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《小初升英语课程语法专项训练.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小初升英语课程语法专项训练.docx(71页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、专题一字母概述英语中有26个字母。其中有5个元音字母和剩余的20个辅音字母。Yy为半元音字母,有时用作元音字母,有时用作辅音字母。小热身:1.按顺序默写出26个字母的大小写,并画出元音字母和半元音字母.2.根据你所掌握的字母知识,完成下列各题。(1)六个两笔完成的小写字母是, i,j,x(2)五个元音字母的大小写形式是,Ee ,(3)八个二笔无成的大写子母是, E ,_字母及读音_,H,I字母大小写及读音A a /ei/G g /ds i:/M m /em/S s /es/Y y /wai/B b /bi:/H h /eitj /N n /en/T t /ti:/Z z /zed/C c /s

2、i:/11/ai/O o /au/U u /ju:/D d /di:/Jj/djei/P p /pi:/V v /vi:/E e /i:/K k / kei/Q q /kju:/W w /dAblju:/Ff/ef/L 1/el/R r/a:/X x /eks/字母的大写英文句中首单词首字母要大写。 人名中名和姓的首字母要大写。 国名、城市名的首字母要大写。 语言及民族首字母要大写。 职务或称呼的首字母要大写。例:How are you ?例:Jim Green , Wang Yadan 例:China , Zhengzhou 例:English , Chinese 例:Dr Wang , M

3、iss Li专用名词的首字母要大写。例:Class Two , Grade Six表示“我”的单词(主格),即“ I ”,无论在什么情况下都要大写。例:Lucy and I are friends.三.常见缩略词 Mon.星期一Tue.星期二 Wed.星期三 Thur.星期四 Fri.星期五Sat.星期六 Sun.星期日 Jan.一月 Feb.二月 Mar.三月 Apr.四月Jun.六月Jul.七月 Aug.八月 Sept.九月 Oct.十月 Nov. H 月 Dec.十二月 A. M.(a. m.)上午 P. M.(p. m.)下午 WC厕所 UN联合国 TV电视 USA美国 CCTV中国中

4、央电视台 OK好,行 IT信息技术 RMB人民币 CD光盘 VIP重要人物ID身份证 WTO世界贸易组织 ABC基础知识 UFO不明飞行物写出下列字母的左邻右舍。d; O;L;X;HhN;V;Dd ;r;MmOo; a;Ff ;Xx;Kki.; q;t ;Pp ;Rr二.写出下列字母的大写或小写形式。B_ d f G Q;I Y n ht KR Ov J;a C m w三.选词填空。1. morning!( Good , good )2. Is your ruler ?( this , This )3. Yes , am.( i , I )4. I want to go to(shanghai

5、 , Shanghai )5. How old are you ,?( Kate , kate )6. This is.(miss Wang , Miss Wang )7. I am in.8. do you do9. I am.(10. She comes from11. I can speak.12. . She is in13. What is this in14. Jim,is Lucy.四.选择正确答案。(class one , Class One )?( How , how )Hu SuJie , Hu Sujie ),(japan , Japan )(Chinese , Chin

6、ese )(Grade four , Grade Four )?( English , english )(This , this )1.下面哪个字母是元音字母?A. Bb B. YyC. OoD. Hh()2. Basketball中共有个辅音字母?A.6B.7C.8D.9()3.字母g占四线三格的A.第二格 B.第一、二格 C.第二、三格D.第一、二、三格()4. eye中共有个元音字母?A.1B.2C.3()5.字母f占四线三格的A.第三格B.第一、二格C.第二、三格D.0D.第一、二、三格()6.字母H书写时由笔完成?A.1B.2C.3D.4()7.下列字母中上端顶第一线的字母是A.

7、eB. gC. dD. m()8.下列字母中书写时由两笔完成的是A. JB. DC. WD. G()9. umbrella中共有个元音字母?A.1B.2C.3D.4()10.字母q在四线格里的位置与下列哪个字母相同?A. rB. dC. fD. p五.根据中文选择正确的词。1.联合国()A. UKB. UNC. USA2.一月()A. JanB. Jan.C. Jane3.医生()A - doctorB. DocterC. Doctor4.星期日()A. SaturdayB. Sun.C. Sat.5.五年级()A. grade fveB. Grade fveC. Grade Five6 .3

8、班(7 .渊()8 .凉()9 .蜥()10 .朋())A. class hreeA. frenchA. BeiJingA. WcA. SeptemberB. Class ThreeB. FrenchB. BeijingB. wcB. Sept.C. Class threeC. FranceC. beijingC. WCC. Sep.六.判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,并加以改正。( )1.字母a由两笔写成。( )2. student里只有 u e两个元音字母。( )3. mother里只有3个辅音字母。( )4. M书写时由三笔完成。( )5.字母e占四线三格的第二格。( )6.

9、Z书写时由一笔完成。( )7. G书写时由两笔完成。( )8. J的书写是由两笔完成的。( )9. young里有1个半元音字母,2个元音字母,2个辅音字母()10. excellent里有3个元音字母。七.请将一周七天的缩写词按囿旦到周氏的顺序填写在表格里。AWEEK八.请将十二月份的缩写词按顺序写在下面横线上。专题二语音.英语中共有48个音素,元音有20个,辅音有28个。记录英语壹素的符号叫音标。音标必须写在/内。单元音(长)la-.l/):/13:/i:/u:/单元音(短)/A/D/Za/i/u/e/ae/双元音/ei/ai/3i/la/leal/ua/au/au/清辅音/p/t/k/f

10、/o/s/浊辅音/b/d/包/v/d/z/清辅音川/h/ts/tj/tr/浊辅音囚/r/dz/生/dr/鼻音/ml/n/半元音/j/ w/边音/I/ 有的音素发音时,声带振动叫做浊音。 有的音素发音时,声带不振动,叫做清音。 含有一个响亮音素的声音片段,叫做一个音节。英语里的元音音素都是响亮音素,所以般来说,凡是含有一个元音音素的声音片段构成一个音节。 开音节:一种叫绝对开音节1,一种叫相对开音节。绝对开音节:单个元音字母后面没有辅音字母的重读音节。例:me/mi:/相对开音节:单个元音字母后面加单个辅音字母,再加一个不发音字母e构成的重读音节。例如:name /neim/例:at / aet

11、 / 闭音节:以辅音结尾的音节.读音规则五个元音字母在开音节和闭音节中的发音情况开音节例词闭音节例词Aa/el/name, fice ,狄e屈/am , man , and , atEe/i:/be ,na, be/e/pen , an , dt , allli/ai/nice , ike , iFe/i/his , it , inOo/au/home , ola/D/not , dng , dt stopUu/ju:/use/A/sun , up ,113 but元音字母a的组合发音ai读作/el/例:train , again , painair 读作/ea/例:chair, air ,

12、hairal读作/):/例:all 9 also , wallJay 读作/el/例:day , play元音字母。的组合发音oa读作/au/例:coat, boat00读作/u:/例:food , room在k之刖或t, d之前读作/u/例:book ,look , good , footor读作/:/例:short,sport在 w后读作/3:/例:word ,workou读作/au/例:sound , out读作/u例:you , soupoi和oy读作/)i/例:boy, pointow读作/aU/例:how, now读作/aU/例:know , snowore 读作/:/例: mor

13、e , storeour 读作/:/例:your, four元音字母e的组合发音pdase ,creamea 读作/i:/例:eat ,ee 读作/i:/例:green , need , seeer 读作/3:/例:her , hes ,girlear 读作/I。/例:hear , ear , cleareer 读作/Is/例:engineer元音字母i的组合发音ir 读作/3例:birth , ifstigh 读作/ai/例:high , nightie 读作/ai/例:lie半元音字母y的组合发音ye在词尾读作/ai/例:bye元音字母U的组合发音u在u之前,在b,p,f之后读作/u/例:

14、pull , tfllu在sh之前,在b,p,f之后读作1X31例:pushr,lj等加u的开音节读作/u:/例:ruler, true辅音字母组合的发音ch读作初例:mich读作/k/例:jchoolck读作/ k/例:clockdr读作/dr/例:dnwds读作/dz/例:beds, cai,dsgh读作/f/例:hughkn读作/n/例:knowng读作/q/例:Biglishph读作/f/例:phonesh读作/J7例:Jieep ,hiptr读作/tr/例:try , tripts读作/ts/例:has , ttowh读作i h/例:who , whose.选出每组词中画线部分读音不

15、同于其他选项的那一项。()1.A. bagB. thankC. glassD. map()2.A. goodB. foodC. lookD. book()3.A. lateB. atC. batD. cat()4.A. English B. thankC. thinkD. night()5.A. deskB. pencilC. eatD. pen()6.A. cupB. mumC. summerD. use()7.A. IB. lifeC. liveD. hi()8.A. goB. oldC. fromD. no()9.A. doB. twoC. whoD. clock()10.A. howB

16、. knowC. snowD. show*根据画线部分的读音,选择正确的音标。()1.greatA./e/ B./ei/ C./i:/()2. goodA./u:/ B./ju:/ C./u/()3. bwA./au/ B./au/ C./ea/()4. mmA./ju:/B./u:/ C./A/()5. tockA./su/B. lol C./u:/()6. iinA./ju:/ B./u:/ C./A/()7. wntA./ei/ B./e/ C./D/()8. batA./au/ B./au/ C./D/()9. inreA./D:/ B./au/ C./u:/()10. toyA./3

17、i/ B./au/ C./ei/)11. firmer A./D/ B./a:/ C./D:/()12.city A./k/ B./s/ C. Izl三.判断每组词中画线部分的发音是否相同,相同的画“,不同的画“X()1.cupmumsummer()2.allalsocall()3.musicstudentrun()4.busputbut()5.lostclockrock()6.ageatbat()7.wantclassglass()8.hemelet()9.dayplayMay()10.likericeprice四.看每组单词,用表示出画线字母与所给字母发音一致的单词。1. Aaand ()

18、lake()2. Eeeat ()leg()3. lilike ()live ()4. Oofrom ()go()5. Uubus ()music ()6. Eebe_()make ()7. Oocome()hope ()8. lidry ()happy ()五.拼读音标,在括号内写出相应单词的序号。()1./ddt/A. river()2./nB. cloud()3./klaud/C soup()4.AfeyD. news()5./scp tembyE. sky()6./tisk/F. September()7.为k VG. date()8.u: p/H. picture()9./ pikt

19、jyI. desk()10./ nevyJ. chair()11.,/ rivyK never读单词,在括号中写出每组画线部分发音不同的单词序号。()1. A. capB. circleC. city(2. A. listenB. writeC. white()3. A. sheB. lateC. we()4. A. farmerB. sisterC. her()5. A. gradeB. lakeC. ladder()6. A. threeB sweaterC. meet()7. A. yearB. earC. there()8. A. howB. nowC. show()9. A.迎tB.

20、 starC. any()10. A. goodB. lookC. who专题三名词定义:表示人或事物名称的词,叫做名词。名词的分类,名词分两大类: 普通名词:是某一类人、某一类事物、某种物质或抽象概念的名称。如:student 学生 water水 machine机器 happiness快乐 专有名词:是个人、团体、地方、机构或事物的名称,开头字母要大写。如:Mike 迈克 China 中国the Great Wall 长城另外,按表示的数目多少来分,名词又分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单数和复数之分,不可数名词一般不分单数和复数。注意:表示一个人或事物用单数,表示一个以上的人或事物用复

21、数,如:可数名词:boy (单数) boys (复数)不可数名词:juice , rice , meat名词复数的构成法构成法读音例词在词尾加-s1 .在清辅音后发/s/2 .在浊辅音和元音后发/ z/1. desk - desks / s /2. boy - boys / z/在词末加-es1 .以x, s, ch , sh”等结尾的名词后加-es2 .以e结尾,直接加-s-(e) s 读作/ iz/1. glass - glasses / iz / class - classes / iz /2. orange - oranges / iz / horse - horses / iz /如

22、以f, fe结尾,则去f, fe 加一ves-ves 读作/ vz /knife - knives / vz/ wife - wives / vz /以辅音字母加y结尾,则去y加-ies-ies 读作/iz/baby - babies / iz / party - parties / iz /以辅音字母加。结尾:表示有生命的东西加-es表示无生命的东西加-S-es读作/ z/ potato - potatoes / z/ tomato - tomatoes / z / radio, photo, piano9则直接加- s不规则名词变化法则man - men ; woman - women ;

23、 tooth - teeth ; foot - feet ; mouse - mice ;sheep - sheep ; fish - fish ; child - children ; Chinese - Chinese名词的所有格情况构成方法读音例词单数名词加S清辅音后读/s/浊辅音和元音后读/z/Mikes/ s/Marys/ z/以S结尾的复数名词加,读音不变the teachers9 room注意:表示几个人共同拥有的,只需要在最后一个名词后加s o例:Jane and Helens room珍妮和海伦(共有)的房间表示各自拥有时,需要在每个名词后都加s o例:Bills and T

24、oms radios比尔的收音机和汤姆的收音机(不共有)七.写出下列各单词的复数形式1. glass 2. fimily 3. w)lf _4. country5.ndio6. phot)7. fox8.fridge9.bus10. box11. watch12.brush13.policeman14.farm15.fish16.sandwich17.甲pie 18.foot 19.ruler 20.tooth 二.画横线,选出下列正确的单词或词组。1. Do you drink much ( milk , milks )?2. I visited ( Jim , Jims ) house y

25、esterday.3. This is ( Tom and Marys , Toms and Marys ) house.4. He had two ( cup , cups ) of tea.5. Those ( books , book ) are on the desk.6. Look at this ( boy , boys ).7. That ( dogs , dog ) is mine.8. Would you like some ( bananas , banana )?9. The sperm whale has 50( tooth , teeth ).10. These (

26、shoes , shoe ) are very nice.三.选择填空。11. )1. This is room.A. Jack aid Lucy B. Jack and LucysC. Jacks aid Lucys D. Jack9s and Lucy12. )2. She is a good.A. studentB.studentsC. boyD. boys()3.1 want two.A. pencil-boxB. pencil-boxesC. pencils-boxD. pencils-boxes()4. How many_ do you have?A. friendB.friend

27、sC friendesD. friends()5. TheseareJudys.A. fishB. fishesC. fishsD. fishs()6. Look at those _一A. childB. childsC. childrenD. childrens()7. He has two big_.A. eyeB. eyesC. eyeesD. eyes()8. He is Jeffs.A. brothersB. brotherC. brotheresD. brothers()9.一is this pen ?Its Wang Fang:s.A. WhosB. WhoseC. Where

28、D. Which()10.birthday is,September 5th.A. Her mother I工 her mothersC. Hbr mothersD. Her mothers四.将下列表示单数的句子改成复数的句子。L This is a boy.2. Do you have a new rubber?3. There is one apple in my hand.4. That is her watch.5. She has a camera and umbrella.6. There is a plane in the sky.五.圈出句子中的错误并改正。1. I dont

29、 like orange juices. It is sour.()2. There is an old books in my bag.()3. Bananas is my favorite fruit.()4. They go to school on feet.()5. .There are many photoes of my family.()六.连词成句。1.teacheris strongMyandtall(.)2.teacherThis scienceisnewour (:.)3.therebedrooms Howaremany(?)4.lakeThe jumpedthedog

30、into (,.)5.is What your hobby(7)专题四形容词形容词的用法 形容词用来修饰名词,表示名词的属性,一般放在它所修饰的名词前。例:a big garden; an old picture 形容词也用来表示人或事物的性质、特征和状态。例:The ruler is long; The boy is tall o 形容词的比较级和最高级(比较级用于两者间的比较,最高级用于三者及三者以上的比较)。例:He is taller than me . He is the tallest one in our class.规则形容词比较级和最高级的构成 一般情况下在词尾加er或est

31、: taller , smallest 以e结尾的单词在词尾加i或st: larger , nicest 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,双写末尾字母加er或est :bigger , thinnest 以辅音字母加y结尾的,要把y变为i后加er或est: heavier , heaviest 双音节词和多音节词,在词前力口 more或most: more interesting ,most interesting常见不规则形容词的比较级和最高级well /good better - bestmuch /many more mostbad / badly 一worse worstfar f

32、arther farthest1 .找出各组单词中与其他三个不属于同一类的一项。()1.A. biggerB - youngerC. longerD. driver()2.A. weightB hairC. footD. arm()3.A.IB. youC. thanD. they()4.A. longB. tailC. bigD. heavy()5.A meterB . whaleC. birdD. shark2 .请写出下列单词的比较级和最高级形式。1. all ()6. oil ()2. Sort ()7.young ()3. bg ()8.good ()4. snail ()9.thi

33、n ()5.heavy ()lO.strong ()3 .单项选择()1. Who isthan you ?A. heavyB.heavyerC. heavier()2. My arms are longer than A. youB.yourC yours()3. My little sister is four yearsthan me.A. smallB.youngC, younger()4. My fish is smaller than,A. TomB.TomsC. Toms()5. Mike is 45kg. He is _than John.A. thinB.thinerC. t

34、hinner()6. Amy is taller Sue.A. thanB.thenC. that()7. I am bigger and than you.A. strongB. strongerC.strongger()8. Your dog is smaller than.A. mineB. myC.I()9. How big are your?A. footB. feetC.foots()10. He is a good.A. swimB. swimerC.swimmer4.下列各句中均有一处错误,请找出并改正在后面的横线上。()1. T in taller than this gir

35、affes!ABCD()2. Ifs tail js longer.A B C D()3. You re taller than you brother.A BCD()4. Which monkey does you like?A B C D()5. My arm are longer than yours.AB C D()6.1 am biger and taller than you.A B C D()7. A sperm whale has 50 tooth.A B C D()8. My fish is smaller than Sarahs.A B CD五,阅读对话,选择填空。Mary

36、: Do you have a sister , Lucy ?Lucy: Yes, I do. Her name is Lily.Mary: Is she taller than you?Lucy: Yes, she is. She is the tallest one in her class.Mary: Is she heavier than you?Lucy: Yes, she is bigger and stronger than me.Mary: Does she have longer hair than you?Lucy: No, her hair is a little sho

37、rter than mine.Mary: Does she like singing?Lucy: Yes, she does. Her voice is beautiful. She is the best singer in her class.()1. Lucy is than Lily.A. tallB. tallerC. shortD - shorter()2. Lily is theone in her class.A. tallestB. heaviestC shortestD. youngest()3. Lucys hair is alittle longer thanA. Ma

38、ryB. MarysC. LilyD. Lilys()4. Lilysinging.A. likeB . likesC. dont IkeD. doesnt()5. Lily is Lucy5s_A. friendB. classmateC sisterD. brother()6. Lucys sister isthe bestinher class.A. swimmerB. singerC. dancerD. player六.阅读理解。Dad: Which monkey do you like?Ben: I like the yellow one. It is taller than the

39、 brown one.Dad: Which monkey is stronger?Ben: The yellow monkey is taller. The brown monkey is stronger.Dad: I like the little monkey. It is younger. Its tail is 38cm long.Ben: I think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall.Dad: I think the yellow monkey is 150cm tall.Ben: It is shorter than me.Dad: T

40、he monkey is shorter but you are funnier.根据对话内容,判断正(T)误(F)()1. The yellow monkey is tailer and stronger than the brown monkey.()2. The little monkey is younger. Its tail is 40cm long.()3. The yellow monkey is taller than Ben.()4. Ben is funnier than the monkey.()5. The little monkey is 150cm tall.专题五动词(一)be动词1)表示存在状态的为be动词。在英语中有三种基本形式:am, is, are.根据不同的主语要选用不同的be动词。如:I am ten years old. Are


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