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《新目标英语九年级上册Unit7试卷3.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标英语九年级上册Unit7试卷3.doc(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、新目标英语九年级上册Unit7试卷3新目标英语九年级上册Unit7试卷3未经允许 请勿转载 九年级新目标英语第7单元测试题一、完成单词。1. e_ introdu from antr cuty2. f_ bsines ompn3. s_ ote frm or appeaanc4.d_ te manbusinscener of city5. p_ putsomethig int a suitcas6 f_ attactiv r haring二、单词拼写。1. nt shd buyse e_ pograms for iden tosudy.未经许可 请勿转载. Do yoknow _?Hs an

2、important inehnkr.未经许可 请勿转载 often s_ heInten onweekends4 I ike going hiin I can lwaye_new pace.未经许可 请勿转载5 iam ring slly f_ Hw p_ it is inthecunside!7.My bothtol e a t_ story of ghosts.8. Beides zoos, chldre hould alsovisitsomeb_ rdens o se solani thei spare time.未经许可 请勿转载9 Tsunderound oest go _.1 Ho

3、wmany officialanguagesar spoken inS_?未经许可 请勿转载三、用方框内单词或短语填空。relxig,botancal ardens, whalewach, eduanl, dreamvaaion, hitorica1.If coul go anywhere inte wol, wha woul or_?未经许可 请勿转载2. I wnttoean newlaguage hile Imo vacation.Do you ave infomation bou th kind o _ vaaon n Span rMexico?未经许可 请勿转载. I raly hv

4、e flowr, nd I collect thmfro ll oer th wrl. lio isit aes wihbeatiful _.未经许可 请勿转载4 m tied andsressed ot. I an a _ vacatin on a quet bach.未经许可 请勿转载5.I like t sudy te pst whenIm on vacatio. m gongto issome _ tein Chiathi yar.未经许可 请勿转载6 Oufrienokanuusual acatin lat erhy en wek ona _ by stainon a boatint

5、he ocean.未经许可 请勿转载四、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Im sorr _ ay that henthing_ eat.未经许可 请勿转载2.Thi fternthe igest football mac fts yar _ be n TV.未经许可 请勿转载3.They tol usthat Mr.Wu _eteilmbefore未经许可 请勿转载4. I is tn earssince _levemy hoewn.未经许可 请勿转载5. You need omthing _ dink, dont ou?6.th he I _ be right.o _ smoe in thho

6、stal, please.8.He oul takout h moey ad_ pa fo thebll.未经许可 请勿转载9s ime forrest;lets st_ hav or lson.未经许可 请勿转载. Wha colr d you decd _ y?四、单项选择1.Idlie to tre_ thejle. . though B. across C. over D on未经许可 请勿转载2.Whyo the peop decie _ thess? Beaue heres not muchtdo.未经许可 请勿转载A. vist B t vst C not visitg D.tt

7、o visit未经许可 请勿转载3. H fet doutubout _ the ityA. et aud B. get ru C. gn aound D. hethergo r not未经许可 请勿转载4Theravel genc ff him a hote _ dollrs ever day.未经许可 请勿转载. B. for . wih未经许可 请勿转载5.M parets wantto go _o acatin.A. somewhere peaceful B.danerusowreC. sewhereboring D. fascinatn somewher未经许可 请勿转载6. The

8、y _ l over the coutry S hey pn _ someohroutry.未经许可 请勿转载A. hae ravled, isit B red, t isit 未经许可 请勿转载C. traeled, istin Dhaetravele,otravel未经许可 请勿转载7 hepa ill _the cites nex week.A. touist B. uisy C. touris D.tor未经许可 请勿转载8 cientists are now orking _ huanoids. Because they cn helppeople a l. 未经许可 请勿转载A o

9、 Bgains C. ito D. o未经许可 请勿转载 Soerobts re_ to d esae thing _peole. 未经许可 请勿转载A. enoug mt,s nugh sart, with 未经许可 请勿转载smrt enoug, a D. smr enough, fr未经许可 请勿转载10 _oldyou lie to iv ? A. whe . wich city C.whic D. whe未经许可 请勿转载六、同义句转换1. Yure suppose t pahe bill b Fday.Youre _ _ paytheb_ _Frid.未经许可 请勿转载.h dec

10、ied tha se t o ale. Sededd _ galone.3.Sufn h internetcrovide u th the latest s. 未经许可 请勿转载Surfin iernt can_ the t nws_ u未经许可 请勿转载4. It too some studets oouch tme to pay ompter mes. 未经许可 请勿转载omsudents _ to muh tim _ _ compurgames未经许可 请勿转载5 eopl dtfeel lie dosimlebs ove nd veraga. 未经许可 请勿转载ople _ _ _ d

11、o ipe job er a over aan.未经许可 请勿转载七、翻译句子。1 我希望将来有一天我能梦想成真。I ho y drea_. 我家乡周围有许多度假景点。re a lots of _ aundmy hometown未经许可 请勿转载3. 他工作非常忙,以至于整年没回天津了。Ha so buy tht hant ceto Tnj _.未经许可 请勿转载4. 这家公司会为我们的公司提供免费的饮料。Thismpny wll _ our compan _ freedrinks未经许可 请勿转载5.这位女士是交换项目中的一位成员。The ldy i on a _.6. 我正考虑换一份新工作

12、。 am _a newjob. 除了等待,我们还能做什么?_an ed but waiti?8. 我想在旅行社找份兼职工作。 t t fnd aprt tmejobi_未经许可 请勿转载 我们计划出国旅游,但因为非典我们没去成。_ abrad,t we ddntgo beae ARS未经许可 请勿转载10.在那个岛上没什么可做。_ on th iland.八、完形填空 Eeyoneeds rnds. all like t 1_ sene ose _ is ice o hae a red otalk, laugh and dthins ith. 3_, someti e need to elon

13、. We dont alays want eole4_. But wewodfeel lonelf w 5_ had a friend未经许可 请勿转载No wo e are _. Frend 7_ ont ge n we.Tat desnt mean 8_ they no oger like eachtherMosofthe tithey wil mae up an becom9_ g. memfriens moe awa. Thn we feel vry 1_Wmis themvey much,bt e c 11_tm nd riteto the. t coul be that we co

14、uld ee e thegain. Andw12_ new frinds. I surpriing to fd13_we li nw pplwhen weget to know hem 未经许可 请勿转载ere mogoo ews or pele hovefrie. e ive lnger han peopl do. Wy? It ould e tha theyr14_. Bighap helsyo sa wll. Or it ould ejust knowingtat someoe cre If smeonecres aout you,you ake 5_ care of yursef.未经

15、许可 请勿转载1. . loo B wt C.ee D see未经许可 请勿转载2. A t B. e C There Son未经许可 请勿转载3.A. Hadly .Nearl C. Suenly D. Certainly未经许可 请勿转载4. al . way Call ov D arond未经许可 请勿转载5. . er B. nevr C. just D.rely未经许可 请勿转载6 A.frindly B ki C. jut theame D. qutedifferet未经许可 请勿转载7. A.aay B. sometm . often D.suly未经许可 请勿转载8.tat B

16、.wethe C.how D. why未经许可 请勿转载9 A. friendl B god . pleed D.iens未经许可 请勿转载0. . angy B. sd .apy . alone未经许可 请勿转载11. . cal B. sk C. ll D. talk t未经许可 请勿转载12. . lookor B. fn . mke D.nw未经许可 请勿转载13.A.how oe B.h long C. how many D. omu未经许可 请勿转载1. .apier B. raner C. kind ice未经许可 请勿转载15. less B. better itl D.no未

17、经许可 请勿转载九、阅读理解。Ther arefwfmlis in he Unite Staestd nothve eiter a rdioor teevso set Bhofthem have bcome ncsry arofou daiyife, keepig fillwith the news of thday, eachis imay ldsf intret, n making happ wth ing, dcin andcing.未经许可 请勿转载Marconl, te Italin inveor, ogav us io, prby didnt o ow uch hisgrea in

18、vention woldhae dn or world inth yer to omeadi had,eradone a much as any otr communicat tol. Tigs fhe l ca be rrte t peoleverywre a fscnds aftr heyappen. Taers in u of the way place, si t se even astronut round the eartar be to kep ntouch wit each othe by radi.未经许可 请勿转载Television is nohr importat nv

19、etion. Itletsus seas ell as her th ar. Since i apparance, TV hsdon areat eali hedailylife of popeeverher.Mn ograms are otelevedin coor.未经许可 请勿转载Prhaps themost morn ventii “Tetar, a“r mvinruntheeart. It e it osible forthe eople a over the ordto becloer thaneer befeNw a famyiCicago can watch n TV a mo

20、tor ca rc in Itly, able tnnis omettn in Beiji or olleba match in Jaan as theents ae ctualhapeig!未经许可 请勿转载1. The assagtelluh _ in teU.Ahveo adio or teevision set.未经许可 请勿转载Aa large numer of homes B.ll thefamiie C.aml numbe famili D. quitea few homs未经许可 请勿转载 Wy desthe passage sayrdoand TV he bcome nece

21、sary par fur dail li?未经许可 请勿转载ABecaue tyhav tuched narl eveything n ur life. 未经许可 请勿转载B.Baus men ould tli hapil without hem. 未经许可 请勿转载.cause thy ar theoy ways spre infrmion.未经许可 请勿转载D.Becse no mmncatin eas life.3. Wh is the ue f “elaraccording o the pssage? 未经许可 请勿转载. To eceeand store nformation onl

22、y. B.T moe aroun e earth us lke teoon. C. o give light onto the earthtniht.D. To help broadatraio orVinormation tewo.未经许可 请勿转载4. Who do ythink the witer of the passge is? A. AnIn. B. A Japanese.C. AnAmrican. DChee rerter未经许可 请勿转载.hen tere ioducs Mrconlihe scon pragrap, he mean _ 未经许可 请勿转载. he wjst a

23、n talin inentrB. his nvntio hasnmuh f he wor C. hea repote mhtopople alover the wrld 未经许可 请勿转载D.h helped l tavl a arondthe wod基础知识巩固练习参考答案: 一、1.exoic 2.m 3 spe . ownown 5.pack 6 fcinatng未经许可 请勿转载二、1eduatoa2. onfucus .surs 4. exple 5ascinin peacfu 7. hilling 8. otancal 9. dnow 10. igaore未经许可 请勿转载三、1.

24、dram aon 2. edcaionl banicl gaens 4. relaxig. storcl 6. hae wach未经许可 请勿转载四、. osay;to eat2. wll ha ee 4. left 5. to drk.am 7. smokin 8. pay 9. having10. tobu未经许可 请勿转载五、15 DCBA 610DAACB六、1. xeted to,not latertan 2nt to 3. provie, or spen, n plaig 5.woud like not t未经许可 请勿转载七、1.can cme re s ay2 vcatin t 3 al yar und4. prove; with. exchnge program. considering chnging7 Wat l a ravlagncy9. planneon travelng10. There notmuch t d八、15 DADB60 CBB 115 AC九、1 CADCB 未经允许 请勿转载


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