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《Unit_9_My_favorite_subject_is_science课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit_9_My_favorite_subject_is_science课件.ppt(17页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 9 My favorite subject is science(Period1)说课说课The analysis of the teaching materialn n本单元是新目标人教2011新版七年级上册的最后一个单元。这单元承上启下又密切联系生活在本册书中的地位十分重要。本节课是这单元的第一课时,学习掌握学科的表达,使用favorite 来谈论和表达自己的喜好,并能用because和表示描述性的形容词陈述理由。根据教材我制定了以下教学目标。Teaching goals:n nA.Knowledge goalsA.Knowledge goalsn nLearn new word

2、s:favorite,subject,science,P.E.music,math,Chinese,Learn new words:favorite,subject,science,P.E.music,math,Chinese,geography,history,why,because;geography,history,why,because;n nLearn how to use whatLearn how to use what,why and who questions and description words.why and who questions and descriptio

3、n words.n nTarget language:Target language:n nWhats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is math.Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is math.n nWhy do you like math?Because its interesting.Why do you like math?Because its interesting.n nB BAbility goalsAbility goalsn nTo be able to

4、talk about favorite subjects.To be able to talk about favorite subjects.n nTo be able to give reasons by using the description words.To be able to give reasons by using the description words.n nImproving students comprehensive ability of using language by listening,Improving students comprehensive a

5、bility of using language by listening,speaking,reading,and writing.speaking,reading,and writing.n nC CEmotional goalsEmotional goalsn n培养学生对学科的兴趣,热爱学习热爱老师。培养学生对学科的兴趣,热爱学习热爱老师。n n教育学生不要偏科,每个课程都应学好。教育学生不要偏科,每个课程都应学好。Teaching important points and difficultiesn nTeaching important points:Teaching import

6、ant points:n n能脱口说出各种学科的英文名称;能熟练应用所能脱口说出各种学科的英文名称;能熟练应用所学句型询问和谈论别人或自己喜好的学科并给出学句型询问和谈论别人或自己喜好的学科并给出理由;能掌握理由;能掌握What,why,whoWhat,why,who特殊疑问句及回答特殊疑问句及回答n nTeaching difficult points:Teaching difficult points:n n能掌握谓语的第三人称单数在句中的运用能掌握谓语的第三人称单数在句中的运用;人称人称代词和物主代词在句中的正确切换;能综合运用代词和物主代词在句中的正确切换;能综合运用所学英语开展小组活

7、动。所学英语开展小组活动。The analysis of the studentsn n1.The Ss have known something about subjects.n n2.They are lack of vocabulary.n n3.They dont often use English to express themselves and communicate with others.n n4.Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.n n针对以上情况我在

8、课程的安排和设计上兼顾不同层次的学生,分层教学。The analysis of the teaching methods and learning strategies.Teaching methods:n nA.任务型教学法:新课标倡导的玩中学,学中玩。n nB.竞赛教学法和小组合作教学法:根据初中生争强好胜的性格特征,进行俩俩对话,激发学生兴趣,给学生创造英语语言氛围。同时,以小组形式互问互答,可以巩固学生所学知识。n nC.视听教学法及多媒体辅助教学。Learning strategies.n n本节课学生采用Imitating and repeating,Practicing,Comp

9、eting,Interviewing 和Role-playing的学习策略,利用多媒体课件来展开课堂口语交际活动。Teaching proceduresn nStep1.Greetingn nGreetings and self-introduction.设计意图设计意图通过师生互相问候拉近师生间距离并能集中学生的注意力,为学生创设了一个轻松愉快的学习环境。Step2.Lead-inShow some pictures about foods and sports.Then ask the students,“Whats your favorite food/sport?.”After tha

10、t,Ill let them guess my favorite things.Then I will say,My favorite food is tomatoes.My favorite sport is basketball.I am an English teacher so my favorite subject is English.设设计计意意图图复习前面单元的知识,讨论熟悉的话题引起学生的兴趣,用猜老师的喜好可以形成信息沟,而老师的回答又自然引出本课话题。Step3.Presentationn nFirst I show some photos of subjects to

11、the students.As guiding them to get to know new words,I write them down on the blackboard.设计意图设计意图利用图片让学生形象识认单词。Then I teach them to pronounce till they can read.After that I ask two or three volunteers to teach the others to read.设计意图设计意图学生教学生可以给孩子树立自信心,让学生成为学习的主人从而体验了学习的成就感。n nNext I arrange a gam

12、e-Who will be winner?This is a memory test.I divide the students into two groups.I show out the photos,and anyone who says the subject first and right will win.The winner can challenge the whole class.(此时下面学生可以轮流说英语或汉语科目或修饰学科的形容词让他或她说出对应的中英文)设计意图设计意图通过PK形式,激发了学生的学习欲望,增强竞争意识。使学生更快,更好地识记,巩固所学知识,加深词汇教学

13、效果为后面的学习奠定基础。Last Listen to 1b and find the subjects you hear.设计意图设计意图通过听力来考查学生对学科生词的掌握。在听的过程中随时调控听力材料的播放次数关注各个层次的学生的听力水平。Step 4.Drilln nFirst,ask a student to act as Xi First,ask a student to act as Xi YangyangYangyang and another one as and another one as HuiHui TailangTailang to practice a dialog

14、ue.Then do a chain drill.to practice a dialogue.Then do a chain drill.设计设计设计设计意图意图意图意图通过机械操练掌握目标语言通过机械操练掌握目标语言,这一形式能在短时间内这一形式能在短时间内让更多学生都有开口说的机会,同时也避免了一些学生在让更多学生都有开口说的机会,同时也避免了一些学生在集体回答时候滥竽充数,并能发现学生在发音方面存在的集体回答时候滥竽充数,并能发现学生在发音方面存在的个别问题以及时给予纠正。个别问题以及时给予纠正。n nThen using target language,play a guessing

15、 games.Then using target language,play a guessing games.Show out Show out pictures to the students.Then ask one pair to guess his/her pictures to the students.Then ask one pair to guess his/her favorite subject and the reason he/she likes.favorite subject and the reason he/she likes.设计意图设计意图设计意图设计意图

16、通过有通过有趣的有意义操练让学生掌握谓语的第三人称单数在句中的趣的有意义操练让学生掌握谓语的第三人称单数在句中的运用和人称代词和物主代词的正确切换,巩固本节课的教运用和人称代词和物主代词的正确切换,巩固本节课的教学难点。学难点。n nNext,listen to 2b and match the subjects you hear with the descriptions.设计意图设计意图通过听力练习检测操练的效果。最后我设计了Do a survey这个活动:Ask the students to make a survey in groups,and write down their pa

17、rtners favorite subjects and teachers.设计设计意图意图我用Love me,love my dog.这个谚语引出热爱老师就要热爱他的学科,并展开情感教育。然后分组做一个调查,完成后由小组进行汇报。通过这个communicative drill 培养学生的英语综合运用能力。Step 5.Consolidationn nMake a summary.设计意图设计意图我总结了这节课所学内容,巩固所学知识。n nAnd then I play a video-Lets chant!设计设计意图意图在这里加放一个说唱视频既复习学科生词又让学生了解星期的表达,为作业一制

18、课表和下节课做好铺垫。Step 6.Homeworkn nFirst ask the students to make a curriculum schedule in English.设计意图设计意图通过制作课程表让学生进一步的复习这节课的学科生词而且拓展了新的学科生词biology,computer,politics.n nSecond ask them to make a survey about their parents favorite subjects.设计意图设计意图通过采访父母,让学生学会关心父母,与他们交流。了解他们学生时代生活,会让学生对自己现在的学习有所启发,激发他们的

19、学习兴趣。Blackboard designn nscience science boringboringn nP.E.P.E.difficult difficult n nmusic music interestinginterestingn nmath math relaxingrelaxingn nChinese Chinese useful useful n nGeography funGeography funn n history history excitingexcitingn nWhats your favorite subject?Whats your favorite s

20、ubject?n nMy favorite subject is math.My favorite subject is math.n nWhy do you like math?Why do you like math?n nBecause its interesting.Because its interesting.n nWho is your favorite teacher?Who is your favorite teacher?设计反思n n对本节课的教学设计,我努力贯彻以学生为主体,教师为主导,教师的“导”立足于学生的“学”,以学法为重心,放手让学生自主探索学习,注意从实际出发,充分利用各种教学手段来激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生合作与竞争精神和实践能力。力求使学生在积极、愉快的课堂氛围中提高自己的认知水平,从而达到预期的教学效果。


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