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《牛津小学英语5B全册教案含教学计划.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津小学英语5B全册教案含教学计划.docx(95页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、一教材分析新课标对本年级段本学科的要求:要求学生对英语有好奇心,喜欢听 他人说英语。能根据教师的简单指令做游戏、做动作、做事情(如涂 颜色、连线)。能做简单的角色扮演。能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单 的英语歌谣。能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。能交流简 单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。能书写字母和单词。对英语 学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。本册教材的知识要求是掌握一定量的词汇,基本句子结构和一定量的 日常交际用语。采用循环式编排方式,较好地体现了 由浅入深、由 易到难、循序渐进,逐步扩展、点面结合、不断复现的原则。本册教材由十个单元组成,其中包含了八个新授单元,两个复习单元, 按话题

2、一功能一结构一任务相结合的体系设计,安排了大量形 式多样、情景真实、语言自然、趣味性强的语言实践活动,并着重综 合训练,强调整合优化,突出整体感悟。各单元分八个板块构成: 第一部分是Listen,read and say情景对话板块。该板块通过情景会 话,着重训练学生的听说技能,提高会话能力。第二部分是Look read and learn 1主要呈现词汇。第三部Look and say/Ask and answer,以图为主,提供了主要句 型O第四部分Listen and write/Listen and circle/.图文结合,进行综合 训练,着重训练听和写的技能,同时复习巩固所学的内容

3、。第五部分的任务主要是培养学生初步的语感、阅读能力和良好的朗读2. Play a game What s the missing (即先抽出一张星期名称 的单词卡片,再让学生说说少了哪一张,可采用小组竞赛的的方式的 进行。教育心理学认为,学生在学习过程中适度紧张,能培养其思维 的敏捷性。)3.Sing a song Wish you are h叩py every dayz (歌曲教学不仅 有助于激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,而且能引导学生快速进入教学情 )Step2. Presentation1 -T:(出示一张课表)How many lessons do you have on Tuesdays

4、 S: We have six. T: I see, but what lessons do you have on Tuesday morningin the morning (通过以旧引新的方法,较自然 的呈现出本课的教学重点。)S: We have Chinese, English and Science.(若学生通过预习能读出单词Science,请勿吝惜对学生的表扬,往 往一声Good Wonderful Did a very good job能增强学生 学好英语的信心。)2 -(可运用简笔画等教学方式教授其他科目名称,这能较长时间的保 持学生的注意力从而提高学生学习效率。)Step3

5、.Practice1.(出示课表)T: My children, let7 s talk about the timetable.SI: What day is it today S2:Itz s.Sl:how many lessons do you have on. S2: We have.2.教师模拟本单元E部分作介绍,要学生也作简单的自我介绍,为下 面的教学作铺垫。Step3:Presentation and practice.通过以上复习句子 r m from. I speak English and Chinese.等 句子。并对单词 teach, primary, a housew

6、ife, a story, him 稍作解 释。1 .先指导学生看图完整听录音两遍,理解课文大意。2 .听课文录音学生模仿学说。3 .师生问答进一步理解和掌握课文内容。4 .教师课提供类似该题,如My brother, My good friend等,让学 生仿造已学的句型自由交谈。Step 4:Listen and repeat.学生听录音跟读eat, ice-cream, read, sea这四个单词。1 .结合字母结合ea的读音,教师引导对所学知识归纳整理,如, repeat, please, peach, clean, tea, teach, teacher 等 .让学生借助动作或图片

7、,理解并朗读句子He s reading a book and eating an ice-cream in the sea.Step 5 : Consolidation本部分是一个棋类游戏在学生丢骰子下棋的过程中通过看看、玩玩、 说说 比比的方法,复习句型Where s he/she/it from Is she/he/it from. What country is it及其答语。方法如下:1 .把学生分成二人成四人一组,每人准备不同的棋子一个,每组自制骰子一个。2 .游戏前,讲清比赛规则,每为学生的棋子都从START开始,丢骰 子后,棋子走相应的几步,落在哪个格子中根据格子中所画标志性

8、人物,花园、动物或食物运用课本中提供的三组问答中的一组,谈 论图画。答对的学生丢骰子继续走,答错的学生停走一次。谁的棋子 最先到达FINISH -谁为优胜者。Step6 : Assign homework.听录音,读课文。2.抄写四会单词和句型。Back sight:第十单元教学计划-、单元简析:本单元是的第二个复习单元,重点复习第六至第九单元所涉及的语言 项目。通过看图排序、看图完成句子和短文、看图说话的等练习。帮 助学生全面复习四个单元所学的词汇、日常交际用语和句型,以巩固 所学知识,提高学生运用英语的能力。这个单元的复习,可以采用游 戏、对话、比赛等灵活有趣的形式加强学生听、说读、写能力

9、的 训练。二、教学要求目标:1,通过复习,要求学生掌握四会单词、词组和句型。2,通过本单元的复习操练,要求学生能综合运用所学的日常交际 用语。三、教学重难点单元教学重点:同教学要求1、2。单元教学难点:同教学要求1、2。四、课时安排第1课时第2课时第3课时第4课时UnitlO Review and check 第一课时、教学内容 A Look, read and write; B Look and write二、教学目标1通过复习,要求学生掌握四会单词、词组和句型。2通过本单元的复习操练,要求学生能综合运用所学的日常交际用 语。三、教学重、难点:1通过复习,要求学生掌握四会单词、词组和句 型。

10、2通过本单元的复习操练要求学生能综合运用所学的日常交际用 语。四、课前准备:图片,挂图,学生自带一个玩具娃娃,录音机和磁带。 五、教学过程:师生互动教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动AFree talkWho s on duty todayAre we all here .I am.Yes./No.BLook,read and write1 Play a game: Listen and repeat (分别读出a到h八个问 句,让学生快速重复。2出示A 部分的教学挂图3评价并指导 4指导听懂并主动站起来复读。分别选出所对应的问句看图朗读句型同桌操练cLook andwrite1复祈使句。默写四

11、会单词、词 组。2利用自带的玩具娃娃,进 行祈使句的操练。教师做示范。小组操练DDrill:1放录音2放录音3校对完成练习册上本单元的听力部分跟读六板书设计图片祈使句-t作业设计回家操练祈使句的练习。UnitlO Review and check 第二课时、教学内容 C Lookzread and complete; D Look and talk二、教学目标1复习第六九单元的单词、和句型。三、教学重、难点:1复习第六九单元的单词、和句型。四、课前准备:教学挂图,小黑板、自带一些图片、录音机和磁带。五、教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动AWhat do you usually doI usua

12、lly.七 作业设计 复习6到9单元的单词和词组Free talkon SundaysWhat does he/she usually do on weedends Do you have any hobbiesDo you like . Do you want to.He/She usually does.Yes, I do. I like .Yes,I do./No, I don t.Yes, I want to.BLook,read and complete1出示教学挂图2指导看图范读,了解其 大意口头完成对话或短 文,再填入所缺单 词。熟读,分小组 表演。cLook andtalk1

13、Where are you fromWhere is she/he from2让学生拿出自带的图片,教师指导3放录音4出示教学挂图r m from .She/He is from .小组互问互答让学生通过欣赏不 同的民族音乐引出 不同的民族和城 市。同桌讨论D Drill1指导2校对完成练习册笔试部分UnitlO Review and check 第三课时一教学内容牛津小学英语5B第十单元Review and check二教学目标1 复习从Unit 1到Unit 9的重要句型以及相关的单词 和词组。2能正确地运用日常交际用语。三教学重点复习 Unit 7 的重要句型(1 )What time

14、is it Itz s It s time for . ( 2 ) What time do you get up I get up at .1 .复习 Unit 8 的重要句型:(1 ) How do you spend your weekends I often .(2 ) How does .spend his/her weekends He/She often .Sometimes he/she .四教学难点1 能正确地用英语来表述时间。2 能正确地运用主语 为第三人称单数时的动词的形式。五课前准备1教具准备:一份印有两篇阅读理解的卷子,并为每个学生准备一 份。2 板书准备:预先写好课

15、题Unit 10 Review and check六教学过程A Free talkT : What day is it today S : It is Wednesday .T : What s the weather like today S : It s sunny today .T : Who has a watch Please tell us:whatz s the time now S :I have . And it s half past eight .T : Yes, and this is the first lesson in the morning. Tell me :

16、how many lessons do you have in the morning And what are theyS : We have three lessons in the morning .They are EnglishzChinese and Maths.T : What lesson are we having now S : We are having an English lesson.B Presentation and practice .请一些学生到班前来用英语做自我 介绍。T : Do you like English S : Yes, I do.T : Pl

17、ease make a introduction of yourself :who are youS : My name is Linda. F m from China. I speak Chinese and English .My hobbies are watching TV and listening to music . My favourite subject is English . There are three people in my family :my father, my mother and me .1 like my family . At the weeken

18、ds, we often go shopping. Sometimes we watch TVS : r m MaisieC Read and sayl 让学生把卷子拿出来,浏览第一篇短文,然后 请一位学生为大家朗读。My name is David . T m twelve years old . I am a student in a primary school . I often do my homework on Friday evening . On Saturday morning , I go to see my grandparents . I help them do so

19、me housework . In the evening I go home . Sometimes I watch TV or surf the Internet. I can learn a lot from the Internet.On Sunday morning , I often go to the park with my friendsLiu Tao , Yang Ling and Helen . Liu Tao likes playing on the swings . Yang Ling and Helen like playing on the slides . He

20、len and I like taking photos . Then we catch insects and put them in bottles . We always have a good time .2. 接着让学生看短文下面的问题,并用五分钟时间从文中找出答案。 1. How old is David 2. How does David spend his Friday eveningWhat does David do on Saturday morning3. How does David spend his Sunday morning5 What does Liu Ta

21、o like 6. What do Yang Ling and Helen like7. What does David like3让学生根据所给的短文回答问题。T : How old is David T : How does David spend his Friday eveningD Read and write1让学生看第二篇短文,并一齐朗读。接下来让他们在表示时间的 词组下划横线,复习to和past的用法r m Wang Bing .1 get up at a quarter to seven in the morning . I have breakfast at seven .

22、 I go to school at a quarter past seven . I have lunch at half past eleven . I go home at a quarter to five . In the evening , I have dinner at twenty past six . I do my homework at half past seven . I watch TV at eight o clock. I go to bed at ten to nine .2让学生根据短文自己设计一张作息表以锻炼他们的写作能力。Unit 10 review

23、and check 第四课时-、教学目标1、通过复习,要求学生能熟练地掌握本单元所学的有关活动类词汇。2、能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。二、教学重点能正确地听、说、读、写句型三、教学难点 能熟练地掌握本单元所学的有关活动类词汇。四、课前准备1.习题册2、录音机和磁带。五、教学过程、Introduction1. Greetings:2 熟读课文3 听写蓝字二、听录音,完成听力练习三、讲解练习四、指导订正五 Homework :1 .背诵短语句型2.第十单元测试卷Back sight :Sl:What lessons do you have in the morningaft

24、ernoon S2:We have.and.Step4.Consolidationl.T:Boys and girls, please design a timetable you like. In pairs, one ask and write ,the other answer, then change,. Understand(教师课前将印好的空白课表发给学生,并让学生在此项练习中填 写,这样既培养了学生听、说的能力,又培养了学生写的能力。) 2.(让学生两两一组说说他们设计的课表。)Step5.Homework 1. Copy the new words: Chinese, Scie

25、nce, Social Science, Computer Studies. 2. Do some written work (Part C) and Finish the Exercise-book (C. Look and complete) Unitl A new term 第三课时 -、教学目标:1 听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词:subject, interesting, a week, 2 听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写句型:What subject do you like I like 3 听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:How about you 二、教学内容:D: Work in

26、 pairs. E: Look and read.三、教学重点:句型 What subject do you like I like .四、教学难点:单词interesting的拼读,日常交际用语I hope we have more. .How about you 的正确使用。五、教具准备:磁带和录音机,单词卡片.六、教学过程:Stepl.Sing and review. Sing the song happily z,Wish you are happy every day”1 .单词竞赛:说出星期名称、学科名称。Step2.Presentationl.T:(由上述对话自然引出)What

27、subject do you like S1:I like Maths PE.(可让学生自由说或根据图片说,同时注意比较lesson和subject 的词义.)T: He likes Maths PE.What about you S2:I like English. What about you . T: Thank you, T m very happy.(将教师的礼貌用语渗透在英语教学中,能促进平等、民主的师生关 系)T: Do you like English S3: Yes, I do.T: How many English lessons do we have in a weekS

28、3: We have 3 English lessons .(教 week)T: Yes, we have only 3.1 hope we have 4.1 hope we have more . 把句型中英文I hope we have more (lessons).写在黑板上,并让学 生朗读数遍。2.PracticeSI: What subject do you like S2:1 like.How about youSI: I like., too. ( too可根据真实的交际情景提醒学生运用。)How many lessons do we have S2: ThreeFour. I

29、hope we have more.3.T:(根据上述练习紧接着问一位学生)What subject do you likeS: 11汰e Maths. T: Why S: It s interesting/ 可帮助学生回答,并教生 字 interesting. ) T: Ok, what s 32 minus 23 (出示小黑板 32-23= ?)(复习 minus ) S: It s nine. T: And what s 321 minus 123 what1 s 543 minus 345 Oh, sorry, don t worry. Su Yang can tell you at

30、once.(at once可用中文解释。指导学生看图、读句、理解本故事的趣味 性)T:(对全体同学说)What s the trick Do you know now (朗读、解释trick中文意思)Step4. Consolidation (在教师指导下完成练习册C部分Look and complete.)Step5.Homeworkl.Do some written work . 2. Finish the Exercise-book(Look and write)Unitl A new term 第四课时教案内容:一、教学目标:1、能用正确的语音语调有感情的朗读课文。2、能根据提示正确运

31、用所学句型及交际用语。二、教学内容:A: Read and say.三、教学重点:正确运用所学句型和交际用语。四、教学难点:正确运用所学句型和交际用语。五、教学过程:Stepl:Free talk and revise.l.Greetings . 2.Say the chant3. Revise the sentences and words we ve learned.Step2.Presentation.T:(出示 A 部分挂图和小黑板)Boys and girls, please look at the pictures, then listen to the tape and answ

32、er the questions on the small blackboard.(学生青争听录音)1 .Ask and answer. T: What day is it today s Monday. (Spell the word.) T: What are they doing S2:Theyz re having an English lesson.T: How many subjects do they have this term S3: Eight T: What are theyS3: They re Chinese, Science, Social Science, Com

33、puter Studies, English, and Maths . T: Please look at P2zwhat subject does Su Hai likeS4:She likes Maths. T: How about Su Yang S4: She likes English.T:(自问 自答)Why Because it s interesting.(教单词interesting,引导学生注意tere的发音)(学生齐读,个别 读).(安排学生先静听录音模仿说,然后六人一组分角色朗读.)3 .(让几位英语基础较好的学生上台复述。)Step3.Consolidation (教

34、师应创设不同的场景,让学生灵活运用所 学知识,下两例话题可供参考.)1. When: on Wednesday afternoonPlace: In the classroom Person: Ken and NancyTopic: the timetable of this termWhen: After schoolPlace: on the playground Person: two good friendsTopic: subjects of the new termStep4: Homework 1. Read and recite Part A. 2. Finish theExe

35、rcise-book (F: Read and fill in the form.)Unitl A new term 第五课时一、教学目标:.1 .复习本单元所学内容。2 .了解元音字母0在重读闭音节中的读音。3 .完成练习册听力部分练习。二、教学内容:1.Glisten and repeat三、教具准备:磁带和录音机四、教学重难点:语音正确,语调优美 五、教学过程:Stepl.Revision1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song Wish you are happy every day3. Have a dictation of the words and phrases

36、 in Unit 1.Step2.Presentation.(将课文G部分图置于实物投影仪上)T: can you see a man in the picture SI: Yes, I can.T: What is the man SI: He is a doctor.T: What s near the clock S2: A cup of coffee.T: Is it hot S3: Yes.(将上述对话中带有下划线的单词写在黑板上,请同学们朗读并思 考:元音字母0在这些单词中的发音相同吗,如果相同,那是什么 音).(学生根据元音字母0在重读闭音节中的读音规则,完成下列各词.) 0,0

37、,0,0.2 .(让学生思考并说出,还有哪些单词符合这样的发音规律,也可让 学生自己创造单词,帮助学生记住字母。的发音规则。).(让学生借助图片理解,反复并有节奏朗读句子The hot coffee near the clock is for the doctor.教学实践证明,通过一定的听、读 能让学生获得初步的语感。)Step3. Exercises (完成练习册听力部分练习)- A. Listen and judge.(让学生先仔细看图认读每幅图中的学科名 称,然后判断每幅图的内容与录音是否相符。相符的在脸上画一张表 示笑意的嘴巴不符的脸上画一张表示哭意的嘴巴。)1 B. Listen,

38、 choose and write (在做练习前让学生仔细认清所有 单词和短语,以防学生听懂了又找不到词语。做练习时,要求学生根 据录音选择正确答案,并将听到的词语写在横线上及其代表字母写在 空格里。)Step4.Homework Finish the Exercise-book (E. Read and say).板书 Unit new termdoctor clock coffee hotBack sight :第2单元教学计划-、单元简析:本单元的主要功能项目是谈论疾病。重点学习How do you feel now What s wrong with you及其答语以及八种疾病的名称。

39、本单 元教学内容情境性比较强,因此教师在整个教学过程中,无论是呈现 新知识,还是复习、巩固旧知识,都应尽可能让学生通过表情、手势、 食物情景明白句子的意思和使用场合,使学生能把语言和它所表达 的情境直接联系起来,达到学以致用的目的。二、教学要求目标:能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词her, speak, bad, get, feel, cold, fine.能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型M ay I speak to.This is .speaking I m sorry to hear that. See you soon.Sorry, wrong number.能听得懂、会说、会读

40、和会写句型How do you feel now I feel.What s wrong with you F ve got. 了解元音字母。在单词闭音节中的读音。会诵读歌曲I m ill.三、教学重难点单元教学重点:同教学要求1、2、3。单元教学难点:同教学要求1、2。四、课时安排Unit2 A telephone call 第一课时第1课时第2课时第3课时第4课时第5课时-教学内容1 . Look, read and learn 的大部分 2. Work in pairs二教学目标1、学单词 a toothache, an earache, a backache, a headache,

41、a stomach ache 2 、学句型 What s wrong with you F ve got a/an. 3、能听懂、会说、会读 r m sorry to hear that. I hope you getbetter soon。三教学重点1、词汇:a toothache, an earache, a backache, a headache, a stomach ache 2、日常交际用语:What s wrong with you I ve got a/an. 四教学难点1、句子I ve got a/an.的理解五前课准备1、教具准备:单词卡片、课本及练习册磁带、录音机、课文P

42、14的 挂图2、教学准备:学生准备好练习册3、板书准备:写好 Unit telephone call六教学过程()Free talk用 What day is it today What lessons do you have in the morning What subject do you like How are you What s the matter with you等日常交际用语进行交谈。(二)Presentation1、由谈话引出Y ve got a stomach ache.。教师边做动作边板书: r ve got a stomach ache.学生理解、跟读、做动作。T:

43、(询问一位做的好的学生)What s the matter with your ve got a stomach ache.T:(问另一学生)What s wrong with you习惯。第六部分主要提供了内容丰富、生动活泼的各类活动,有助于培养学 生的学习兴趣,发展他们的能力和智力。第七部分Listen and repeat是语音训练板块第八部分Sing a song/Say a rhyme通过诵歌谣、唱歌等活动进一 步激发兴趣活跃身心。复习单元各由四个版块组成。每个版块通过形式多样,生动活泼的练 习,有计划地复习了主要词语、句型和日常交际用语。二、教学目标与要求1、能按照四会和三会要求掌

44、握所学单词。2、能按照四会要求掌握所学句型。3、能使用日常交际用语,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音清 楚,语调正确,达到学以致用的目的。4、能在图片、手势、情景等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语 和录音。5、养成听说、读英语的习惯认真模仿语音语调,以逐步培养语 感。初步培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写规范整洁。6、能演唱已学过的英语歌曲,诵读已学过的歌谣。7、培养良好的学习习惯和学习兴趣。同时培养同学间的协作精神和 爱国主义精神。三、教学重点与难点.单词和句型的正确书写和流利朗读。S: r ve got a stomach ache.T:(板书Whatz s wrong with you

45、)范读,讲解句子的意思, 比较 What s the matter with youDrill in pairs: What s wrong with you Y ve got a stomach ache.2、依次出示牙痛图、耳痛图、背痛图、头痛图T look, there are some patients in the hospital. What s wrong with them T: (Point to the stomach ) This is a stomach. Y ve got a stomach ache. T: ( Point to the head ) What s

46、this S: That s a head. T: What s wrong with him S:(经提示说)A headache. T: Great!(板 书A headache )学生跟读单词,并复习句型。(同法学习A toothache, an earache, a backache,)3、Drill a.听口令做动作。b.看动作说句子。c.练习册A题:听、 选图;随意抽掉一张图问What s missing4、学教学目标3出示课本pl4挂图Look, what did Su Yang talk to Helen S: What s wrong with youT: What did

47、Helen say S: F ve got a headache.T:那么,Su Yang接下去会说什么呢?(放课文磁带)T:(示范) F m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.告诉学生中 文意思Ss:跟读,理解,运用。(三)Consolidation1、教师先和一学生表演D部分的对话。(注:在I m sorry to hear that.后面添上 I hope you get better soon.)2、Work in pairs. 3、Check it up. 4、Ask four students to write it on the blackboard. 5 、Check it up.(四)Homework 1、workbook C 2、Listen to the tape and repeat.3、Make a dialogue with friends.Unit


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