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《湖北省武汉市华师一附中光谷分校七年级上学期英语期末考试卷(含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖北省武汉市华师一附中光谷分校七年级上学期英语期末考试卷(含答案).docx(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、湖北省武汉市华师一附中光谷分校七年级上学期英语期末考试 卷(含答案)学校:姓名:班级:考号:第二部分笔试部分二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。26. Who is Mr. Hu?一 He is teacher and he teaches P.E.A. our; usB. our; ourC. ours; ourD. our; weHi, Bill. Long time no see. Hows your day?A. Its OK.B. Ws Monday C. It9s January 5th D. Me, too一Wh

2、en do you begin your New Years Party?一 the afternoon December 31st.A. On; ofB. In; ofC. In; inD. On; inThe boy likes eggs for breakfast, and he also likes eating for dinner.A. apple and carrots B. milk and juice C. burgers and coke D. rice and noodles一Will you go to the party tonight?一No.there is a

3、history test tomorrow,I have to study at home.A. Because; so B. But; because C. Because; /D. Because; but一 Our English teacher, Miss Liu, often tells us jokes in class.一 Oh, she is fun.A. greatB. tooC. manyD. so一Do you want to be?2 .词数80词左右3 .内容连贯,不要逐条翻译;4 .开头己给出,不计入总伺数.My New Life in the Middle Sch

4、oolHello, Im Li Ming. Id like to tell you something about my new life in the middle school.参考答案2630: AAADC31-35: ADCAB3640: ACCCA41-45: BACDA4650: DBADD51 55: ACBAB5660: CBADD61 65: CADDA6670: DBBDA75.day79.same80.by75.day79.same80.by71.difficult 72.ninth 73.subject 74.contest76.phones77. wants7 8.b

5、ecause81.home82.writes83.says84.1ts85.libraryA.33.A.34.A.35.A.-Yes, I know vegetables and fruit are good for ourhealth; health一 That pair ofwhite shoe isB. healthy; healthymy sisters.B , white shoe areThe sports shoes areon; forThis is theBut I still wanttwo; othersaleB. for; onC. health; healthyC.

6、white shoes isonly 25 dollars.C. on; atapple you eat this morning.B. second; another C. second; others36. -1 like some chicken for dinner. What about you?I dont likeA. itB.theyC. them37. Xiaobao isyears old, and today is hisbirthday.A. seven;sevenB. seventh; sevenC. seven;seventhD.38.1 play football

7、two hours every day.A. atB. inC. for39.-does she like art?-Because its fun.A. WhoB. HowC. Why40. - Dont you like English?A. No. If s so difficult.B. Yes. Its not useful.C. Yes. Ifs boring.D. No. Ifs interesting.D. healthy; healthD. white shoes areD. for; atD. two; the otherD. itsseventh; seventhD. o

8、nD. When三.完型填空(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答 案。Lily is friendly to everyone in her class. Everyone in her class 41 her.She is very 42 and always busy with her friends. She feels very happy to have many friends at school.On Friendship Day, everyone has to prepare (准备)three

9、43 for their best friends. Lily is very happy and is expecting gifts from her 44.However, when all gifts are shared in class, she is the only one who doesnt 45 any gifts! She feels 46 and cries a lot. She is always friendly to everyone but in the end no one 47 her.Everyone comes and comforts (安慰)her

10、 but each one only stays for a short time before _ 48 This is exactly what Lily usually does to others.When she gets home, her mother asks her why she looks so 49. Lily tells her aboutthe day in school. She questions, How can I 50 true friends?Her mother says, “You cant get real friends with a 51 or

11、 some good words. You have to 52 them real time and love. For a true friend, you must always be 53, ingood times and bad times. There just isnt enough 54 to be there for everyone, so its only possible to have some true friends.With tears in her eyes, Lily gets to know what makes 55 friends.41.A. mis

12、sesB.likesC.seesD.asks42.A. kindB.cleverC.carelessD.difficult43.A. jokesB.gamesc.giftsD.cards44.A. parentsB.teachersc.brothersD.classmates45.A. getB.buyc.wantD.take46.A. happyB.excitedc.tiredD. sad47.A. thinks aboutB.thinks ofc.thinks overD.thinks out48. A. leaving49. A. boringB. highC. coolD. down5

13、0. A. testB. callC. thankD. find51. A. smileB. tripC , photoD. model52. A. tellB. sellC. giveD. teach53. A. hereB. thereC , somewhereD. everywhere54. A. timeB. helpC. moneyD. advice55. A. funB. trueC. niceD. fineB. waitingC. listeningD. shopping四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列材料,从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一

14、个最佳答案。ABusinessNo Screaming in Japanese Amusement ParksJapanese amusement parks have new rules on visitors screaming (尖口U) They will prepare for the new normal COVID-19 life. One quideline is NO SCREAMING on rollercoasters (过山车).Because screaming increase (增力口)the amount of virus in the air, Japanes

15、e Amusement Park and talking quietly cuts the chance of spreading the virus (病毒传播),park visitors should not talk loudly or scream on rides.Japanese amusement parks are reopening. Tokyo Disneyland is closed in early March. It doesnt know when it willreopen. Parks have rules about masks and social dis

16、tancing (社交品巨离).Ghosts (鬼)in haunted house (鬼屋)should be keep their distance from their “victims” (受害人).Workers in the park dress as mascots and superheroes should not shake hands or high-five anyone.Japan Tinies56. From the reading above, we know that Japanese amusement parks.A. dont allow visitors

17、 to talk thereB. is closed in early MarchC. make new rules for visitorsD. dont start the roller-coaster rides57. The underlines word quideliiin probably means A. wayB. ruleC. problemD. idea58. In which section can we read the news?A. BusinessB. Japan Times C. Amusement Parks D. Disneyland59. Which o

18、f the following statements is NOT true according to the reading?A. People are more likely (有可能)to spared the virus when they scream.B. When people shout or scream, they give out more virus in the air.C. People should keep a distance in the park.D. Workers in the park cant say hello to visitors for g

19、reetings.60. The main purpose (目 的)of the passage is to.A. introduce amusement parks in Japan.B tell people not to take the roller-coasters in Japanese amusement parks.C. tell people when amusement parks will reopen in JapanD. show people the new rules in Japanese amusement parksBOnce upon a time, a

20、ll the animals live happily together in a forest. One day a family goes to spend the day in the forest, and the son leaves his socks there. After the family leaves, a bear comes by, finds the socks, and decide to try them on. They fit so well, and he likes them so much that he dont want to take them

21、 off.All the animals talk about the bears new look. Soon, in that forest, many funny event happen - squirrels (松 鼠)in shirts, rabbits in shoes, and even rats (鼠)with hats! The forest doctor shakes his head, and tells the animals, This cant be good. Animals dont need clothes!” But no one listens to h

22、im. They say he is just out of fashion.However, it isn5t long before the first result of fashion-fever (时尚潮流)comes. Sometimes the squirrel catches his shirt on trees, stopping him falling to the ground from a tree. The rat cant go into his hole without taking off his hat first. Even the bear, becaus

23、e of his socks, slips (滑侄U) from the river rock and almost kills himself.When the animals come to see the doctor, he gives them all the same advice, Take off those clothes, or one day they9re going to kill you!, Those who listen to the doctors advice stop having accidents. And the animals know that

24、they dont need clothes at all. Wearing them is very dangerous, and others admire (羡慕)them, and to get attention.61. The finds the socks and tries them on.A. rat.B. rabbitC. bearD. son62. Whats the main idea of Paragraph 3?A , The results of fashion-fever.B. Some animals are out of fashion.C. Animals

25、 like different clothesD. Different animals in the forest63. The underlined word “them in the last paragraph refers to.A. doctorsB. animalsC. forestsD. clothes64. What can we learn from the passage?A. We should live happily together.B. We should be careful in the forestD. Things that fit yourself ar

26、e the best.D. Things that fit yourself are the best.B. The Animals in the ForestD. The Doctor in the ForestC. We should see a doctor if we are ill.65. What is the best title for the passage?A. Fashion-fever in the ForestC. Different Clothes in the ForestCOne Sunday night, it is quite dark when old S

27、tanley goes for his walk. He is walking along the sidewalk. He sees a white car coming around the corner quickly. It is going too fast and crashes into (撞上)a red car in the street. He runs up to the cars to have a look. But no one needs help. The two drivers are arguing (争论).“You come around the com

28、er too fast J one man says.“No! says the driver of the white car, Thats not true! Your car is in a wrong place.”Stanley listens to them and then says the white car driver is wrong to drive too fast. The driver of the red car asks Stanley to help him in court (法庭).Stanley gives the driver his name an

29、d telephone number.On Thursday morning. Stanley goes to the court. The lawyer (律师)of the driver of the white car asks him a lot of questions. Then he asks Stanley how old he is.Tm eighty-two J answers Stanley.“Do you usually wear glasses?” asks the lawyer.“Yes, I do. Answers Stanley“Are you wearing

30、them on the night of the accident (事故)?the lawyer asks.“No J answers Stanley.Then the lawyer says, “How can the court believe you ? You are eight-two years old, you are not wearing your glasses, and it is night. How far can you see at night?”Stanley thinks about it for a minute。 Well, he says, when

31、ifs night, I can see the moon. How far is Hat?”The car accident happens.A. on Sunday morningB. on Thursday morningC. on Saturday nightD. on Sunday evening66. The reason of the accident is.A.the red car is going too slowlyB.the white car is going too fastC.the red car is going too fastD.the white car

32、 is going too slowly67. Stanley, so he goes to the court.A.wants to get money from the driverB.wants to help the driver of thered carC.wants to ask questions in the courtD.wants to become a lawyer68. Maybe the red car driver to tell him to go to the court.A. writes a letter to StanleyB. shows an ema

33、il to StanleyC. goes to see StanleyD. calls Stanley69. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?A. Stanley is a clever manStanley is wearing glasses when the accident happensB. the lawyer thinks that Stanley can see clearlyStanley cannot see the moon第II卷(非选择题,共35分)五、词语短语填空(本题共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)仔细阅读下面五

34、个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结 构、句义和逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的。)subject / contest / difficult / date / ninth / day.1 don9t like math, because its.72. September is the month of a year.73. Whats your favorite?74. Our English speech is on October 7th.75. What is it today? Its Monday.70. 72. 73. 74.75. 六、阅读理解

35、填词(本题共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读短文,在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式.单词的第一个字母已给出。Now there are a lot of subways in Wuhan. Many people like to go to school or work by subway. Most of them use their p 76 to watch videos or play games. What do you usually do on the subway? Do you play with your phone? Emma Watson w 77 people

36、to read more books. Watson is 28 years old. Many people know her b 78 she is in the Harry Potter movies. She puts 100 copies of a book on the London subway.She does the s 79 thing in New York, too. The name of the book is Mom & Me & Mom. It is written b 80 the US writer Maya Angelou. It tells about

37、the writer and her mother.People can take these books h 81 and read them. There is also a note in every book.Watson w 82 them by hand. When you finish reading the book, please put it on the subway again fbr other people to read. It s 83 .Watson loves reading very much. She even has her own online bo

38、ok club. I 84 name is Our Shared Shelf. This time she wants to make the subway a moving (移动的)1 85.what a great idea!79. s84.180. b85.176. p77. w78. bh82. w83. s七、书面表达。(本题15分)亲爱的同学们,中学生活是忙碌而美好的,七年级上学期即将结束,相信你一定有很多 感受。假设你是李明,请你以“My New Life in the Middle School”为题,根据以下内容提示, 写一篇短文,向English Daily报社投稿。内容要点如下:1 .校园很大很整洁,老师和同学都很友善;2 .每天有七门课程,最喜欢美术3 .每天早上都在操场上跑步,身体更好了4 .中午在学校吃饭,通常吃米饭、蔬菜和水果5 .适当补充一两点相关信息或想法。参考词汇:kind adj.友善的 usually adv.通常地 playground n.操场注意:1 .文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称,


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