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1、考研英语高分作文模板w篇一、投诉信Pear/ aw(自我介绍)./ fed bad to trouble go” but I aw afraid that Ilave to kvake a cowplaivvt about.The reason for iy dissatisfaction is(总体介绍).以 the first place,(抱怨的第一个方面).以addition,(抱怨的第二个方面).Under these circ”3shmceS I fMd it(感觉)t。(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果)./ appreciate it verg if you could(提出建议和请求

2、)prefe丫ab(g(进一步的要求), mW I would like to have this matter settled bg(设 定解决事情最后期限).Thank you for your consideration aid I will be looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li MMg二、求职信Pear Sir or Maclaw,1 I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised M(报纸名称)of(广告发布时间).2Not。

3、八/g do I have the qualification for this job, bixt I also have the rightpersonality for a(工作名称).以the。八。k4八d(第一个原因).。八the other (另一 个原因).月(年)至月(年)的数量基本不变。T4、he graphs show a threefold increase M the 八mOch of 该图表表明的数目增长了三倍。5、the situation reached a p&ak(a high point 狗of的情况(局势)到达顶(高)点,为6 仇袱 this year o

4、vx , there was a gradual decline reduction iin the,丫caching a figure of.从这年起,逐渐下降至6、解决问题类(一)以 the pictiA% we are aiazed to fi八W that. It clearly tells us that 以 the dowaivx of)there are .kqs I。八g bee八 a problem since )aid are taming to be av increasingly severe problem because of . Besides,there are

5、 &orc reasons sespo八sible for this issue. Firstly, . Seco八dig, . Thirdly,.Judging from the analysis above, we ixay safely coixe to the conclusionthat the dauyxtiig problem deiaids effective c。”八ter-3c4Srcs. Most importantlythe goMcmkC八土 needs tosufficicntlg relevant laws aid13reg”必力。八s M order to c八

6、ka八cc the strength of .灰 addition, all residents sh。”以 be 4W4HC of .7、解决问题类(二)As is show八 M the cartoon, . Take M the cartoon for example .Tlis 陟。出。八。八 appeals coham。八/g M ootir daily life. Nowadays, . I八stead.thcg。八也 try theis best to Such deeds 八ot。八/g )bat also .Thercfo%,it is of great significan

7、ce to take actions to change thiskc八。mc八。八.First qnd foremost/八 addition, . All these steps cav help guarantee a solid economic order aind a 人匕麻。八ious society.8、解决问题类(三)Tkc pict认丫。depicts a scene M which . The scene is presented M av artistic aid ironic 鹏八八cc Crowds of people are craiied ik , Furthe

8、r exaiiiatioi reveals that .Apparently, the picture sgmbolizes tkat k”恒八s with such a huge popodatig kvay。八c day suffer from the cxk,sti。八 of earth resources. Take for example. Give八 the fact that , we find that . To 3ake it worse, If the conflict between population booi aid shortage of resources is

9、 八。土 properly controlled, we kave every reason to hold a pessimistic perspective towards 八s future。八 Earth. PcM叫” eventually we would face the situation suggested by the picture that is, AccordinglyI strongly hccohauachd 14 that the whole globe lauick aggressive program to address this fatal coitrad

10、ictiot.3、解决问题类(四)As is sowh M the cartoon, . Take M the cartoon for example .This pkc八。侬。八 appearsM our daily life. Nowadags . Instead, theg。八也 try their best to Such deeds not only but also .Tkcrcfor。/ it is of great significance to take action to ck6mge this pkc八ok八。八.First aid foremost, /h additi

11、on, . All these steps cavy help guarantee a solid ecoioic order aid a karwi。八bus society.1。、解决问题类(五)TMe picture depicts a scene 证 wkicl . TMe scene is presented in av artistic and ironic 八八cc Crowds of people are craied in . Further exaiiiatioi reveals tlat.Appa七八tlg)the picture sgmbolizes that 人恒八S

12、)with such a huge popudati。、kvay oie day suffer from the cxA“st/。八 of earth resources. Take for example. Give八 the fact that we 行八d tlat. To Make it wohsc).If the conflict between population hoow aid shortage of resources is iot pepcHg controlled, we kuc cverg reason to hold a pessimistic perspectiv

13、e towards s future。八 Earth. Perhaps eventually we would face the situati。八 suggested by the pictuirej that is, . Accordingly, I strongly hccomuac八d that the whole globe launch aggressive programs to address this fatal 15 contradiction.考研英语作文模板素材:预示后果模板2、ObvioiAsly, if we dot control the probleivx, t

14、he cka八ccs are that . wiM lead us心儿mger.很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险.该 是采纳的建议,并对的进展给予特殊重视的时候了。2 、 It is ”电c八t that iwwediate HAesures should be take八 to stop thesid(力.。八,很紧迫的是,应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展.列出解决办法1、The best way to solve theis .解决这些麻烦的最好办法是2、People have figixired out八g ways to solve this problem.人

15、们已找出许多办法来解决这个问题.2020考研英语作文模板素材:提出意见模板提出意见1 It is high tiie that wc put 八end to the (tre八d).该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了.2、TMere is 八。doubt that c八。gk concern ivust be paid to the problem of .毫无疑问,对问题应予以足够的重视.16考研英语作文模板素材:文章结尾模板文章结尾 工、All ih all, we cainiot live without . But at the tiie we must try to fiid out 八c

16、w ways to cope with the psobleMS that would arise.总之,我们没有是无法生活的,但同时、我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题.A常用于结尾的句式1 . It is hoped that we should place CMpksis。八/pag imokc例 句: It is looped that we shoodd pay More atteitioi to the problems of 口八3?/。9M0八七2 .。八包 以 this way/oily wke八/。八(g thn)b(gh)will/cai we.例句:It i

17、s oialy if all sides of society take the roles fully that we will achieve the society we wait.3 , As (o八g swe will be able to./thc prob/ems is booted to.例句:As long 4s we persist M spreading scientific knowledge awog the34SSCS all the supers力力。八s are boiAid to go out of our life.174 ./八 the co,rse of

18、a long r”八/八 the /。八g terw, sth. is More(ikclg/bob(八d/sixkc to.例句: 以 a l(mg 匕八1the practice of birth control is believed to do a great benefit to the futuire of Cki八4.5/八 a word, there is eveiry/little ckaice/probabHity/poibility thatM tiie to COHAC.例句: 以 a word, there is every claice that this wise

19、 wove M ecoinoiic costiriACtioi will acqudire a broader significance in tiie to comc.6. AngthMg/a八go八c tkat/wko.,will have to.例句:A八gone wk。ks a strong bias against ChMa will have to threat herwith increased respect.7. It is high time that.例句:It is high twe that the issc were to be solved so as to pr

20、omote thecco八oi/vuc devcIopMcnt.8. We should do our best M例句: Wc sloixld do our best Mair pollution.q. The psblcM is 八。土;the pro勿cm is.18例句:Th problem is ircot that wc caot do it; the problem is that wc hate to do sack nasty thMgs.20.以 order to.we 例句: 以 order to Make our world a better place M which

21、 to live, we must/cam to live M karw。八g with all wildlife species.AM the above evide八cc/expericncc/ facts goes to skow that.例句: All the above evidence goes to skow that the birth of computer has benefited our life greatly.,2Nosurprising/It9ISapparentthatthetaskofdews 八 ds/ seq ia i 丫 es/deserves沁 mc

22、力/tc/sc片。“s/c。八si&r她也atte八 tio 八/consideiratio 八.例句:It isthereforej apparent that the task of figktMg against corruption requires considerable consideration now.13 .cav cokwe to the c。八c/asi。八 that,.例句: We cain cowe to the c。八八 that living。八 campus is the best wayof leairiiig independenceand of lAid

23、eirstaidiig other people and society at large.14 .We have reasons to be confident that i八 the 八car future.19例句: We the八 have reasons to be confident that M the 八car future八。childis forced out of school because of poverty.15 .My suggestion is that;otherwise.例句:Mg suggest,。八 is that effective measures

24、 should be take八 to check popudatio八 growth; othwwisc)the potential c。八seqac八ccs are iAiivaglivable.16 .As for HAC)I have always bee八 taking care to. So, I.例句: As for we, I have always been taking care to choose a goal aid a Hight path before doling 八gtkMg import4八七 The八 I will work k4rd aid pcwveHn

25、glg. So, I have iade somc 而c/cmchts and I will do better.17 .S。I believe a . tomorrow . wi be achieved tkroagk efforts of cvergperson例句:So I believe a safe tomorrow of less car accidents will be achieved tlwoixgh efforts of every pc”。八.18.Therefore, we should vot 。八well.例 句 : Therefoir。) we shoedd w

26、ot。八 realize that competition and cooperation, like two sides of the coiw have to go ha八d M ha八d, but fix ioire atteitioi 。八 how to Make full use of cooperation as well.2?以 short, .are the major problems to be solved to.20例 句 : 以 short, shortage of water, decrease of fertile fields aiderwir。八 hac 八p

27、olliAtioi a ire the kvxajor problems to be solved to increase gmM production.20.Wk。is to sag that.?例句: Wk。is to sag that oiait scientists wa vot provide a better theory?2。2。考研英语作文模板素材:品质类模板A品质类 Here is a pictarc, MterestMg but with profound implication As is vividly depicted ih the photo , three mch

28、 are facing a broken bridge , whichsiACcessfodlg captures our eges. After a close watcl, it is vot difficult to fMd that theg showed great courage to this chaMcnge. Apparently, wlat the drawing kqs subtly conveyed is supposed to be given furtker analysis.A c。八 c/si。八 could be draw 八 fro ha the pictu

29、re : the attitacLe towards chahngcs iin life is so iipoirtait that even our life could be totally different. And kvy words are based “p。八 the fohwMg two reasons. Ov the top of the list is that chah 八ges, eve 八 obstacles, a ire everywhere M life, wkick requires a positive attitude,伉 addition, these i

30、s the athcH poht that 八。八e c4八 ignore. It is (Aiiversally admitted that , for av iiadividiAal, the attitude to obstacles is closely related to kis/ker schsc of happMess .21According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to cultivate this life attitiAde. Of all the steps , mss i

31、edia teids to fuictioi essentially i八 the work.。八(g M this way cav wc Make the best of the positiveattitude to life avd let it coitnbixte to。匕 life.考研英语作文模板素材:文化类模板Here is a picture,iinteresting but with profound implication. As is vividlydepicted 心 the phot。, a cixte little bog aid av old 恒八 are ta

32、lking about a book, which successfully captures our eyes. After a close watch, it is 八。t difficult to find that theg disagree with the so called purified“ traditional book. Apparently, what the drawing has subtly conveyed is supposed to be give八 farther analysis.Theoretically ,several reasons wacj t

33、irigger the interaction avdcoifrotatioi between tiraditioi end Modem society, but for My part, the following two are of utmost iipoirtace.。八 the top of list is that tradition c/re is oixr root 八d we have attached iiportaice to our traditional ccdtc(丫c. 1八 addition , tMere is the otkeir poiit that 八。

34、八e cav ignore. It is (a八ivcdaMg admitted that modem society needs the reiiter/9iretatioi to our tradition, wkick directly leads to the八。mc八。八 M the picturesAccording to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to Make our tradition aind moder八 society coexist lairioiiously. Of all th

35、e steps, mass ivxedia tends to function essentially i八 the work.。八(g M this way cav we make the best of the value of aicieit cixltiAire and let it contribute to oiait life.考研英语作文模板素材:环境类模板Here is a picture, interesting but with profound iipdcatio As is vividly depicted iv the photo , there is severe

36、 aiir pollution , which siACcessfodly captures oiAir eges. After a close watch, it is vot difficiA(t to find that are working together to fight it. Apparently f what the drawing has sabtlg conveyed is supposed to be give八 further a八叫sis.A c。八c/si。八 coixld be drawi froM the picture: we should work to

37、gether to solve the polliAtioin issc. A八4 mg words are based 八 the following two reasons.。八 the top of the list is that air pollutio八 has becomecommon iin oiait coiAitry aid Mdividixals have 八。enough stir。八gth to cope with it.以 addition, there is the other point that 八。八。cav ignore. It is lAmVersall

38、yadmitted that polbti。八 is the irescdt of neglect of the gc八er”/ public aindgoMcr八mc八t,and it resulted iin severe loss ih cc。八OMg.23According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps toCLiltivate this life attitude. Of all the steps, wass wedia kvay play a waor role M solving this

39、 problem考研英语作文模板素材:申请信模板引言 / aw writing i八 response to your advertisement 心. / would like to applg for the position of . which you advertised i八发展 / graduated froi/w. with a degree i八A I kave been working M . sikce my graduation aid kave thereforeShould you girait mc a personal interview, I would be

40、 wost girateM.Ifyo(A need to know kwore about meplease feel free to contact Me at 八9 tiie at(电话号码).Tha八k you for co八siden认g kvy application, aid I aw looking forward to Meeting g。”.Yours sicccMg,Li Ming三、建议信Dear,You have asked we for advice with regard to)and I will try to kvxake somc conductive sug

41、gest ions Mere.伉 vvtj hai/vMc opinioyou wob(ld be wise to take the following action:(建议的内容). 3 I hope you will find these proposals lAScfod, avd I would be ready todiscuss this matter with go” to further details.Yours sinccirdg,Li Ming四、请求信Pear,/ aw writing to formally ircqutest to(请求的内容). The %4S。八

42、 for is that(给出 原因)./)so I(给出细节)./ w。,以 also like to request(提出进一步的要求).()1 aw sorrg for attained a fair knowledge “hd experience /认 this field. I aw a rational avd diligent 恒八 witk good interpersonal skills. / aw used to working 八dcr pressure aiad ak。 / aw experienced i八)wkick I believe qualifies mc

43、 for the position of 结尾 I hope you would consider my application favorably aid grant mc 八i h tcrv/cw. / do hope that after reviewing Mg enclosed resume you will kindly give me av interview. / have enclosed kvy resume that outlines 以 detail kvy qualification aidexpcHe八cos.24 / should be glad to lave

44、a personal interview and cav fmish vcferc八ces if desired. You favoirahle consideration of 14Ag application will be highlg appreciated.考研英语作文模板素材:咨询信模板引言 / aw writing to you 以 the hope tkat I iay obtain. / would like to inquire about.A I waiat to know if it is possible for you to provide me with MfoY

45、mati。八irega 以 Mg I take great interest M 展开 / would like to get wore details of . / shah be grateful if you could offer we iore specific materials about. / would he obliged to you if you could let hac know the procedures Ito go thKObtgh. / aw also greatly c。八ccmcd about.结尾 Your prompt aid favorable

46、atteitioi to iy inquiry would he greatly appreciated.A Thank you for your tikve a八d consideration.25 Many thanks to your assistance.考研英语作文模板素材:画图作文通用模板模板一It seeis to me that the cartoonist is s。八HMg a Message about(图画主题), which is(进一步的说明)。He sces to be sag Mgtkat(给出细节)。 以 my opi八io八, (个人阐述)。This simple picture is a wake up call for(所涉群体,如 the whole of the侬八 race)o Therefore, it is ipeirative for us to take drastic measures to put6m c八4 to(问题所在)。 。八c the。八e h6md , we must(建议一)。It is clear that the drawer of the illiAStratioi is认句八g “s to(进一步说明)。八 the other laid ,(建议


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