NECPS 2006年全国小学生英语竞赛 六年级组竞赛样题.doc

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1、NECPS 2006年全国小学生英语竞赛 六年级组竞赛样题NECPS 2006年全国小学生英语竞赛 六年级组竞赛样题未经允许 请勿转载 时间: 6分钟 总分: 10分听力部分共四大题, 4%I. 听辨单词Word 共10小题, 计10分 听音, 选出你所听到的单词。每个单词只读一遍。答案:::涂在答题纸上 . god B food.fotD. gse2 Agh B.night. fuitD. bue3 A. foobl B. asetball C. asball D. vleybl4. A.he game C. lane D. lsten5. behnd B. ta C stam D. ie

2、B 听音,看图,选出与你听到的单词属于同一类的一项。每个单词只读一遍。答案:::涂在答题纸上I. 句子理解 Sentnces 共10小题,计分 A听句子,根据问句选出恰当的答句。每个句子只读一遍。答案::涂在答题纸上1. A. Its 6B. It12 C. ts 8.D. Its 20.12. . Hes vey ell. B Hes3yeasold. C. He plays ig-ponwllD. Hes nthe libraynow.A Onlytw. Bhey ae fo my irhdy. C. Tey are e. D. I kehe very much1. A. Its my p

3、leasue. B es, Id. . Yes, ti. D. Dotread h u.15 . es, ts bigBYes, its bus. . No, it bigbox D. o, tisn taxi 听句子,判断你所听到的句子与所给图片是否N相符。每个句子只读一遍。答案:涂在答题纸上II 对话理解 Dloges 共1小题,计10分 A 听对话,为每组人物选择合适的情景图片。每组对话读两遍。答案:写在答题纸上B听对话,根据你听到的对话内容为以以以下图片按英文字母A,B,C,D,E的顺序标号。对话读两遍。答案::涂在答题纸上I. 短文理解 Passages 共10小题,计10分A 根据

4、你所听到的短文内容,选择最佳答案:回答以下问题。短文读两遍。答案:涂在答题纸上31. Weeoe Ma study?A. N. 1 riarySchool. .o 2 Primar hool.o. Primary Scool. . N. Primary Shool2. Whts May favuiteroom?AThe erom. B Th stting room.C.Te clssoom.D. he dining 33.Wats nex to the d?. Abig door. B. A malab.C. wte chir.D. A upbord.34 Wa isOT n te bedro

5、m?35. What coour ar thewalls of the oom?A.Green.B.Orange.C. Yelow.Dlu B 听短文,填空,补全下面的个人简历。短文读两遍。答案:写在答题纸上Name: 36. DeOfBit: 3. Age: 38 Ntinality: 39.hool: llbury rmay Sol lub thi year:40笔试部分 共六大题,计60分I. 单词和短语 Wors a prases 共小题,计5分按要求写出以下句子括号中所给的单词或短语的相应形式注意时态、人称和单复数的变化答案:写在答题纸上 And _ go home atsixyes

6、terday.2.oda t i _ wrm than yserda.3. Jas _ doones homewrkat qurter to egh eery ight4. Cayou_ rde aorse?5 ha a yo oing? Im _ have breakfastI. 句子eenes 共10小题,计10分 A 连词成句注意大小写。答案:::写在答题纸上 从A, B,C, D四个选项中,选择恰当的一项完成句子。答案:涂在答题纸上11. can e one_ and w _o theor. watch; nife B. wates; s. watch; knivsD. wathes;

7、 nie12. tis your broer _ now?. doB. oes C. did D. doing13. Mry is a _ irl.She s _ thsyear. od; wenty threeB. fine;ety andtwo. nic;tenty-two D ll;234. Lets go out fo lnch,_? A wil you B ont o C shall D.artou15. Whatsyufavouritcour,ble_hite?A. butB.and C. / D or II. 情景会话Dialogues 共10小题,计10分 从,B,C,D四个选

8、项中选出符合以下情景的最佳答案:::。答案:涂在答题纸上A. Weres Danny w?B her your uncle and aunt? C. Is Bejing fr from ere?Is Beijing a big ci?7. _ They e 50 yu. H much iit?B. How old ar ty?.ow logi it? ow mucare the?18.Ityou oolg? es,it is. _ Tha yo.s blackB. I hav ne, ou are.DSorA Yes,Idont knw abouthi too much. . N

9、o, I kow about hm erywll C. Y,I kno abut hi. D. N,I kno him. 20. 当你的老师在课堂上表扬你作业写得很好时,他/她应该怎么说?A. Exse e.B. ou dd a godjo. Not at al.D. Pleae ay it aain. 从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话此题有两个多余选项。答案:涂在答题纸上Jo: Can I hpu? race: Oh, yes, pease 2 Jhn: What ar they?Grace: 2 J:at rethy?race: he re ouhomorknoteoks.Joh:2

10、Gac:Totecher 24 Grac: N, it int. Its ut verthe.Jhn:OK. etsgo.Grae: 25 John: Is pleasre.A Really?B. Whee should take thm?. ThankyouveryuchD hy are ve heavy.E.Prdn?F. Is it far here?G. ts so smaV.阅读理解Reding compreension 共1小题,计15分A根据短文内容,回答以下问题。答案:涂在答题纸上AlcehapetIt alvely dog. She liks playig w

11、ithit ath. But shes egt and he arents ll he to o to chooThe teae esnt lethr tkthe dog ino the asrom.She has to lve a oe, but she snt hap. Sh doesntwto g t chol d listen to th tache. lasFour is BrowseesAlie looking ou ofthwido.Seass ic,“hts w nd tw,Alie? ice stads up, utshe est know te anw

12、e “Ifyour fathr gives youtw nils, Miss Brn ays,“and urmohergiesyu anther two, ow ma pencisdou av? “Five, Miss row. “Yu are wrng, Miss rnsas“ouhave for “I donthink, ce says. “I lread have one in my pencl ase26. Whas Alices t?A. A B.Arabbt.C A at. A og27. owold ilice?AEiht.B.SevenC. Sx D. in28. Is lic

13、e hpy totoschoo?A.s, he i. Sh liks to g oshl.C N, sh isnt.D h goes to scool hpiy.29. Wat dosMiss Brownasklice?A. Wt istopus two?BWhats rd and elo?CWhatstoandthree?D. t time it o?30How may pnilsarther inces penclcase?A. iv.B. One.C. Fur.Three. B根据短文内容, 判断以下句子是Y否正确。答案:写在答题纸上Tm was seven years ol,andhs

14、 sse wafive.O day, ther mther wanted to go soppn, soshe skedthei aunt t o atr tem he twolrelayedor a lng time. At for oclock in e aftrnoon,hei aunt ave T a apple d a kife. Shesidt him,“Nw hers kn, Tim. Cut thispplento twopies.Ad then pleae ve one piece toour sistr,but remer记住 t d it lie a gentleman.

15、 “ike a elea? im aked.“does a gentleman dit? “ealwaysgve he bg ieet antheperson theiauntanses “, I see. henhe gae his ser the pple and ai t her, “Peasu t inotwo pieces like agntlan,Jo.31. Tim ws wo yeasoder hanh siser.2. Jaw Ts ittle sir.3. T umwante go swiingih her friends3. ou olckin te afternon,

16、th cidrn gavthetwoalesand anife.35. Tm antd the big piceof tappl. 根据短文内容,回答以下问题。答案::写在答题纸上My nams Anna. Ilivibig cty. he peope my ciy wan to ury埋藏a “mssge for the fuue.twil mtal金属box with tings abot ou lif todyth pope c discovr发现in tfuue.he box isntrybig so itisimportnt to coose all thingshee things

17、 wll l peopl lot bot or lives no. Therei acoetion 比赛 at coot choos thigs fo the o. y frnd Mona choose auer an a vdeo, bu I tink shehas the wrog ie.Prhas可能 lericy 电will diernt n oe or tw hunredr. Lhastretigs:a pcu of er cat,Mi, amugrand penci I ant tcos igsabout m,yamilyad or house.I have goeight hin

18、gs:ahoto m al, y od Egish homework oo, a tenni ll,a T-sirtwh Mice, can ofcol,a ireo my ouse, piee ofmy ar wrk and a cinemcet. The Enis homeokbokand the rt wok will show hat Isdyatschool.What doyou nt tochooe forte box?36 Watdopepl in Ann cit want to ur?37. Ishebox ver bg?. oaoes a computer nd video,

19、oesn se?39. Howan thingdos Aa choose?40.Whic thngs wllh t Ann sudie atcho?V. 智力测试 I test 共5小题,计5分按要求完成以下各题。答案:::涂或写在答题纸上4 35146 i he cde密码for word SASON. Whs t co ford OSE?4. Bety t 0 in hem. Sh sover he moaboutt Readth setence and guess the meaingof “over hmo. You ma nswr it in ngh or Ce.4. Eachpic

20、tre is aview escue 每个方块为同一个方块的三个不同角度的图示 ht are th wo missig umbers?4. Mmth ard-wrkig eson. Hwrk fom 7.m. 8 p.m.eery da. Hw many ours does he ork evr ay?45. Lokat the cture, pse! Eac o ry Rabbibrothers ha asisr.Alogeth, hw many rbbis rthen therabbit fmi?V.小作文Cmpoiion 计分This is Lucy file 档案. lese write a ort coosiionabo her usng th facts in hediagra 表格.要求:1 要将表中的内容全部体现在对话中,可作适当发挥;2. 条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范;3.不少于60个单词; 4. 将作文写在答题纸上。 未经允许 请勿转载 06年全国小学生英语竞赛S六年级组竞赛样题


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