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《山东省青岛市局属四校2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中考试英语试题(含答案解析).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省青岛市局属四校2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中考试英语试题(含答案解析).docx(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、山东省青岛市局属四校2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中考试英语试题学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、单项选择1.1.Learningcountrys language is a better way to knowculture behindit.A.the; aB . a; theC. /; theD. a; /2.Bob*s father can*t standsoap operas. He enjoys sports games on TV.A.watchB - to watchC. watchingD.watched3.Do you know the writer?-Oh. He ish

2、is paintings.A. popular withB - famous forC - tired ofD.famous as4. What subject do you like4. What subject do you like,English, math or physics?Of course, English.A goodB. betterC.bestD.well5 I think science is more useful than art.science.一I disagree. I think art isA.A.not so useful asB.less usefu

3、l thanC.the most useful ofD.as useful as6.If you want to make friends with others, we should learn tothem first.A.talk aboutB. look atC. care aboutD. wait for7.How often do you go to the cinema?.I only watch movies at home.A. AlwaysB. UsuallyC. SometimesD. Never8.Many students have interests. Some i

4、nterests are relaxing andare creative.A.the othersB. othersC anotherD. the other9.the bus to school every day when I was in Year 7.A.takeB am takingC. took10.What is your best friend like?十二、书信作文67.假如你是艾丽斯,你和你的美国笔友莉莉已经两年没有见面了,她想了解你这 两年的变化,请描述你的外貌性格及其他方面有哪些变化,以及在这两年里去过哪里游 玩,在那里做过哪些有趣的事情。要求:(1)短文内容必须包

5、含所提供的要点,可适当发挥:文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名及地名:(3)词数:80-100字左右(开头和结尾己给出,不计入总词数)。Dear Lily,Im glad to tell you some changes aboutme.参考答案:1. B【详解】句意:学习一个国家的语言是了解其背后文化的更好方法。考查冠词。“学一门国家的语言”表示的是泛指,力anguage”为可数名词,“country”第一个音 为辅音,在辅音音素前用不定冠词a;介词短语“behind it”修饰名词“culture”为特指,要在前 加定冠词the,故选BoC【详解】句意:鲍伯的父亲不能忍受看肥皂剧。他喜欢看电视上

6、的体育比赛。cant stand doing sth,无法忍受做某事,结合句意可知,答案为C。2. B【详解】句意: 你认识那个作家吗? 哦,他的画很有名。考查形容词短语。popular with受欢迎;famous for因而著名;tired of厌烦;famous as作为而出名。根据“He ishis paintings.”可知,他因他的画而闻名,故选B。3. C【详解.】句意:你最喜欢哪个学科,英语、数学还是物理? 当然是英语。考查副词最高级。good好的,形容词;better更好(的),比较级;best最好(的),最高级; well好地,副词。根据“English, math or

7、physics”可知,此处三者以上比较,应用最高级best。 故选C。4. D【详解】句意:我认为科学比美术更有用。我不同意。我认为美术和科学一样有用。考查固定用法。not so usefill as不如有用;less usefUl than不如有用;t定most usefillof 中最有用的;as useful as和 一样有用。根据“I disagree.可知回答者不同意上文观 点,即:“美术和科学一样有用或美术比科学有用“,如果是否定,应该否定转移,即:I dont think art is。故选 Do5. C【详解】句意:如果你想要和其他人交朋友,我们应该学会先关心他们。考查动词短语

8、。talk about 讨论;look at 看;care about 关心;wait for 等待。根据“If you want to make friends with others可知,如果想要和他人交朋友,应学会关心其他人,故选CoD【详解】句意:你多久去一次电影院? 从不去。我只在家看电影。考查频率副词辨析。Always总是;Usually通常;Sometimes有时;Never从不。根据“I only watch movies at home.可知,我只在家看电影,所以从不去电影院。故选D。6. B【详解】句意:许多学生都有兴趣爱好。有些兴趣是放松的,有些是创造性的。考查代词辨析。

9、the others其余的;others其他人/物;another三者及以上的另一个;the other 两者中的另一个。根据“Some interests are relaxing and.are creative.”可矢口,止匕处是 some.others结构,表示“一些另一些”,故选B。7. C【详解】句意:我在七年级时每天都乘公共汽车上学。考查动词时态。根据“Ithe bus to school every day when I was in Year 7,”可知,此处指过去 经常性的动作,使用动词过去式。故选C。8. C【详解】句意“-你最好的朋友性格品质怎么样? -她很聪明而且很勤

10、奋”。A.她喜欢打篮球; B.她在家;C.她聪明且很勤奋;D.她喜欢她父亲。what islike问的是品质,故选C。9. A 12. A 13. D 14. D 15. C 16. B 17. D 18. C 19. D 20. B【分析】文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者12岁时生日礼物的故事。作者12岁生日 时想让父母送他一辆自行车,但父母却送了他一辆旧的自行车,他很失望,看到他失望,父 母也很失望;后来作者明白了礼物不在价格的贵贱,而在于送礼物的人包含在里面的爱。11 .句意:但我知道希望渺茫,因为我家儿乎没有那么多钱(来买自行车)。考查副词及语境理解。A. hardly几乎不;B.

11、quickly快速地;C.slowly慢地;D.easily容易 地。根据上文I knew there was little hope.我知道没有什么希望,可知此处表示因为我的家庭 几乎没有那么多钱(来买自行车),故答案选A。12 .句意:我立刻跑到院子里去。考查动词及语境理解。A. rushed冲;B. rode骑;C. climbed爬;D. came来。根据At once立 刻,结合上文父母告诉我我的礼物在后院,可知能得到礼物心情肯定是激动的,所以是马上 冲向院子,故答案选A。13 .句意:我的自行车就在那里,但它不是我想象中的自行车考查连词及语境理解。A. and和、并且;B.or否则

12、、或者;C.because因为;D. but但是。根据上文 There was my bike,以及 it wasnt the bike that I thought it would be.可知前后句之间是 转折关系,故答案选D。14 .句意:太令人失望了。考查形容词及语境理解。A. exciting激动的;B. interesting有趣的;C.relaxing放松的;D. disappointing 失望的。根据上文 it wasn*t the bike that I thought it would be.它不是我想象中的 自行车,所以我应是失望的,故答案选D。15 .句意:我想我伤害

13、了父母的感情。考查动词及语境理解。A. liked喜欢;B. hated讨厌;C. hurt伤害;D. thanked感谢。根据下 文I could see the disappointment on their faces.我能从他们脸上看到失望,可知此处表示我伤 害了他们的感情,故答案选C。16 .句意:我骑上那辆旧自行车。考查动词短语及语境理解。A. got in进入;B. got on上车;C.got off下车;D.got up起床。 根据the old bike and rode it,可知是上了自行车,开始骑车,故答案选B。17 .句意:我骑上了那辆旧自行车,感到很难过,因为我让

14、我的父母有这种感觉。考查形容词及语境理解。A. surprised惊讶的;B. excited激动的;C. happy开心的;D. bad 糟糕的。根据上文I could see the disappointment on their faces.我能看出他们脸上的失望,以 及下文I had made my parents feel this way我让我的父母有这种感觉;可知此处表示我让父母 有这种失望的感觉,我很难过;故答案选D。18 .句意:他们给我上了一堂关于爱的人生课。考查名词及语境理解。A. friendship友谊;B. money钱;C. love爱;D. knowledge知

15、识。根 据下文描述 When you give something out of love, it doesnt matter what it is in fact. What matters is love that is in it.当你付出爱的时候,它实际上是什么并不重要,重要的是其中的爱。 可知此处表示他们给我上了一堂关于爱的人生课,故答案选Co.句意:我喜欢记住这段经历。考查名词及语境理解。A. idea主意;B. news消息;C. advice建议;D. experience经历、经 验。 根据下文 because giving a gift is not about money

16、. Ifs about how much love you can feel from it.因为送礼物不是为了钱。重要的是你能从中感受到多少爱。可知这是这段经历的启 发,所以此处表示我喜欢记起这段经历,故答案选D。19 .句意:请记住,一份价值两美元的礼物并不比一件价值一百美元的礼物更有价值。考查形容词比较级及语境理解。A. little少的,形容词原级;B. less更少的,little的比较级; 答案第3页,共10页C. least最少的,little的最高级;D. more更多的,many、much的比较级。这里由than可知 应用比较级形式;联系上文语境,结合题干可知句意为:请记住,

17、一份价值两美元的礼物并 不比价值一百美元的礼物更有价值。结合选项可知B选项符合题意,故答案选B。【点睛】解答完形填空首先要通读全文,掌握大意。结合选项初步弄清短文写了些什么内容。 在理解全文意思的基础上,结合文章内容对空缺句子作合乎逻辑的推理。必须弄清空缺词句 的确切含义,空缺词句与其前后句的意义衔接必须自然、合理,最后根据语境,结合选项, 选出正确答案。如,第2小题,根据Atonce立刻,结合上文父母告诉我我的礼物在后院, 可知能得到礼物心情肯定是激动的,所以是马上冲向院子,故答案选A。第4小题,根据上 文it wasn*t the bike that I thought it would

18、be.它不是我想象中的自行车,所以我应是失望的, 故答案选D。21 . B 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. B【导语】本文介绍了三个旅游景点:澳大利亚的索尔,泰国的曼谷和夏威夷的考艾岛。22 .细节理解题。根据“Soil is a village in the mountains in Australia, and the Hotel Post, opened by a local family is clean and not expensive.”可知,the Hotel Post 是由当地人开的,价格不贵, 如果你住在the Hotel Post,不需要支付很多钱,此处与原文

19、不符,故答案为B。23 .推理判断题。根据When you visit Bangkok in Thailand, dont miss the early morning five-boat-trip to the Floating Market just outside the city. It is fun to feel the movement of the boat.”可知,水上市场可能在河上,此处与原文一致,故答案为A。24 .推理判断题。根据“The sun can be strong and it may be as hot as 40 at mid-day!”可知,在 曼谷正午

20、的温度达到40口,因此晚上不是45口,此处与原文不符,故答案为B。25 .细节理解题。根据“Maybe the most beautiful place in Hawaii is Kauai. You can visit its long, sandy beaches in the south and west of the island and mountains and forests in the north J 可知,在 考艾岛的北边有山和森林,此处与原文一致,故答案为A。26 .推理判断题。根据Dont be surprised if it rains in the center o

21、f the island.”可知,在考艾岛 中心下雨是很常见的,此处与原文不符,故答案为B。27 . B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. D【导语】本文是一篇议论文。文章主要是学生谈论对观看历史剧的看法,以及它是否有助于 学习。26 .细节理解题。根据“Zhang Jinshuo,13: They can help us learn details (细节)of history,”和 “Jiang Chenming, 13: So I think it is a good way to increase students9 interest in learning history.

22、 可知,有两位同学认为看历史剧很好。故选B。27 .细节理解题。根据“Some parents worry that sometimes they are not true.和Zhao Kai,13: Also, in TV shows, heroes are often perfect. That is not real history.”可知,赵凯的观点和一些父 母类似。故选D。28 .词义猜测题。根据“Many students are not interested in history.”可知,很多学生对历史不 感兴趣,看历史剧是一个提高学生学习历史兴趣的好方法;因此“increase

23、”的含义为“提高工 故选Ao.细节理解题。根据“If we want to know something about history, we can read books. It saves time and we can practice reading at the same time.”可知,周木兰认为了解历史,读历史书会更 节约时间,而且还能锻炼阅读;C选项表述有误。故选C。29 .主旨大意题。根据“What do students think of them?”可知,本文是四位学生对看历史剧的 看法。故选D。30 . C 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. B【分析】本文主要

24、讲述了一个农场住着John和他的妻子Molly,他们在农场养着很多牛, 猪,和其他的动物,也住着一只小老鼠,有一天他买回来一个捕鼠器,老鼠很担心的告诉其 他动物但是他们都不在意,最后老鼠看到发生的一切他感到很悲伤。31 .细节理解题。通读全文可知文中提到了五种动物:牛,鸡,猪,老鼠,蛇可知选C。32 .细节理解题。根据文中第二段When the mouse saw this, it ran away in fear可知当老鼠看 到捕鼠器时他非常的害怕。可知选A。33 .细节理解题。根据问题这篇文章发生的顺序是老鼠想警告农场的动物朋友们;牛和猪不 担心捕鼠器;Molly去看什么在捕鼠器上;Joh

25、n为Molly做鸡肉汤;朋友们来看望Molly; 可知选Bo.词义猜测题。由文中句意可知亲戚朋友都来参加Molly的葬礼。故选D。34 .标题归纳题。通读全文可知本文主要讲述帮助别人就是帮助自己,故选B。35 . C 37. B 38. F 39. A 40. D【分析】文章大意:Manuel认为旧的自行车对他来说是充满了好的记忆,而随着时间的推移,人们慢慢地不再骑自行车,他想到了一个方法让自行车重新回到马路上,那就是他帮人 们无偿修理自行车。36 . 根据He thinks that homes must be full of old bikes because bikes are good

26、 memories of home and love”可知,此处应讲述与旧时记忆有关的内容,C选项“那使他想起了他的童年” 符合,故选C。37 .根据I remember when my father first let go of the bike” 可知,当父亲第一次放手让他独 自骑自行车时,对他来说是一件令人惊讶的事,B选项“我自己骑自行车是一件令人惊讶的 事”符合,故选B。38 .根据Children grow up and dont need them any more. Some people stop riding them because 0f more cars”可知,慢慢地

27、人们不再需要自行车了,F选项“随着时间的推移,自行车正在人 们的生活中消失”符合,故选F。39 .根据Manuel Vera felt kind of sad”及“He would try to get these old bikes back on the road 可知,对于人们不再骑自行车感到难过,所以他想出了一个主意让这些旧的自行车再回到马 路上,A选项“他想到了一个主意”符合,故选A。40 .根据“He asked if people had unused bikes in the message”可知,他又发送了 一条信息,D 选项“一月份,他又发了另一条消息”符合,故选D。41

28、. planned 42. to share 43. show 44. to eat 45. is dying【解析】41.句意:我们班百分之八十的学生计划在本学期初努力学习。此处应填一个谓语 动词,结合备选词汇可知,此处是指计划做某事,plan“计划”,动词,根据“at the beginning of this term.”可知计划的动作已发生,应用一般过去时,故填planned。42 .句意:这两个小女孩经常待在一起分享她们的秘密。根据The two little girls often stay together.their secrets.”可知是分享秘密,share“分享”,此处应

29、用动词不定式作目的状语,故 填 to stayo.句意:看人们展示他们的才能总是很有趣的。根据“It,s always interesting to watch people.their talents.”可知是展示才能,show“展示”,动词,固定短语:watch sb do sth“看某 人做某事(全过程)”,故填show。43 .句意:我父亲今天不想吃东西,因为他病了。根据“My father doesnt feel like.today because he,s ill.”结合备选词汇可知是指不想吃东西,feel like to do“想要做,故填to eat。44 .句意:看!那位老

30、人因事故即将死去。让我们帮助他。根据“Look”可知此处应用现在进 答案第6页,共10页行时,结合备选词汇可知是指老人即将死去了,主语是单数,be动词用is,故填isdying。45 . busiest【详解】句意:星期一是我一周中最忙碌的一天。busy“忙碌的 形容词;根据“in the week” 可知,此处要用形容词最高级busiest。故填busiest。46 . newspapers【详解】句意:我的爸爸通常在晚饭后读报纸。根据汉语提示可知本题考查单词newspaper”报 纸“,可数名词,所以应填其复数形式,故填newspapers。47 . almost【详解】句意:他几乎是正确

31、的。almost“几乎”,副词。故填almost。48 . below【详解】句意:更冷了。气温将降到零下五度。below表示“在以下”,故填below。49 . none【详解】句意:面临危险的时候,所有的消防员都很勇敢,没有一个人放弃。根据all the firefighters”可知此处表达的是三者或以上的否定,用none of表示“都没有”。故 答案为noneo. More than 1800 years ago. 52. It symbolizes wealth. 53. They hope that they can have a good future in the coming

32、 new year. 54. No, they dont. 55. By hand-pressing.【导语】本文主要介绍了中国人吃饺子的风俗,以及不同地方饺子的制作方法以及吃饺子的 方式的不同。50 . 根据Jiaozi, also known as Chinese dumplings, is a must-have during holidays in Northern China. It is said than 1800 years ago.可知,中国人在 1800 多年前就吃饺子。故填 More than 1800 years ago.51 . 根据“Since jiaozi is

33、in the shape of ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots 作艮锭),it symbolizes wealth (财富).“可知,饺子象征着财富。故填It symbolizes wealth.52 . 根据“As the Spring Festival is the start of a new yean people choose to eat jiaozi in the hope of having a good future in the coming new year.”可知,由于春节标志着新的一年的开始,人们 选择吃饺子,希望在新的一年

34、里有一个美好的未来。故填They hope that they can have a good future in the coming new year.53 .根据There is not set rule as to what makes dumpling fillings.可知,饺子馅是什么做的, 没有固定的规则。故填No, they dont. 根据“while in some parts of Inner Mongolia, wrappers are hand-pressed.”可知, 在内蒙古的 一些地区,饺子皮是用手压的。故填By hand-pressing.54 . Chin

35、ese dumplings 57. most important 58. when 59. with 60. lucky【导语】本文主要介绍饺子这种食物在中国春节的重要性。55 .句意:饺子在英语中被命名为中国饺子。根据Jiaozi is named . in English.”和常识可知I, 饺子在英语中的名称为Chinese dumplings中国饺子。故填Chinese dumplingso.句意:它是中国新年最重要的食物之一。根据常识可知,饺子是重要的新年食物, important“重要的”;再根据one of+the+最高级+名词复数“最 之一”可知,此处要用 important 的

36、最高级 the most important0 故填 most importanto56 .句意:人们相信当一个人吃一个装有硬币的饺子时,他或她会很幸运。根据“aperson eats a dumpling . a coin in it,”可知,此处指当一个人吃到带有硬币的饺子时,when“当时候”符合语境。故填when。57 .句意:人们相信当一个人吃一个装有硬币的饺子时,,他或她会很幸运。根据a dumpling a coin in it”可知,此处表示饺子中包有硬币,with“带有”符合语境。故填with。58 .句意:人们相信当一个人吃一个装有硬币的饺子时,他或她会很幸运。根据she

37、or he will be”和常识可知,吃饺子吃到硬币,表示这个人很幸运;lucky“幸运的”,形容词作表语。 故填lucky o. BA 62. C 63. Just tell your “smart car” where to go 64. They can call friends with their watch. 65.并且你的父母看起来和你年纪一样大!66. life in the future【导语】本文主要介绍了到2035年,科技会很发达,人们的生活也更加简单便捷。59 .根据“You pick up the milk, but you hear the sound. 可知,当

38、你走到厨房,拿起牛奶时, 智能冰箱会提醒你牛奶是否在保质期内;B项“你走进厨房。”符合语境;根据“In 2035, cars dont need drivers 可知,当你开车上班时候,汽车是自动驾驶,不需要司机;A项“到上 班时候了。”符合语境。故选B; Ao.根据“In 2035, every household appliance (家用电器)is . your secretary (秘书)可矢口,至U 2035年,家用电器就像你的秘书一样;like“像 介词,符合句意。故选C。60 .根据标点和所给单词可知,该句为祈使句,以动词原形开头;tell sb. sth 告诉某人”, 因此 y

39、our “smart car”和 where to go 都要做 tell 的宾语;just 放在 tell 前。故填 Just tell your “smart car where to go只要告诉你的,智能车,去哪里”。61 .根据you can call a friend with your watch.”可矢口,在2035年人们可以用手表给朋友打电 话。故填 They can call friends with their watch.62 . And“并且“;your parents“你的父母;look“看起来;the same age as you”和你年纪一样 大”。故填:并且

40、你的父母看起来和你年纪一样大!63 .根据Welcome to your fUture lifeV和全文可知,本文主要介绍了到2035年,科技会很发 达,人们的生活也更加简单便捷。因此本文是关于“未来生活的。故填life in the future。64 .例文:Dear Lily,Im glad to tell you some changes about me. Tm much taller and a little thinner now than two years ago. I have longer hair than before. And Im more outgoing an

41、d more popular now. I wasnt interested in playing sports two years ago, but now I like it and I play sports at least three times a week. I think I am healthier. I have more schoolwork now. And they become more and more difficult. So I plan to study harder to get better grades this term. And I dont l

42、ike watching soap operas now because I think they are boring and meaningless. I like watching news and I hope to be a TV reporter one day. I went to Beijing in China. I tasted a lot of delicious Chinese food, like Roast duck, and I visited the Summer Palace and the Great Wall.What about you? Can you

43、 tell me something about your changes?YoursAlice 【详解】总体分析匚题材.:本文是一篇应用文,为书信。时态:时态为“一般现在时”和“一般过去时”;提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意不要遗漏“信息提示”中自己这两年的变化的介绍要点, 适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。写作步骤第一步,表明写作意图。借用“简单介绍自己这两年的变化”来引出中重点介绍的内容; 第二步,具体阐述写作内容。从“外貌、性格、爱好、学习等”几个方面重点介绍自己这两年 的变化的具体情况;A. She likes playing basketballB She is at homeC Sh

44、e is smart and hard-workingD. She likes her father二、完形填空When I was about 12 years old, I really wanted a new bike! I told my parents my birthday wish, but I knew there was little hope because my family could U have that money.On my birthday my parents told me they had my gift outside in the backyard

45、. At once I 12out to the yard. There was my bike, 13 it wasn*t the bike that I thought itwould be. This one was pink, old and worn with age. It was so 14! I thought I5 my parents1 feelings because I could see the disappointment on their faces and I was sure they could see it on mine. I 16 the old bi

46、ke and rode it, feeling 17 that I had made my parents feel this way. So I put on a smile, rode as fast as I could and didnt come down.As time went by, I began to understand my parents gave me something much more than just an old bike.They gave me a life lesson about 18 .When you give something out o

47、f love, it doesnt matter what it is in fact. What matters is love that is in it. I like to remember this 19 because giving a gift is not about money. It*s about how much love you can feel from it. Do remember, a gift that costs two dollars isnt 20 valuable (有价值的)than the one that is worth (值)one hundred dollars.11. A. hardlyB quicklyC. slowlyD. easily12. A. rushedB . rodeC. climbedD came13. A. andB. orC. becauseD. but14. A. excitingB. interestingC. relaxingD. disappointing15. A. likedB . hatedC. hurtD. thanked16. A. got inB got on


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