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《2020-2021学年南京市建邺区八上英语期末试卷&答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020-2021学年南京市建邺区八上英语期末试卷&答案.pdf(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、一、听力略二、单项填空(共一、听力略二、单项填空(共 10 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 10 分)从分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. Helen is always a _ girl. She keeps smiling even if she fails.A. helpfulB. cheerfulC hard-workingD. cute17. My book is more interesting than _.A. heB. himC. hesD. his18. The _ you wo

2、rk, the more progress you will make.A. harderB. more hardlyC. hardD. hardly19. Dont forget _ the lights when you leave the classroom.A. to closeB. closingC. to turn offD. turning off20. Can you fix up the machine according to the _, Andrew? No problem.A. instructionsB. introductionsC. inventionsD. i

3、nvitations21. Do you know our school football team will have a match tomorrow? Yes. Tom has invited me _.A. watch them playB. to watch them playC. watch them to playD. to watch them to play22. Tom with his parents _ the living room when the deliveryman knocked at the door.A. cleanedB. cleansC. was c

4、leaningD. were cleaning23. Which word can be added with the prefix “im” to be a new word?2020-2021学年南京市建邺区八上英语期末试卷&答案2020-2021学年南京市建邺区八上英语期末试卷&答案A. patientB. pleasantC. certainD. correct24. Which of the following sentences is presented with the structure of “S+V+IO+DO”?A. Zhalong is an important wet

5、land in the world.B. The area gives a lot of wildlife food and cover.C. Zhalong needs more people to count the birds.D. We call these people volunteers.25. Shall we go to the Ice and Snow Festival? Its said to be very interesting. _, but remember to put on our down jackets.A. Have a good timeB. Best

6、 wishesC. I have no ideaD. I cant wait三三、完完形形填填空空(共共 15 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 15 分分)阅阅读读下下面面短短文文,从从 A、B、C 和和 D 四四个个选选项项中中,选选出出可可以以填填入入空空白白处处的的最最佳佳选选项项。AIt is easy for human beings to tell our friends from our enemies. But can youbelieve that elephants may do the same? Its reported that elephants can

7、 be as _26_as human beings to stay away from danger.Last year, some scientists _27_an experiment. They showed some elephants the clothes ofMaasai peoples and Kamba peoples. They found that the elephants reacted (反应 ) _28_ tosmells and colors. When the elephants smelt the clothes worn by a Maasai man

8、, they moved away fast.When they smelt the clothes of Kamba mens, they relaxed. Then, the same elephants were shown redclothes. They got angry immediately because red is often worn by Maasai men. Instead of _29_away, the elephants rushed angrily to the red clothes. Why? If an elephant smells a dange

9、r, he thinksthat the danger is close and the best action _30_ is to run away and hide. If he sees a danger, hethinks the risk (风险 ) is low. Then, the elephant seems much braver and gets ready to fight.26. A. cleverB. clevererC. cleverestD. more clever27. A. doB. didC. doesD. was doing28. A. differen

10、t fromB. differentC. differenceD. differently29. A. runB. ranC. runningD. runs30. A. takeB. tookC. takingD. to takeBLife is short, so you have to make the most of it every day. YOLO lifestyle isbecoming more and more popular among young people in _31_. “YOLO” stands for“You Only Live Once”.Having a

11、YOLO lifestyle means that you make the _32_ of every day. It means you shouldenjoy your life because everybody gets only one life.Now, a US study found it might be _33_ to have a YOLO lifestyle! A research team carriedout an experiment with _34_ groups of students from different schools. One group p

12、retended theyonly had 30 days left _35_ moving to a new city. They did a lot of _36_ and spent time withpeople they loved. That is, they had a YOLO lifestyle. The other _37_ went on living theirnormal lives.At the end of the experiment, the students did a survey to find out how _38_ they were. Itsho

13、wed that the _39_ group was much happier.“This study shows that being active and making close friends are important to _40_ life,” theresearch group told the Washington Post. They also called on others to do experiments with differentgroups of people and see if their findings were similar.31. A. Chi

14、naB. CanadaC. EnglandD. America32. A. mostB. farthestC. worstD. least33. A. worseB. easierC. healthierD. harder34. A. twoB. threeC. someD. many35. A. afterB. beforeC. sinceD. when36. A. operationsB. tradeC. activitiesD. experiments37. A. studentB. groupC. universityD. school38. A sadB. happyC. angry

15、D. busy39. A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. last40. A losingB. killingC. savingD. enjoying四四、阅阅读读理理解解(共共 15 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 15 分分)阅阅读读下下列列材材料料,从从每每题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 和和 D 四四个个选选项项中中,选选出出最最选选项项。ARESULTS AND ROSES-By Edgar Albert GuestThe man who wants a garden fair,Whatever we want of any worth,Or small

16、 or very big,Weve got to work to gain.With flowers growing here and there,It matters not what goal you seek,Must bend his back and dig.Its secret here reposes.The things are mighty few on earth,Youve got to dig from week to week,That wishes can attain,To get results or _.41. What should be put at th

17、e end of the poem?A. thoseB. rosesC. hopesD. both42. Whats the main idea of the poem?A. We should grow more flowers in the garden.B. If we have a dream, it will come true.C. No matter what goal we have, we can hardly realize it.D. We can only achieve our goal through hard work.BIf you have one easy

18、task to do and one hard task as well, which one will you do first? What areyour reasons for this?There was once a man who built his own house. From top to bottom, he designed and built everyinch of his home. It took him over a year, but in the end, he had a beautiful house of his own. No otherhouse

19、in his neighborhood looked like it and many of his neighbors admires it.But as time went by, his house started to have some problems. One day, a neighbor said, “Friend,it looks like your front yard is a bit overgrown.” The man replied, “Yes, I know. But its okey. Ill cutthe grass tomorrow.”A few day

20、s later, a mailman came by with a letter for the man. The mailman said, “Friend, itlooks like your windows are a bit dirty.” The man replied, “Yes, I know. But its okey. Ill wash themtomorrow.”Weeks passed by. Finally, the mans brother came over to pay a visit. He took one look at hisbrothers house

21、and couldnt believe what he saw. The yard was a mess, the paint on the wall wasfalling down and the windows were covered with dirt(尘土). The house looked like it could fallapart at any second all because the man put everything off until “tomorrow”.When we procrastinate, “tomorrow” can turn into “next

22、 week” or even “next year”. Its muchbetter to just take care of things today than to wait until some imaginary(想象的) “tomorrow” thatmight not actually come.43. What did the neighbor think of the mans house when it was finished?A. It took him too long to rebuild.B. It was not very beautiful.B. It was

23、very special.D. It had many problems.44. What did the man do with his house?A. He designed and built it himself.B. He asked his neighbors to build it.C. He cut the grass in the yard once a week.D. He cleaned the windows every day.45. What does the underlined word procrastinate probably mean?A. put u

24、pB. put awayC. put offD. put down46. What does the writer want to tell us?A. Dont be afraid to wait until tomorrow to do something.B. Dont wait to finish things you can do today until tomorrow.C. Taking care of yourself is not hard.D. DIY is very common.CThere is a little rain in a desert, and somet

25、imes it is very hot there. Desert weather is somethingthat should be well prepared for before you decide to visit one.If you dont know enough about desert weather and dont prepare for it, it could even cost youyour life. If the desert is too hot for your body and you are seriously short of water, it

26、 could bedangerous. Desert weather is unlike that of usual weather in other parts of the world. At times, desertweather could be over a hundred degrees in summer. Desert weather can be more dangerous thanyoud think because you dont realize the results that may be caused by some actions you choose to

27、make.If you happened to walk without wearing shoes, the heat of the desert weather can make you getburnt. Make sure to remember to always have shoes on your feet to protect yourself from the desertweather.Any living human or pet should not be left alone in the car even if only for a few minutes. The

28、desert weather heat can kill anyone in a short time. It would probably be clever not to leave anythingin the car because you never know what heat could do. Some material such as beer and cola maybecome very dangerous in the desert weather.The desert weather has strong winds. You should be careful wi

29、th these strong desert winds whileyou spend time outside. These strong winds will make objects move away and motorbikes fall down.47. In a desert, it is usually very _.A. warmB. coldC. rainyD. dry48. Why can desert weather be more dangerous than you would think?A. Because you dont know enough about

30、the desert.B. Because you cant find any water in the desert.C. Because you should walk in the desert for long.D. Because it is very cold or hot in the desert.49. There are three pictures which mainly show desert weather. They are _.A. B. C. D. 50. Which of the following is true according to the pass

31、age?A. You can stay in the car if you feel too hot outside.B. You can leave beer and cola in the car in the desert.C. Desert winds are strong enough to move things away.D. In fact, there are no strong winds in the desert at all.DWhen the birds were first learning how to live, Blackbird came to visit

32、 Magpie. “What are youbuilding, Mrs. Magpie?” asked Blackbird. “Im making my nest(巢)to raise my kids,” said Magpie.Blackbirds flew through the forests and fields. “Come and see the great nest that Magpie ismaking,” she told the other birds all about it. They all sat in the branches(树枝), watching Mag

33、piebuild her nest.First, Magpie went to collect some mud(泥土). She began to make it into a small bowl. “NowI see how a nest is made,” said Thrush. Flying off to build a nest of her own. To this day, Thrush usesmud to make her nest.Then, Magpie collected small sticks and put them into the mud nest. “I

34、 think this is an amazingnest in which to live,” shouted Blackbird. She flew off and made her nest of mud and sticks.Magpie made many more trips, collecting mud. At last, the inside nest was with mud. “That willbe much stronger for us birds bigger than some of the others,” said Owl. She went back to

35、 make hernest.Magpie needed some rest. She rested in her nest for a while but felt uncomfortable, so she tooksome feathers to make her comfortable.To this day, each bird makes its own kind of nest, but none of them makes a nest as fine as that ofMagpie.51. What does Magpie make a nest for?A. Storing

36、 food for winter.B. Hiding from other animals.C. Learning how to live alone well.D. Having a place for her children.52. Why did Magpie make so many trips before she finished her nest?A. Because the other birds always took away her materials.B. Because the other birds always asked her for help.C. Bec

37、ause she was a very slow worker.D. Because she took great care to build a great nest.53. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Blackbird tried to make a better nest than the other birds.B. Thrush was clever to wait until Magpie finished the nest.C. Owl learned how to make a stronger nest by watching Mag

38、pie.D. Magpie tried to keep the ways of making a nest a secret.54. What do you think Magpie after reading the passage?A. Patient and clever.B. Friendly and polite.C. Generous and kind.D. Helpless and selfish(自私的).55. What does the passage mainly want to tell us?A. Try your best to be perfect in your

39、 life.B. Be patient when you study, or you wont get the best results.C. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.D. Learning makes a good man better and an ill man worse.第第二二卷卷(共共 45 分分)(请请将将答答案案写写在在答答题题卷卷上上)五五、填填空空(共共 15 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 15 分分)A)根根据据括括号号中中所所给给的的音音标标和和中中文文写写出出单单词词,使使句句子子意意思

40、思完完整整正正确确。56. The lowest temperature may _ (/drp/) below zero tomorrow morning.57. The children quickly got _ (/bd/) after staying indoors for a while.58. Both my parents and my Chinese teacher _ (建议) me to read as much as possible.59. You should fill in a _(表格) first if you want to be a VIP of this

41、 supermarket.60. It was all dark and _ (寂静的) around me after the earthquake.B)请请根根据据句句子子意意思思,用用括括号号中中所所给给单单词词的的适适当当形形式式填填空空。61. What a pity! Tomorrow will be another _ (rain) day.62. It seems _ (use) to do a lot of exercises without thinking about them carefully.63. _ (make) sure that there are no m

42、istakes, or we ll have to do it again.64. Now more and more people in the city prefer to enjoy _ (they) in the countryside.65. I called you last night, but nobody answered. Sorry, I _ (count) my new books and I didnt hear it.C)根根据据短短文文内内容容,从从下下面面方方框框中中选选择择适适当当的的单单词词或或短短语语填填空空,使使短短文文内内容容完完整整正正确确。weig

43、htas a resultgovernmentlive onat birthPandas are kind of peaceful black and white animals. They mainly _66_ bamboo, andthey must eat around 26 to 84 pounds of it every day, depending on what part of the bamboo they areeating. A baby panda is about 1/900th the size of its mother _67_.When it grows up

44、, its_68_ can be up to 300 pounds.China s Yangtze Basin region(长江流域地区) is the panda s main living area. But with thedevelopment of cities, its hard for pandas to find new bamboo forests. _69_, the pandas donthave enough bamboo to eat. The Chinese_70_ has built more than 50 panda reserves, but onlyar

45、ound 67% of the wild pandas live in reserves.六六、阅阅读读填填空空(共共 20 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 20 分分)A)阅阅读读下下面面短短文文,根根据据所所读读内内容容,在在文文章章后后 71-80 小小题题的的空空格格里里填填入入一一个个最最恰恰当当的的单单词词。注注意意:每每个个空空格格只只填填一一个个单单词词。Life is filled with regrets. Anyone around you will have no difficulty telling his regrets. As weget older,

46、 we look back and wish that we had made better choices. What can we do to avoid futureregrets?Make better plansIts better for you to make a plan before you start to do something. The earlier, the better.Youwill know what comes first and what comes last. You ll also know what you should do and what y

47、oushouldnt do. When changes happen, you can have more time to deal with them.Live a more active lifeYou can go around more often. More outdoor activities can keep you relaxed and active. Youalso need to be kind. “Thank you ”can bring a smile to someones face. Learn to say “sorry” anddont be angry wi

48、th others.Find the right friendA friend may make your life good and he or she can break your life as well, so you have to thinktwice when you choose a friend. Good friends will always be better than your ideas.When you get into trouble, they can offer you a helping hand. That little help may get you

49、 goodresults.Never fear failureEverybody fails. Even the greatest person failed. We should not fear failure, because failureourselves.Life is good. We dont have to live in our past, but we do hope that we can plan better, live better,and work better when we have the chance to do so._71_ on avoiding

50、future regretsMake better plansYoud _72_ make a plan early before you start todo something. Agood plan will make it _73_ for you tohave enough time to deal with changes.Live a more active lifeMore outdoor _74_ can keep you relaxed andactive. “Thank you” and “sorry” can make you kind to other_75_.Fin


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