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1、英语报刊The heyday of their empireThe British Government BritainThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland System of government:constitutional monarchy.The central government includes:monarch,Parliament and the cabinet.1.The monarch 1)Functions:head of state2)Official titles:king&queen3)Of

2、ficial residence:Buckingham Palace,Windsor Castle 2.Parliament Two chambers:1)the House of Lords(the Upper House)and a)Members:议员b)Chairman:Lord High Chancellor 议长2)the House of Commons(Lower House)a)Members:议员b)Chairman:Speaker议长The House of Commons and House of Lords meet in the Palace of Westmins

3、ter,located next to the River Thames in London.Westminster PalaceRIVER THAMES IN LONDONHouses of Parliament Palace of Westminster威斯敏斯特宫(Palace of Westminster),又称国会大厦(Houses of Parliament)是英国国会(包括上议院和下议院)的所在地 威斯敏斯特宫是哥特复兴式建筑的代表作之一,1987年被列为世界文化遗产 3.The government and the cabinet Prime Minister Secretar

4、y of state for the Home Department内政大臣 Chancellor of the Exchequer 财政大臣 secretary of state for Defense国防大臣.Politics 1.Political parties:Two-party system 1)Conservative party(Donald Cameron)2)Labor party 2.Election:1)Period:every five years at nationwide level.BritainThe United Kingdom of Great Brita

5、in and Northern Ireland Britain is a constitutional monarchy.The monarch,at present Queen Elizabeth II,is the Head of State(the official ruler of the country).She has to agree to all new laws before they can come into force.Every year she performs the State Opening of Parliament,when she makes a spe

6、ech which tells what the government intends to do.Monarch:a ruler of a state,such as a king or queen,who has a right to rule by birth,and does not have to be elected.Monarchy:the system by which a state is ruled by a king or queen.Also a state ruled by a king or queen.What is her name?What is the UK

7、?The Queen appoints the Prime Minister and gives titles and other honours to people who have done good things for the country.Present PM Tony BlairFormer PM Margaret ThatcherIn practice the queen has very little power,and she may not express a political opinion in public.She cannot refuse to agree t

8、o a law which has been decided on by Parliament and she must appoint as Prime Minister the leader of the political party that has won the most parliamentary seats.The queens duties are mainly ceremonial.Some people think that the monarchy is old-fashioned and a waste of money,but others feel that it

9、 is a good thing to have someone represent the country on important occasions who is not connected with any political party.Britain is arguably the oldest representative Britain is arguably the oldest representative democracy in the world.democracy in the world.Representative Representative Democrac

10、yDemocracy and also known as Parliamentary Democracy(Parliamentary Democracy(议会制民主)议会制民主)Monarch-Constitutional Monarchy(君主立宪制)The Queen is the chief of the state,but without real powerElizabeth-Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realmsReignReign 6 February 1952 present(62 years)

11、CoronationCoronation2 June 1953Predecessor Predecessor George VIHeir Apparent Heir Apparent Charles,Prince of Wales(the Prince of Wales is the heir to the throne.)ConsortConsortPrince Philip,Duke of Edinburgh英国王位为世袭制。英国王位为世袭制。17011701年颁布的王位年颁布的王位继承法规定,英王去世后由其长子或长继承法规定,英王去世后由其长子或长女继承,男性优于女性。长子如已死亡,女继

12、承,男性优于女性。长子如已死亡,则由其后嗣继承。若长子去世时尚无子则由其后嗣继承。若长子去世时尚无子女,则由英王的次子或后嗣继承。如英女,则由英王的次子或后嗣继承。如英王无子,才由其弟继承。王无子,才由其弟继承。19521952年继位的年继位的现女王是英国汉诺威王朝的第十一代君现女王是英国汉诺威王朝的第十一代君王。王。英国王位的继承顺序(英国王位的继承顺序(order of order of succession to the thronesuccession to the throne)前六名是:)前六名是:Prince Charles(Prince Charles(女王长子女王长子)Pri

13、nce William(CharlesPrince William(Charles之长子之长子)Prince Henry(CharlesPrince Henry(Charles之二子之二子)Prince Andrew(Prince Andrew(女王二子女王二子)Prince Edward(Prince Edward(女王三子女王三子)Princess Anne(Princess Anne(女王之女女王之女)英国的君主立宪制君主立宪制是英国政府最古老的制度。英女王君主立宪制是英国政府最古老的制度。英女王伊丽莎白二世传承了爱格伯国王(伊丽莎白二世传承了爱格伯国王(King King Egbert


15、王、英联邦的元首及忠实的捍卫者”。在英吉利海峡诸岛及曼恩岛(在英吉利海峡诸岛及曼恩岛(the Channel the Channel Islands and the Isle of ManIslands and the Isle of Man)行使着女王的权)行使着女王的权威。威。虽然君主立宪制的王权宝座只设在英国,虽然君主立宪制的王权宝座只设在英国,英女王仍然代表着许多英联邦国家的国英女王仍然代表着许多英联邦国家的国家元首家元首。英女王在完全独立于英国政府。英女王在完全独立于英国政府的英联邦国家大臣们的建议下,将她的的英联邦国家大臣们的建议下,将她的权力委托给英联邦国家的总督,代为行权力委托


17、一个由选举产生的下议院三方组议院和一个由选举产生的下议院三方组成。成。这三方仅在一些具重要象征意义的这三方仅在一些具重要象征意义的仪式上同时出现。譬如,在每年英国议仪式上同时出现。譬如,在每年英国议会重开的仪式上,女王会在上议院召见会重开的仪式上,女王会在上议院召见下议院议员。英国的立法需要这三方的下议院议员。英国的立法需要这三方的一致通过,女王通常不持异议。一致通过,女王通常不持异议。IntroductionAs you know,Britain is a Monarchy.The Queen,as head of state,chooses a prime minister,dissolv

18、es Parliament and declares war,and takes the political accountability while remaining above politics and taking no sides in any political debate.However,just ceremonial duties.So whether it should stay or not?quotation from Churchills description about the monarchy systemthe best that man had yet de

19、visedwhy the monarchy must stayThis system prevents politicians from too easily usurping power.It is one of the great strengths of monarchy that it has never taken sides in any political debate,that it shows itself,as an institution,to be evenhanded.If one were to jettison the monarchy,government,Pa

20、rliament,the nation and the commonwealth would be turned upside down.From this follows trade,and a vital economic boost to the nations industry and commerce.At home,monarchy is at the center of a multimillion-dollar tourist industry.That people like things the way they areMrs Windsor,anyone?The main

21、 ideaThe royal scandal led to the dispute of the monarchs removal or retention,however its still hard to discover a strong movement toward a republic in Britain history,a poll commissioned by the leftish and republican-leaning Guardian asked 1,000 people whether Britain would be better or worse off

22、without a royal family and 69 per cent said worse off,a number in line with similar polls throughout the past 60 years.The mystery of British republicanism has long been its almost total non-existence.The Queens JubileesThe Queens JubileesSilver jubilee 1977Gold jubilee 2002Diamond jubilee 2012.More

23、 than a million spectators lined the banks of the river to cheer the 86-year-old*monarch.She is only the second British monarch to celebrate a diamond jubilee,after Queen Victoria.The river pageant was the main event of four days of celebrations for the 60th year of the queens reign and street parti

24、es were held around the country.Questions Are there many Britons against Monarchy according to the author?No,Only a handful of people have expressed their dislike for the monarchy2.What does the slogan“Dont jubileeve it!”on the placard mean?Dont take part in any celebration for the Queenss diamond j

25、ubilee.Dont you believe it3.How do you understand the slogan“9500 nurses or 1 Queen”?The expenses of the Queen are equal to those of 9500 nurses.It suggests that the royal familys life is extravagant and so people choose to have more nurses instead of a queen4.Why do you think the majority of Briton

26、s give their support to the royal family?Their country can benefit a lot economically from it,and their state is safer and more stable with it.the StructureParagraph 1-3 the anti-monarchist arrangements for the celebration of the diamond jubileePara4-8 monarchy mishandledPara 9-13 history of republi

27、cPara 14-18abolishnist of the monarchyPara 19-20support of the monarchyDetailed Study of the TextThere were eight of them,a pretty decent attendance on such an occasion,(Para2)The number of people who attend was not small.They were putting finishing touches to the(Para2)To make final adjustments of

28、completingwhen they held their own anti-royal street party,and the jubilee have produced spikes in support.(Para3)-sharp riseAnd for the monarchy,an institution which has held firm with one 11-year gap since the start of the 9th century,the 21st century has marked a return to its customary popularit

29、y and dominance(Para 5)The 1990s were disastrous for the royal family(Para 5)The royal antics led to the fact that monarch is threatened.The 1990s were diastrous for the royal family“annus horribilis”CamillagateSquidgygateAfter the“annus horribilis,”“Camillagate,”“Squidgygate”and other royal antics,

30、support for the monarchy in Great Britain dropped to 38 percent.annus horribilis:-years of wonders,esp.Applied to 1666,or to other years of remarkable or catastrophic eventsSuffix-gateGate:Gate:(scandalscandal),),Forming nouns from the names of people Forming nouns from the names of people or places

31、;used esp.in newspapers.or places;used esp.in newspapers.Like Like WatergateWatergate,the scandal in the US,the scandal in the US that brought about the resignation of that brought about the resignation of President Nixon in 1974.President Nixon in 1974.Camillagate-Concerning a close female friend(C

32、amilla)of Prince CharlesSquidgygate-Princess Dianas sexual scandalBut the turnaround,widely perceived to have golden jubilee of 2002(Para 6)Silver Jubilee 1977Gold Jubilee 2002Diamond Jubilee 2012a poll commissioned by the leftish and republican-leaning Guardian asked 1,000 people whether Britain wo

33、uld be better or worse off without a royal family and 69 per cent said worse off,a number in line with similar polls throughout the past 60 years.(Para 6)A number in line with similar polls throughout the past 60 years(Para6)The result of the poll was consistent with similar polls in the past 60 yea

34、rs.At the behest of the FTs photographer(Para7)At the request of The civil war that led to Charles Is execution in 1649 was(to oversimplify)a battle over the origin and extent of the kings authority rather than its existence(Para 9)English Civil War是1642年至1651年在英国议会派议会派与保皇派保皇派之间发生的一系列武装冲突及政治斗争;英国辉格党

35、称之为清教徒革命(英文:-Puritan Revolution-),马克思主义史观称之为英国资产阶级革命(English Bourgeois Revolution)。在内战中,以克伦威尔等人为代表的革命领导人创建了新型的军队,并在实战中创造了一套新的战略战术,在欧洲军事史上写下了光辉的一页。他对于英国和整个欧洲都产生了巨大的影响,历史学家一般将革命开始的1640年作为世界近代史的开端。The HOUSE OF Cromwell:克伦威尔公馆,喻其政权Republicanism:The ideology of governing a society or state as a public,wh

36、ere the head of state is electedOliver Cromwell dissolve Parliament(P9)dissolve parliament,declare war,waive the power,usurp power,In the 352 years since then there have been moments that might have been construed as republican opportunities(Para10)-explainedThere was a bad run for the monarchy.(Par

37、a 10)There was a bad time for the monarchy.But Britains faith in its system had been cemented by the excesses of the French Revolution(Para10)Because the French Revolution went too far in dealing with their monarch,the British people reinforced their faith in their system,i.e.monarchy.The institutio

38、n recovered quickly after the accession of Victoria in 1837(Para 11)-Monarchy QUEEN OF THE UNITED KINGDOM Reign 20 June 1837 22 January 1901Coronation 28 June 1838Predecessor William IVSuccessor Edward VIIEmpress of IndiaReign 1 May 1876 22 January 1901Imperial durbar 1 January 1877Successor Edward

39、VIIHer throne Her reign of 63 years and 7 months,which is longer than any other british monarch(统治者).and the longest of any female monarch in history,is known as the Victorian era.It was a period of industrial,cultural,political,scientific,and military change within the United Kingdom,and was marked

40、 by a great expansion of the British Empire.Her AchievementWhen Victoria retreated into seclusion(Para11)Moved back from(government or state affairs)Which damaged her popularity.When he recovered,Victoria held a public thanksgiving service in Westminster Abbey(Para12)-a very large Gothic church in W

41、estminster,built in 11th century,almost all British kings and queens were crowned and many famous people are buried.as a“disguised republic”(Para13)The Queen is there by consent.(Para 13)The Queen is head of state when people agree.Ceremonial headBetween the flag-wavers and the placard-wavers,there

42、is a great deal of cynicism in Britain people turned off by the flummery,the excesses,the expense and the sugar-coated coverage.-Between the supporters and abolitionists of the monarchycynicismThe dog looking for a man-Alexander:“Is there anything I can do for you?”-Diogenes:“Yes,stand to one side.Y

43、oure blocking the sunlight.”people turned off by the flummery,the excesses,the expense and the sugar-coated coverage.-people who have lost their interest or feel disgusted because the royal family are insincere,they dont behave well,they spend huge amounts of the taxpayers money,and they are describ

44、ed in the press as much better than they are.Flummerycomplete nonsenseTurn offto cause to feel dislike or distaste for somethingSugar-coat-to make sth appear more pleasant or acceptableLeanne Wood,the new leader of Plaid Cymru,once caused a storm in the Welsh Assembly by calling the Queen“Mrs Windso

45、r”.-Mrs Windsor-Windsor:The family name of the British royal family from 1917Some republican activists call the Queen“Mrs Windsor”to show their position that monarchy should be abolished and that the Queen is just a common womanSeveral Republic supporters insisted that becoming head of state was a l

46、egitimate aspiration for any child of democracy,in the American log-cabin-to-president tradition.(Para 15)If working hard,even a cowboy can be president,as the proverb goes.the third option in the Charles or William poll question was an election.(Para 15)Support for the monarchy is certainly full of

47、 contradictions but,the night after the Islington gathering,it was possible to sense the weaknesses in Republics case.(Para16)Some thought the royal family(mainly Charles)interfered too much in politics;others thought the Queens insistence on non-intervention after the inconclusive 2010 election was

48、 a sign that she had no useful role to play.Apolitical attitudeBut I suspect that single questioner spoke for apathetic England.(Para 19)But I think the person who asked that question expressed the views of all those English people who are indifferent to this issue.The Queen seems a decent old stick

49、.There is an extra bank holiday for her on Tuesday.-colloquial BrE,guy-public holidayMatch that,President Blair.(Para 19)A republic is as good as or better than monarchy.President Blair-Labour Party politician as Prime Minister of the U.K.(1997-2007)There will be a wave of sympathy because of his mo

50、thers service.”Winston Churchill often described parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy as being imperfect-but the best that man had yet devised.parliamentary democracy:-议会制民主constitutional monarchy:-a monarchy in which the ruler has only powers given to her by the constitution and laws


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