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《2021年度英语面试攻略.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年度英语面试攻略.docx(44页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、英语面试攻略本人从事HR工作,之前对招聘工作有所接触,当前不负责招聘。我有过面试别人经验,同样,也有被别人面试经历。当前一家500强美国公司工作, 其间接到不少猎头推荐去欧美公司面试告知,也去见了某些。这个不是我要讲重点,我只想和人们分享一点关于去外企面试如何应对英语测试某些,但愿对某些朋友有协助。所谓外资公司,普通说,我分它们几类:500强欧美公司500强其她国家公司500强以外欧美公司500强以外其她国家公司假外资公司关于假外资公司,我想说是,那些台资、港资,甚至贴牌骗人外资。台湾和香港本来就是中华人民共和国,外什么外?加上它们文化实在不可恭维,因此我是不理这些公司。就英文测试来说,500

2、强欧美公司和500强以外欧美公司最看重,毕竟工作中要用到,有某些还是工作语言,不测试不行。500强内外其她国家公司,诸多时候对英语也有规定,象日本、韩国公司,只但是日本人和韩国人英语语,实在比较寒。好了,说清晰了我去面试公司,如果有朋友但愿进入这些公司,对方又有英语规定, 可以参照一下我某些经历和体会。不见得全面,但是也是实际经验,尚有教训。二、语测试语测试都是老套路,不论是用人单位还是猎头,问你都是常规问题,例如自我简介,例如个性,例如职业规划,例如你收获和体会。诸多人也许会对口语测试紧张,不懂得说什么,其实就象中文面试同样,你只要事先做个准备就好了。例如自我简介,这个是基本都会问,但是也不

3、要随便回答。自己事先写好,背熟, 面试时候自然一点流利地讲出来,至少可以留下一半好印象。对于平时不用英语人来说,如果有机会去外企面试,至少前一天要把自己英文简历阅读几遍,找找感觉,象自我简介这样准备材料,也要熟读。否则真正面试时候,张嘴结结巴巴,单词发音也不准,句子也不连贯,那就功亏短了。这里想说是,除非你应聘翻译,或者某些中高层职位需要和外国人做工作交流,普通英语语测试都很容易通过,不用紧张。但是HR都不喜欢这样人:简历上写是“英语据说读写流利”,成果面试时候结结巴巴说不出来。尚有某些人一种劲强调,自己大学英语很不错,就是工作了没机会接触,当前生疏了,只有给自己一段时间,英语一定没问题。与其


5、,外资公司在招聘广告里,用中文刊登职位对英语规定都不高,反之则需要英语水平稍高。对于那些自己感兴趣公司和职位,多收集某些英文招聘规定,对提高应聘英语水平协助很大。面试英语8大常规问题:1、 Who do you work for at present?你当前在哪里工作?2、 Could you tell me about your work experience?你能否向我说说你工作经历?3、 Have you ever worked in XXX?你在XX行业工作过么?4、 Do you have any experience of working as a department manag

6、er?你有无做过部门经理?5 Would you please say something about your career experience?你可以说说你工作经历吗?6、What is your chief responsibility working as a XXX in the XX department?你在XX部门做XX职位时候,重要工作职责是什么?7, Have you had any experince working abroad?你有在国外工作经历吗?8, What exactly did you do when you worked as a XX for XX C

7、o. ?你在XX公司做XX职位时候,工作究竟是如何做呢?某些挑战性强一点题目:1、 Could you tell me why you want to leave your present job?你能否告诉我你为什么要离开当前职位吗?2、 I wonder if you could tell me why you decided to work for XXX?你是不是可以告诉我你为什么决定来XXX工作?3、 Would you mind telling me why you think you are not suitable for XXX?你介不介意告诉我,你为什么以为自己不适合在XX

8、X工作?4、 What major problem have you encountered and how did you deal with it?你曾经遇到过哪些棘手问题?你是如何解决?5、 What have you learned from your mistakes?你从所出错误中学到了什么?给人们提供某些HR、职业经理人惯用英文单词,也许协助某些人进行面试英语准备:(1)目的 mission/ objective集体目的 group objective内部环境 internal environment外部环境 external environment筹划 planning组织 o

9、rganizing人事 staffing领导 leading控制 controlling环节 process原理 principle办法 technique经理 manager总经理 general manager行政人员 administrator主管人员supervisor公口enterprise商业 business产业 industry公口 company效果 effectiveness效率 efficiency公司豕 entrepreneur权利power职权 authority职责 responsibility科学管理 scientific management当代经营管理 mod

10、ern operational management彳亍为科学behavior science生产率 productivity勉励 motivate动机motive法律law法规 regulation经济体糸 economic system管理职能 managerial function产品 product服务 service利润profit满意 satisfaction归属 affi 1 iation尊敬esteem自我实现 self-actualization人力投入human input盈余 surplus收入income成本cost资本货品capital goods机器 machine

11、ry设备 equipment建筑 building存货 inventory经验法 the empirical approach人际行为法 the interpersonal behavior approach集体行为法 the group behavior approach协作社会系统法 the cooperative social systems approach社会技术系统法 the social-technical systems approach决策理论法 the decision theory approach数学法 the mathematical approach糸统法 the

12、systems approach随机制宜法 the contingency approach管理任务法 the managerial roles approach经营法 the operational approach人际关糸 human relation心理学 psychology态度 attitude压 pressure冲突 conflict招聘 recruit鉴定 appraisal选拔select培训train 报酬 compensation授权 delegation of authority协调 coordinate业绩 performance考绩制度merit system体现 b

13、ehavior下级 subordinate偏差 deviation检查记录 inspection record误记录 record of labor-hours lost销售量 sales volume产品质量 quality of products先进技术 advanced technology顾客服务 customer service方略 strategy构造 structure领先性primacy普遍性 pervasiveness忧虑fear忿恨 resentment士气 morale解雇layoff批发 wholesale零售retail程序 procedure规则rule规划 pro

14、gram预算budget共同作用synergy大型联合公司conglomerate资源 resource购买 acquisition增长目的growth goal专利产品 proprietary product竞争对手rival晋promotion管理决策 managerial decision商业道德 business ethics有竞争力价格competitive price供货商supplier小贩vendor利益冲突 conflict of interests派生政策 derivative policy开支帐户 expense account批准程序 approval procedur

15、e病假 sick leave休假 vacation工时 labor-hour机时 machine-hour资本支出 capital outlay钞票流量cash flow资率wage rate税收率tax rate股息 dividend钞票状况cash position资金短缺 capital shortage总预算 overall budget资产负债表balance sheet可行性 feasibility投入原则 the commitment principle投资回报 return on investment生产能力 capacity to produce实际工作者practition

16、er最后成果end result业绩 performance个人利益 personal interest福利 welfare市场占有率market share仓新 innovation生产率 productivity利润率 profitability社会贡任 public responsibility董事会 board of director组织规模 size of the organization组织文化 organizational culture目的管理 management by objectives评价工具 appraisal tool勉励办法 motivational techni

17、ques控制手段 control device个人价值 personal worth优势 strength弱点 weakness机会 opportunity威胁threat个人责任 personal responsibility顾问 counselor定量目的 quantitative objective定性目的 qualitative objective可考核目的 verifiable objective优先 priority工资表payroll方略 strategy政策policy灵活性 discretion各种经营 diversification评估 assessment一致性 cons

18、istency应变万略 consistency strategy公共关系 public relation价值value抱负 aspiration偏见 prejudice审查review批准 approval重要决定 major decision分公司总经理 division general manager资产组合距阵portfolio matrix明星star问号 question mark采贝勾 procurement人口因素 demographic factor地理因素 geographic factor公司形象 company image产品系列product line合资公司joint

19、 venture破产政策 liquidation strategy紧缩政策 retrenchment strategy战术 tactics作者:天地直接回答日期:-7-18 14:06:07追随 followership个性 individuality性格 personality安全safety 自主权!atitude悲观 pessimistic静止static乐观 optimistic动态 dynamic灵活 flexible抵制 resistance敌对 antagonism折中 eclectic(6)勉励 motivation潜意识 subconscious地位status情感 affe

20、ction欲望desire压 pressure满足 satisfaction自我实现需要 needs for seif-actualization尊敬需要esteem needs归属需要 affiliation needs安全需要 security needs生理需要 physiological needs维持 maintenance保健 hygiene勉励因素motivator概率 probability强化理论 reinforcement theory反馈 feedback奖金bonus股票期权stock option劳资纠纷!abor dispute缺勤率 absenteeism人员流动

21、turnover奖励reward作者:天地直接回答日期:-7-18 14:08:13(7)特许经营franchise热诚zeal1 百心、confidence敢舞 inspire要素 ingredient忠诚 loyalty奉献 devotion作风style品质trait适应性 adaptability进取性 aggressiveness热情 enthusiasm毅 persistence人际交往能力 interpersonal skills行政管理能力 administrative ability智力 intelligence专制式领导 autocratic leader民主式领导 dem

22、ocratic leader自由放任式领导free-rein leader管理方格图 the managerial grid工作效率 work efficiency服从 obedience领导行为 leader behavior支持型领导 supportive leadership参加型领导 participative leadership指引型领导 instrumental leadership成就取向型领导 achievement-oriented leadership作者:天地直接回答日期:-7-18 14:14:30好了,我手头收集这些词汇就发完了。想阐明一下是,这些词汇,不是单独使用

23、或者起作用,必定要在详细职位和句子中间去应运,去理解。背单词很枯燥,但是你在明白这些单词时候再看英文招聘信息,是不是很容易理解了呢?并且,外企面试和做管理工作时候,也差不多就是这些英语词汇,你就算都背不下来,至少见过、读过,在面试时候,听力也会好诸多。有某些单词,咱们背诵过,但是不去用,当别人说出来时候咱们会楞住,反映但是来。 其实很简朴词汇,也是你学过、见过,但是不习惯听到,不习惯说,这个也是某些人面试 语失败所在。读过这些单词,面试时听见主考口中冒出这个单词,也至少可以猜出她大概问什么意思, 回答时候也不用一种劲儿规定对方重复。刚在职场板块看到种帖子,也转载到这里,如果正好有朋友看见,以便

24、人们学习和使用。Why did you leave your former company?为什么离开此前公司?Because I9 m working in a small company where a further promotion is impossible.由于我在一家小公司工作,升职但愿很小。Because I m capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.由于我有能力肩负起更多责任,因此决定换工作。Because that company didn t have a good future,

25、 so I needed to consider my future.由于那家公司没有什么前程,因此我必须考虑我将来。Because I want to change my working environment, I d like to find a job which is more challenging.由于我想变化工作环境,找种更富有挑战性工作。Because I had some private reasons, some family things.由于我有某些私人因素,家里有些事情。What are your great strengths?你有什么长处?Ir m a good

26、 team player.我是种富有团队精神人。I, m a hard-working, persistent person.我工作刻苦,性情执着。I * m a fast-learner.我学东西不久。I can work under pressure and get along with my colleagues.我能在压下工作,并能与同事和谐相处。I have strong organizational skills.我组织能力很强。In what specific ways will our company benefit from hiring you?我公司雇用你有什么好处?I

27、think that my technical background is helpful for you.我觉得我技术背景对你们有用。I have enough knowledge to market the products of your company.我有足够知识推广贵公司产品。I m very fami 1 iar with this market and have many customers. I think your company will benefit from it.我对这个市场非常熟悉并有许多客户,我以为贵公司能从中获益。Your company will bene

28、fit from gaining a young energetic, bright, person. 贵公司能通过雇用种布满活力、聪来年轻人获益。I know I am the right person for this job.我懂得我是最适合这个工作。What are your salary expectations?你对薪水有什么规定?I would expect the standard rate of pay at your company for a person with my experiences and educational background.我但愿是贵公司对一种具

29、备我这种经验和教诲背景人所付原则薪资。Shall we discuss my responsibilities with your company first?I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job.咱们能不能谈谈我在贵公司需要承担责任?我觉得资应当与工作责任紧密有关。I hope you 11 consider my experience and training and will offer me a salary higher than the junior secretary s sala

30、ry.我但愿你们能考虑我经验及受过培训,给我定一份高于初级秘书资。I expect to be paid according to my abilities.我但愿能依照我能力支付薪资。With my experiences, I d like to start at RMB4000 a month.以我经验,我但愿起薪是4000元人民币。刚找到某些面试英语问题及参照答案,转发给人们。但愿不要生搬硬套,详细问题详细分析, 对症下药、投其所好。面试英语问题(1) Why are you interested in working for our company?为什么有兴趣在咱们公司工作?Bec

31、ause your company has a good sales record.由于你们公司有良好销售记录。Because your operations are global, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of environment.由于你们公司运作是全球化,我觉得可以在这样种环境中工作会有最大收获。Because I think my major is suitable for this position.由于我以为我专业适合这个职位。Because I can learn new things in

32、 your company, at the same time I can offer my services to you.由于我可以在贵公司学到新东西,同步能为你们提供服务。Because I m very interested in your companyf s training program.由于我对你们公司培训筹划很感兴趣。面试英语问题(2) What are your great strengths?你有什么长处?I m a good team player.我是种富有团队精神人。I m a hard-working, persistent person.我工作刻苦,性情执着。

33、I m a fast-learner.我学东西不久。I can work under pressure and get along with my colleagues.我能在压下工作,并能与同事和谐相处。I have strong organizational skills.我组织能力很强。面试英I甘|、可题 (3) In what specific ways will our company benefit form hiring you?我公司雇用你有什么好处?I think that mytechnical background is helpful for you.我觉得我技术背景对

34、你们有用I have enough knowledge to market theproducts of your company.我有足够知识推广贵公司产品。I m very fami 1 iar with this market and have many customers. I think your company will benefit from it.我对这个市场非常熟悉并有许多客户,我以为贵公司能从中获益。Your companywill benefit from gaining a young energetic, bright, person.贵公司能通过雇用种布满活力、聪

35、来年轻人获益。I know I am the right person for this job.我懂得我是最适合这个工作。面试英语问题(4) Why did you leave your former company? 为什么离开此前公司?Because I m working in a small company where a further promotion is impossible. 由于我在一家小公司工作,升职但愿很小。Because I m capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.由于我有

36、能力肩负起更多责任,因此决定换工作。Because that company didn t have a good future, so I needed to consider my future.由于那家公司没有什么前程,因此我必须考虑我将来。Because I want to change my working environment, I d like to find a job which is more challenging.由于我想变化工作环境,找种更富有挑战性工作。Because I had some private reasons, some family things.由

37、于我有某些私人因素,家里有些事情。面试英语问题(5) What are your salary expectations?你对薪水有什么规定?I would expect the standard rate of pay at your company for a person with my experiences and educational background.我但愿是贵公司对一种具备我这种经验和教诲背景人所付原则薪资。Shall we discuss my responsibilities with your company first?I think salary is clos

38、ely related tothe responsibilities of the job.咱们能不能谈谈我在贵公司需要承担责任?我觉得资应当与工作责任紧密有关。I hope you 11 consider my experience and training and will offer me a salaryhigher than the junior secretary, s salary.我但愿你们能考虑我经验及受过培训,给我定一份高于初级秘书资。I expect to be paid according to my abilities.我但愿能依照我能力支付薪资。With my ex

39、periences, I d like to start at RMB4000 a month.以我经验,我但愿起薪是4000元人民币。作者:天地直接回答日期:-8-15 14:41:55此外几种问题和参照答案(转发):Q: What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?(你对当前/从前工作单位有何贡献?)A: I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.(我

40、已经完毕个新项目,我相信我能将我经验用在这份工作上。)Q: What do you think you are worth to us?(你怎么以为你对咱们有价值呢?)A: I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.(我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性贡献。)Q: What make you think you would be a success in this position?(你如何懂得你能胜任这份工作?)A: My graduate school training combined

41、 with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful.(我在研究所训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。)Q: Are you a multi-tasked individual ?(你是一位可以同步承担数项工作人吗?)orDo you work well under stress or pressure?(你能承受工作上压吗?)A: Yes, I think so.A: The trait is needed in my current (or

42、 previous) position and I know I can handle it well.(这种特点就是我当前(先前)工作所需要,我懂得我能应付自如。)Q: What is your strongest trait(s)?(你个性上最大特点是什么?)A: Helpfulness and caring.(乐于助人和关怀她人。)A: Adaptability and sense of humor, education. 163. com(适应能力和幽默感。)A: Cheerfulness and friendliness.(乐观和友爱。)Q: How would your frien

43、ds or colleagues describe you?(你朋友或同事如何形容你?)A: (pause a few seconds)(稍等几秒钟再答,表达慎重考虑。)They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends.(她们说陈先生是位诚实、工作努力,负负责人,她对家庭和朋友都很关怀。)A: They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined per

44、son.(她们说陈先生是位很和谐、敏感、关怀她人和有决心人。)外企应聘如何准备自己RESUME (ZZ)份出众Resume,是向外企求职核心之一。不理解关于常识和程式,不耗费相称心思来展示,以有纯正娴熟英文功底,决不能获得单位青睐。在一大堆错误百出、英文表达能力低劣或平席,毫无针对性和创造性Resume中,你那份若能让人眼睛亮,成功机会必将大大增长,如下试着结合一种详细例子给出阐明和评述。、读懂招聘广告规定基本办法选用恰当工作后,必要看清招聘广告上所列出每项规定,再将自己学历、 能力与兴趣逐个与之比较,作一张balance sheet.例如,则关于marketing management tr

45、ainee 和 job requirement 是廷样与:We are looking for a competent person to fill the captioned position:University graduate majors in Marketing Management. Prepared to develop career in the commercial field-outgoing personality-Able to communicate with different levels-Good knowledge in PC operations -Pro

46、ficiency in written and spokenEng1ish/Mandarin则你相应地考虑自己qualification选取和表述,如你可写(与上列各项相应):-University graduate with major in Marketing-Having actively participated in Business club s activities and learned accounting and management-Good in communication with people and like a lot of out door activities know how to tackle with people from all walks of life-Skillful in operating Words, Excel, Lotusl-2-3, etc-Fluent in English and studied advanced level of Mandarin这个办法好处是可让求职者清晰理解


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