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《Unit7复习课件-人教版英语八年级上册.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit7复习课件-人教版英语八年级上册.pptx(25页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1.space station 太空站;宇宙空间站space名词,意为“太空;空间”,当“空间”讲时,可以与 room互换常用短语:in space在太空,在宇宙空间on a space station 在太空站Therere many planets in space.太空中有许多行星。Theres space for a table in the room.房间里有能放得下一张桌子的空。2.They are usually like human servants.它们通常就像人类的仆人一样。辨析:human,person,people 与 man此四者都指“人”,但用法不同:human指包

2、括男人,女人,孩子在内的指包括男人,女人,孩子在内的“人,人人,人类”,指有,指有别于于动物,自物,自然景物,机器等的特俗群体,也可指具体的然景物,机器等的特俗群体,也可指具体的“人人”person无性无性别之分,常用之分,常用语数目不太大,而且数目比数目不太大,而且数目比较精确的精确的场合。合。people泛指泛指“人人们”,表示复数概念。,表示复数概念。man可指可指“人,人人,人类”,也可指,也可指“男人男人”。a man 可指可指“一个人一个人”。也可指。也可指“一个男人,一个男子一个男人,一个男子汉”。man的复数形式的复数形式为men.He was the only human o

3、n the island.他是那个岛上唯一的人。There are only three persons in the room.这个房间里只有3个人。There are many people there.那儿有许多人。Man is usually stronger than woman.通常男人比女人更强壮。3.Today there are already robots working in factories.现在已经有机器人在工厂里工作了。(1)“There is/are+sb./sth.+doing sth.”是固定句型,意为“有某人/某物正在做某事”There are 3 chi

4、ldren playing games in the room.房间里有3个孩子在玩游戏。【中考链接】(2019贵州铜仁)-Look!There is a man _ Taiji near the river.-Wow!Its my teacher,Mr.Wu.A.perform B.performs C.performing D.performed 解析:“There be+sb.+v.-ing+地点状语”表示“某地有某人正在做某事”,故选C。句意:“看!有一个人正在河边打太极呢。”“哇!那是我老师,吴老师。”答案:C(2)already 副词,意为“已经;早已”多用于肯定句中在否定句和疑问

5、句中用 yet(还,尚未)代替 We have already had the exam.(肯定句)我们已经考过试了。Have you got it yet?(疑问句)你收到了吗?4.Some can help to build cars,and they do simple jobs over and over again.有些可以帮助制造小汽车,而且它们可以反复地做简单的工作。over and over again 意为“多次;反复地”He thanked me over and over again.他反复地向我表示谢意。5.Some robots in Japan can walk a

6、nd dance.日本的一些机器人能走路和跳舞。Japan名词,意为“日本”,指国家Japanese 是其名词或形容词,意为“日本人;日语;日本(人)的”作“日本人”讲时,单复数形式相同,同 Chinese 一样.They come from Japan,they are Japanese,and they speak Japanese.他他们们来自日本来自日本,是日本人是日本人,讲讲日日语语。6.However,some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people.然而,一些科学家认为虽然我们能够让

7、机器人像人类一样活动believe 此处用作及物动词,意为“相信;认为有可能”,其后直接跟名词或代词作宾语,也可跟 that 等引导的宾语从句Its hard to believe that people can live to be 200 years old.很难相信人可以活到 200 岁。【拓展】believe sb.意为“相信某人(所说的话是真的)”believe in sb.意为“信任某人”I believe him,but I cant believe in him.我相信他说的话是真的,但我不能信任他。【注意】believe 通常不用于进行时态。7.For example,sci

8、entist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are.But many scientists disagree with Mr.White.例如,科学家詹姆斯怀特认为机器人将永远不能醒来并且知道它们在哪里。但许多科学家不同意怀特先生(的观点)。(1)wake up 意为“醒来,叫醒”wake sb.up 意为“把某人唤醒”,up是副词人称代词作宾语时须放在 wake与 up 之间I usually wake up at 6:30.我通常6:30 醒来。His mot

9、her often wakes him up at 5:00 in the morn-ing.他妈妈经常在早上5点把他叫醒。(2)disagree动词,意为“不同意;持不同意见;有分歧”。反义词为 agree,意为“同意;赞成;应允”。常用短语:disagree with 不同意,与不一致,不适合;disa-gree on 对持不同看法。I disagree with you on this.在这件事上我不同意你的看法。【拓展】disagree 由 agree 加前缀 dis-构成,类似的还有:like v.喜欢-dislike v.不喜欢 appear v.出现-disappear v.消失

10、 cover v.覆盖-discover v.发现(2019北京)If you want to visit the Palace Museum,I .tickets for you tomorrow.A.will book B.booked C.have booked D.was booking 解析:由句末关键词 tomorrow(明天)可知,本句用一般将来时,其谓语构成为“will+动词原形”。故选 A。本句是含条件状语从句的复合句,从句用一般现在时表将来,主句用一般将来时。答案:A()1.Is English more important than Maths?No,I dont thi

11、nk so.English is_Maths.A.much important than B.more important as C.as important as D.as more important as()2.Dont keep water running when you wash hands.A.I hope so B.Im afraid not C.Sorry,I wont D.Its nothingCC ()3.Sam spends_time_CDs than Daniel.A.more,to buy B.less,on C.fewer,buying D.less,to buy

12、()4.China is larger than_country in Africa.A.any B.any other C.other D.anotherBB5.How is everything going?.A.Everything is finishedB.Nothing has been doneC.Not so bad,you knowD.Not doing wrong,you see6.people robots in their homes in 100 years?A.Will;haveB.Do;haveC.Did;haveD.Will;hasCA单词拼写单词拼写 1.I n

13、eed a piece of p_ to write down the information.2.Everyone should play a p_ in saving the earth.3.The world p_ is very important for us.4.There are a_ some students working in the park.5.Which s_ do you agree with?The Red.1.paper 2.part 3.peace 4.already 5.side完成句子完成句子根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。1.Wi

14、ll Bob study in the USA next year?(补全肯定答语)Yes,_ _.2.The Browns will come back tomorrow afternoon.(改为否定句)The Browns _ _ back tomorrow afternoon.3.They will visit the fire station next Sunday.(改为同义句)They _ _ _ _ the fire station next Sunday.1.he will 2.wont come3.are going to visit 4.Our town will be

15、more beautiful in ten years.(对划线部分提问)_ will our town be _ in ten years?5.Mike cleans his room on Saturdays.(用next Saturday代替on Saturdays改写句子)Mike _ _ his room next Saturday.4.What;like 5.will clean选词填空,每词只限用一次选词填空,每词只限用一次inside,danger,believe,space,planetWhat will happen in 2160?This is a story that

16、 may happen.Aliens(外星人)from other 1._ want to invade(入侵)the earth.It is difficult to 2._,but its true.A great astronaut named John tries to save the earth and humans.He makes a special bomb(炸弹)and takes it 3._ his spaceship.Although it is a(n)4._ job,he must have a try.When he is flying in the 5._,he shoots(射击)them with the bomb.All the aliens die and the earth is safe again.1.planets 2.believe 3.inside 4.dangerous 5.space


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