新译林版英语七年级上册 教案Unit2.docx

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1、总课时数:201_年月 日星期课题Unit!Comic strip and welcome to the unit课型new教 学 目 标To grasp the new words and phrases :walking really bowl time tennis volleyballgo swimmingDo you often play football? I often play football after school.重 点To grasp the new words and phrases难点、Really? I walk to my bowl many times a

2、day.教法及教具教学过程教师主导活动学生主体活动Stepl Free TalkDo you like sports?Whafs your favourite sports?Step2 PresentationPlaying sport s is good for us.I hope every one of you can keep exercisin lefs look at the pictures on the screen.Will you please tell me what sports they are? (football, swimming, volleyball)Ste

3、p3 Fill in the blanksLook at the pictures on Page 19.Please fill in the blanks.Step4 language pointslike/love doing sthbe good at doing sth = do well in doing sth enjoy doing sth Most of the children like/love (watch) cartoons. Are you good at(speak) English? =Do you do well in(speak) English? Iofte

4、n enjoy(play) basketball in my school.Step5 PracticeT: I like swimming, whafs your favourite sport? S: I like playingT: Do you often play? S: Yes./No. T: (If yes) I always go swimming every week.Discuss their favourite sports.Make Ss read after the teacherMake new sentences with the language points.

5、Correct their mistakes.总课时数:201_年月 日星期教法及教具课题Unit 2 Grammar (2)课型new教 学 目 标drawing weekend shopat / on weekends=at / on the weekend of courseTo master the simple present tense of the verb to do重 点To master the simple present tense of难点To master the simple present tense of the verbthe verb to doto do

6、教师主导活动学生主 体活动教Step 1 RevisionWe use the Simple present tense of the verb to do when we tai k about:Things that we often do.Things that are always true.Things that are true now.Ask the students to give moreFor example:I live in a flat.I have a pet at home.examples学I go to work by bus.I watch TV at we

7、ekends.I do the housework every evening.过Step 2 Presentation当主语为第三人称单数时谓语动词用三单现形式。You have known sth. about me.程Now can you tell your partner about these?Pay attation to the usage ofYou can begin with She.”verbs.She lives in a flat.Give more examples byShe has a pet at home.She goes to work by bus.S

8、he watches TV at weekends.She does the housework every evening. 动词的三单现变化规则如下:themselves.(1) 一般情况加-s,例如:(3)以辅音字母+y结尾的动read一reads cook一cooks bring一bringsuse-uses词,变y为i再加-es。例如:教学过程(2)以s,x,sh,ch结尾的动词,加-es.例如:miss一,finish一,teach watch一fix一carry一, study一,fly一教师主导活动学生主 体活动(4)以o结尾的动词加-esgo - do -(5) have 变

9、成 hasIshow you a picture of Simon. Look carefully and then answer my questions.(1) Does he like playing football? Yes. He does. Simon likes playin g football.(2)Does he wear glasses? No, he doesnt. Simon doesnt wear glass es.(3)Pay attention to the underlined part and work out the rule.(4)当主语是第三人称单数

10、(he, she, it)时,其否定句要借助于 does not/doesnt 后面的动词用原形。特别要注意doesnt的 拼写。当主语是第三人称单数时,借助于does来提问,后面 的动词用原形。Step 4: practiceTurn to P24, finish Parts A, B and C. then check the answers. Language points:1. play volleyball2. dance well3. go swimming4. play football with his friends.5. watch ball games on TV 6.

11、enjoy listening to music7. at weekends2) .Jill (not be)区分 Jill, (not be) sad.3) .Where he ?A. does, from B. is , fromRemember the rules.write down the rules.8) .My cousin sometimes flies a kite with me in the afternoo n.(改为一般疑问句)your cousin some times -a kite with you in the afternoon?9) .My family

12、often(have) dinner at my grandparents home.5) .My father (not be)at home now.6) .Daniel always (play) computer games.7) .My mother (not watch) our games, but sometimes my father(go) (watch)them.Do the exercises .Then correct the mistakes with each other.板书设计Unit 2 Grammar (2 般情况力口-s,例如:readreads coo

13、kcooks bringbrings useuses 以s,x,sh,ch结尾的动词,加-es.例如: miss,finish,teach watchfix 以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,变y为i再加-es。例如: carry, study, fly一 以 o 结尾的动词力口-es go - do - have 变成 has教学札记总课时数:201_年一月一日星期课题 Unit2 Integrated skills课型new教 学 目 标1. To get useful information from listening materials.2. Learn new words and expr

14、essions.3. To get some information by listening.重 点1. To complete some exercises by listening.难点1. To complete some exercises by listening.2. To talk about “What sports do you like?”2. To talk about What do you often do after school?”教法及教具教师主导活动学生主体活动Step I Presentation1. Free talkFree talkT: What s

15、port do you like? What sport do I like? Can you guess?Do you like sports?2. Show some pictures about Simon, Sandy and Daniel.What sport do you usuallyT: Do you remember these students?play?Do you know what activities they like?What sport do you like?教Step II Listening学1. Finish a part of part A.2. L

16、isten to the tape. And then complete the rest of exercises.3. Check the answers.4. Listen to the tape .Complete the notes in part A2.5. Check the answers in pairs.6. Read the article in part A2.过Step III Presentation1. Speak up ,practice the following questions:Students try to answer the程2. Do you l

17、ike sports?3. Where do you often play.?4. When do you usually play.?5. What do you often do after school?questions in groups.Step IV Practice 1,T orF1) Music makes Sandy feel great.2) Sandy also likes playing volleyball.3) Millie likes listening to music.4) Millie plays volleyball with friends.5) Mi

18、llie reads a lot of interesting books.Act out the conversation.2. Check the answers.教师主导活动学生主体活动教学过程3 . Read the conversation after the tape.Work in groups of four and make new conversations about your after-school activities.4 Mr. Wu is asking his students about their favourite sports. Lets help Mr

19、. Wu write the correct letters in the boxes.Completing the notes.Complete the notes according to the information on P25.Check the answers and remind the students to pay attention to some important points.Step V: Speak up1) Sandy and Millie are talking about what they often do after school.2) Lefs li

20、sten to their conversation and answer some questions. QI: What does Sandy often do after school? She often plays basketball.3) Q2: What else does Sandy like to do?4) She likes to listen to music.一.a lot of指点迷津a lot of = lots of,意思是“许多”,后面oj以跟可数 名词(复数),也可以跟不可数名词。常用于肯定句中。He has lots of books.他有许多书。 二、

21、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Jim loves(play) football.1.1 am not very good at(sport).3. All my(teacher) like me.4. My cousin, Daniel,(wear) a pair of glasses.1. 1 have many friends. I love(their) very much.6. Kate has many(interest) books. She reads them everyday.7. This song makes me(feel) happy.一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子

22、。1. This book is(真)interesting.The students in Class One, Grade Seven like to play different kindsof sports.Can you tell me what they are? (show the pictures of sports to the students)Language points:(1) What else do you like to do? Else Who else will go with you? Is there anything else interesting

23、in todays newspaper? What else can you see?二 What other things can you see?(2) I read a lot of interesting books, a lot of = lots of e.g. He has a lot of meat and vegetables for lunch.They have great fun visiting the zoo.B great fun to do sth.= Doing sth. is great fun2. (阅读)is fun. I like it.3. He t

24、ells me some(有趣的)things.4. She likes playing table t.5. I have a lot of(朋友)here.板书设计1. else2. interesting3. fun4. It makes me feel great.5 What else do you like to do教学札记总课时数:课题Unit2 Study skills课型教 学 目 标1. Help the students read the words correctly.2. Use the expressions to talk about their favouri

25、te sports.3. Introduce their hobbies to their friends.重 点He plays basketball very well.难点1. I love sports.周 Id /i/ / / /A /2. I often play.with.教法及教具教学过程教师主导活动学生主体活动Step I PresentationShow some pictures.Picture oneThis boy in his picture is Jack.He often plays with hisafter school.Picture twois Ken

26、s favourite sport.he likes palying tennis with his father.1. Write down the words, cat tennis slim shop fun 2.Pay attention to the vowel letters in these words.3.呈现五个元音字母在重读闭音节中的发音:Step II Practice1 .Read the words in the table on page 27.2 .Look at the words in Part A. Read them and them under the

27、correct sound groups.3 .Read the words in ParB.4 . Present Part C.Picture1Can you see a red bag in the picture? Do you want to take it? Picture 2What are these in the pictureThey are some eggs. These eggs are very big.Picture 3Do you like this picture? I think it s nice.5 . Pay attention these words

28、. Find out their diffrentces. 6. Read the short phrases in Part C.Homework 1. Practice the vowels.2. Complete the exercises on the students workbook.Free talk :I like walking/swimming.What about you?Encourage the students to talk about the questions.Picture 4There is a box in the picture. Do you wan

29、t to open it? Oh, a dog is in it.Picture 5Who s this girl? It s Kitty. She likes singing and is in a music club.总课时数:201年 月日星期教教师主导活动学生主体活动学过一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Are you good at(swim)?2. These(picture)are on the wall.3. Lefs(play)a game.4. They are(member)of Swimming Club.5. I often play basketball(和)my

30、friends.6. We often(看)basketball matches on TV.7. He is a football(play).8. He plays volleyball very(好).9.二、找出与所给音标发音相同的单词10. )1. /ae/ A. withB. stopC.map11. )2. /e/ A. deskB.dadC. him12. )3./a /A.dogB.runC.red13. )4. /i/A. bigB.capC.red14. )5. / /A.eggB. butC.long三、将下列单词按相同的音标 归类:hand lab lend test

31、 filmbill job top gun luck/e/i/ /A/程Study skillsVowels五个元音字母在重读闭音节中的发音:板书设计/g/ /e/ /i/ /o / /atake this bag1. these eggsa nice picture2. open the boxa music club教学札记总课时数:201_年月 日星期课题Unit! Task课型教 学 目 标1. To know some words, short phrases and sentences in this unit.2. To talk about oneself sports重 点1

32、. Learn to use “do” and “does”.难点To write a article2. Learn to change the sentences.I love sports教法及教具教学过程教师主导活动学生主体活动Step I PresentationShow a picture about Lin Shuhao.T: Who is this man?(Jeremy Lin) He is a famous basketball player.Do you like him? DO you watch his matches?Many people like this yo

33、ung man. Jeremy Lin is their hero.He is a member of New York basketball team.Free talkT:Do you like sport?What is your favourite sport?Who is your hero?Where can you watch his/her matches?Are you good at.?Do you often play.after school?Step II ReadingT: Today ,we will meet David. He is a student at

34、Sunshine Middle.Do you want to know more about him?Read the article and complete the table.Step III ActivitiyWork in groups of four and use the following questions to make the dialogue.1) What sport do you love/like/enjoy?2) Whats your favourite sport/player?3) Who do you often play.with?4) Where do

35、 you often play.?5) When do you often play.?Step IV Writing1、写出下列单词的第三人称单数形式:putenjoywriteteachflyhavePlaystudyguessmatchgolike教学过程1. Complete the table in Part B.2. Introduce oneself favourite sport in the same way.3. Have finished own article. Work in groups of four.Read each others articles and c

36、hoose the best one.4. Free talk and teach new words:Do you love sports?What sports do you like Why?.5. talk about/ of: They are talking about the match. Please talk about/ of your new school Hero: Lei Feng is my hero.They are heroes.Do you know how to write about your favourite sport?6. Ask the stud

37、ents to learn from Davids favourite sport.Talk about Davids favourite sport.Ask the students to answer some questions about David.Does David love sports?Step V. Practise.1. Ask the students to conclude the information which should be included into article.(参考 Part B) Ask the students to talk about t

38、he structure of the article. What should we write first? What should we write in the second passage? What should we write in the third passage?2. Ask the students to ill the form to talk about their own favourite sport (Part BStep VI. Share the best writing.Homework:1. Reading and recite Davids arti

39、cle.2. Complete the exercises on the students workbookStudents practise:He is Sun Yang. He is a member of the Chinese swimming team. He is in the Chinese swimming team.What sport does he like very much?What team is he in? Who does he play with after school?What does he and his friends talk about?Doe

40、s he often watch matches?Who is his favourite player?3. Ask the students to write their own article.4. Ask the students to correct their writing on their own according to the rules on the screen.5. Ask theii- deskmates to con-ect their writings.板书设计句型转换:1 He is very good at playing football.(改写同义句)H

41、e is a very.2、Jim often reads books in the library on Sunday.(对划线部分提问)Jim often books in the library?3、She is in the Reading Club.(改写同义句)She isthe Reading Club._教学札记总课时数:课题Unit2 Self-assessment & revision课型教 学 目 标1. To know how to use the phrases in this unit.2. To grasp the sentence patterns in thi

42、s unit.重 点1. Talk about “I love sports”.难点He plays basketball very well.2. Practise “I often play.with.79Grasp the phrases.教法及教具教学过程教师主导活动学生主体活动Stepl Practice.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Show(my) your sharpener, please.2. You must look after(she).3. (his) listens to the teacher very carefully.4. That is not(you)

43、 model plane.is over there.5. -Whose bags are these?-(them) are not theirs.They are my(uncle).6. Simon loves playing football. often plays football afterschool.7. The cat is very lovely.is climbing up the tree.8. Simon and Millie,work together.says Miss Wang.Step 2汉译英:1) .我和Andy都有好消息告诉他。Andy and Iha

44、ve good2) .我父亲常在网球场遇到他的老朋友,他们总是一起打网球。My father usuallyhis old friend.alwaystogether*3) .Kitty在周三和周五去上舞蹈课。Kittyon Wednesdays and Fridays.4) .我哥哥对电脑了解很多,他是电脑小组的成员。My brother.He isof the Computer Club.Step 3 Learn to use the phrase.Students try to discuss and then give their answers.9 . Daniel and Kitt

45、y go to school together.live near each other.10 .The children are playing basketball on theplayground. arevery happy.5).那位老人喜欢坐在那儿的 大树下和他的朋友聊天。The old man likes sitting under the big tree and.总课时数:201年月 日星期教教师主导活动学生主体活动What about you?Please make a dialogue like this with your partner.Step6 Presentation学I know most of the students like some sports.Does Eddie like any sports? Please listen to the tape and answer thequestions.Make new dialogue with theirStep7 language pointsT: Does Eddie like any sports? S: Yes. But he just walks to hispartners .bowl ma


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