2023年五下Unit8 Birthdays 教案.docx

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1、2023年五下Unit8 Birthdays 教案 Unit 8 Birthdays 单元教学分析: 本单元围绕过生日这一话题,通过询问生日的具体日期及在生日里谈论所做的事情展开对话。本单元话题贴近学生的生活实际,教师可通过展开丰富多彩的活动,如“班级生日会”“我的生日我做主”等形式,让学生在真实的情境中理解并掌握本单元的语言知识。 本单元通过su hai 和mike谈论过生日,意在让学生了解中西方文化中不同的生日风俗习惯。学生也可调查自己家人朋友的生日,了解更多的生日活动。学生也可准备自己或家人过生日的照片,课上与大家分享。 本单元生日的话题涉及到日期表达法,学生除了要掌握月份还要掌握序数词

2、的用法和构成,为了方便教学,可准备日历。 教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读单词eleventh, eighth, hero, together, number, paword, fourth, start, fight.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 birthday, April, March, game, July, August, December, play, answer.3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型whens your birthday? Its onwhat do you do on your birthday? I usually 4.能知道字母th在单词中的读音。 教

3、学重难点: 1.句型:whens your birthday? Its onwhat do you do on your birthday? I usually 2.词汇:序数词的用法及构成 3.语音:序数词的读音和字母组合th在单词中的读音。 课时安排:5课时 第1课时:Story time 第2课时:Fun time &, Grammar time 第3课时:Cartoon time 第4课时:Sound time and Checkout time 第5课时:Ticking time(review) 第1课时Story time 教学目标: 1.能听懂、会读、会说单词:birthday,

4、 eleventh, eighth, April, together, game, March, July, August, December.2.能听懂、会读、会说短语:a birthday cake, eat noodles, have a party, play games.3.能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:whens your birthday? My birthday is on 4.能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 4.能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己或他人的生日。 教学重点和难点: 教学重点:能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。 教

5、学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己或他人的生日。 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up (1)T: Lets enjoy the leon together.First, listen, can you sing the song? (Happy birthday to you!) (2) Free talk T: Whens your birthday? My birthday is on .(show the sentence structure to help Ss) ask 4or 5 Ss T: Do you know my birthday? How can you

6、ask me? (teacher can tell them secretly) What do you usually do on your birthday? Ss : we. Step2 Pre-reading 1.Lets talk.Show pictures 1 and 2.T: What information do you want to know? Ss ask some questions.When are their birthdays? What do they eat? What do they do on birthdays? Are they happy and b

7、usy? 2.Watch the carton and find out the answers.(learn the details) T: Can you read them? 师将生词卡片贴于黑板, 3.Lets judge.Listen again and make a judge.Su Hais birthday is on the 11th of may The twins have a big lunch with family.They always have a party at home.Mikes friends come to his home in the after

8、noon.They have a good time.4.Read the paage follow the tape.(注意语音语调) 5.Enjoy reading .(选择自己喜欢的方式) Step3 Post-reading 1.Lets watch another video about babys birthday. T: Can you tell me the differences between Chinese and foreigners? Chinese foreigners food Celebration Gifts 2.介绍生日习俗 3.T: At birthday

9、 party, we can sing, eat cakes, make a wish and play games.When you cut the birthday cake, who do you think should get the first one? S: . T: Do you know parents birthdays? You should know that childrens birthday is mothers suffering day, so lets say together: thanks, dad, thanks mum.I love you! Hom

10、ework 1.do a survey :ask you family members birthdays and make cards for them.2.get more information about western countries. 第2课时Grammar time and fun time.教学目标: 1能熟练运用句型whens your birthday? Its on 进行对话。 2能理解并掌握常用序数词的用法及规则。 3能完成Fun time 中的任务。 教学重难点: 1能熟练运用句型whens your birthday? Its on 进行对话。 2能理解并掌握常

11、用序数词的用法及规则。 Teaching procedures Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Review 1.Do a judge T: This leon our topic is still birthday学生齐说。 Look at the pictures,and listen to the tape again.After listening, we do a judge.教师边出示课文图片边播放录音,帮助学生回忆。 Su Hais birthday is on the 11th of may.They usually have a big lunch with f

12、amily.The twins eat rice on birthday.Mikes birthday is in April. Mike eat a cake and play games with his friends.They all have a good time.2.Retell the story.T :What do Su Hai and Mike do on their birthdays? I can show you some words and phrases to help you.Have a big dinner, have a party, play some

13、 games, eat noodles, play with the cat, eat the birthday cake, buy a birthday cake, friends.T:First, put them in the right place, then you try to retell. Su Hai Mike Step 3 Grammar time 1.T: Do you my birthday? Ss : Sorry, I dont know.T : Who can ask me? S 1: Whens your birthday? T : My birthday is

14、on .教师秘密告诉学生,引起其他学生的兴趣。 Who wants to try again? S2: Whens your birthday? T : My birthday is on .教师秘密告诉学生,引起其他学生的兴趣。 4、5名学生即可。 教师出示grammar time 句子,学生齐读。 2.Work in pairs.学生展示。在遇到序数词时教师帮助说。学生再复说 2.学习序数词 T: Our birthday is expreed by the ordinal numbers.Its a little difficult, but dont worry.出示1-10的基数词和

15、对应序数词,特殊变化的几个词用红色标注。学生试读后教读。 T: Can you find the rules? 学生讨论后发言。 师讲解总结变化规则。 T:谁的生日在1-10日。学生站起来。教师可抽几名学生问,让生自己回答,顺便检测该生对序数词的读音是否正确。 3.用同样的方法学习其他常用序数词。 4.教师呈现序数词的变化口诀,帮助学生记忆。 Step 4 Fun time 1.Non-stop talking, 1 minute.学生接龙复习序数词的朗读和拼写。抽2组展示。 2.我爱问问题 个人自由活动,调查你想知道的同学的生日。3分钟。 3.小组展示。 S 1: Whens your bi

16、rthday? S 2 : My birthday is on S 2: Whens your birthday? S 3: My birthday is on.组长总结:In our group, xx students have their birthdays in xx.Xx students have their birthdays in xx.Step 5 Consolidation T: If your birthday is coming, what will you do? S1: S 2 : T : Ok.Can you make a card for your family

17、 and friends on their birthdays? Lets make together. 播放生日歌,师生一起做贺卡。 板书设计: 第3课时cartoon time 教学目标: 1.能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:hero, play, number, paword, answer, start, fight.2.能够流利地朗读卡通部分。 3.能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话 教学重难点: 学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事 Teaching procedures Step1 Warming up 1.G

18、reeting 2.Free talk T: Whens your birthday? S1: My birthday is on .T: Whens your birthday? S2: My birthday is on .Step2 Presentation 1.Revision 复习序数词 2.教师出示图1 中的城堡。 T: There are some floors in the castle, if Bobby wants to go in, he should do some math, lets help him.出示几道算术题让学生抢答,训练数字的正确朗读和思维发散。 3.T

19、: You are really good at Math, I think you can help him.Talk about the pictures 阅读故事,理解大意。教师安排学生阅读故事 4.Read and answer: 教师设计问题,进一步来检测学生的理解情况 How can Bobby open the door? Is Bobby good at Math? Does Bobby open the door How many floors are there? Who does Bobby meet? Who comes from the a room? 4.Imita

20、te and remember 1)T: This time, lets read the story after the tape. 2)T: Please read loudly by yourselves. 3) Read in roles. 5.Act in groups Step4.Homework: Read and act Cartoon time 第4课时sound time, culture time and checkout time 教学目标: 1.能正确朗读字母组合th在单词中的发音。 2.在教师的帮助下了解更多关于中西方在生日方面的不同之处。 2.能独立完成check

21、out time中的练习。 教学重难点: 1.能正确朗读字母th在单词中的发音。 2.能独立完成checkout time中的练习。 Teaching procedure Step1 Greeting Step2 Sound time 1.T: How many people are there in your family? S1: There are . T: What does your father do? S1: He is a . T: Is your mother tall? S1: 2.T: What about Helens parents? Look at the pict

22、ure.Listen to Helen carefully.播放录音。 2.Follow the tape 3.Say the chant in pairs 4.Sum up T: T: Look at these words: this, that, father, mother.What does “th”Ss try to read and say.T: Can you give more words? 教师将学生说的单词写在黑板上。 6.I have some new words, try to read them.(PPT呈现新单词) Step 3 Culture time T: W

23、hat will you get on birthday? Ss: Presents.T: When you open your presents? S1.S2. T: Lets watch a video.(西方国家过生日的视频) T: Are Chinese and people in the west same? Ss: No.T: 出示culture time中的句子总结。 学生自读或齐读。 Step3 Checkout time 1.Listen and choose 师放录音,学生回答 2.Make and say T: What can you do for your paren

24、ts and friends on their birthday? pronounce? S1 S2 S3 T: Make a card is meaningful.But how ? 回顾五上第八单元at Christmas 制作卡片的过程。 First, fold a card Next, write some meage.Then, draw some pictures Finally, write your name.小组合作制作卡片。 小组展示。 3.Write and say T: Whens your birthday? S1. T: When are your parents

25、birthdays? S1. T: What do you do on these days? S1. Work in pairs.Write on the sheet.指名说说。 教师展示自己的信息卡。 第5课Ticking time 教学目标: 1.通过复习,学生能说出与生日有关的事件。 2.能正确运用句型whens去询问日期。 3.能正确掌握字母组合th在单词中的发音。 教学重难点: 能正确并熟练掌握序数词的变化规则,并在一定的情景中正确表述日期。 Teaching procedure Step1 Free talk 1.Sing a song 2.Free talk T: Whens

26、your birthday? S1:My birthday is on.T: What do you do on birthday? S1: I eat a cake.Step 2 Presentation 1.Show teaching aims In this leon, well have some learning aims.First, I can name some actives.Then, I can ask and answer questions about dates.Finally, I know the sound of “th”.PPT出示目标。 2.Now let

27、s come to the first aim. T: What do you do on your birthday? 1 minute non- stop talking in group.3.Act the story 教师出示课文图片,学生根据记忆复述课文。 a.Work in groups b.Ask some Ss to act T: How many stars can you get? PPT出示ticking time 1. Step 3 Grammar time Lets turn to the second aim. 1.T: If you want to know so

28、meones birthday, what can you ask? Ss: Whens your birthday? 小组接龙问答。 教师出示unit 7 中的节日,学生同桌问答。 2.出示grammar time中的序数词,总结序数词的变化规则。 T: How many stars can you get? PPT出示目标。 Step 4 Sound time T: Lets come to the third aim. 出示单词 brother, father, mother, these, they Read and find T: Whats the pronunciation of “th”? Can you say more words? Try to read.T: How many stars can you get? PPT出示目标。 Homework 板书设计: 五下Unit8 Birthdays 教案 五年级英语下册Unit 8 Birthdays教案5 (赛课教案)五年级下册Unit8 Birthdays第二课时精品教案 Unit 8教案 Unit 8 At Christmas教案 Unit 8 Fashion 教案 Unit 8 Part A 教案 unit8教案 8下Unit 4试卷 2 五下Unit7 Chinese festivals教案


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