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《过去进行时.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《过去进行时.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1 1Contents结结构构两大用法两大用法when & while大大显显身手身手拨拨开云开云雾见时态雾见时态(五)(五)-过过去去进进行行时时2 2过去进行时过去进行时结构结构was doingwereXiao Pang was sleeping at this time on June 6th.两大用法两大用法描述描述过去某个时刻过去某个时刻正在进行的动作正在进行的动作 标志词:标志词:at this time yesterday at 9pm the day before yesterday Tom was catching Jerry at this time yesterday.

2、 描述描述过去某个时段过去某个时段正在进行的动作正在进行的动作 标志词:标志词:the whole morning all day yesterday from nine to ten last night I was reading Harry Potter all day yesterday. They were singing from nine to ten last night.when & while when 后可长亦可短,后可长亦可短,while 之后只可长之后只可长 When the thief came in, I was sleeping. The thief came

3、in, when I was sleeping. The thief came in, while I was sleeping.若是两个都为长,若是两个都为长,while 来把纽带当来把纽带当 While the thief was carrying the TV out, I was sleeping. The thief was carrying the TV out, while I was sleeping.While grandma the newspaper, grandpa the flowers. Aread, was wateringBwas reading, watere

4、d Cwas reading, was fallingDread, wateredWhile grandma the newspaper, she asleep. Aread, was fallingBwas reading, fell Cwas reading, was fallingDread, fellMary a dress when she her finger. Amade, cutBwas making, was cutting Cwas making, cut Dmade, was cutting3 3大显身手大显身手 1She the guitar from 2 p.m. t

5、o 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon. Awas playingBplayed Cis playingDplays2My brother while he his bicycle. Afell, was riding Bfell, were riding Chad fallen, rode Dfalls, was riding 3I my breakfast when the morning post came. AhadBam havingChave had Dwas having 4Jack football at the moment. Awas playingBis

6、 playing Cplays Dplayed1He was listening to music at this time the day before yesterday.(改为否定句改为否定句)2We were having a party yesterday evening. (改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)3昨天的这个时候我在看电影。昨天的这个时候我在看电影。4上周的这个时候谷老师在干什么?上周的这个时候谷老师在干什么?5昨天当妈妈回到家的时候,孩子们在睡觉。昨天当妈妈回到家的时候,孩子们在睡觉。Keys:AADBHe was not listening to music at this time the day before yesterday. Were we having a party yesterday evening? I was seeing a movie at this time yesterday. What was Mr Gu doing at this time last week? The children were sleeping when their mother came back home yesterday.


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