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《新课程背景下教师角色与行为的变化.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新课程背景下教师角色与行为的变化.ppt(73页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。


2、学生获得基础知识和基本技能的过程成为学会学习和形成正确价值观念的过程。教师成为学生发展的促进者n帮助学生确定适当的学习目标,并确认和协调达到目标的有效途径;n指导学生形成良好的学习习惯,掌握学习策略,发展元认知能力;n创设丰富的教学情景,激发学生的学习动机,培养学习兴趣,充分调动学生的学习积极性;。n为学生的学习提供各种便利;n建立一个接纳的、支持性的、宽容的课堂气氛;n与学生分享自己的感情和想法;n与学生一起寻找真理,承认自己的过失和错误体现不同理念的语法教学导入行为方式的讨论关于commands和requests导入行为方式的讨论n教学内容:NSEFC Book 1 Unit 2 Engl

3、ish around the world中的语法部分commands and requestsn导入行为方式一:1.教师在大屏幕上呈现了8个句子:2.让学生将上述句子分成commands和requests两类。3.导入语法学习。n这8个句子是:n1)Go away.n2)Please lie down.n3)Shut the door.n4)Stand still.n5)Would you please open the window?n6)Take the dog for a walk.n7)Get me something to drink.n8)Could you please spea

4、k louder?n观察到的教学情况:n学生用了不到一分钟的时间完成任务,而且全部正确。n但教师依然按照自己的教学计划解释什么是commands和requests。n在教师解释什么是commands和requests时,学生只是机械地听讲,偶尔在笔记本上摘抄一两个例句。n整节课,学生无精打采,课堂气氛有些沉闷。n导入行为方式二:1.一名男生站在讲台上,充当robot(教师课前已与该生交代过游戏内容)。2.教师告诉其他学生:nHere is an advanced robot.Please give instructions to it in English.Lets see if it can

5、 act out what you will say.3.游戏开始。当学生发出requests时,robot听从指令,做出相应动作;当学生发出commands时,robot纹丝不动;教师将学生发出的指令写在黑板上。n4.教师终止游戏,并提问:nWhy did the robot move sometimes but not at other times?n评析:n通过观察学生的表现,我们发现后一种导入方式有以下几点可取之处:1.教师创设了能引导学生积极主动参与教学活动的环境,激发他们的学习动机。在这样的环境中,学生学习的兴趣极高,想出了各种指令,并争先恐后地向robot发出指令;课堂气氛非常活

6、跃。n2.学生通过自己的观察、亲身体验和归纳总结,学会区分commands和requests。n3.以学生的学习活动为中心,重视学生之间的合作。n4.由单向信息交流向综合信息交流转变。关于复习宾语补足语导入行为方式的讨论n导入行为方式一:n这位教师利用大屏幕上的文字解释什么是宾语补足语,哪些语言形式可以充当宾语补足语。n5分钟的导入成了学生的催眠曲,学生听得昏昏欲睡。n导入行为方式二:n另一位教师采用改错方式,引导学生积极参与教学。1.在大屏幕上呈现他儿子的照片(约12岁),并提问:Could you guess who the boy is?2.在学生猜出答案后,教师说:I taught m

7、y son some simple English.Yesterday he made up some sentences.But to my disappointment,none of the sentences are correct.Could you point out whats wrong with them?n3.在大屏幕上呈现若干个例句。例句包括了各种形式的宾语补足语,而且每个例句在宾语补足语的使用上均有错误:nI find my school change in the new term.nMy teacher asked me sit at the back.nMy un

8、cle consider me is a good boy.nThey tried to paint the door redly.n4.学生改错后,教师简单归纳宾语补足语的用法以及近几年高考考点。n评析:1.这种导入方式有效地激发了学生探究宾语补足语的兴趣,为下一步的学习做好了铺垫。2.学生在亲身体验和实践中,逐步形成自主学习的能力。3.改错也是一种反思自我学习过程和学习效果的有效方式。4.符合学生渴望了解自己的教师,特别是自己喜欢的教师的校外生活的心理需求,在无形中进一步激发了学生的学习动机。教师成为研究者n事实上,每一位教师都有能力对自己的教学行为进行反思、研究和改进,提出改进意见。教学

9、经验的价值1.经验有助于教师理解教育理论。2.经验有助于教师发现教学出现的一些问题。教师可以通过行动研究,找出解决这些问题的方法。What is action research?It refers to teacher-initiated small-scale classroom investigation which seeks to increase the teachers understanding of classroom teaching and learning and to bring about change in classroom practice.Action res

10、earch phases1.Initial reflection2.Planning3.Action&Observation4.Reflection 汉译英作业批改方式的行动研究案例一、初步反思一、初步反思(Initial Reflection)1.教教师师苦苦恼恼教教师师天天天天批批改改、天天天天纠错、学生还是错;纠错、学生还是错;2.学学生生着着急急上上火火学学生生天天天天订订正正、天天抄写还是错。天天抄写还是错。3.教教师师的的辛辛苦苦工工作作没没有有带带来来相相应应的的收收获。获。二、计划(二、计划(Planning)n由于这种句子汉译英的批改方式没有带来显著的教学效果,我计划在批改方

11、式上和讲评方式上都做一些改变。1.在批改方式上,我准备用符号代替逐一改正;2.在讲评方式上,我准备集体订正和个别辅导相结合。三、行动与观察三、行动与观察(Action and Observation)n批改方式变化:只用符号指出学生表达的不当之处,让学生仔细看教师的批改,再仔细听教师的讲评。n讲评方式变化:对普遍性的问题,我进行具体讲评;对个别性的问题,我进行单独辅导。n最后,学生根据教师的讲评,自己订正,并把自己订正的句子抄写一遍。老师进行有针对性的抽查。四、反思(四、反思(Reflection)n通过反思,发现问题,引出第二轮行动研究。通过反思,发现问题,引出第二轮行动研究。1.这样的变化

12、使教师用于批改的时间相对减少;这样的变化使教师用于批改的时间相对减少;2.一部分学生的翻译悟性有较大的提高;一部分学生的翻译悟性有较大的提高;3.一部分基础比较差的学生没有能力自己订正;一部分基础比较差的学生没有能力自己订正;4.一一部部分分学学习习态态度度不不积积极极的的学学生生,懒懒得得自自己己订订正,因此,他们抄写的句子依然错误很多。正,因此,他们抄写的句子依然错误很多。5.这这样样,这这些些学学生生的的句句子子汉汉译译英英的的水水平平几几乎乎没没有提高。有提高。再计划再计划 n由于这种批改、讲评方式没有为全体、或大多数学生带来显著教学效果,我计划在批改方式和讲评方式上再做进一步改变。n

13、采用教师指导 学生自评 生生互评 教师查阅的方式。再行动再行动 n首先,对学生如何批改进行指导和说明。n然后,学生4人一组,小组长按照批改要求,组织小组成员批改翻译作业,学生可以先自批,再相互批改,人人都要参与批改。n最后在作业本上签上批改人的姓名。再观察n在批改过程中,我观察到常常有学生问:这种表达对吗?这里需要扣分吗?n学生一方面认真寻找自己和别人的错误;另一方面,他们又害怕自己批改错了,而不好意思。n也确实出现了因批改不当,学生找老师当裁判的情况。n学生在思考和争论中,澄清了一些单词或短语使用上的困惑。n有时,在学生的争论中又出现了新的翻译问题,激发了学生进一步学习的兴趣。n学生批改完后



16、 Report的行动研究案例Initial reflectionn发现了问题:学生对daily report不热情,具体表现为别的同学演讲时,他们心不在焉;自己演讲时,就死记硬背事先准备的材料,敷衍了事。n教师调查原因:之所以不感兴趣,是因为他们从初中就做daily report,到了高中还是这种形式,对他们失去了吸引力。Planningn为了加强daily report的教学效果,计划利用牛津教材“贴近生活、涉及面广、图文并茂、形式多样”的特点,在四个方面进行改进:n演讲内容n演讲形式n反馈方式n准备时间Action and observation(演讲内容)1)自选话题:时间限定高一入学第

17、一个月,学生自由选择话题,以适应初中到高中的变化。2)规定话题:(1)笼统话题,在教材每一章的教学过程中,把该章的主题,如Food and health作为演讲内容;(2)具体话题,期末复习阶段,根据复习进度,为每章规定23个话题,供学生选择。3)看图说话:把教材中的插图作为演讲素材,采用两种形式:(1)无任何限制,学生自由发挥(2)给出第一句话,学生按照此思路发挥。Action and observation(演讲形式)1.单人演讲;2.同桌对话;3.小组演讲:4人一组,可以演小品,也可以小组辩论或讨论。Action and observation(反馈方式)n演讲后立刻反馈。通过与学生协商

18、,确定以下7种反馈方式:1.演讲者就演讲内容向同学提问;2.教师就演讲内容向学生提问;3.同学之间就演讲内容相互提问;4.听讲学生就演讲内容向演讲者提问;5.教师就演讲内容向演讲者提问;6.教师对演讲活动进行评价;7.学生就演讲活动进行评价。Action and observation(准备时间)1.高一:学生有3天到一周的准备时间;2.高二:提前一天告知学生演讲内容;3.高三:在上课前5分钟告知学生。Reflection:analysis and interpretation n调查发现,学生对daily report的改进措施持欢迎态度,daily report的效果显著:1.学生演讲机会

19、增加;2.演讲与教材结合,有教材中丰富语言的支持,学生有话可讲,有话想讲;3.帮助学生加深对教材的理解,复习巩固了所学内容;4.不仅提高英语口语水平,而且锻炼应变能力,并为课堂营造了良好的开端和活跃的气氛。Instruction of Learning StrategyAcquiring Self-help SkillsThe Importance of Learning Strategy InstructionnLearning Strategy Instruction(LSI)is based on supporting the students in understanding thei

20、r own learning and in monitoring the methods and results of strategies they use in reading,writing,discussions and research.nLSI helps support English language learners in employing self-monitoring and self-help approaches to succeed in school.Application nMs W has a number of students in her class

21、who do not turn in homework regularly.nShe devises a student questionnaire to determine the students approaches to doing homework.Application step 1:surveynHomework Questionnaire nName:_n1.I do homework nA.never B.sometimes C.about half the time D.most of the time E.alwaysn2.I do homework nA.while w

22、atching TV nB.at the kitchen tablenC.in my room,on my bed,at my desknD.right after school,after dinner,right before I go to bedn3.My parents ask me if I have homeworknA.never B.sometimes C.about half the time D.most of the time E.alwaysn4.I feel the practice I get doing homework isnA.a waste of time

23、 B.somewhat helpful nC.helpful D.important E.very importantn5.I feel the weight given to homework isnA.too much B.about right nC.too littleApplication step 2:analyzenMs W does an analysis of the results of her questionnaire,but before she shares it with the class she asks the students to predict wha

24、t she found when she compared their responses on the questionnaire with their grades in the class.Application step 3:organize the first discussionnShe puts the students into groups of three and asks them to discuss the questionnaire and which of the responses were most important in assuring that hom

25、ework was done regularly and grades were good.nEach group shares predictions that are remarkably similar.The result of the first discussionnThe consensus is that doing homework regularly,at a set time and place,is most helpful.Organize the second discussionnMs W then asks the students to discuss the

26、 barriers they encounter in doing homework.nThey come up with a list of barriers:nNo place to studynOther people interferenTelevision is always onnLack of motivationnAfter-school jobsnThen the students brainstorm ways to overcome the barriers to doing homework.Application step 4:students make sugges

27、tionsnTheir suggestions include talking to their parents and finding a place in the house for them to do homework,setting up a schedule,asking that the television be turned off for a set amount of time each evening,and setting up a homework club so the younger siblings are all doing homework,too.Mod

28、el a time management strategy nMs.W demonstrates a time management strategy in which she shows how she plans the ways she uses her time between the end of the school day and bedtime.nShe gives each student a daily planning paper that divides the hours from 7 p.m.until 9:30 p.m.into half-hour segment

29、s.nShe leads the students through a planning activity in which they examine the ways they use their time and helps them find an hour each evening in which they could do homework.nSeveral of the students are surprised at the amount of time they spend watching TV or talking on the telephone.Organize a

30、 role-play activitynMs.W provides a role-play activity where the students pair up and conduct a conversation as if they are talking to their family about the homework problem and giving suggestions as how it can be solved.nThe students practice sharing their daily planning sheets with their families

31、 and enlisting their support in implementing a homework hour for the family.nMs.W emphasizes how helpful this family approach will be to the younger students in the family.Students do reflectionnAt the end of the next week,Ms W asks each of her students to write a brief reflection on the homework is

32、sue and whether their planning and family discussions were helpful.nThe students who carried through on the homework are asked to share their reflection with the class.The results of LSInAlthough she still has a few students not completing homework,Ms.W thinks the exercise was successful for several

33、 of the students.nThe number of homework assignments being submitted has increased and several of the students are sharing success stories involving their younger brothers and sisters.Conclusion nLSI helps students to become more responsible for their own success in school.nTeaching students how to

34、monitor their own understanding and identify,plan and implement ways to help themselves to understand and evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies being used supports their motivation to learn and their self-confidence.nAlthough study kills have been taught in school for a number of years,LSI in

35、troduces the idea that students dont always learn in the same ways.nThe individual learning style and strong intelligences become important in identifying strategies that work for each individual.Where do research questions come from?(1)n自己在教学中发现的由来已久的问题或困难。n自己目前在教学中比较突出的问题。Where do research questio

36、ns come from?(2)ones interest,ones experience,ones wide reading or a combination of theseGeneral topic areaA research question具有哪些特点的问题可称之为“研究问题”n探索两个或多个变量之间的关系,而不能仅仅涉及一个变量。n问题必须明确无误地陈述出来。n问题必须具有可检验性,即具有利用所收集的资料回答问题的可能性。选择“研究问题”注意两点1.是否具有研究价值(Worthwhile):importance and interest;2.研究是否具有可行性(Doable):m

37、anageability and availability of recourses。“研究问题”的陈述n对“研究问题”中所包含的词语要作出清晰界定。n清楚说明研究的范围和变量的限定。n研究题目可以问题的形式或假设的形式提出。nWhat are the psychological effects of computer-assisted instruction?nStudents composing on computers write differently than they do when composing by hand.Wiersmas suggestion on developi

38、ng a research questionnState the question broadly first,then refine and restrict it progressively through a review of the literature.Original(原陈述):Achievement and teaching techniquesRestatement(再陈述):A study of the effects of three teaching techniques on English achievement of junior high school stud

39、ents.Question(问题式陈述):Do three different teaching techniques have different effects on English achievement scores of junior high school students?Select a concern and change it into the focus of researchnThe students in my speech class seem to have great difficulty when I ask them to do oral presentat

40、ions./What changes could be made to the speech curriculum to give students the prerequisite skills that are needed for oral presentations?nWhen students write compositions,they make little use of the revision strategies I have presented./Are there any different teaching techniques that would better prepare students for using revision strategies in writing?投稿友情提示n要想在哪一家杂志上发表文章,应该注意以下了解几点:1.杂志的读者群;2.杂志栏目;3.出版周期:月刊?双月刊?还是季刊?4.杂志容量:多少页?每一期大概发表多少篇文章?


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