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1、Lesson 1: Hows the Weather ?I.教学目标:1 .掌握本课关于天气的生词和短语;2 .学习和了解怎样谈天气;3 .掌握There be句型的时态和结构变化。II.自主学习:1 .拼读生词。2 .回顾并整理有关天气的词汇和句子。3 .朗读课文,完成Ex 1。4 .阅读理解:朗读课文,完成任务:1) What is Danny doing ?2) Why is todays weather strange?3) Talk about the weather today.5 .找出文中重点内容并展示在黑板上。6 .整理自己的知识难点。7 .结合图标,猜测“Dig In”中有

2、关天气状况的词汇。III,释疑解惑:1. on the radio:在播音:通过广播2. 10: ten degrees centigrade3. It is going to rain.天要下雨。4. There bee.g. There is a child near the door.Is there a child near the door?There is not a child near the door.There are some books on the desk.There (be) a Den and some books on the desk.There will

3、be lots of fresh meat tomorrow.5. be scared of - be afraid of: I am scared of thunder.6. 观察下列单词的构成:afternoon, sunset, sunrise, thunderstorm, etc. 要求学生总结结论,并完成Ex 3。IV.当堂检测:1 .根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空:1) I was caught in the rain in a(阵附)on my way to school.2) In Britain, the sun(落下)much later in summer.3) We n

4、eed to know the(准确的)time.4) They are talking about s and sunset.5) Please dont go out this afternoon. There will be a heavy t.2 .单项选择:1) Jane wanted to learn English the radio.A. in B. with C. through D. on2)is the temperature today?A. What B. How C. How many D. How much3) Dont be the young man.A. s

5、cared to B. scared of C. angry to D. angry of4) -一 Do you think it will be cool tomorrow?-.It has been too hot for a week.5) There be a rain the day after tomorrow.A. shall B. are going to C. is going D. willV.任务布置:1 .整理笔记,复习本课知识点;2 .运用相关句式,头练习天气预报的播报;3 .完成练习册L1作业:4 .按照既往要求,预习L2,初步完成Exl&Ex2.Lesson 2

6、 Its Getting Warmer 导学案学习目标:1 .学生能正确的听、说、读、写 neither.nor; boot; jasmine; blossom; sunshine; Tai Chi; swing, neither.nor.; winter jasmine; play on the swing; a field trip .2 .学生能正确运用以上单词和短语。3 .学生了解春天并会谈论春天。4 .学习重点和难点:neither.nor.的用法预习导学:一填一填:1 .get warmer 2. arrive in 3.neither.nor.4.迎春花5.春天的到来 6.白天

7、7.野外旅行二.译译:根据汉语提示补全句子1 .春天已经到达石家庄了。Spring hasShijiazhuang .2 .现在我既不需要厚重的大衣,也不需要靴子了。I need my heavy winter coat my boots now .3 .今天早上在我上学的路上,我看到些迎春花开了。On my way to school this morning, I some winter jasmine.4 .白天变得更长了,早上太阳升起的更早了。The days are longer and the sun earlier in the morning .5 .我班也正在计划去野外旅行。

8、My class is also a field trip the countryside .三.想一想1在文中介绍了几种春天来了的特征,分别是什么?2 在句子1 see lots of people excising in the park 中,我们认识到了 see 的用法。 你能总结出see有儿种用法吗?合作探究:活动1 .阅读课文,完成课文后的第一题。2 .再读一遍课文,完成课文后的第二题。活动二1 .完成课文后的第三题。2 .以小组为单位,讨论在春天喜欢做的事情,并以对话形式表达出来。 随堂检测根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子:1 .春天来了,院子里的迎春花在绽放 spring is co

9、ming,The winter jasmine2 .春天,天变得越来越长。The days in spring.3 .我看到很多孩子在荡秋千! saw many children.4 .下周我们要去乡下远足 We will go on to the countryside next week.5 .没有阳光话不会开放。Flowers will not blossom.5.The weather gets warm ,and snow begins to_( 融化)Lesson 3 The Sun Is Rising6J (吹)快 dust off the book .课时目标:1.掌握单词:m

10、elt , hillside ,wind ,gently .能正确运用本课的重点短语。课后作业:1.完成本课练习册第3课所有作业。2.预习Lesson4.2.学唱歌曲,感知带给我们的改变。课后反馈:写出本课结束后你仍然存在的问题和困惑。预习导学一填填1 .Climb the hillside 2.through the tree3.one by one 4.seasons change5.出来.6.醒来 译译1 .太阳在升起2 .雪在融化3 .风儿轻轻地吹过树林4 .看它带来了季节的变化课堂导学,合作探究学习任务:1 .认真阅读课文,完成课后第一题,给描述春天的短语划线。2 .听录音,完成课文

11、后第一题,并小组核对答案。.学习任务:1 .小组活动完成第二题。2 .以小组为单位,编写个关于春天的对话,并到班级前表演。学习任务三:小组讨论What do you like to do outside in spring ? M然后展示小组答案。答疑解惑:through/across the seasons change课堂检测- 单选题1 .The sun is shining the window .A .cross B. across C. through D. though2 .Don,t go the street .Tts dangerous . A .though B. acr

12、oss C. through D. cross3 .The second room is the office .A .teacher B .teachers C .teacherss D.teachers4 .The students went into the classroomA.one with one B.one by one C.one by two D.two by one5 .Can you come with ? A.I B .mine C .me D. my二.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空1 .Lets climb the h to see the sunrise .2

13、.The spring w is blowing my face .3 .Spring brings the seasons c.4 .She held the baby(轻轻地).Lesson4 The Spring City课时目标:1.掌握单词:budding, nearly, millimetre, plenty, anytime .能正确运 用本课的重点短语。2 了解昆明的天气特点,学会描述个城市的天气特征.。预习导学一填填1. longfor3.all year round5.许多:大量7.成百上千的二译译。1.每个人都盼望春天。2. feellike4. every year6.

14、因为8. 一年里的任何时候2 .但是在我的家乡,一年到头感觉几乎都是春天。3 .这儿的天气既不太热也不太冷。4 .每年也有许多的阳光,大约2250小时的日照时间。5 .一年里的任何时候,你能找到成口I:千美丽的花和树。三.学习任务:1 .认真阅读课文,完成课后第一题,根据课文内容回答问题。2 .听录音,完成课文后第二题,并小组核对答案。.学习任务:1 .用方框里单词的适当形式填空,完成第三题。2 .以小组为单位,编写个关于春天的对话,并到班级前表演。A:What do you think of when you think of spring?B: I think of.A:How is th

15、e weather in Kunming?学习任务三:小组活动谈论自己家乡的春天,完成课文后的第四题。就谈论内容写篇介绍家乡春天的文 章。最后就没完成的情况选出最佳小组。答疑解惑:feel 1ike/feel like doing hundreds of课堂检测-根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空1. I saw some b trees on my way home.2. The town gets about 500 m of rain every year.3. It was(几乎)five thirty.4. The students need p of books. .5. You ca

16、n find beautiful flowers(任何时候)of the year. 二单项选择1. People are longing peace.A. to B. for. C. with D. of2. I feel like on a trip to Beijing.A. go B. to go C. going D. goes3. There is water in the river.A. lot of B. many C. a plenty of D. pleny of4. They didn* t go to school because of .A. it rains B.

17、 rains C. raining D. it rained5. people go swimming in summer in Dalian.A. Thousands of B. Thousand of C. Thousands D. ThousandLesson 5: Babysitting on a Spring Day教学目标:1.掌握单词:babysit, bar, instead, push, soccer, shall, rabbit.运用本课重点短语及句型。2、学会描写户外活动。预习导学、填填I turn around 2 monkey bar 3 hold on4. fall

18、 off5.下来 6.推一下?下车二、译译1 .丹尼正在操场上照看他的表妹無比。2 .布莱恩,谢谢你帮助我。3 .我能推你一下吗?4 .该停止荡秋千了,黛比。5 .那个看起来像只大白兔。三、想想1 .文中提到谁在帮丹尼照顾黛比?2 .黛比在操场上玩了哪些项目?当堂检测、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词。2.1 will go(代替)of you.2. She is b the baby in the room.3. He p the door open.4. (将会)we go shopping this afternoon.5. The cloud looks like a white (

19、兔子) 二、单项选择6. You are too high . PleaseA. come down B. go down C. come upD. go up7. She wants to play on the swing. Please .A. give a push herB. give a pul 1 to herC. give her a pushD. give her a pull8. I 1 ike watching TV instead of A. swim B. swimming C. to swimD. swims9. Don, t be careless ,or you

20、 will the tall tree.A. fall downB fall off C. fall intoD. get off10. It s time now.A. to do homework B. do homeworkC. doing homeworkD. for do homeworkLesson 6: Stories about Spring1. learning aims: 1. All the students can read and write the new words : low , below, zero, until, and understand :groun

21、dhog, bush by reading the text in group.2. Most of the students can read and use the key phrases : below zero, not.until.they also can read and understand : Groundhog Day, sugar bush by reading and understanding the text.3. Some students can describe some interesting stories about spring in English.

22、 All the students can read the text fluently to enjoy the fun of spring by learning itII. Self studying:1. Fill in the blanks.(1 )as. as.(2).below zero(3) . not.until. (4).Groundhog Day (5) .下雪天(6)开车去(7) .枫糖林(8).在周末2. Complete the sentences according to the Chinese.(1) .温度能低至零下15度。The temperature ca

23、n be low-15 C .(2),直到五月或六月我们可能看到些花。We probably see any flowers May or June.(3) .或许卜个月我们将穿着我们的短裤和T恤玩了。next month we will play our shots and F-shirts!(4) .在二月.我们有土拨鼠日迎接即将到来的春天。We Groundhog Day February 2 for the coming of spring.(5) .在春天,许多家庭在周末开车去乡村。In spring, many families to the countryside the wee

24、kend.3. Thinking.(1)詹妮在文中介绍了那些户外运动?你还能说出些春天里的户外运动吗?4. ),在句子 uThe temperature can be as low as -150 C . , 中,我们学习了 asas的用 法,举一反三,你能用这个短语造几个句子吗?III. Cooperation and explore1. Read the lesson and answer the questions. (Ex. 1.)2. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box and check the answers in group

25、s, then show in class. (Ex. 2.)3. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the sentences below. (Ex.3.)IV. Puzzle.1. not.until.意为“直到才”,用来引导时间状语从句。形式否定,意思肯定。 I wont go to bed until I finish my homework.直到我完成家庭作业去睡觉。(1) . Its 10 oclock now. 1 must go.Its raining outside. Dont leave it stops.A. whe

26、n B. since C. while D. until(2) . The children go to bed their mother came back.A. wont; until B. didnt; until C. dont; until D. didnt; that V. Having a test1 .根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空(1) . The children didnt go home u 6 oclock.(2) . The temperature is(低的)today.(3) . It drops ten degrees b zero in winter.(4)

27、 . G Day is on February 2.(5) . They go to a sugar in spring in Canada.2 .单项选择(6) .The weather is cold today.A. a fewB. a littleC. littleD. few(7) . I want wont leave you until you back.A. will beB. willC. returnD. are(8) . Jane draws as as her sister.A. wellB. goodC. better D. best(9) . We often pl

28、ay snow soccer snow days.A. inB. toC. onD. at(10) .They like to play their shorts and T-shirts.A. wearB. onC. withD. inV. Exercise.1. Finish the exercises of lesson 6 in the Exercise-book.2. Read the text fluently and choose one or two paragraph to recite.Lesson 7 Planting trees主备人:马全英参与人:初二全体英语教师Te

29、aching aims:l:Ask students to master new words:hole,large,root,seedling,cover,fill,dirt,pack,dust,storm,dirty,northem,bottom.2:Ask students to master some important language tips3: Ask students to learn about how to plant trees.4:Ask students to know the importance of plants and love plants by learn

30、ing this lesson.Teaching steps: Check the preparation of lesson 7二, Ask students to do the exercises by themselves and then check their answers in their team.Translation用.装满沙尘暴 变成 肯定的在北方地区在的底部顺便说一下植树节 足够大二 Teamwork1 ) Reading the text and do exercise 1 in the workbook.2 ) Ask them to talk about how

31、to plant trees in their team and then show their ideas.3)Ask them to observe the following sentences carefully then talk about their usage and ask them to show their ideas.a;F ill the hole with dirt b; Is it big enough?四 Have a test1) choose the best answer1, ,1 find this experiment is for us to do.

32、A enough easy B easy enough C enough easily D easily enough2, He ran fast enough the train .A catch B catching C to catch D catches3, Fill the basketapples ,please.A to B with C of D about4, The kitchen smoke .A is fill with B fill with C is full with D is filled with2) Translation1 .它一定要足够大到容纳幼苗的根2

33、,北方富饶的土地已经变成了沙漠3它是学习大自然的一种好方法。4这个杯子装满了橘子汁。Lesson 8: Why Are Plants Important?教学目标:1 - 掌握单词:pleasant, shade, basic, soil, channal, gardener。能正确 运用本课重点短语及句型。2、了解植物的重要性,爱护植物。预习导学二、填填1、It s pleasant to do 2、take energy from3、in a word4、in the shade 5、由制成的6、在森林里7、带走1 .树和其他植物帮助清洁空气。2 .在森林里散步很愉快。3 .它们帮助我们满

34、足我们的基本需要。4 .树和植物从阳光里获得能量,把它变成养分。5 .总之,没有植物我们不能生存。三、想想1 .在文中找出植物对我们重要的原因。2 .在句子 uMedicine and clothing are made from trees and plants中, 我们学到了 be made from的用法。举一反三,你能用这个短语造句吗?厶作探究活动 1、阅读课文,完成课后第一题,根据课文内容选择正确答案。2、再次阅读课文,回答下面问题(1) what help clean the air?(2) what are medicine and clothing made from?(3)

35、can we live without plants?活动二1、完成课后第三题,用方框中所给单词的正确形式完成句子。重点解析1 . Ifs pleasant to do做很愉快Its+adj.+to do表示 做某事怎样2 .be made from由制成的,表示从制成品中可以看出原材料be made of由制成的,表示从制成品中看不出原材料be made in在被制造,表示产品的产地当堂检测1、 Medicine is made plants.A. of B. intoC. fromD. in2、 Its pleasant on a trip.A.goB. goingC. to goD. g

36、oes3. There? are many apples _the trees.A.onB. inC. atD. of4. Thissweater feels soft. What is itof?A.makeB. makesC. makingD. madeLesson 9: Gardening with Mary教学目标:1、掌握单词channel、gardenerlogo能正确运用本课的重点短语。2、了解什么是园艺,以及怎样种植各种各样的植物。预习导学、填填。1、 TV channel 2、 have fun doing.3、all kinds of4、the best time to d

37、o sth 5、个电视节目6、登录二、译if1、玛丽格林将给你展示种植各种各样的植物的最好方法。2、她有许多好的建议给每一位园艺家!3、什么时候是种植蔬菜的最好时间?4、首先,你要对在花园里有兴趣。5、玫瑰花难以种植吗?三、想一想。1、在节目中,玛丽格林将给我们展示什么?2、在句子First, you have fun working in your garden,中,我们学到了 have fun的用法。举一反三,你能用它造句吗?厶作探究活动 1、阅读课文,完成课后第一题,根据课文内容选择正确答案。2、听录音,完成课后第二题,勾出你所听到的玛丽所写的书的名字。活动二1、完成课后第三题,用方框中

38、所给单词的正确形式完成句子。体会单词 的不同词性。2、以小组为单位,思考我们学过哪些有类似用法的单词, 并将讨论后的结果向全班展示。例:rain-It is raining outside. There is too much rain this year. 重点解析1、advice为不可数名词,意为建议。常见搭配:give advice on.提出建议; ask for advice 征求意见。其动词形式:advise.常见搭配:advise sb to do sth. 建议某人干某事2、have fun “玩得开心,过得愉快”。可以与 enjoy oneself 和 have a good

39、 time 互换。后接动名词,have fun doing sth. 做.有趣”。当堂检测1、 The best time on a trip is in October.A. to go B. going C. of goD. goes2、 I need some about gardening.A. advice B. advise C. advices D. advises3、 They have fun cards with them.A. play4、 What goodA. adviceB. playing it is!B. adviseC. playsC. an advice5、

40、 She has a report aboutA. writeB. wroteroses.C. writtenD. to playD. adviceD. writingLesson 10: Make Your Garden Grow !I.学习目标:1 .掌握本课生词和短语:2 , 了解庭院植物种植的方法及其英文表达;3 .学会怎样照料植物,培育爱惜花草的情怀:4 . 了解英语说明文的结构并以此指导学生进行阅读理解。II.自主学习:1 .小组内拼读、教读生词。2 .听录音或朗读课文,完成Exl&Ex2.3 .再读课文,完成问题:What do you need to consider to b

41、egin gardening?4 .思考:1)本文是什么文体? 2)本课的中心是什么?(通过这两题让学生了解英语说明文的基本特点,让他们在阅读时能迅速把握 主体和结构。)5 .整理课文重点知识,展示在黑板上。6 .整理知识难点,提交给老师。III.释疑解惑:1. get enough sun2. consider(learn) English3. need: 1) need a lot of sunlight 2) need water to grow strong 3) need to keep water4. else 另的,其他的:1) What else do you need to

42、consider?2) I dont want to see anyone else.Nothing else is ok.5. To make the soil 门ch, you can put compost in your garden.IV,当堂检测:1. I like your ways(grow) a garden.2. We must consider(change) habit.3. Last week, He decided(make ) a plan.4. Everyone needs(stay) healthy.5. (其他什么事)do you want to do?6.

43、 别忘了给花儿浇水。7. 为了保持身体健康,请努力锻炼身体。V.任务布置:1 .整理笔记,复习本课知识点;2 . 头叙述庭院种植需要考虑的因素;3 .完成练习册上的作业;4 .预习L11,初步完成Exl&Ex2。Lesson 11 Amazing Plants 导学案主备人:万素英审核人:张德琴 使用人:初二英语组学习目标:1 .学生能正确的听、说、读、写单词和短语:egrct;shy;fbssil;southwest;shy;living;eastcrn;close up;opcn up;when it comes to;along with;in the middle of;a livin

44、g fossil;eastcm Asia;2 .学生能正确运用以上单词和短语。3 .学生了解了一些令人惊异的植物并能谈论奇异的植物。4 .重点和难点:东南西北四个英文单词的形容词形式以及东北、东南、西北、西南的英语表达法。预习导学:一.填填:1 .eastern Asia 2.close up 3.open up4.along with5.当提到 6.在.中间 7.继续做某事 8.个活化石二.译译:1 .当某个东西碰到这种植物的叶子时,他们就会紧紧地合起来。2 .当提到笑,这种树JX的有趣,.3 .它种植在非洲中部。.4 .它的两片叶子为了它的整个生命继续生长。.5 .这种植物能活1500年,

45、因此人们叫它活化石。.1 .文中介绍了哪几种令人惊奇的植物? .2 .文中怎样介绍笑树的惊人之处。.3.Its two leaves continue to grow fbr its whole life.观察此句中 continue to do 的用法。并用改短语 造句。.合作探元活动1 .听录音,完成课后第一题。2 .根据所给字母提示,完成课后第三题。活动二阅读课文,完成课后第三题中的表格。活动三寻找更多的令人惊奇的植物,并谈论其中的种,小组合作完成课后第四题。随堂检测单项选择:l.He an American ,but in fact he is a Chinese .A. look like B. looks like C.look fromD.looks from2.He cant read as as his classmates.A.well B. good C.better D.best3.1t*s really that a tortoise can 150 years old.A.amazcd;.live to B.amazed.live up to C.amazing.live up D.amazing.live up to4.Whcn it comes.dancinglike b


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