备战2023年高考英语重难题型高分攻略02 阅读理解之观点态度题(教师版).docx

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1、备横2023高考阅读之观点态度题目录内容板块一题型解析板块二典题感悟板块三模考题练手板块四课后习题训练-:题型解析1:观点态度题设题方式推断文章作者对某事所持的态度或观点。推断文章中的人物对文中事物或内容的观点或看法。2:观点态度题设问方式Whats the authors attitude towards .?The authors altitude towards . is.What does the author think of.?How does (he author sound in Paragraph .?Whal is sb.s attitude to .?3:解题技巧四个关注

2、:I.看清楚是作者还是文中人物对什么的态度,再定位关键词分析2 .利用文中描写环境表达感情色彩,观点态度的词语或句子推断作者的观点态度3 .利用文中人物的直接引语判断其观点态度4 .切勿用自己的观点代替作者或文中人物的观点态度分类1 )错误率较高的态度类选项。 冷漠类:indifferent (漠不关心的)、careless (粗心的)、disinterested (不感兴趣的). 迷惑类:confused (困惑的)puzzled (困惑的)uncertain (不确定的,不知道的). 主观类:subjective(主观的)fear(害怕的)prejudiced(偏见的)biased(偏见的

3、)、gloomy (模糊的) questionable (有问题的)、scared (害怕的)、sarcaslic (讽刺的)、doublful(怀疑的)、skeptical (怀疑的). 中立选项(无倾向):neutral (中立的).2)可能正确的态度类选项(不可直接选择,用于检查,答案只能在下面三类选项当中 正面评价:positive (枳极的)、approval (赞同的)、supportive (支持的);favor(支持的). 中立评价(有倾向):objective(客观的)、impartial (客观的,公正的)、unbiased (公正的)注意:hardships, but i

4、nternational law, rightly or wrongly, only recognizes those fleeing conflict and violence as refugees.So what happens when someone flees their country? Today, roughly half the worlds refugees are children, some of them unaccompanied by an adult, in a situation that makes them especially vulnerable (

5、易受伤的)to child labor or sexual abuse. Most refugee journeys are long and dangerous with small access to shelter, water, or food. Since the departure can be sudden and unexpected, belongings might be left behind, and people who arc getting out of conflict often do not have the required documents, like

6、 visas, to board airplanes and legally enter other countries. Financial and political factors can also prevent them from traveling by standard routes. This means they can usually only travel by land or sea, and may need to entrust their lives to smugglers (走和者)to help them cross borders.Whereas some

7、 people seek safety with their families, others attempt passage alone and leave their loved ones behind with the hopes of being reunited later. This separation can be unbearably long.8. Who arc refugees according to the text?A. Those leaving their homes to avoid heavy work.B. Those fleeing abroad to

8、 improve living conditions.C. People leaving their homes to escape violent attacks.D. People going abroad to seek economic opportunities.9. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us about refugees?A. They arc unsatisfied with their new life.B. They are faced with various misfortunes.C. Its hard fo

9、r them to have a family reunion.D. Its illegal fbr them to enter other countries.1(). What is the authors attitude toward refugees?C. Curious.D. Critical.B. Where Is a Refugees Ilome?D. What Does a Refugee Need to Do?A. Concerned.B. Indifferent.11. Which can be a suitable (ille for the text?A. Where

10、 Is a Refugees Shelter?C. What Does 1( Mean to Be a Refugee?解析:8. C 9. B 10. A 11. C本文是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了难民的定义以及成为难民意味着什么。8 .细节理解题。根据第一段Around the globe, there are approximately 60 million people who have been forced to leave their homes to escape war, violence, and persecution (迫害).The majority of them

11、have become internally displaced persons, which means they have fled their homes but are still within their own countries. Others have crossed a border and sought shelter outside of their own countries. They are commonly referred to as refugees. ”可知,离开家园躲避暴力袭击的人称为难民。故选C。9 .主旨大意题。根据最后一段So what happen

12、s when someone flees their country?(那么当有人逃离自 己的国家时会发生什么呢?)”及后文内容可知,本段介绍了难民逃离自己家乡后所遭遇的各种不幸。故选B。10 .推理判断题。根据最后一段Today, roughly half the worlds refugees are children, some of them unaccompanied by an adult, in a situation that makes them especially vulnerable (易受伤的)to child labor or sexual abuse. Most

13、refugee journeys are long and dangerous with small access to shelter, water, or food. Since the departure can be sudden and unexpected, belongings might be left behind, and people who aregetting out of conflict often do not have the required documents, like visas, to board airplanes and legally ente

14、r other countries. Financial and political factors can also prevent them from traveling by standard routes. This means they can usually only travel by land or sea, and may need to entrust their lives to smugglers (走私者)to help them cross borders. Whereas some people seek safety with their families, o

15、thers attempt passage alone and leave their loved ones behind with the hopes of being reunited later.”可推断,作 者对于这些人逃离家乡后所遭遇的各种不幸的难民很担心。故选Ao11 .主旨大意题。根据第一段Around the globe, there are approximately 60 million people who have been forced to leave their homes to escape war, violence, and persecution (迫害)

16、.The majority of them have become internally displaced persons, which means they have fled their homes but are still within their own countries. Others have crossed a border and sought shelter outside of their own countries. They are commonly referred to as refugees”和最后一段So what happens when someone

17、 flees their country?(那么 当有人逃离自己的国家时会发生什么呢?)”及全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了难民的定义以及成为难民意 味着什么。所以“What Does It Mean to Be a Refugee?(难民意味着什么?)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选C。专题过关目录内容板块一名校模拟题板块二省市联考题板块三篇章训练题名校模拟题(福建省连城县第一中学2022-2023学年高三上学期暑期月考英语)The number of electronic devices in the classroom is thought to be another reason why st

18、udents arc easily satisfied with just a poor knowledge of the Chinese language and characters. 1( is quicker to look up a character in an electronic dictionary, but traditional printed dictionaries offer more detailed information on the usage and meaning of the characters. Students pay more attentio

19、n to remembering a character , s pronunciation, but not the other knowledge related to it, which e-dictionaries rarely provide.Another worry is the u pollution M of Chinese characters by Internet language. Young people regard using Internet language as cool and fashionable. After they learn to use t

20、hese expressions, they automatically include them in their writing.I : What, s the writer* s altitude towards the Internet language?A. Favorable.B.Uncaring.C.Disapproving.D.Friendly.解析:C考查观点态度。根据文段的内容,尤其是最后一段第一句中的“pollution”可推知,作者 对网络语言的使用持不赞成的态度。故选C。(湖北省枣阳市第一中学2022-2023学年高三上学期8月月考)I had just delive

21、red a memorable speech, and I was about to learn how the judges decided my performance. The audience leaned forward and a period of silence fell across the room. I felt the drum rolled in my heart.The third-place winner was announced. The name was not mine. Then the second-place winner, still not me

22、. At last, the moment of truth came. I was about to either enjoy (he warmth of victory or regret the months preparation. My heart felt closer to the latter.2: How did the author feel after finishing his speech?A. Delighted. B. Annoyed.C. Thrilled.D. Nervous.解析:观点态度题。根据第一段中“I felt the drum rolled in

23、my heart.(我感到心里在打鼓)”可知,作 者结束演讲后感觉紧张。故选Do(宁夏银川市第一中学2021-2022学年高三上学期第三次月考英语试题)The most convincing experiment took place on a closed airport runway in Sweden, near Gothenburg, in August of last year. On that track, brave participants had to ride in the backseat of a car driven by a human and read from

24、a tablet while the car navigated the course. With just 20 people, the study was small, but according to researchers, the presence of sound tips made people report that they felt less ill. Participants said the sounds helped prepare them physically, or adjust their bodies fbr what was about to happen

25、.3: What is the attitude of the author to the method of sound (ips?A. Uncertain.B. Worried.C. Optimistic.D. Dissatisfied.解析:观点态度题。根据第四段中“The most convincing experiment took place on a closed airport runway in Sweden, near Gothenburg, in August of last year.(去年8月,最具说服力的实验发生在瑞典哥德 堡附近一个封闭的机场跑道上)”以及 uWi

26、th just 20 people, the study was small, but according to researchers, the presence of sound tips made people report that they felt less ill. Participants said the sounds helped prepare them physically, or adjust their bodies for what was about to happen.(这项只有 20 人参与的研究规模很小,但据研究人员称,声音提示的存在让人们报告说他们感觉不

27、那么难受了。参与者 说,这些声音帮助他们在身体上做好准备,或调整他们的身体,以应对即将发生的事情)”可推知,作者 对声音提示的方法持乐观态度。故选C。(河北省唐山市第一中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题)CaitIins adviser, Julie Libarkin, a professor of earth and environmental science at Michigan State University, also encourages the acceptance of failure in her students. Libarkin believes i

28、ts important fbr students to get into habit of applying for things, and to get used to the feeling of rejection, so she encourages them to chase after any opportunity that comes their way. If a student doesnt get the grant or the spot in the academic journal, thats okay. Theyll still have learned so

29、mething in the process.4: What is Julie Libarkins attitude towards Caitlins action?A. Favorable.B. Ambiguous.C. Skeptical.D. Opposed.解析:观点态度题。根据文章第三段Caitlins adviser, Julie Libarkin, a professor of earth and environmental science at Michigan State University, also encourages the acceptance of failur

30、e in her students. Libarkin believes its important for students to get into habit of applying for things, and to get used to the feeling of rejection, so she encourages them to chase after any opportunity that conies their way. (Caitlin的导师、密歇根州立大学地球与环境科学教授Julie Libarkin也鼓励学生接受失败.Libarkin认为, 对学生来说,养成

31、申请的习惯并习惯被拒的感觉非常重要。因此,她鼓励学生们追逐任何机会)”可推断, Julie Libarkin对Caitlin的行为是赞成的。故选Ao(湖南省长沙市雅礼中学2022-2023学年高三上学期月考一)Dr. Margaret Blattner, clinical instructor, from the department of neurology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, tells PEOPLE that frequent or long daytime naps can disturb healthy nighttime

32、 sleep. Napping during the day may make it harder to fall asleep at night or cause nighttime sleep to become fragmented and that missing out on night time sleep can cause severe daytime sleepiness.5: What is Dr. Margaret Blattner s attitude towards the daytime napping?A. Doubtful. B. Objective. C. I

33、ndifferent.D. Opposed.解析:观点态度题。根据第二段中的“Dr. Margaret Blattner tells PEOPLE that frequent or long daytime naps can disturb healthy nighttime sleep(玛格丽特布拉特纳博士告诉人物杂志,白天频繁或 长时间的小睡会影响健康的夜间睡眠)”和倒数第二段中的aBut Blattner assures that taking naps can also be beneficial(但布拉特纳保证,小睡也可能是有益的)”可知,Margaret Blattner认为白天小

34、睡既有好处也 有坏处。因此,她对白天小睡的态度是客观的。故选B。(湖南省长沙市长郡中学2022-2023学高三上学期月考卷二)Khouiy and some of his colleagues just finished a survey of about 600 wild crop relatives that grow in North America, and they found that most of these plants are threatened by things like fires, fanning and development. The scientists a

35、rgue that they deserve more protection. For one thing, “gene banks v should collect and preserve them. In addition, these plants need more protection in their natural habitat.6: How might the scientists feel about their survey results?A. Relieved. B. Concerned.C. Annoyed.D. Critical.解析:观点态度题。根据第三段中的

36、Khoury and some of his colleagues just finished a survey of about 600 wild crop relatives that grow in North America, and they found that most of these plants are threatened by things like fires, farming and development.(库里和他的一些同事刚刚完成了一项对大约 600 种生长在北美的野生作物亲属的调查,他们发现这些植物中的大多数都受到火灾、农业和开发等因素的威 胁。)”可知,科

37、学家们对约600种野生植物进行了调研后发现,其中绝大多数的生存状况不容乐观,受 到了诸如火灾、农耕及社会发展的威胁。由此可推知,科学家们对其发现会感到担忧。故选B。(浙江省浙南名校2023届高三上学期第一次联考英语)What scientists did for the study was look at the ice in balance. Normally, snowfall in the mountains in Greenland flows down and recharges and thickens the sides of glaciers, balancing out wh

38、at , s melting on the edges. But in the last few decades, there s less replenishment and more melting, creating imbalance. Based on the ratio of what s being added to what s being lost, the study authors calculated that 3.3% of Greenland , s total ice volume will melt, contributing to al least ten i

39、nches in sea level rise, a global average.This is the first time scientists calculated a minimum ice loss - and accompanying sea level rise - fbr Greenland, one of Earth s two massive ice sheets that are slowly shrinking because of climate change from burning coal, oil and natural gas.7. Whats the a

40、uthors attitude towards the loss of the two icc sheets in Greenland?A. Indifferent.B. Objective.C. CriticalD. Optimistic.解析:观点态度题。indifferent/冷漠的,objective/客观的,critical/批判性的,optimistic/乐观的,因 为作者很关注这件事才写了这篇文章,故A错误;文段描述的是批判的是人类破坏生态的行为而非冰川 融化这一现象,故C错误;冰川融化反映了生态的糟糕处境,作者不可能因为这件事感到乐观,故D错 误。省市联考题(2022届黑龙江省

41、齐齐哈尔市高三第二次模拟考试)The bear was eventually trapped and sent to a remote wild habitat in Ei Dorado County. Its tracking collar was found in the woods in the spring of 2021, leading biologists to hope that it had successfully gotten used to a natural diet and lost weight, allowing the collar to slip off.B

42、ut the truth was ver), heart-breaking. The big bear was reduced to a shell of its former self and was killed at a campground where a family gathering included small children.“The action of the shooter was the most humane outcome for this bear,M said one of the biologists.1. What is the biologists at

43、titude to the action of the shooter?A. Opposed. B. Skeptical. C. Supportive.D. Unconcerned.解析:观点态度题。根据最后一段的“The action of the shooter was the most humane outcome for this bear, said one of the biologists4”射击者的行为对这只熊来说是最人道的结果,”其中一位生物学家说)” 可知,这位生物学家对射击者的行为是支持的。故选C。(2022 年深圳市高三年级第二次调研考试)Coaches are alm

44、ost always hesitant(o speak about individual players. But when coach Shui was asked about Wang before the match against Vietnam, she couldnt stop mentioning her influence on the team. Unfailingly performing on the big stage, Wang did not let her team down. When they lacked a quality ball, she delive

45、red two high assists that finally led her team into the last-four clash (四分之一决赛).“Nobody knows how hard it was, “ declared Wang after the match. “Wc overcame difficulties. Wc also showed our strong spiritual power. I am proud of my team.”2: Which would best describe coach Shuis attitude to Wang?A. C

46、onservative.B. Contradictory.C. Favourable.D. Demanding.解析:见文章倒数第二段,可知,水教练认为王爽没有让团队失望,在团队缺少高质量的球时,王爽 提供了两次高质量助攻,并最终使她的球队进入了最后四场比赛。可见,水教练对于王爽的态度是非常认 可和欣赏的。故选C。(湖南省雅礼十六校 2022 届高三第二次联考)He thought, “What a heavy career i( is that IT ve chosen! Travelling day in and day out. Doing business like this take

47、s much more effort than doing your own business at home, and on lop of that (here * s the curse of travelling, worries about making train connections, bad and irregular food, contact with different people all the time so that you can never get (o know anyone or become friendly with them. He felt a s

48、light itch up on his belly; pushed himself slowly up on his back towards the headboard so that he could lift his head better; found where the itch was, and saw (hat it was covered with lots of little white spots which he didn t know what to make of; and when he tried to feel the place with one of his legs he drew it quickly back because as soon as he touched it he was overcome by a cold tremble.He slid back into his former position. uGetting up early all the time,“ he thought, “it makes you stupid. You vc got to get enough sleep. Other


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