors to achieve that

42、potential, they could in turn a仔ord more education.当竞争的环境推动我们的祖先实现这一潜力,他们又可以获得更多的教育机会。写作模仿:Fierce competition makes middle-aged people under greater social pressure than before, who will in turn ask for more from the companies they work for.激烈的竞争使得中年人比之前承受更大的社会压力,而这会促使他们向公司提更多的要求。If parents teach th

43、eir children how to show love and respect to the old, those children will in turn pass down this virtue to their children.如果父母教育他们的孩子怎么关爱和尊敬老人,那么这些孩子同样会把这些美德传给他们自己的下一代。3) lead sb. to sth.固定搭配:引通往例:This door should lead us into the library参考译文:比如,经济上的变化会导致年轻人的工作机会就减少,整体上失业率提高,那么要找到一个能赚钱的工作就越来越难。由此造成的

44、不满会转而导致更多的青少年走向犯罪的道路。每日一句第8期英文原句:The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that the brain finds it inefficient to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can create new receptors if necessary.任务1)句子成分分析(可直接在原句上标注)任务2)结合下方核心词汇讲解与生词查阅,对句子进行翻译任务3)对比下方语法分析与参考翻译,再次对原句进行精读理解,并改进译文翻译:原句核心词汇精解:1 ) explanation,动词explain (解释、说明)的名词形式2 ) insensitivity,形容词insensitive (不敏感的、迟钝的)的名词形式3 ) receptor,这里作名词,表示“感受器”构词分析:receptor= re(back)+ cept( take)+or(名词后缀户做”拿回来这个动作的东西:4妾收器,同词根的单词还有:accept= ac(to)+ cept(take)=接受,except=ex(out of)+ cept(take)= take out=除了这个词根其实


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