Module10 Unit1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival外研版英语教材七年级上.docx

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1、ModulelO Unitl Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?教学目标.能够掌握本单元重点单词和词组。1 .能够询问并描述春节前的准备活动。2 .能够根据所给信息,运用现在进行时谈论节日。教学内容1.词汇和短语:clean, sweep, cook, speak, join, make lanterns, learn a dragon dance, clean the house, sweep the floor ,cook the meal,get ready for ,at work. 2.句型:Whafs happening?What

2、are you doing at the moment?Is your father helping you? No, he isnt. Hes still at work. 重点难点重点:L能够掌握本单元重点的词汇和词组。2.能够正确朗读对话。难点1.能够运用现在进行时表达正在做的事情。2.能够运用现在进行时谈论春节。教学思路在数学活动中教师充分利用黑板、图片、多媒体、教学课件、网络媒 体等辅助教学,充分调动学生的学习热情。教师通过设计头脑风暴环节让 学生在复习旧知的同时丁顾利引人春节这一话题,通过组间竞赛游戏、描述 图片学习单词、词组、句型,通过跟读齐读,分角色朗读,复述对话内容, 培养学

3、生听说的能力。学生通过小组竞争与合作探究现在进行时的一般疑 问句和特殊疑问句。通过设计情境教学活动,激发学生的自主学习意识。 教学准备多媒体,黑板,图片,教学课件,单机版网络教材光盘等。教学过程Stepl Warming upBrainstorm: let students have a brainstorm about Spring Festival.教师引人春节话题。学生以头脑风暴的形式,说出春节的相关词汇。T: Hello, my boys and girls, you know Spring Festival is coming,so when you see the wordsCSp

4、ring Festival, what other words can you think of?Ss:fireworks/food and drink/making lantems/lucky money/watching TV/visiting friendsT:We can think of a lot of happy things about our Spring Festival Today we are going to to see Linglings family.Brainstormvisiting friends singing, lucky money Watching

5、 TVcleaning the house _ Spring Festival - food and drink JMaking lanterns fireworkscooking the meal活动设计意图:此环节通过头脑风暴的形式,复习已学调汇firework, food and drink, lantern, watching TV, visiting fiends, pocket money 等等的同时, 激 活本单元话题,调动学生的学习兴趣。Step2 Pre-listeningLook and describe the pictures using the sentence pa

6、tterns教师和一位学生做示范表演对话,然后学生运用现在进行来一对对地操练 并展示对话内容。(IThe teacher shows the following dialogue with a student.first to give other students an model.(2)The students working pairs to show the dialogue(pair by pair) A:What are they/is she/he doing?B.They are/He is/She is .(making big red lanterns , cooking

7、the meal,learning a dragon dance.1. Match the pictures with the expression and check the answers on the screen(P60- Activity) 活动设计意图:此环节听前活动通过两步完成教学任务,从第一步的根据句 型描述图片到第二步图片与短语搭配,计体现了教学过程要由浅入深,由 易到难,层层深入的原则,符合学生的认知规律。句型的操练起到了巩国 所学单词,句型的自的,同时为接下来做与春节相关的所力活动做铺垫。Step3 While-listening. Do the listening ex

8、ercise on page 6o- Activity2 and imitate and retell the listening material.此环节学生完成第60页第二题听力录音标号,要求学生模仿和复述听力材 料内容。(l)The students listen to the tape and number the pictures( P60 Activity 2) (2)The students read after the tape to improve their pronunciation.(3)The students retell the listening materia

9、l according to the pictures and key words of the listening material.活动设计意图:此环节通过三个活动的设计加强学生听说技能的训练,练习 学生听力的同时,培养学生的英语语音语调的纯正。同时通过图片和关键 词复述听力材料内容,培养学生的观察力,记忆力及思维能力。1 .Listen to the dialogue on Page 6o and do the exercise on P61:choose the correct answer.此环节学生听60页listen and read完成61页第三题选择正确的答语。2 1 )Th

10、e students read the questions predict the listening material.(2)The teacher plays the recording for the students and the students begin to listen to the recording carefullypairs.活动设计意pairs.活动设计意(3)The students check the answer in pairs and then call back the answers in:此环节通过三个活动的设计加强学生所说技能的训练,练习学生听力

11、的同时,培养学生的英语语音语调的纯正。同时通过图片和关键 词复述听力材料内容,培养学生的汇观察力、记忆力及思维能力。Step4 Post-listeningRead the dialogue in different ways.(1 )The students read together after the tape to improve their pronunciation and intonation.(2) The students read the dialogue in pairs and then show several pairs while the rest of stud

12、ents listen to them carefully and find the mistakes of their pronunciation.活动设计意图:通过学生观看生动活泼的对话视频并跟读、模仿,能提高学 生的语感,提高对英语语音、语调的感悟力和用正确语音语调进行口语输 出的能力。1. Question time:do the exercise on P 61- Activity 4;answer the questions and check it in pairs through asking and answering,the students can also add so

13、me questions that they dont understand to ask the other students, What is Lingling doing?Who is working?What is linglings aunt doing?What id Linglings grandma doing?What are Darning and Betty doing?活动设计意圈:通过问答环节的设计,通过学生互问互答的方式核对答案, 加深对现在进行时的特殊疑问句的理解和运用,同时也加深对对话的理解。2. Deal with the sentence patterns.

14、此环节学生通过自主合作探究找出对话中出现的现在进行时的一一般疑问 句,然后总结规律,根据图片操练句型。(1 )The students are given two minutes to find the present continuous questions of the dialogue.(2)The students summarize the rules of the present continuous questions by themselves.(3)The teacher writes the rules on the blackboard and lets students

15、 pay attention to the structure.(4)The students have a competition to win the stickers, and they must use the present continuous questions to ask and answer.A:Are we/ you/ they doing.?B: Yes, we/you/ they are doing. No, we/ you/ they arent doing.A: Is/he/she/it doing.?B:Yes. He/She/It is doing. No.

16、He/She/It is doing.活动设计意图:此环节通过合作探究一总结规律 教师点拨操练运用,完成 对现在进行时的感知和运用,通过竞赛游戏的方式使学生在操练中潜移默 化地感知现在进行时的一般疑问句的构成。这种设计不仅仅增添了学生语 言学习的乐趣,调动学生的多种感官体验,而且也突破本课教学重难点。 4. Exercise time :Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expression from the box.此环节教市通过设计矩文填室的题型,考查学生对本单元重点单词和短语 的考察。()The tea

17、cher gives students throe minutes to do the following exercise, (2)The students check the answers one by one.(3)A1I the students read the dialogue together to consolidate the comprehension 9f the text.Dragon, happen, hard, hurry, join, lantern, put things away, quite, readyWhats at Linglings home? T

18、hey are getting for Spring Festival.Her mother and her aunt are working very, cleaning and, Lingling is also busy, She s making red. Darning and Bettyare learning a dance so Tony to Limglingfs home andthem活动设计意图:此环节通过设计规文填空的题型加深学生对本谋词汇的运 用和巩固,并且加深学生对文章的理解及运用,5.Change the dialogue into 4 short passag

19、e according to the key words (1 )Let several students change the key words into sentences. (2)Read the text together,T.Since you are quiet familiar with the dialogue, can you change the key words into sentences? Have n try, the first one,Who can? (the students answer the questions)You have done a go

20、od job jets read the new text together. 活动设计意图:学生通过大屏幕上关键词的提示,把本单元的对话口头形式 转换成短文.巩固课文中的重点短语和句型。 Sicp5 Group workWork in groups Ask and answer about what people are doing in the picture .Using the following sentence patterns: 一 What is she doing?一 She is doing.一 1 she doing.?一 Yes,she is /No,she isnt.

21、 Ask the students to talk about the pictures in their own groups using the above sentence patterns.1 .The students change groups to describe other pictures.2 The students show the short dialogue to the other students in the front of the classroom.活动设计意图:此环节为学生设计贴近实际生活的语言交际活动,以同组合 作到异组合作的形式,操练,运用现在进行

22、时的一樊疑问句和特殊疑问句。学生组内自编小对话,加深对一般现在进行时的理解和运用,体现英语教 学中学以致用的原则。Step6 Summing up & HomeworkWords and phrases: clean, sweep, cook, speak, join, make lanterns,learn a dragon dance, clean the house, sweep the floor,cook the meal,get ready for,at work1. Sentence patterns: WhatS happening? What are you doing at

23、 the moment?Is your father helping you?2. Homework(1 )Read the words and the dialogue frequently.(2)Write a short report about what your family members are doing before Spring Festival.(3)Search the Internet about the different festivals in China.板书设计Unitl Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?1. Words and phrases:clean, sweep, cook, speak, join, make lanternsjearn a dragon dance, clean the house, sweep the floor,cook the meal,get ready for,at workSentence patterns:WhatS happening?What are you doing at the moment?Is your father helping you?


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