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《冠词.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冠词.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1词法大全(六)冠词231They were at_table when I called. 2Potatoes and tomatoes are both_vegetables. 3What_fine weather! 4- Whats this?- Its_animal. 5 We cant live without_air.1He is _cleverest student in our class and always gets_first. A/, theB/, /Ca, /Dthe, the 2_girl in white is a nurse. ATheBACAnD/ 3We c

2、ant see_sun at _night. Aa, /Ba, theCthe, /Dthe, the 4Jack is learning_Chinese and he says_ Chinese language is very beautiful. A/, /Bthe, the C/, the Dthe, / 5She likes playing_violin.A/ Ba Can Dthe 6_usually go to church on Sundays. AThe Brown BA Brown CBrowns DThe Browns 7She came here in_autumn o

3、f 1982. A/ Bthe Can Da 8After_quick breakfast I hurried to_school. A/, / Ba, / Cthe, the Dthe, /4测测 试试 题题一一. . 用冠词用冠词 a a、anan 或者或者 thethe 填空填空 1Susan is _ beautiful girl. 2Would you like _ egg for breakfast? 3Bens father is _ engineer . 4Can you see _ red apple over there? 5We have a new teacher. _

4、 teacher is funny .二、单项选择二、单项选择 1This is my dog. _dog is brown. AAnBACTheD/ 2This is _ orange bike . AaBanCtheD/ 3My mother gives me _ red apple every day. A/BtheCaDan 4This is _ bag . That is _ eraser . Aa, aBa , anCan , aD/ , a 5Today is _ Childrens Day . AaBtheC/Dan 6I have _ book . I like reading _ books very much . Aa, anBa , the Can , the Da, / 7This is orange. orange is Lucys. Aan , AnBa, TheCan, TheD/ , an 8There is _ “m” in the word “primary” AanBaCtheD/答案:答案: 一、一、 1a 2an 3an 4a 5The 二、二、C B C B C D C A


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