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《小升初天天练.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小升初天天练.docx(30页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。


2、留下悲伤。2011.7.28小升初奥数天天练小芳去看一部不足一小时的纪录片.刚开演时她看了一下表.结束时她又看了一下.时针与分针正好交换了位置,这部片子长分钟.2011.7.28小升初英语天天练Train No.FromTo(离开)TimeArrival TimeTil-BeijingShenyang6:3517:50T186CheugduTahuan22:505:05T185TaiyuanCheugdu13:1519:30T271TianjinBeijing8:3510:31()1. The train from Beijing to Shenyang leaves at.A. 5:0 B.

3、 6:35C. 8:35D. 17:50()2. We have to spend if we go to shengyang from Beijing by train.A.17 hours and 50 minutesB.24 hours and 25 minutesC.6 hours and 35 minutesD.11 hours and 15 minutes()3. If you want to go to Chengdu from Taiyuan, you can take the No.train.A. Til B.T185 C. T186D.T271()4.The No. T1

4、86 train arrives in Taiyuan at.A.10:51 a. m. B.10:50 p.m. C.5:05 a.m. D.5:05 p.m()5. It takes from Tianjin to Beijing by train.A. about two hours B. half an hour C. about one hour D. over three hours8月1日小升初天天练语文试题读诗答题。补充诗句,并根据所学知识填出带点词所指的人物是谁,将其名字写在括号里。1.故人西辞黄鹤楼,.()8月1日小升初天天练奥数试题1 .小学六年级奥数天天练:15. C是

5、线段.43上一点,D是线段的中点,已知图中所有线段的长度之和为23,线段-4C的长度与线段C3的长度都是正那么线段的长度为.2 .小学六年级奥数天天练:A, B, C三地依次分布在由西向东的同一条道路上,甲,乙,丙分别从A, B, C同时出发,甲、乙向东,丙向西;乙,丙在距离B地18千米处相遇,甲,丙在B地相遇,而当甲在C地追上乙时,丙已走过B地32千米.那么,AC间的路程是千米.8月1日小升初天天练英语试题In the old days, in London, the smog was very thick. Car and bus drivers 1 to drive very slowl

6、y they could 2 see the.road in front of them even during the daytime. People did not like going out in the smog.3 they had to go out, they wore smog masks over their faces.In December 1952 a very4 dark cloud came down over.London.lt was the 5 smog Londoners had ever had.6 of it was bad factory smoke

7、. Nearly fifty people died in road accidents. But many more people became unhealthy.The smog was very 7 for old people and children.One man said,The streets were almost 8 because people stayed at home as much as possible.The air was very thick, and you could almost cut it with a knife.*After three w

8、eeks, the smog began to 9.Bui in the following weeks and months, over 4000 people died as a 10 of the smog.()1 A.hurried B.stayed C. had D.minded()2. A. al ready B .easily C.luckily D. hardly()3 A.If B.So C.Though D.Whether()4. A.thin B.thick C.light D.clear()5. A.furthest B.hottest C.worst D.nicest

9、()6. A. Much B.Many C.Few D. A few()7. A. quiet B.dangerous C.favorite D.weak()8. A.busy B.empty C.enjoyable D.dirty()9. A.arrive B.shine C.forget D.lift()10. A.beginning B.part C.usual D.re suit8月2日小升.天天茶语文试题读诗答题。黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。孤帆远影碧空尽,惟见长江天际流。1 .这首诗是一代诗人的作品。2 .诗中叙事的诗句是:o3 .诗中写景的诗句是:.4 .

10、这首诗通过写,表达了.8月2日小升初天天练奥数试题小学六年级奥数天天练:完成一件工作,需要甲干5天、乙6干天,或者甲干7天、乙干2天.问:甲、乙单独干这件工作各需多少天?16.某俱乐部男、女会员的人数之比是3:2,分为甲、乙、丙三组.已知甲、乙、丙三组的人数比是10:8:7,甲组中男、女会员的人数之比是3:1,乙组中男、女会员的人数之比是5:3.求丙组中男、女会员人数之比.8月2日小升初天天练英语试题In 1834, the clock tower in London was burned down. People planned to bui1 d a new clock which wou

11、ld be the biggest and the best in the world. So the clock had to be big and keep very good time. Several years later the tower was finished. The people put the big clock in the tower, and made it ring out for the first time on July 11,1859.In order to give the big clock a good name, people held a me

12、eting. Someone wanted to call it the Queen of Bells , and someone thought Victoria was good . At last, a man named Benjamin Hal 1 stood up. He was a big man. Before he started to speak, someone shouted,“Why not call it Big Ben?” Everybody laughed and agreed with him.From then on, Big Ben became its

13、name. And it also became a famous bui Iding of London. People all over the world write to Big Ben. They even send bottles of oil to help keep Big Ben running. Big Ben is not only a clock but also a dear friend of people.()46. Big Bens birthday is .A. July 11,1854 B. July 11,1834 C. July 111859 D. Ju

14、ly 11,1852()47. How did Big Ben get its name?A. Benjamin Hall gave it the name. B. Big Ben got its name because of a joke.C. Big Ben got its name from the Queen of the UK D. Victoria gave it the name.()48.“Keep very good time“ means A. have a good time B. show people the correct time.C. keep running

15、 D. be made in time()49. Which of the following is NOT true?A. People all over the world look upon Big Ben as their friends.B. People all over the world even send oil to Big Ben.C. People think Big Ben will reply their letters.D. People think Big Ben is the biggest and the best clock in the world.()

16、50. Benjamin Hall is.A. a man who built Big Ben B. a man who was always very funnyC. the man who burnt down the old clockD. a man who attended the meeting which was held to make a name for the big clocko8月3日小升初语文天天练孟子少时,诵,其母方织。孟子辍然中止,乃复进。其母知其也,呼而问之:”何为中止?对日:”有所失,复得。”其母引刀裂其织,以此戒之。自是之后,孟子不复矣。一选自韩诗外传【注

17、释】辍然:停止的样子。II:因分心而遗忘。1 .解释加点的词。孟子少时,诵一其母引刀裂其织以此戒之2 .翻译。乃复进自是之后,孟子不复矣3 .理解。孟母为什么要割断织物来教育儿子?8月3日小升初奥数天天练难度:小学六年级奥数天天练:有两种卡片,甲种每张0.5元,乙种每张0.7元,问5元钱恰好可以买甲、乙两种卡片各几张?难度:小学六年级奥数天天练:一条大河,水由A港流向B港,流速4千米/时,甲、乙两船同时由A向B行驶,各自不停的在A、B之间往返航行,甲船在静水中的速度是28千米/时,乙船在静水中的速度是20千米/时,已知两船第二次迎面相遇的地点与两船第五次相遇的地点相距50千米,那么A、 B两港

18、相距千米.8月3日小升初英语天天练一、单项选择1. - You * re not free now, are you?, I have some work to do.A. Yes, I am. B. No, I am. C. Yes, I am not. D. No, I m not.2. Which of these two pairs of shoes will you take?111 take to give me a change sometimes.A. neither B. all C. both D.either3. We hear that one of those Ame

19、rican students going to come to our classesnext term.A. will be B. are C. is D. was4. ?Sorry, I m not sure, either.A. How do you do? B. Can you help me?C. Could you please tell me how to pronounce this word?D. Can you lend me a map?S. Harry said that he to American before.A. has been B. had been C.

20、had gone D.would go二、阅读文章回答问题Do you sometimes forget bi*days or important appointments (约会)? Don, t worry! Now you can get help from your computer. There is a new service on the Internet called on-line calendars. You start by typing in a list of important dates that you want to remember,1 ike the bi

21、*days of your family and friends. Later, you can add other appointments and plans to your list. The on-line calendar will send you an e-mai 1 message to remind (提醒)you about your mother * s bi*days or your friend* s graduation day. If you don, t have time to go shopping, the on-line calendar lets yo

22、u order presents (such as flowers or a book) and pay for them by sending your credit card number. The on-line calendar also makes a list of your appointments and e-mails it to you every morning. This service is very convenient (方便)and easy to use, but you must remember to check your e-mail every day

23、!1. What s the name of the new service on the Internet?2. What s the first step for you to do if you want to enjoy the service?3. How does the service remind you of the important dates?4. What is not convenient for you to enjoy the service?8月4日小升初语文天天练赵高欲为乱,恐群臣不听,乃先设验。持鹿献于二世,曰:马也。二世笑曰:丞相误邪?谓鹿为马。问左右,

24、左右或默;或言马,以阿顺赵高;或言鹿,高因阴中诸言鹿以法。一节选自史记【注释】赵高:秦始皇重新的太监。秦二世时独揽大权。乱:作乱,此指阴谋篡夺帝位。设验:做一番试探。二世:秦始皇的小儿子胡亥。中:中伤,此指惩罚。1 .解糅加点的词。恐群臣不听问左右左右或默以阿顺赵高2 .翻译。谓鹿为马高因阴中诸言鹿以法8月4日奥数小升初天天练难度:小学六年级奥数天天练:18.用或“77777377777S8S8884SSSSS9【分析】777773 _1577777S =777778SSSS84 15=1 -SSSSS9 SSSSS9显岐.一gp 777773 SSSSS4777778 SSSSS9、7777

25、78 SS8S89所以 I1177777S SSSSS9难度:小学六年级奥数天天练:甲、乙两个工程队分别负责两项工程.晴天,甲完成工程需要10天,乙完成工程需要16天;雨天,甲和乙的工作效率分别是晴天时的30%和60%.实际情况是两队同时开工、同时完工.那么在施工期间,下雨的天数是天8月4日小升初英语天天练一、智力练习1. If post” is 1234,“top will be.A.231 B.421 C.314 D.1242. A bucket (小桶)and spade (铁锹)are thirty pence (便士)together. If the bucket is ten pe

26、nce dearer (贵的)than the spade, how much is the spade and how much is the bucket?3. Friends are going swimming, shopping and hiking. What is each person going to do?Eric: r m not going hiking.James: Im not going swimming.Sue: The boys aren, t going shopping.Kate: Sue is going swimming.1. Eric:2. Jame

27、s:3. Sue:4. Kate:4. Take six letters away from CHOCOLATE, and you can make something you wear with the letters that are left. What is it?5. There are thirty-three benches (板凳)of two kinds. One has three legs and the other has four. There are one hundred legs in al 1(总共).How many benches are there wi

28、th three legs and how many with four?A.32 three-leg and 1 four-leg B.31 three-leg and 2 four-legC.32 four-leg and 1 three-leg D.30 three-leg and 3 four-leg二、阅读理解Visit Swansea ZooCome and see the Indian elephants and the new tiger from America. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from

29、China are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you.TicketsGrown-ups:$2.00Children: over 12,$1.00Under 12: FreeOpening Time9: 00 a. m.4:00 p. m.Except Friday10: 00 a. m.3:00 p. m.Keep the z

30、oo clean!Do not touch, give food or go near the animals.1. How many kinds of animals are mentioned (被提及)in the passage?A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.2. Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with her two sons, one is 14 and the other is 10, how much are the tickets together?A.$4.00 B.$3.00 C.$2.00 D.$1.00

31、3. Which of the following is the visiting time?A.8:30 a. m. Monday B.9:30 a. m. FridayC.3:00 p. m. Sunday D.5:00 p. m. Tuesday4. From the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe“ must be very.A. tall B. long C. strong D. fat5. Which of the following can we do in the zoo?A. To give some food to the

32、fish.B. To touch the monkeys on the heads.C. To throw things to the bearsD. To take a few nice photos.8月5日语文小升初天天练下列诗句描写的是哪个季节,请在括号里填出。1 .月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。()2 .碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。()3 .梅子黄时日日晴,小溪泛尽却山行。()4 .千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。()5 .接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。()6 .墙角数枝梅,凌寒独自开。()7 .可怜九月初三夜,露似珍珠月似弓。()8 .天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。()8月5日奥

33、数小升初天天练难度:小学六年级奥数天天练:个分数,分子与分母的和是122,如果分子19,分母都减去,得到的分数约简后是5/1,那么原来的分数是难度:小学六年级奥数天天练:桌上放有多于4堆的糖块,每堆数量均不相同,而且都是不大于100的质数,其中任意三堆都可以平均分给三个小朋友,其中任意四堆都可以平均分为四个小朋友,已知其中堆糖块是17块,则这桌上放的糖块最多是块.8月5日英语小升初天天练1. What useful dictionary it is!A. a B. an C. the D./2. Mr. Green has little time today,?A. have he B. ha

34、sn, t he C. does he D. doesn, t he3. They will go to the Great Wall if it tomorrow.A. isn, t rain B. rains C. doesn, t rain D. won t rain4. This box is heavy for me carry.8月8日语文小升初天天练根据古诗诵读积累,按要求填空。尝有农夫以驴负柴,宦者称宫市取之:与绢数尺,又就索“门户”,仍邀以驴送柴至内。农夫涕泣,以所得绢与之;不肯受,日:“须得尔驴。“农夫日:“我有父母妻子,待此然后食。今以柴与汝,不取直而归,汝尚不肯,我有死

35、而已!”遂殴宦者。节选自资治通鉴【注释】宦者:太监。宫市:皇宫派太监在长安市场购物叫“宫市”。门户:指门户税。仍邀:还要要求。1 .解释加下划线的词。称宫市取一_又就塞“门户“不取直而归遂殴宦者2 .翻译。以所得绢与之须得尔驴3 .填空。白居易卖炭翁诗中有:“半匹红纱一丈绫,。”8月8日奥数小升初天天练难度:小学六年级奥数天天练:甲容器中有浓度为2%的盐水180克,乙容器有浓度为9%的盐水若干克,从乙中取出240克盐水倒入甲,这时甲乙两容器内的食盐量相等,乙容器中原有盐水多少克?难度:小学六年级奥数天天练:平面上5个圆最多能把平面分成多少部分?8月8日英语小升初天天练一、单项选择1. Be c

36、areful. Don t the coffee on your shirt.A. fly B. kick C. spill D. catch2. The worker is asking his boss for a(n).A. rise B. raise C. tease D. office3. Ron didn, t to win because he cheated in the game!A.deserve B.worth C. worthy D.deserved4. The girl often visited the old man on her way home from sc

37、hool.A. twe1ve-year-o1d B. twe1ve-year-oIds C. twelve-years-old D. twe1fth-year-o1d5. “You havent been to Beijing, have you?” How I wish to go there!”A. Yes, I have. B. Yes, I haven t C. No, I have D. No, I haven t二、根据汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。1 .他为什么上学经常迟到? he often school?2 .李先生去伦敦是乘轮船还是飞机?Mr. Li London by sh

38、ip byplane?3 .她阿姨现在在北京教英语。Her aunt in Beijing now.4 .他眼里含着泪说。He says his .5 .他为什么不早点来呢?he come_?8月9日小升初语文天天练仔细阅读如下文言短篇并回答问题。郑人有欲买履者,先自度其足,而置之其坐。至之市而忘操之。已得履,乃曰:“吾忘持度。”反归取之。及反,市罢,遂不得履。人曰:“何不试之以足?”曰:“宁信度,无自信也。”1 .给下列加点字注音。郑人买履()遂()不得履自度其足()吾忘持度()2 .写出下列加点词语的意思、。自度其足()至之市()吾忘持度()而忘操之()置之其坐()反归取之()3 .把下面

39、的句子翻译成现代汉语。及反,市罢,遂不得履。4 .文中哪些地方可以表现出郑人“宁信度,无自信也”?8月9日小升初奥数天天练难度:1,1,1,11,1 IIIII -=,2561286432168难度:F+3,+5,+7?+炉+1F+132+158月9日小升初英语天天练一、单项选择1 .-Youre not free now, are you?. I have some work to do.A.Yes, I am. B. No, I am. C. Yes, I am not. D. No, Tm not.2 .Which of these two pairs of shoes will you

40、 take?-TH take to give me a change sometimes.A.neither B.all C.both D.either3 .We hear that one of those American students going to come to our classesnext term.Aw川 be B.are C.is D.was4 .?-Sorry, Tm not sure, either.A.How do you do? B.Can you help me?C.Could you please tell me how to pronounce this

41、word?D.Can you lend me a map?5 .Harry said that he to American before.A.has been B.had been C.had gone D.would go二、阅读文章回答问题Do you sometimes forget bi*days or important appointments (约会)? Dont worry! Now you can get help from your computer. There is a new service on the Internet called on-line calend

42、ars. You start by typing in a list of important dates that you want to remember, like the bi*days of your family and friends. Later, you can add other appointments and plans to your list. The on-line calendar will send you an e-mail message to remind (提醒)you about your mothers bi*days or your friend

43、 graduation day. If you dont have time to go shopping, the on-line calendar lets you order presents (such as flowers or a book) and pay for them by sending your credit card number. The on-line calendar also makes a list of your appointments and e-mails it to you every morning. This service is very c

44、onvenient (方便)and easy to use, but you must remember to check your e-mail every day!1. Whafs the name of the new service on the Internet?2. Whafs the first step for you to do if you want to enjoy the service?3. How does the service remind you of the important dates?4. What is not convenient for you

45、to enjoy the service?8月10日小升初语文天天练仔细阅读并回答文章后的问题。每当看到现在孩子背着那印满各式各样卡通画的精致书包上学时,我就会想到属于我的第一个书包。是个花格子书包,妈妈做的。7岁那年,我终于拥有了上学的资格,可是我没有书包。那时,我们乡下孩子最常背的就是用花布拼成的花格子书包。每当同学们谈论谁的书包上哪块花布多么多么好看时,我就会躲得远远的,心里一遍遍地喊着:我也要一个花格子书包。我终于向母亲开口了。“家里没有碎布。”妈妈平静地说。“我要!”我固执地坚持着,却不敢看妈妈的脸。家里的窘迫的境况我是知道的。面对我的倔强,妈妈没有再说话。从那以后,我发现从来不喜欢

46、串门的妈妈开始串门了。对于少言寡语的她来说,和人谈天说地是多么吃力的事情!有好几次,在一边玩耍的我发现妈妈的脸被别人的话锋逼得通红通红。不知道有多少次艰难的开口,妈妈终于攒够了做书包的花布。开学的前夜,妈妈把书包做好了。美丽的图案,细密的针脚这真是一只可爱的书包!我还惊喜地发现,书包里面居然还有一个夹层。这可是我们村独一无二的设计啊!我兴奋地把书包看了又看。然后抬头看看妈妈的脸,她的眼神十分安适。“好好学习。”她依然平静地说。躺在床上,我的泪水忍不住淌了一脸。愧疚和不安开始一点一点地吞咽我的喜悦和满足。我知道书包意味着什么:这块块鲜艳的花方格是一缕缕被撕裂的矜持和尊严,这道道均匀的线路是她那颗延绵万里却从不言爱的心啊!第二天上学时,我郑重地背上了这只书包。书包里装的东西很少,我却觉得它沉甸甸的。后来,它一只陪伴我读完了小学和中学,直到它不能再用,我也依然保存着它。因为我知道:这只书包必定是世界上最珍贵最美丽的书包。1 .联系上下文,解释加点的词语。我固执地坚持着:家里的窘迫的境况:2 .本文记叙了一件什么事?请用简洁精炼的语句


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