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1、授课教案系(部):外语系姓名:侯雁慧课程名称:外贸实务英语辽宁对外经贸学院本文档由实惠网外贸论坛(http:bbs. )提供,欢迎加入本论坛讨论外贸。在这里着重推荐一个免费的外贸平台给大家。 ,一个很不错的免费的外贸平台。本资料最终解释权实惠网外贸论坛。谢谢欣赏!辽宁对外经贸学院教案课程名称外贸实务英语授课专业外语系年级班级2007级1-4班课程编号Z010452E0课程类型必修课公共基础课();专业基础课():专业课(J)选修课限选课():任选课()授课方式课堂讲授(V);实践课(V)考核方式考试(V );考查()课程教学总学时数64学分数4学时分配课堂讲授32学时:实践课32学时教材名称外

2、贸英语实务作者侯雁慧出版社及出版时间大连理工大学出版社2008年使用参考书国际贸易实务国际贸易英语教程(上、卜册)外贸英语实务国际贸易实务与案例商务英语情景会话模板商务贸易行话连篇 International Business International Trade作者王沅沅许葵花普受张亚芬浩瀚厉秀仁DonaldBall.BrentonPaul.出版社及出版时间高等教育出版社2004西安交通大学出版社2004外语教学与研究出版社2000高等教育出版社2002国防工业出版社2007大连理工大学出版社2002 McGraw-Hill.2004Oxford University Press.1991

3、授课教师侯雁慧职称讲师单位外语系授课学期2008-2009(二):2009-2010(一)Unit One International TradeTeaching Objectives(1) To let the students know such general knowledge as the relevant concept, reasons and benefits of international trade.(2) To master such useful words and expressions as tariff, invisible trade and quota.Wa

4、rming Up(1) Do you buy something or sell something in your daily life?(2) What problems will you meet when you buy something?Lead-inIf we Chinese buy something within China, we call this kind of trade domestic trade. But if we Chinese buy something from foreign countries, then it is called internati

5、onal trade. Of course, international trade differs from domestic trade. And special problems may arise in international trade. In order to do business successfully, we should have a general view of international trade including the reasons, benefits, basic concept and relevant regulations. Now, lets

6、 first look at what international trade is. After reading Part II, try to answer the following questions:1. How would you define international trade?2. What are the reasons for international trade? Can you list some of them?3. What is economies of scale? Why does it influence international trade?4.

7、How do countries benefit from the international trade?5. What are the differences between visible trade and invisible trade? Give a few examples of invisible trade.6. What do you think of the trade of balance?7. What do trade barriers mean? List some example of trade barriers in international trade.

8、8. How is international trade regulated now?Contents of Part II International Tradei Definition of international tradeInternational trade= the exchange of goods and services between countries, world trade, foreign trade or overseas trade.Reason* for national trade* Uneven distribution of natural res

9、ources* Specialization* Patterns of demand* Economies of scale (the cost advantages of large-scale production)* Innovation or variety of styleBenefit* in Etemational trade* Cheaper goods or services* Greater variety* Wider markets* Economic growthiv. Specialin iniemalional tradeBusiness might have t

10、o be done in foreign languages and under foreign laws, customs and regulations. Information of a foreign firm may be difficult to obtain. Foreign currency transactions will be necessary and exchange rate may be different greatly. Numerous cultural differences may have to be taken into account when d

11、ealing with other nations. Risk level may be higher in foreign markets. The risks include political risk, commercial risks, financial risks and transportation risks. It is more difficult to observe and monitor trends and activities in foreign countries.y. Concem in international trade* Visible and i

12、nvisible tradeVisible trade: exports and imports of goods,Invisible trade: an exchange of services or assets between countries, for example, transportation service across national borders, insurance and tourism.*Balance of tradeBalance of trade: a statement of a countrys trade in goods and services;

13、 the difference between the value of the goods and services that a country exports and the value of the goods and services that it imports.Trade surplus and positive trade balance: a countrys exports exceed its imports.Trade deficit and negative trade balance: imports exceed exports.*Trade restricti

14、onsThe restriction measures taken by governments are also barriers to trade which can be divided into tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers. Th riff barriersTariff: a tax levied on a commodity when it crosses the boundary of a customs area which usually coincides with the area of a country.Kinds o

15、f tariff:According to the purpose:revenue tariff: collected mainly for income purpose,protection tariff: collected in order to protect the domestic market.According to the flow of goods:import duties: levied on goods entering a countryexport duties: levied on goods leaving a countryThe former is mor

16、e common than the latter as most nations want to expand export and increase their foreign exchange earnings.Import surtax: additional to import duty, and it is temporary in coping with international payment difficulties, maintaining balance of trade and preventing dumping, and is discriminatory agai

17、nst a particular country, e.g.: countervailing duty and anti-dumping duty.According to the methods in which tariffs are collected:Specific duty is collected per physical quantity.Ad valorem duty is collected according to value, i.e., at the percentage of the price.Mixed or compound duty is collected

18、 according to whether specific duty or ad valorem duty first, then the other.An alternative duty is collected whichever the higher between specific duty and ad valorem duty.(2) Non-tariff barriersQuota: limits the imports or exports of a commodity during a given period of time; may be in quantity or

19、 value terms, and may be on a country basis or a global basis.Import license: a permit for import, which can be independent or combined with quotas.Foreign exchange control: intends to control imports by limiting the access to foreign money that is needed for imports.technical barriersState monopoly

20、 of imports and exports, government procurement policyvi. ReEiHali。”* ofintemalional tradeWTO at the global level;Regional arrangements like MERCOSUR in South America, NAFTA between the United States, Canada and Mexico, and FTAASuggested answer to the Questions:1. International trade is the exchange

21、 of goods and services between countries. It is also known as world trade, foreign trade or overseas trade.2. Uneven distribution of natural resources, specialization, patterns of demand, economies of scale, innovation or variety of style3. (Open). Economies of scale is the cost advantages of large-

22、scale production. A country may specialize completely in the production of one product in order to achieve economies of scale and then import other products.4. Countries can get cheaper and greater variety goods or services for consumers. International trade can expand markets and promotes economic

23、growth.5. Visible trade refers to exports and imports of goods, while invisible trade refers to an exchange of services or assets between countries. Transportation service across national borders, insurance to international goods and tourism are all examples of invisible trade.6. The balance of trad

24、e is the difference between the value of the goods and services that a country exports and the value of the goods and services that it imports.7. Trade barriers mean the restriction measures taken by governments. Tariff, quotas, import license and foreign exchange control are all examples of trade b

25、arriers.8. The international trade is regulated by WTO at the global level and several other regional arrangements like MERCOSUR.Notes for Part Two Reading1. trade(1) n. the business of buying and selling goods for moneyfree trade自由贸易;barter trade易货贸易;bilateral trade双边贸易(2) v. buy and selltrading co

26、mpany 贸易公司They trade mainly in textile products.2. absolute advantage: by Adam Smiths in The Wealth of Nations (1776).3. world market 国外市场类似说法有: overseas market, external market, foreign market 试比较国内市场:home market, domestic market, internal market4. countervailing duty: collected against bounty or g

27、rant during production, transport and export, etc.5. anti-dumping duty: collected when importing country believes that there is a dumping (a not universally defined concept that can mean the selling price in a foreign country is below domestic selling price, world market price or production cost).6.

28、 GATT:全称为 General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade,关税与贸易总协定。它是美、英、法、中等23个国家于1947年10月30日在瑞士日内瓦签订并于1948年1月1日正式生效的,调整缔约方村外贸易政策和国际贸易关系方面的相互权利、义务的一项多边国际协定。GAIT已不存在,取而代之的是WTO。7. WTO:全称为World Trade Organization,世界贸易组织,是独立于联合国的永久性国际组织。1995年1月1日正式开始运作,负责管理世界经济和贸易秩序,总部设在瑞士日内瓦莱蒙湖畔。1996年1月1日,它正式取代关贸总协定临时机构。世界贸易组织

29、是具有法人地位的国际组织,在调解成员争端方面具有更高的权威性。与关贸总协定相比,世界贸易组织涵盖货物贸易、服务贸易以及知识产权贸易,而关贸总协定只适用于商品货物贸易。8. MERCOSUR:南方共同市场,是拉美地区举足轻重的区域性经济合作组织,由巴西、阿根廷、乌拉圭和巴拉圭等4个成员国以及智利和玻利维亚两个联系国组成,共有2.2亿人口,年产值超过1万亿美元,贸易额达2000亿美元。其建立于1991年于1995年1月1日正式运行,其成员国间绝大部分商品实行无关税自由贸易,共同对外关税则为23%。9. NAFTA:全称是 North American Free Trade Area.北美自由贸易区

30、。1994年1月1日,由美国、加拿大、墨西哥3国共同签署的北美自由贸易协定正式生效,北美自由贸易区宣告诞生。北美自由贸易区是世界上第一个由发达国家和发展中国家联合组成的贸易集团,成员国之间经济上既有较大互补性和相互依存性,又有明显的不对称性,对北美、拉美,以致对冷战结束后新的世界经济格局的形成,产生了重大而深远的影响。10. FTAA:全称为Free Trade Area of the Americas,美洲自由贸易区。其设想是在1994年美国迈阿密西半球首脑会议上提出的,目的是于2005年初在西半球建立一个世界上面积最大、年GDP总值达14万亿美元、拥有8亿人口的自由贸易区。建成后的美洲自由

31、贸易区包括34个美洲国家,涵盖8亿多人口,与欧盟和亚太经合组织一道构成全球贸易和投资基本格局。11. regulations of international trade:除课文介绍的条约外,国际贸易惯例、国内法也是调整国际贸易关系的规章。Words studyDirections: Translate the following English expressions in Part II into Chinese:1. international trade1.国际贸易2. world trade2.世界贸易3. foreign trade3.对外贸易4. overseas trade4.

32、海外贸易5. economies of scale5.规模经济6. economic growth6.经济增长7. foreign currency/exchange7.外汇8. exchange rate8.汇率9. fbreign/overseas/external/world market9.国外市场10. visible trade10.有形贸易11. invisible trade11.无形贸易12. balance of trade12.贸易差额13. trade surplus/positive balance of trade13.贸易顺差14. trade deficit/n

33、egative balance of trade14.贸易逆差15. trade barrier15.贸易壁垒16. non-tariff barrier16.非关税壁垒17. revenue tariff17.财政关税18. protection tariff18.保护关税19. quota19.配额20. free trade20.自由贸易Discussion:Directions: close the textbook and try to remember the contents in Part II, then discuss whether the following insta

34、tements are true or false with your partner.1. International trade is only the exchange of goods between nations.2. Countries trade with each other partly because there is a cost advantage.3. Trade means countries can provide a wider variety of products for their consumers.4. International trade can

35、 greatly expend the market, which enables the suppliers to take advantage of economies of scale.5. Exchange rate fluctuations may create many problems for international trade.6. Still in some cases, political reasons can outweigh economic considerations between countries.7. When we provide shipping

36、insurance service for foreigners, it can be seen as an example of invisible trade.8. Trade surplus means that a countrys imports exceed its exports.9. Tariff and quotas are the examples of trade barriers.10. Countries can do business freely without regulations in international trade.(Answer: IF 2T 3

37、T 4T 5T 6T 7T 8F 9T 10F)Unit Ivo Trade FormsTeaching Objectives(1) To let students know different trade forms in international trade including agency, distribution and so on.(2) To let students master the specialized words and expressions.Warming Up(1) Besides paying money to buy something, by what

38、other ways can you do business with others?Lead-inBesides direct negotiations between buyers and sellers, international trade is also handled by some indirect means such as agency, distribution, countertrade, consignment and bidding. Different trade terms are applicable to different situations. Toda

39、y we will look them one by one. After reading Part II, try to answer the following questions:1. What do trade forms refer to? List some examples of trade forms.2. What can agents be divided into according to the scope of their rights?3. What are the differences between agency and distribution?4. Wha

40、t is the basic characteristic of countertrade? What are the common reasons for countertrade?5. Explain compensation trade.6. What are the differences between compensation trade and counterpurchase?7. What are the differences between exportation and consignment?8. How is the price decided in bidding?

41、Contents of Part II Trade Forms1. Definitionof trade fonn$Definition: the common practices and channels between countries fbr the flow of goods or services.Types:direct trade forms: importation and exportationindirect trade forms: agency, distribution, countertrade, consignment and bidding ii.Defini

42、tion of agent: a middleman who can act on behalf of a principal in specific matters., fbr example, forwarding agents, clearing agents and selling agents.Selling agentCharacteristics:1. An agent can only operate within the marketing area authorized by the principal.2. It does not need to carry stock.

43、3. The principal sets the retail price, retains title and controls the goods4. The profits and risks of losses remain with the principal unless the agent is a del credere one.5. Generally speaking, agents are usually paid by commission.Types:(According to the scope of their rights)Indenting agent: t

44、he agent (exclusive or non-exclusive) appointed by a principal formarketing and promoting the products to potential customers within an area.Factor is appointed with the power to negotiate and conclude contracts in the area on behalf of his principal.A del credere agent is the agent who takes respon

45、sibility for credit risks, that is, if the buyer he introduces fails to pay the principal or breaks the contract, it is his responsibility to cover the loss.111. DistributionDistributors: buy from the principals on their own account and take title to them and resell them to their customers in their

46、area.Cha ra cte ristics:1. There is no contractual relationship between the principal and the customers. Instead there are separate sets of contracts: those between the principal and the distributor, and those between the distributor and the customers.2. The distributor makes profits from the differ

47、ences between the prices at which he buys the products and the prices at which he sells them to the customers.3. The distributor bears much more risks and obligations than an agent does: bad debts, advertising expenses, maintenance, etc.4. The distributors generally enjoy more freedom and higher ret

48、urns.Types: sole or exclusive distributor and non-exclusive distributor.iy. CountertradeDefinition: an umbrella term that includes all forms of the exchange of goods for goods. It means that 4tif I buy from you, you must buy from me.”Reasons for countertrade:1. to create new export markets or promote export products.2. to acquire new


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