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《2022-2023学年广东省六校高三(上)第一次联考英语试卷(附答案详解).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022-2023学年广东省六校高三(上)第一次联考英语试卷(附答案详解).docx(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、20222023学年广东省六校高三(上)第一次联考英语试卷第I卷(选择题)一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)ACompetition Judges Needed Anyone with relevant knowledge or skills is encouraged to sign up to judge Sigma Xis Student Research Showcase (SRS), an online science communication competition in which students compete for awards and recognitio

2、n of outstanding virtual research presentations. The competition is open to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students and most worldwide research disciplines (学科)are represented across the following categories. agriculture, soil, and natural resourcescell biology and biochemistry human behav

3、ioral and social sciencesmath and computer science physics and astronomyInformation for JudgesProfessional researchers and science communicators from the above-listed disciplines are needed to evaluate and interact with contestants by posting comments and questions on presentation websites. Each jud

4、ge assesses up to 10 websites where students submit their presentations containing mainly a research abstract and a slide presentation. Sigma Xi membership is preferred, but not required, to judge. Judging takes place from April 26 to May 10, 2022, allowing flexibility with each judges personal sche

5、dule as no travel is required.Click here to download the SRS Judges Manual for more information and judging criteria.Information for General visitorsGeneral visitors to the presentation websites can also watch the personal videos of the presenters and vote for the Peoples Choice Award winner, who wi

6、ll receive a prize money of up to $ 250. Visitors of general science background can also read the abstracts and comment in the discussion forums. Locate the link on the site that most likely appears as comments & reactions.Visit a sample Student Showcase presentation site.content. Her sweet and char

7、ming voice tended to get people around attracted to her songs.Living in a small city, I took several odd jobs, determined to do everything in my power to support her. Soon after Jane attended school, her music teacher Mary noticed her talent by chance and volunteered to give her some guidance on how

8、 to sing. Jane practiced so hard that before long she made great progress in singing.Unfortunately, one noon a year later, Jane was crossing the street when a careless driver knocked her down. She was rushed to hospital. When I hurried there, the doctor told me that my daughter would probably not st

9、and on her own feet. I froze with shock, feeling as if I had been thrown into a dark world. Weak and dizzy, I was about to fall to the ground when someone took hold of me.It was Mary, who got the news and raced here. She comforted me, saying firmly, Grace, Jane needs you. You must stay calm and stro

10、ng.1 I nodded. Having calmed down, I entered the ward with Mary.That night, Jane recovered her consciousness (知觉)and opened her eyes. Holding her hand, I said, nMy dear, everything would be fine.* Mary comforted her gently, nI know you are a strong girl, Jane. Dont worry. Well be standing by you. I

11、was heartbroken to see tears streaming down Janes cheeks.After two months, we returned home from hospital. Her teachers and friends frequently visited her. Jane eventually accepted the fact that she would have to get around in a wheelchair. Never did she refer to the subject of singing again. I knew

12、 she was a nice and understanding girl, who was afraid that talking about her original dream would upset the two of us.注意:1 .续写词数应为150左右;2 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。One day, however Mary came with good news.When the host announced it was Jane fs turn, she was wheeled onto the stage.六、书面表达(本大题共1小题,共250分)39.

13、假如你是李华,高考后想报考英语专业,但你对自己的英语口语缺乏信心。偶然的一个机会你从网上得知外籍教师Anna在线辅导英语口语。请你写一封求助信,内容包括:1 .介绍自己的情况;2 .向外教求助;3 .表示感谢并期吩回复。注意:1 .词数80左右;2 .请在答题卡相应位置作答。Dear Anna,Yours sincerely,Li Hua答案和解析13.【答案】C、A、B【解析】1【文章大意】这是一篇应用文。在线科学传播比赛SigmaXi学生研究展示需要招募专 业评委,文章提供了招募要求等信息。根据列举部分中的human behavioral and social sciences (人类行为

14、和社会科学)和Information for Judges 部分第一句 Professional researchers and science communicators from the above-listed disciplines are needed to evaluate and interact with contestants by posting comments and questions on presentation websites.(需要来自上述学科的专业研究人员和科学传播者,通过在演示网站上发布评论和问题 来评估以及与参赛者互动。)可知,一位人文社会科学专家最有

15、可能成为比赛评委。故选C。2 .根据 Information for Judges 部分第二句 Each judge assesses up to 10 websites where students submit their presentations containing mainly a research abstract and a slide presentation.(每位评委会评 估多达10个网站,学生在这些网站上提交演示文稿,主要包括研究摘要和幻灯片。)可知,评委 需要评估科学演示网站。故选A。3 .根据最后一段内容(访问查看学生展示演示网站示例。)推 知,这篇文章有可能来自一

16、个网站。故选B。47.【答案】C、B、D、A【解析】1.【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。在Thom Pollard的激励下,作者开始攀登珠峰,但他 发现这比他想象得要难很多,作者对那些冒着巨大风险追随传奇探险家的脚步攀登珠穆朗玛峰的 勇敢灵魂表达了钦佩之情。根据第段第三句 What had once been the final mountain climbing goal became the focus of a commercial guiding industry.(曾经的最终登山目标成为了商业向导行业的焦点。)可知,作者讨 厌攀登珠峰是因为它变成了一个赚钱的行业。故选C。2 .根据第三段

17、第一句Pollards story moved me.(波拉德的故事打动了我。)可知,作者后来攀登 珠峰是因为被Thom Pollard打动了。故选B。3 .根据第三段第四句 On the highest point on the planet, I was more tired than Pd ever been in any climbing .(在这个星球的最高点,我比以往任何一次攀登都要累。)和第五句中的not just to Mallory and Irvine but to anyone who has the drive to push himself or herself up

18、 this route (不只是对马洛里和 欧文,还有所有有动力推动自己走上这条路的人)可知,此处是指向这些人致敬。故选D。4 .木艮据最后段最后句 It was hiding in plain sight, right where it has always been: inside the brave souls who risk so much to follow in storied adventurers footsteps up Everest.(它隐藏在显而易见的地 方,就在它一直存在的地方:在那些冒着巨大风险追随传奇探险家的脚步攀登珠穆朗玛峰的勇敢 灵魂的内心里。)可知,作者在

19、最后一段中表达了他的钦佩之情。故选A。811 .【答案】【解析】1【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。在Pamplona,每年有很多人来看“奔牛”,科学家通 过研究“奔牛”过程中人们奔跑速度的快慢,发现跑步者的速度随着人群密度的增加而增加,这 给了建筑设计师关于城市建设的很多启示。根据第三段中的 Dr Parisi and his team went to two different rooftop locations in Pamplona in July 2019, and filmed the runners as the animals were released/ 2019 年 7 月,Pa

20、risi 博士和他的团队前往 Pamplona 的两个不同的屋顶,拍摄了这些动物被释放出来时人们奔跑的景象。)可知,Parisi和他的团队拍 摄了牛被放出来时的场景。故选B。2 .根据第四段中的 Less expected was the finding.which could lead to a fall and, perhaps, injury or death. (有些出人意料的是,研究发现,跑步者的速度随着人群密度的增加而增加。这与建筑和城市设计界长期以来的假设相反,即随着人群密度的增加,人们会放慢速度,以降低发生碰撞的风险, 因为碰撞可能导致摔倒,甚至受伤或死亡。)可知,研究意外发现

21、,人群密度越大,人们跑得越 快。故选D。3 .根据最后段中的 The responsibility therefore falls upon urban designers to work out how best to plan the construction of future tunnels, bridges and other passages that restrict flow. The only option may well be to make them wider.(因此,城市设计师的责任在于研究如何最好地规划未来隧道、桥梁和其他 通道的建设去限制流量。唯一的选择很可能是

22、把它们加宽。)可知,未来的桥梁和隧道可能会更 宽阔。故选B。4 .根据第段中的 A paper just published in Science describes the insight the event offers into the psychology of panicked crowds.(一篇刚刚发表在科学上的论文描述了对这次活动恐慌人群的 心理洞察。)以及最后一段中的 The responsibility therefore falls upon urban designers to work out how best to plan the construction of

23、future tunnels, bridges and other passages that restrict flow.(因止匕, 城市 设计师的责任在于研究如何最好地规划未来隧道、桥梁和其他通道的建设去限制流量。)可知, 本篇章不仅是谈论奔牛,而是讨论“奔牛作为观察人们在危险中如何表现的自然实验场景”给建筑设计师的启示。故选D。1215,【答案】D、A、B、C【解析】L【文章大意】这是一篇议论文。“游戏障碍”被世界卫生组织列为疾病,不同心理学 家就游戏是否真的让人上瘾这一问题展开讨论。根据第一段中的 On January 1st, 2018, gaming disorder11-in w

24、hich games are played uncontrollably, despite causing harmgained recognition from the World Health Organization (WHO). (2018 年 1 月 1 日,世界卫生组织认证了 “游戏障碍”一一它指的是人们不受控制地玩游戏,尽管会造成伤害。) 和 Clinics are appearing around the world, promising to cure patients of their habit.(世界各地都出现了 承诺治愈患者习惯的诊所。)可知,“游戏障碍”已经被官方列

25、为疾病,甚至于出现了很多诊所 来治疗此问题。这些现象都说明了大众对游戏问题越来越关注。故选D。5 .由第二段中的 The case for the defence is that this is just another moral panic. Similar warnings have been given about television, rock* n* roll jazz, comic books, and even novels.(辩方认为这仅仅是另一 种道德恐慌,电视、摇滚乐、爵士乐、漫画书甚至小说也发出了类似的警告)可知,辩方认为游 戏上瘾和电视、摇滚乐等其它都只是道德恐慌。

26、结合段尾As the newest form of mass media, gaming is merely enduring (忍受)its own time before it finally stops being controversial.(作为一种新型的大众 媒体,游戏在它最终停止争议之前,只是在经历它自己的时代。)可推断出,引用电视等其它媒 体形式目的是为了强调游戏并没有那么恐慌,它和其它媒体方式一样,都有自己存在的时间,最 终这种恐慌会消失。故选A。6 .由第三段中的 Smartphones and modern video game machines use their pe

27、rmanent Internet connections to send gameplay data back to developers. That allows products to be constantly adjusted to increase spending on games.(智能手机和现代电子游戏机利用自身永久性的互联网连接将游戏数据 传回开发者。这可以让产品能够不断调整来增加游戏支出。)可知,游戏开发者是通过接收到的 数据不断调整产品,让产品越来越受吸引欢迎。故选B。7 .根据最后段中的 The gaming industry should realize that,

28、in the real world, it has a problem, and that problem is growing.(游戏行业应该意识到在现实世界中,游戏存在一个问题,而且这个问题还在 不断恶化。) 和 And being put together in the public mind, fairly or not, with gambling will not do the industry any favours.(而在大众心中,无论公平与否,与赌博放在一起都不会给游戏行业带来任何 好处。)可知,作者对游戏呈负面态度,是在给游戏行业提出警告,大众不会认同和赌博挂钩的行业。故选

29、c。1620.【答案】F、E、B、A、G【解析】L【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了运动结束后不做拉伸会带来一些不好 的结果。根据前文 Science shows that stretching (拉伸)is essential after exercise. Stretching lengthens and mobilizes the connective tissue around your muscle. Whats more, stretching helps your blood flow and even relieves your stress.(科学研究表明,运动后的伸

30、展运动是必不可少的。拉伸可以延长和调动 你肌肉周围的结缔组织。更重要的是,伸展运动可以帮助你的血液流动,甚至减轻你的压力。) 讲述了运动结束后的拉伸运动的好处。下文You could feel sick.(你会觉得恶心。)描述了不做 拉伸带来的结果。所以作为本段的结尾可以描述,运动结束不做拉伸会带来一些不好的结果。F 项(运动后不做伸展运动会有副作用。)符合题意。故选F。8 .根据前文 You wont be surprised to know that when you exercise, you raise your heart rate for a period of time. Whi

31、le its great to get that blood flowing, its just as important to get your heart rate back to a normal level after the workout is over.(当你运动时,你的心率会在一段时间内提高,这一点你不 用感到惊讶。虽然让血液流动是很好的,但在锻炼结束后让你的心率回到正常水平也同样重要。) 讲到运动结束后要让心率恢复到正常的水平是重要的。E项(这在健身界也被称为“降温”。)this 指代前文 “to get your heart rate back to a normal le

32、vel ” ,符合题意。故选 E。9 .根据前文One thing that helps your body get rid of that lactic acid?(有什么东西能帮助你的身体摆 脱乳酸?)可知,空处应讲述这种东西是什么。B项(你猜对了,(就是)伸展运动。)符合题 意。故选B。10 根据下文Flexibility is closely related to injury risk.(柔韧性与受伤风险密切相关。)提到了身体 的柔韧程度关系到受伤风险的大小。结合第一段最后一句内容,可知接下来的内容讲述了运动结 束后不做拉伸会带来不好的结果,所以空白处应该描述你会经历受伤的风险。A项

33、(你会有受伤 的危险。)符合题意。故选A。11 根据前文 Poor flexibility will cause you to have muscles that get tired quicker and joints that are more likely to suffer from injury. Besides, your weakened range of motion will lead to less blood and nutrients to your joints.(柔韧性差会导致你的肌肉更容易疲劳,关节更容易受伤。此外,运动范围变弱会 导致你关节的血液和营养物质减少。

34、)提到了柔韧性差会让肌肉更容易疲劳,关节更容易受伤, 同时运动范围的减弱会导致关节血液和营养物质的减少,所以空处应承接前文,讲述这种情况的具体表现。G项(这就是为什么人们经常感到膝盖和臀部等“承重”关节疼痛的原因。)语义上承接前文,符合题意。故选G。21 35.【答案】D、C、A、B、D、C、D、B、C、A、A、B、C、A、D【解析】L【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。一次帮助视力受损的实习厨师学习烹饪课程的经历, 让作者明白了残疾人的生活不易。句意:2020年,我在一家新成立的社会企业担任志愿者,该企业为视障厨师学员提供烹饪课程。 A.met 遇见;B.cooperated 合作;C.start

35、ed 开始;D.volunteered 自愿做,无偿做。根据Volunteering has been a way of life for me for the past five years since I was fifteen.v 可知,作者从 15 岁起,志愿 服务已经成为过去五年的生活方式,所以在一家新成立的社会企业进行志愿服务。故选D。2 .句意同上。A.managers经理;B.volunteers志愿者;C.chefs厨师;D.doctors医生。根据句意可 知,该企业提供的是烹饪课程,所以培训的应为厨师。故选C。3 .句意:我非常喜欢这份工作,因为它涉及到人与人之间有意义的互

36、动,在那里,我投入了全部 的时间。A.interactionB.appointment 约定;C.greeting 问候;D.conflict 冲突。根据句意可知,这份工作是帮助视障厨师学员学习烹饪课程,是人与人之间的互动。故选A。4 .句意同上。A.confused困惑的;B.engaged忙于的;C.surprised惊讶的;D.disturbed心烦意乱的。根据句意可知,作者很喜欢这份工作,所以会全身心投入(忙于)其中。故选B。5 .句意:这与其他类型的志愿工作不同,其他类型的志愿工作可能主要涉及幕后工作,一段时间 后可能会变得无聊。A.promising有希望的;B.frighteni

37、ng令人害怕的;C.challenging具有挑战性的; D.boring 令人厌倦的。根据前文 “I absolutely loved it as it involved meaningful with people and I was fully (4) throughout the entire time I was there.”作者很喜欢这份工作。此处作者把之前的工 作和这份工作对比,故可知,作者认为之前的工作久而久之会令人厌倦。故选D。6 .句意:我们称自己为“视力正常的助理”,每个人都配有一个视力受损的实习厨师。A.faced面 对;B.compared对比;C.paired使成

38、对;D.equipped配备。根据句意可知,我们的工作就是帮助视 力受损的实习厨师,且be paired with与配对,此处指一对一帮助,故选C。7 .句意:作为一名志愿者,我会陪学员走到Enabling Village厨房,然后在他们学习烹饪新菜式时 确保他们的安全。A.lesson课程;B.enterprise企业;C.room房间;D.kitchen厨房。根据句意可知, 学员要学习烹饪新菜式,故作者陪他们走到厨房。故选D。8 .句意同上。A.satisfaction满意;B.safety安全;C.pleasure高兴;D.success成功。根据第二段第 一句 “In 2020 I w

39、ith a newly founded social enterprise, which conducted cooking lessons for visually impaired (视障)trainee (2)可知,这些学员为视力受损的实习厨师,故作者要保证他们 的安全。故选B。9 .句意:这包括帮助他们弄清楚水槽的位置,确保他们正确使用电器,避免沸腾和热的物体,以 及小心使用刀等物品。A.leaveout遗漏;B.miss out错过;C.figure out算出,弄明白;D.point out 指出。根据句意可知,作者的工作任务是确保视力受损的实习厨师的安全,所以是帮助他们弄清 楚水

40、槽的位置。故选C。10 .句意同上。A.avoiding避免;B.touching触摸;C.approaching靠近;D.feeling感觉。根据句意 可知,作者的工作任务是确保视力受损的实习厨师的安全,且空后的宾语是“沸腾和热的物体”, 所以应为作者帮助他们避开沸腾和热的物体。故选A。11 .句意:和他们在一起让我真正意识到了,当你部分失明或完全失明时,生活是多么艰难。 A.appreciate理解,意识到;B.imagine想象;C.predict预测;D.think认为。根据句意可知,“当 你部分失明或完全失明时,生活是多么艰难”是作者明白的道理。故选A。12 .句意同上。A.temp

41、orarily 暂时地;B.partly 部分地;C.accidentally 偶然地;D.originally 起初。 根据空后completely可知,空处形成对照,应为partly,且本文讲的是“visually impaired trainee chef” 可知,他们并非全盲。故选B。13 .句意:每一件小事都需要付出巨大的努力。A.simplifies简化;B.causes引起;C.takes需要; Doffers提供。根据句意可知,对于视力受损的实习厨师,每一件小事都需要付出巨大的努力。故 选C。14 .句意:我意识到,有很多人有残疾。A.disabilities残疾;B.diff

42、iculties困难;C.determination决 心;D.power 力量。衔接下句 “While medicine still does not have the power to cure all of these conditions, we are never short of ways to empower these individuals by making life (15) and more meaningful for them.”可知,作者通过这次志愿者经历明白了世界上有很多人有残疾,即使医学无法治愈,但是 我们还是可以尽自己的力量让他们生活更容易。故选A。15 .

43、句意:虽然医学仍然没有能力治愈所有这些疾病,但我们从不缺少让这些人的生活更容易、更 有意义的方法。A.luckier更幸运的;B.tougher更艰难的;C.happier更快乐的;D.easier更容易的。 根据句意前后对比关系可知,虽然医学没办法治愈这些疾病,减少疾病带来的困难,但是我们可 以有很多帮助让他们的生活更容易些。故选D。36 .【答案】【小题1】to serve【小题2】as【小题3】who【小题4】was released【小题5】has provided【小题6】that【小题7】efficiency【小题8】breaking【小题9】particularly【小题10】a

44、【解析】L句意:随着中国零工经济的持续增长,中央政府正在寻求更好的监管,以保障工人的 权利,发展新技能和创业,并确保就业市场的健康平衡发展。根据“seeking better regulations”和“the rights of workers, develop new skills and startups and ensure healthy and balanced development in the job market可知,此处是指寻求更好的监管的目的是保障工人的权利、发展新技能和创业并 确保就业市场的健康平衡发展,所以应用t。do不定式作目的状语。故填toserve。2 .句意

45、:零工通常被称为独立承包商或临时工,是指例如送货司机和在线销售主持人这些人,他 们通常与所需公司签订合同,为客户提供服务。refertoas意为把称为”,为固定搭 配,所以此处应用介词as表示“作为”。故填as。3 .句意同上。分析句子可知,在定语从句中缺少主语,且先行词those是指人,所以应用关系代词 whoo 故填 whoo.句意:周四早些时候,该指导方针由五个中央部门发布,以解决当前面临的实际问题,这些问 题即将在零工经济中的雇员和雇主之间出现。根据early on Thursday可知,动作发生在过去, 应用一般过去时。动词release意为“发布”,和主语构成被动关系。主语guid

46、eline为第三人称单 数。故填 was releasedo4 .句意:一个部门的负责人庞石表示,过去几年,随着技术的发展和疫情的影响,零工经济为许 多行业的许多人提供了机会。根据In the past few years”可知,此处应用现在完成时。主语 economy为第三人称单数,故填has providedo.句意:她说,零工经济为人们提高收入提供了一个重要途径,并且对于老年人、残疾人或有其 他困难的人来说,零工工作比全职工作压力更小。分析句子可知,空处引导宾语从句,与上文省 略了 弓I 导词 that 宾语从句 the gig economy provides an important

47、 way for people to improve their incomes一起作并列宾语,从句句意完整,成分齐全,用从属连词that, and连接两个宾语从句, 第二个宾语从句的连词不能省略。故填that。5 .句意:由于新技术的出现,零工工人往往有更高的工作效率,打破了以往工作时间和空间的限 制。在动词have后应用名词efficiency表示“效率”作宾语。故填efficiency。6 .句意同上。动词break意为“打破”,和谓语之间没有连词,和主句构成主动关系,表示意料 之中的结果,所以应用动词的-ing形式作结果状语。故填breaking。7 .句意:“零工经济对稳定就业市场越

48、来越重要,尤其是在当前经济低迷的情况下。”中国社会 科学院大学教授魏翔补充道。修饰动词facing应用副词particularly表示“尤其”作状语。故填 particularly o.句意同上。professor意为“教授”,为可数名词,在此处第一次出现,所以应用不定冠词表示 泛指,首字母的发音为辅音音素,故填a。37 .【答案】 One day, however Mary came with good news. She told Jane the school music festival was to be held the next month and that her classm

49、ates all expected her to sing on behalf of her class. Janes eyes sparkled but responded doubtfully, nCan L.?n Mary and I immediately assured her that she could make it. In the following month, with the help of Mary, Jane kept on practicing singing. Beautiful songs echoed in our house again and smiles began to appear on her fac


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