English Chinese negation.ppt

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1、 正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法Negation1正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法lWhy negative?a statement of a refusal or deniale.g.I didnt say I would stay.The weather isnt bad.2正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法a manner of rhetoric(emphasis,understatement)e.g.The movie isnt bad.(understatement)China today is not the China of the past.(emphasis)I didnt

2、say I wouldnt come.3正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法l恕不不找零l不不设找赎。utender:something,especially money,offered in payment.支付:在支付中提供的支付:在支付中提供的某物,尤指钱某物,尤指钱4正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法5正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法Take care of the flowers,please.Please do not pick flowers.Keep off the grass,please!Keep off the lawn(grass)6正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法Freez

3、e!Move and you are dead,man.7正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法l叙述同一事物或表达同一思想时,可以正说,叙述同一事物或表达同一思想时,可以正说,也可以反说。也可以反说。l在英汉两种语言中,这一现象均存在。在英汉两种语言中,这一现象均存在。l翻译时,常见正反相互转换。翻译时,常见正反相互转换。l根据目的语语用习惯,选择恰当的表达法。根据目的语语用习惯,选择恰当的表达法。8正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法lSome expressions:Excuse me.“Dont stop working,”he said.He went into the insecure bu

4、ilding.He knew he was mortally ill.他知道他得了不治之症不治之症。9正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法lDifference between Chinese and English in negative expression and implication due to way of thinkingmode of speaking 10正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法l汉英两种语言的习惯用法不同汉英两种语言的习惯用法不同:(mode of speaking)l英文从正面表达,译文从反面表达英文从正面表达,译文从反面表达l英文从反面表达,译文从正面表达英文从反

5、面表达,译文从正面表达11正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法l英文从正面表达,译文从反面表达英文从正面表达,译文从反面表达(1)动词 The first bombs missed the target.第一批炸弹没有击中没有击中目标。第一批炸弹炸偏偏了。Such a chance was denied me.(be denied)我没有得到没有得到这样一个机会。(他们)没给没给我这种机会。12正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法 This would cover my absence from the base.这可以掩盖我不在不在基地这件事。Without reasoning one is apt

6、 to be beyond control.人没有理智就容易失控失控。没有理智,人就不能自持不能自持。13正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法(2)副词 We may safely say so.我们无疑无疑可以这样说。毫无疑问毫无疑问,我们可以这么说。这么说,不会有不会有什么问题。完全完全可以这样说。我们大可大可这么说。确实可以确实可以这么说。14正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法 A:The boy is quite clever.B:Exactly.甲:这孩子很聪明。乙:一点不错一点不错。乙:没错。乙:的确。乙:真的。乙:就是。乙:确实是。15正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法 The subv

7、ersion attempts proved predictably futile.不出所料不出所料,颠覆活动证明毫无效果。正正如如(我们/你们/他们)预料预料的那样,颠覆活动毫无效果。如如(我/你/他)所料所料,颠覆活动实际上(事实上)没什么效果。16正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法 (3)形容词 He is not stupid,merely ignorant.他并不愚蠢,不过不过是无知而已。他不笨,就是就是有点无知。他不傻,就是什么没文化没文化。ignorant:showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge.17正反、反

8、正表达法正反、反正表达法 It would be most disastrous if even a rumor of it were given out.甚至甚至只要走漏一点风声,后果将不堪设想不堪设想。就是就是传出去一星半点,就完了完了/完蛋了完蛋了/玩儿完玩儿完了了。哪怕哪怕透出丝毫风声,(我们)就惨了惨了。18正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法 The explanation is pretty thin.这个解释相当不充分不充分。这个解释太牵强牵强。His refusal is not final.他的拒绝并不是不可改变不可改变的。他并没有完全完全拒绝。19正反、反正表达法正反、反正表

9、达法(4)介词 This problem is above me.这个问题我不懂不懂。It was beyond his power to sign such a contract.他无权无权签订这种合同。20正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法 These planes were held back to protect the home islands from enemy instead of being used where they were badly needed.这些飞机被留在后方以防止敌人攻击本岛而并未用于未用于急需的地方。21正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法 (5)连词 The

10、y would fight to death before they surrendered.他们宁愿战死也决不也决不投降。I will not go unless I hear from him.他不不通知我,我就不去。他通知,我才去。22正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法(6)名词 This failure was the making of him.(making:something made 制成之物)这次不成功不成功造就了他的成功成功。这次失败失败造就了他。23正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法 By about six-thirty the sounds of aircraft,tru

11、cks and tanks had become quite familiar,but a series of small explosions nearby seemed cause for new anxiety.大约到六点半,大家对飞机、卡车和坦克的声音并不陌生并不陌生(已习以为常)了。但是附近一些轻微的爆炸声似乎又引起了新的不安。24正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法(7)短语 The islanders found themselves far from ready to fight the war.岛民发现自己远没做好没做好作战准备。岛上的人发现自己根本没根本没做好准备。岛上的人发现

12、自己离离做好准备还差得远差得远。25正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法 Both sides thought that the peace proposal was one they could accept with dignity.双方认为,和平提案是他们可以接受而又不失体面的不失体面的建议。双方认为,和平提案是他们可以体面体面接受的。26正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法 We believe that the younger generation will prove worthy of our trust.我们相信,年轻一代将不会辜负不会辜负我们的信任。我们相信,年轻一代是值得值得我们信

13、赖的。When Philip missed the last bus,he was at a loss to know what to do.菲利浦误了最后一班车,不知不知该怎么办。27 正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法 (8)句子 He was 75,but he carried his years lightly.他75岁了,可并不并不显老显老。他75岁了,可看上去比实际年龄年轻年轻。28正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法 My guess is as good as yours.我也不知道。我跟你一样不知道不知道 我的猜测跟你的一样/我的猜测并不比不比你的高明。The decision h

14、as to come.决定还没有没有作出。必须做必须做决定了。29正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法l英语从反面表达,译文从正面表达(1)动词 The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanation.虽经他一番解释,疑团仍然存在存在。虽然他再三解释,疑问并未消除未消除。虽然他一再解释,(大家)还是很疑惑疑惑。(conversion)30正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法l(2)副词 Mr.Rumsfeld said the Soviet Union was unprecedentedly engaged in a missile-bu

15、ilding program.拉姆斯费尔德说,苏联正以空前空前/前所未有前所未有 的规模推行导弹制造计划。31正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法 (3)形容词 Hitlers undisguised effort to persecute the Jews met with world-wide condemnation.希特勒对犹太人露骨露骨/毫不掩饰毫不掩饰的迫害行为受到全世界的谴责。32正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法(4)名词 It was said that someone had sown discord among them.据说有人在他们中间挑拨挑拨离间离间。据说有人离间离间他们

16、。(conversion)据说有人在他们之间搬弄搬弄是非是非。制造制造不和不和。据说有人挑拨挑拨他们的关系关系。33正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法(5)短语 Dont lose time in posting this letter.赶快赶快把这封信寄出去。The examination left no doubt that the patient had died of cancer.调查结果清楚地清楚地说明病人死于癌症。34正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法(6)句子 The significance of these incidents wasnt lost on us.(be lost

17、 on:对不起作用)这些事件引起了引起了我们的重视重视。这些事件并非并非对我们没没意义。Such flights couldnt long escape notice.这些航班迟早会引起注意的引起注意的。这些航班不可能长期不被注意不被注意。35正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法lExercises1.The ache that had persisted in his chest had turned to severe pain.2.“If we lose our lives,then youll lose yours!”she said with a laugh.3.If he had ke

18、pt his temper,the negotiation would probably have been a success.36正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法4.I have failed to convince him of his error.5.She said simply,“They are all bad.”6.Appearances are deceptive.7.But thats very extraordinary.It seems against nature.8.His answer is beside the mark.9.She was politely a

19、cquiescent in what was evidently Greek to her.10.Silence reigned all over for a while.37正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法11.Slowly he pulled the letter out of the envelope,and unfolded it.12.The Stranger had already gone before he hurried to the hotel.13.She couldnt sit still till her native country was free.14.They

20、 would rather have the blue one than the green one.38正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法15.You will fail unless you work harder.16.“We should abstain from any exaggeration and void phrase-making,”said he 17.His explanation is far from being satisfactory.18.You should seize the opportune moment to put in a good word fo

21、r me.39正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法19.The news of the assassination of president Lincoln spread like wildfire.20.Miss Fairlie kept to her room all day.40正反、反正表达法正反、反正表达法lWe have held the subject up in every light of which it is capable;but it has been all in vain.Shall we resort to entreaty and humble applicati

22、on?What terms shall we find,which have not been already exhausted?Let us not,I beseech you,sir,deceive ourselves longer.Sir,we have done everything that could be done,to avert the storm which is now coming on.We have petitionedwe have remonstratedwe have prostrated ourselves before the throne,and im

23、plored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and parliament.Our petition to have been slighted;our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult;our supplications have been disregarded;and we have been spurned,with contempt,from the foot of the throne.41正反、反正表

24、达法正反、反正表达法lIn vain,after these things,may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation.There is no longer any room for hope.If we wish to be freeif we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contendingif we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged,and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon,until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtainedwe must fight!I repeat it,sir,we must fight!An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts,it all that is left us!42


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