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《湖南省五市十校教研教改共同体2021届高三10月大联考英语试题(含解析).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖南省五市十校教研教改共同体2021届高三10月大联考英语试题(含解析).docx(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、绝密启用前湖南省五市十校教研教改共同体 2021 届高三 10 月大联考英语命题单位:天壹名校联盟命题组本试题共分为四部分,共 8 页。时间 120 分钟,满分 150 分。注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、班级、考场号、座位号填入相应位置内。2. 客观题请用 2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡上,主观题用黑色的签字笔书写在答题卡上。3. 考试结束时,只交答题卡,试卷请妥善保管。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完

2、每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15.B.9.18.C.9.15.1. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a factory.B. In a company.C.In their home.2. What is the man doing?A.Asking for directions. B. Planning a journey.C.Buying a train ticket. 3.When will the man prob

3、ably call the woman back ?A. Half an hour before the dinner.B. An hour before the dinner.C. Two hours before the dinner. 4.What will the woman do?A. Park her car here.B.Drive to a parking lot.C.Pay for the parking.5. What does the woman mean?A. She doesnt really want to dance.B. She refused the mans

4、 invitation.C. The man is not skilled at dancing.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and stud

5、ent.B.Policewoman and thief.C.Policewoman and manager.7. Why did the woman make an apology?A. She made a mistake.B. She forgot something.C.She lost an important bag.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8.What are the speakers talking about?A. Working experience.B. Eating in China.C.Making cakes.9. How long does it ta

6、ke the man to get used to using chopsticks?A. Half a year.B. Three months.C.Three years.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10. Why was Lloyd unable to collect his motorbike?A. It hasnt been sent to the shop.B. No man could repair such a type.C. Some parts it needs havent arrived.11. Who will the man call ?A. Hi

7、s boss.B.The suppliers.C. The repairman. 12.What will the woman do at the weekend?A. Collect her motorbike. B. Send out the spare parts.C.Call Tom Wilsons again.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13. What is the womans problem?A. She doesnt like chocolate.B. She hasnt got her teeth fixed.C. Her teeth are sensit

8、ive to sweet.14. How often does the woman usually go to the dentist?A. Once every 6 weeks.B. Once every 6 months.C. Only when having a toothache.15. How does the woman take care of her teeth?A. By brushing her teeth 3 times a day.B. By using a special toothpaste and brush.C. By drinking less iced te

9、a and coffee.16. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Go to the dentist at once.B. Choose foods and drinks wisely.C. Enjoy the movie and chocolate.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. Why was the speaker satisfied with his countryside life?A. He had more free space. B. The air there was fresh. C.He had

10、more books to read.18. When did the speaker come to France?A. When he was 16 years old.B. When he got tired of country life.C. After he explored his homeland.19. What does the speaker think of living in a flat now?A. Funny.B.Crowded.C.Suitable. 20.How does the speaker sound?A. Curious.B.Humorous.C.C

11、ontent.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。Here some programs at 8 tonightCountry MusicAre You Sure Hank Done It This Way?(1973-1983) 8:00PM|PBSWitness alivelyera in country music, with Dolly Parton finding mainstream success; HankWilliams Jr.and Ros

12、anne Cash emerging from their famous fathers shadows; and Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings launching the “Outlaw movement.Expedition UnknownLegends Never Die (Season 62|Episode 1) 8:00PM|TRAVELJosh uncovers the mystery of a treasure left behind by Brother XII. Then he travels to Eastern Europe to i

13、nvestigate the ancient origins and modern legacy of scaring figures.Gold Rush | 58 METASCORE Back to the Future 8:00PM|DSCAn extended sneak peek of the all-new season of Gold Rush reveals a crisis in the Klondike forcing the miners in new directions. We go back to the beginning, nine years ago,revea

14、ling the important moments that got each man to the crossroads they now face.The Conners |75 METASCOREPreemies,Weed and Infidelity (Season 2 | Episode 1) 8:00PM| ABCThe Season 2 premiere(首映式) After Emilios deportation(驱逐出境), Jackiesteps into the role of a paternal figure and createsa vivid birth pla

15、n for Becky; but as the Conners know, nothing ever goes according to plan. Meanwhile, Darlene is tangled in a complex love triangle with David and Ben, and-like her mother-Harris is caught up in a problem of her own.21. What do we know about Hank Williams Jr.and Rosanne Cash?A. They are badly defeat

16、ed now.B. They arent in the mainstream.C. Their fathers were once successful.D. They now follow their fathers steps.22. What kind of program is Expedition Unknown? A.Terror. B.Knowledge. C.Science. D. Sports.23. Which would you watch if youre interested in family program?A. Country Music. B.Expediti

17、on Unknown. C.Gold Rush. D.The Conners.BIt was a very hot day in late summer. I was a young dad working in a local wood mill. It was dangerous, back-breaking work that paid very little. In the year I had worked there only four other people hadnt quit and been replaced with new faces. Those of us who

18、 stayed did so only because there was no other work to find to support our families.On this day the fans werent working and all of us were covered in sweat and sawdust. When I looked around every face I saw looked angry and frustrated. Suddenly,a voice called out:“Hey! Theres a deer in here.” A lost

19、 little doe had wandered through the open loadingbay doors and was now cowering(蜷缩)in between the huge stacks of wood. All of us stopped working and went looking for her as she ran about looking for a way out.Now most people where I live hunt deer for meat in the fall, but also treat them with great

20、 kindness the rest of the year. Many will even buy 50lb bags of corn to help feed them during the harsh winter months. It was no surprise then that all of us were soon quickly working together to free this little doe. By blocking off all the other routes we were able to guide her panic search back t

21、o the open bay doors. We watched as she jumped out of the building and back into the woods. Then we walked back in to work. I noticed something, though. On every face there was a joyful smile. It was as if this one single act of kindness had energized us again and reminded us of what life is all abo

22、ut.24. Why were few people willing to work in the wood mill?A. They wanted more freedom.B. They didnt like the boss.C. The pay and conditions were bad.D. They wanted more pleasure.25. What can be inferred from paragraph 2?A. The workers often saw a deer there.B. The deer was a light to the dull work

23、.C. The deer was trapped in a big well.D. All the workers wanted to catch the deer. 26.How did the men free the deer in the end?A. By opening one route.B. By dropping some food.C. By using familiar signals.D. By imitating another deer.27. Which of the following best describes the workers?A. Bad-temp

24、ered but patient. B.Hard-working and loving.C.Cautious and courageous. D.Bad-tempered and demanding.CWhen we learn to drive, we need to learn basic skills such as how to switch on the engine, turn on the wipers, operate the brakes, etc. before we actually take to the road. Once the lower order opera

25、tions and skills listed above have been automatized or at least routinizedto the extent that we do not have to pay attention to them (by-pass Working Memorys attentional systems), we can actually be safe in the assumption that we can wholly focus on the higher order skills which will allow us to tak

26、e the split seconds decisions that will prevent us from getting lost, clash with other cars, break the traffic laws while dealing with our children messing about in the back seats.This is what the brain does, too, when learning languages. Because Working Memory has a very limited space available whe

27、n performing any task, the brain has learnt to automatize lower order skills so that, by being performed “subconsciously they free upcognitive(认知) space.So, for instance, if I am an advanced speaker who has routinized accurate pronunciation, grammar and syntax to a fairly high degree, I will be able

28、 to devote more conscious attention (Working Memory space) to the message I want to put across. Onthe other hand, if I still struggle with pronunciation, word order, irregular verb forms andtenses most of my attention will be taken up by the mechanics of what I want to say, rather than the meaning;

29、thiswill slow me down and limit my ability to think through what I want to say due to cognitive overload.In language teaching this important principle translates as follows: in order to enable our students to focus on the higher order skills involved in comprehension and production we need to ensure

30、 that the lower-order ones have been acquired or performance will be reduced.28. What does paragraph 1 mainly tell us?A. We should improve our driving skills on the road.B. Our basic driving will be better as time goes on and on.C. Only by mastering driving skills can we drive safely.D. We must oper

31、ate automatically when driving on the roads.29. Why does the author use driving as an example in expressing his points?A. Learning languages has specific characters.B. Skillful driving benefits language learning.C. Driving safely is harder than language learning.D. Driving and language learning shar

32、e similar skills.30. What does the underlined wordthisin paragraph 2 refer to?A. The meaning we want to express.B. Struggle with language learning problems.C. Spending more time on the topic.D. Devoting more conscious attention.31. What conclusion can we draw from the text?A. Well begun,half done.B.

33、 It is never too old to learn.C. Practice makes perfect.D. Learn to walk before you run.DPioneering research from the University of Portsmouth that aims to find a solution to the global plastic pollution crisis is to share in 15. 9 million of investment from the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (

34、LEP).The Solent LEP will use the Governments“Getting Building Fund allocation to finance the expansion of the Universitys Centre for Enzyme Innovation (CEI),which takes enzymes(酶) from the natural environment and adapts them in the laboratory to recycle and reuse some of our most polluting plastics.

35、 The CEI will receive 1 millon investment from the Solent LEP.The CEI is one of several projects that have been funded by the Solent LEP,which plays a leading role in determining economic priorities in the region. The projects will benefit the regions economic recovery in the present environment.The

36、 CEI Expansion-Industrial Engagement Hub project will almost double the current size of the CEI and create three new specialist laboratories, to bridge the gap between the current research capabilities and what this technology needs to develop into in order to be adopted by industry.In addition, the

37、 Industrial Engagement Hub will be a space for interaction between researchers and industry collaborators and become a testbed for growing local and nationalpartnerships.Professor Graham Galbraith,Vice-Chancellor of the University of Portsmouth, said:“The CEI is a unique environment for industry and

38、 academia to work together to shape, refine,develop and test the new technologies emerging from this ground-breaking research.“The funding from the Solent LEP to support the development of the CEI will deliversignificant economic and societal benefits and clearly delivers our ambitions for research

39、with impact and sustainability(持续性) as set out in our vision for 2030.”32. Whats CEI s experiment?A. Collecting enzymes.B. Making building material. C.Removing waste land.D.Recycling materials.33. Whats CEI s aim of the project?A. To get investment for the national program.B. To help the Solent LEP

40、manage its production.C. To determine economic priorities in the region.D. To get a chemical for the reduction of plastic pollution.34. What can we know from Professor Graham Galbraith s words?A. It is hard to reduce polluting plastics.B. The LEP funding has short-term benefits.C. The CEI has connec

41、ted research and industry.D. Scientific research must need industries support. 35.Whats the best title of the text?A. University Receives Funding for Plastics RecyclingB. Whats the Best Way to Get Rid of Polluting PlasticsC. Local and National Partnerships Strengthen the Research D.Industries Suppor

42、t is the Key to Reducing Polluting Plastics第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Sometimes meeting friends can be confusing, especially when you suddenly find yourself in a new city or for whatever reason totally without friends. 36 However,it might take more work to

43、 others. If you re stumped( 难住) for where and how to meet new people, this list of suggestions is sure to inspire you.37 Perhaps the best way to meet new friends is when you re getting outside your comfort zone and doing something new. Getting involved in a new hobby, taking a class that makes you s

44、tretch your mind, or something else are all good ways to connect with someone new.First of all, with this way youll be meeting new people you probably would never have crossed paths. 38 A new class or project will automatically help you feel youre open to learning and conversation.While traveling. I

45、f you re introverted(内向的) like me,meeting new friends while traveling can seem like a really frightening thing. 39 Its amazing to me how important the Internet has become in the last few yearswhen it comes to friendship. A few years ago, I might never have even attempted to make friends while travel

46、ing, because Im just too shy.Book club. Ill bet you thought that we had less opportunities to meet friends. Not so! Ifyoure into books and authors, there are several great ways to connect with new people. One of them is by joining a book group. 40A. Doing new things.B. Meet a new friend in a work en

47、vironment.C. Making new friends can come easy to some people.D. This way youll meet a surprising variety of people. E.Instead,I took a break,chatting with some people.F.Then youll be in the mood to experience something out of the ordinary.G.But you can connect with others from several organizations

48、and websites.第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The teachers I know didnt expect how 41 this remote teaching would be. There are so many 42 that arise: families not responding,students who cant 43 new platforms,new platforms not doing what they are 44 to do.The list goes on.But thats just from the teachers 45 .Principals(校长) have to hear the teachers issues,a


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