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1、Unit SevenJoining Sentences Together(1)Unit Objectives1.features of a coordinate sentences2.different types of coordinate sentences3.how to coordinate sentences4.unity in a paragraph5.coherence in a paragraph1.features of a coordinate sentenceswarmup activities1)tired happy 2)one percent inspiration

2、 ninetynine percent perspiration 3)who always remembers a womans birthday who never remembers her age4)Soldiers win battles,generals get credit.word+wordphrase+phraseclause +clausesentence+sentencebutandandbutWrite a short paragraph to discuss ways to make your campus life more colorful.My life on c

3、ampus is both challenging and colorful.I naturally devote most of my weekdays to courses,both compulsory and optional.As the academic requirements demand that I must spend all my weekday evenings in the library reading reference books and drafting papers,I think it is worthwhile to stay up late to c

4、ome up with original ideas for my papers.This makes me a late riser.I exercise every afternoon so that I can keep fit.Such a pace will,I believe,prepare me to finish my university study.Part IICoordinating Words or Coordinators1)single coordinatorsand,but,or,for2)paired coordinatorsboth and either o

5、r not only but also Coordinating Words1.andThey drank,sang and danced all night.Write and tell them what has happened.Work hard,and you will pass the examination.2.butThey are poor but proud.He called out to me and waved excitedly.He not only called out to me but also waved excitedly.3.orPure solid,

6、pure liquid,or pure gas is rare.Eggs or chickens are very cheap now.I cant stay longer or Ill be late.He did not eat or drink.4.forWe must start early,for we have a long way to go.Classroom Activities p.991.Supply suitable coordinators 1)and 2)and 3)and,or 4)or 5)or 6)and2.1)Without a coordinator,“t

7、he elusiveness of the enemy,the wide spread use of drugs,the American soldiers sense of outrage”creates a quick pace,thus emphasizing the difference.2)Without a coordinator in the first part.“no pattern,no meaning no significance”shows a kind of frustration,or even indignation.By repeating the coord

8、inator in the second half,the writer may wish to indicate that his frustration and indignation have been gradually replaced by fatigue and resign.3.1)In this city that school is the only one without compulsory courses various exams./In this city that school is the only one without compulsory courses

9、 various exams.2)For the first time he saw his father not as a giant of his childhood,as a lonely and helpless man.orneithernorbut3)The monitors duty is to organize coordinate class activities,bridge students teachers.4)you measure it in terms of money spent people involved,education has become the

10、largest industry in China./in terms of money spent people involved,education has become the largest industry in China./in terms of money spent people involved,education has become the largest industry in China.andandandWhetherorEitherorBothandCoordinators and their relationshipsCoordin-atorsRelation

11、shipandbutornorforsoyetThe two items are similar.The two items are different;there is a transition.The two items are similar,but will not take place at the same time.Neither of the two items will take place.The two items are similar,expressing a clear reason.The first clause causes the second one.Th

12、ere is also a transition,but the relationship is less close that with but Classroom Activities p.1011)The sun is rising higher and higher,and the travellers are feeling hotter and hotter.2)The exam is going to end in five minutes,yet Judy still has two essay questions left.3)The boy wants to major i

13、n philosophy,but his parents want him to be a doctor in the future.4)I had planned to go to Hangzhou during the national Holiday,but I was frightened back home by the large crowds of people at the railway station.5)I will not read this letter,nor will I read any letter he writes me.2.1)and2)but3)but

14、/yet4)Either orPart III Unity 1.A unified sentence expresses one complete idea.2.For ideas to be unified,we must make sure that the ideas in the sentence are logically related.3.For the ideas to be complete,we must be careful with the superlative degree or other types of absolute expressions.UNITY I

15、N THE PARAGRAPHWhat is unityThe state or quality of being in accord;harmony.orThe combination or arrangement of parts into a whole;unification.A paragraph possesses unity when it has one central idea which is clarified,explained,or reinforced by all the other statements in the paragraph.The skillful

16、 writer,once he has formulated his idea and stated it in a topic sentence,will then develop his idea by any one of the methods already mentioned above,keeping in mind that whatever he writes must deal with only this idea.NOTICE:A paragraph should be unified,that is,concerned with a single topic.Read

17、 the following When Lincoln was eight years old,his father lost most of his land in Kentucky.Lincolns mother died when he was nine years old.When Lincoln was nine,his step mother persuaded his father that Abraham Lincoln should begin to go to school.Lincoln was born in Kentucky.He started school,but

18、 it soon closed.The first winter they spent in Indiana they lived in a house with only three walls;the 4th side was open for a fire.Lincolns family moved to Indiana after his fathers bankruptcy.Parallel Structure Good writing is not only clear to the reader,but also correct in form.People appreciate

19、 things stated in such a way as to reveal a mind that is well organized and trained in appropriate habits of thinking.The careful writer or speaker expresses ideas of equal importance in parallel form.1.Express parallel ideas in the same grammatical form.Three kinds of parallel structure:1)coordinat

20、e2)compared or contrasted3)correlative1)coordinate In the winter I usually like skiing and to skate.In the winter I usually like skiing and skating.In the winter I usually like to ski and to skate.Columbus was praised for his foresight,his courage,and driving on against great odds.Columbus was prais

21、ed for his foresight,his courage,and his perseverance.The Mayor promised removal of the slums and that local employees would be given pensions.The Mayor promised that the slums would be removed and that local employees would be given pensions.WRRWRWR2)compared or contrasted Einstein liked mathematic

22、al research more than to supervise a large laboratory.Einstein liked mathematical research more than supervision of a large laboratory.To chew carefully is as necessary for a good digestion as eating slowly.Chew carefully is as necessary for a good digestion as eating slowly.WRWR3)correlative For th

23、at scholarship he devoted many hours to both research and doing field work.For that scholarship he devoted many hours to both research and field work.Dr Steinmetz soon demonstrated at General Electric Laboratories that he was not only tireless,but also a scientist of great originality.Dr Steinmetz s

24、oon demonstrated at General Electric Laboratories that he was not only tireless,but also original in his scientific thinking.WRWRPlace correlative conjunctions immediately before the parallel terms.In the Normandy invasion in 1944,general Eisenhower was not only the leader of the American forces,but

25、 also of the entire Allied army.In the Normandy invasion in 1944,general Eisenhower was the leader not only of the American forces,but also of the entire Allied army.Washington both experienced the gloom of Valley Forge and the joy of Yorktown.Washington experienced both the gloom of Valley Forge an

26、d the joy of Yorktown.WRWRIn parallel constructions repeat an article,a preposition,or a pronoun whenever necessary to make the meaning clear.After the celebration we were introduced to the president and master of ceremonies.After the celebration we were introduced to the president and to the master

27、 of ceremonies.The discovery of radium was as great a joy to Marie Curie as her husband.The discovery of radium was as a great joy to Marie Curie as to her husband.AMBIGUOUSCLEARAMBIGUOUSCLEARFaulty Parallelisma.She hopes to spend this holiday either in Shanghai or in Suzhou.b.Showing and keeping/To

28、 show and to keep promises are the basic requirements of a real friend.c.I want to know how big this house is and when it was built.d.in the past ten years,Mr.Weir has been a waiter,a tour guide,and a teacher of English.In parallelism,the parallel elements must belong to the same grammatical categor

29、y.If you introduce two elements from different grammatical categories in one parallel structure,you make the mistake of faulty parallelism.Classroom activities p.1071)(U)This is my favorite beer.2)(U)My first English teacher stayed in Britain for five years.3)(P)Taking a walk alone or chatting with

30、a friend over the phone can greatly relax your tension.4)(U)China has a large population.5)(U,P)6)Learning to speak English and use computer is important for finding a good job in the future.6)(U)Practice like drawing eggs can lay a solid foundation for an artist.7)(P)If one wants to find a good job

31、 with fewer working hours and a good salary,he must work hard at university.8)(U)I believe Dr.Schmidt is your best choice for this coming election.9)(P)For this paper,you must choose a topic that is both interesting and helpful.COHERENCE INTHE PARAGRAPHWhat is coherence?The quality or state of coher

32、ing(cohere=to have internal elements or parts logically connected so that aesthetic consistency results),especially a logical,orderly,and aesthetically consistent relationship of parts.A paragraph should be coherent,that is,arranged according to some definite plan.When the ideas in a paragraph flow

33、from one to the other in logical order,the paragraph has coherence.To achieve this quality you must plan what you are going to write.Sometimes you have to rearrange or rewrite several times before you achieve the best possible order of ideas.The various ways of arranging your ideas can be reduced to

34、 a few.The chronological order(the order in which things happened)is one with which you have long been acquainted.Whenever you relate an experience,you follow the natural time order of the events without even thinking about it.Chronological order is encountered usually in narrative writing.(1)The de

35、tails in a paragraph may be arranged coherently in the order of time.The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.A few hours earlier,someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamo

36、nds.When the plane arrived,some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.While two detectives were keeping guard at the door,two others opened the parcel.To their surp

37、rise,the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!listenI arrived in London at last.The railway station was big,black and dark.I did not know the way to my hotel,so I asked a porter.I not only spoke English very carefully,but very clearly as well.The porter,however,could not understand me.I repea

38、ted my question several times and at last he understood.he answered me,but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly.I am a foreigner,I said.Then he spoke slowly,but I could not understand him.My teacher never spoke English like that!The porter and I looked at each other and smiled.Then he said something

39、and I understood it.Youll soon learn English!he said.I wonder.In England,each person speaks a different language.The English understand each other,but I dont understand them!Do they speak English?listen In addition to the narrative paragraph,which normally follows the order of time,a great deal of e

40、xpository writing follows the same order.Read the simplest recipe for baking a cake or for putting together a tool,and you will notice a chronological arrangement.Most of your laboratory manuals in the natural sciences and descriptions of steps in solving a mathematical problem are written in the or

41、der of time.Please read the following The case for more scholarships for deserving students is a strong one.We must not risk the loss of fine students who may not be able to continue in college without financial aid.This would be wasting Americas greatest resource the human brain.Our expanding econo

42、my requires more and better leaders.Our role as leader in the free world requires us to train leaders wherever they are found.But most important is the threat from the Communist world with its huge output of thousands of trained scientists each year.We must train or run the risk of being beaten.(2)T

43、he details in a paragraph may be arranged coherently in the order of their importance.Especially in paragraphs of argumentation,you will arrange your sentences in the order of importance.This usually means placing the least important idea first,and following it with increasingly stronger points.The

44、most important point effectively climaxes the paragraph.The vast results obtained by science are won by no mystical faculties,by no mental processes,other than those which are practiced by everyone of us in the humblest and meanest affairs of life.A detectivepoliceman discovers a burglar from the ma

45、rks made by his shoe,by a mental process identical with that by which Cuvier restored the extinct animals of Montmartre from fragments of their bones.Nor does that process of induction and deduction by which a lady,finding a stain of a peculiar kind upon her dress,concludes that somebody has upset t

46、he inkstand thereon,differ in any way in kind from that by which Adams and Leverrier discovered a new planet.The man of science,in fact,simply uses with scrupulous exactness the methods which we all habitually and at every moment use carelessly.T.H.HUXLEY,Lay Sermons(3)The details in a paragraph may

47、 be arranged coherently to bring out a comparison or a contrast.A writer frequently achieves clarity by comparing an unfamiliar thing or idea to one that is already familiar to the reader.The paragraph in which a tree is compared to an animate being illustrates this technique.Joe Sanders has the mos

48、t beautiful garden in our town.Nearly everybody enters for The Nicest Garden Competition each year,but Joe wins every time.Bill Friths garden is larger than Joes.Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables,but Joes garden is more interesting.He has made neat paths and has built

49、a wooden bridge over a pool.I like gardens too,but I do not like hard work.Every year I enter for the garden competition too,and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!listenA brief summary of the lesson1.What is a paragraph?2.In general,how many parts does a paragraph consist

50、of?3.How to make a paragraph sentence into a paragraph?4.How to make a paragraph coherent?1.What is a paragraph?A paragraph is a series of sentences developing one topic.2.In general,how many parts does a paragraph consist of?1.an introductory sentence2.a topic sentence3.supporting details4.a conclu


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