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1、ChinahasagreatnumberChinahasagreatnumberofofculturalheritage,suchasculturalheritage,suchasTangibleCultural Heritage:the Great Wall the Forbidden CityMogao Caves at Dunhuang敦煌莫高窟敦煌莫高窟the Qin Terracotta,Warriors and Horses秦始皇兵马俑秦始皇兵马俑 Confucius Temple in Qufu曲阜孔庙曲阜孔庙IntangibleCultural Heritage:Kunqu O

2、pera昆曲昆曲 Chen-style Tai Chi陈氏太极陈氏太极Guqin Music 古琴古琴Shaolin kung fu少林功夫少林功夫It is beneficial to make out cultural heritage become part of theWorld Heritage List Reading Practice P.81Chinese Cultural Heritage Bid for UNESCOReading Task:P.81 activity 2 P.82 activity 4Read the passage and answer the ques

3、tions.1.Which items will be included in a bid to be added to the UNESCO list?Traditional Chinese Medicine and Mid-Autumn Festival.2.Which are other examples of Chinas intangible cultural heritage?Shaolin Kungfu,the worlds longest epic poem of Tibetan King Gesser and Chen-style Tai Chi.P.81 activity

4、2 Read the passage again and choose the best answers.1.Protecting an item of world heritage begins_.a when it has been included on the list.b as soon as the bid is made.c once every two years.d if the bid to UNESCO is successful.P.82 activity 4While the bid is going through,the state government allo

5、cates funds for each items protection2.Including TCM on the UNESCO list will highlight_.a that it is old-fashioned and still developing as a medical science.b the advantage of its treatment,its legal status abroad and its use in medical research c the theories and experiences of its practitioners d

6、its advantages in treating AIDS and malaria.3.The bid to include the Mid-Autumn Festival on the UNESCO List_.a suggests it is in danger.b is an example of cultural activity which unites Chinese people all over the world.c is an opportunity to recommend symbolic ambassador.d reflects Chinese cultural

7、 traditions.4.The UNESCO list of world tangible and intangible heritage_.a protects sites and items in danger of disappearingb both celebrates and protects sites and items of cultural importance.c celebrates world cultural activities and traditionsd protects sites of cultural importance which are in

8、 danger.ADCDB1.traditional Chinese Medicine2.on the directory3.make a bid to UNESCO for sth=bid to UNESCO for sth4.recommend one candidate to enlarge the list5.No discrimination is made against countries6.there is a strong possibility that7.The application would highlight the fact8.allocate funds fo

9、r each items protection9.practitioners advocate its legal status abroad.1.1.传统中国医药传统中国医药2.2.在名录里在名录里3.3.为得到为得到sthsth向联合国教科文组织向联合国教科文组织投标投标4.4.推荐一个候选项目来扩大名单推荐一个候选项目来扩大名单5.5.对任何国家没有歧视对任何国家没有歧视6.6.有极大可能有极大可能7.7.这个申请将会凸显这个事实这个申请将会凸显这个事实8.8.分配基金用于每一个项目的保护分配基金用于每一个项目的保护9.9.中医从业者在海外宣传它的合法中医从业者在海外宣传它的合法地位地位


11、会把那些景点从名单中去掉。景点从名单中去掉。11.treatment would be extended into other areas of medicine12.there needs to be a comprise between the term and the fact.13.Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations reflect Chinese cultural traditions.14.a seminar of experts recommend symbolic ambassadors to promote the bid.15.epic poe

12、m remind them of their origins.16.the agenda acts as a warning system.17.they are at the mercy of redevelopment.18.UNESCO undertakes to take sites off the list.18.It is threatened by an absence of protection.19.Getting accepted is the result of cultural diplomacy by governments and a thorough unders

13、tanding of the bureaucratic system of is the result not simply of a subjective recommendation by interested return,UNESCO recognizes the autonomy of provincial,federal and state cultural offers support and guidance when requested.18.18.它因缺乏保护而被威胁它因缺乏保护而被

14、威胁19.19.被接受是被接受是政府的文化外交和对政府的文化外交和对联合国教科文组织的行政系统的联合国教科文组织的行政系统的全面了解全面了解的结果的结果20.20.它不仅仅是它不仅仅是由感兴趣的团体由感兴趣的团体主观推荐主观推荐的结果。的结果。21.21.反过来(作为回报),反过来(作为回报),联合国联合国教科文组织认可各自治省、联邦教科文组织认可各自治省、联邦政府和国家的文化组织政府和国家的文化组织22.22.它它在在被请求(帮忙)被请求(帮忙)的时候的时候提供支持和引导。提供支持和引导。Chinese cultural heritage Chinese cultural heritage

15、on the World Heritage List on the World Heritage List Kun Qu opera 2008 Guqin and its music 2008 Uyghur Muqam of Xinjiang 2008 Art of Chinese seal engraving 2009 China engraved block printing technique 2009 Chinese calligraphy 2009 Chinese paper-cut 2009 Chinese traditional architectural craftsmansh

16、ip for timber-framed structures 2009 Craftsmanship of Nanjing Yunjin brocade2009 Dragon Boat festival 2009 Farmers dance of Chinas Korean ethnic group 2009 Gesar epic tradition 2009 Grand song of the Dong ethnic group 2009 Huaer 2009 Manas 2009 Kun Qu opera 2008 Guqin and its music 2008 Uyghur Muqam

17、 of Xinjiang 2008 Art of Chinese seal engraving 2009 China engraved block printing technique 2009 Chinese calligraphy 2009 Chinese paper-cut 2009 Chinese traditional architectural craftsmanship for timber-framed structures 2009 Craftsmanship of Nanjing Yunjin brocade2009 Dragon Boat festival 2009 Fa

18、rmers dance of Chinas Korean ethnic group 2009 Gesar epic tradition 2009 Grand song of the Dong ethnic group 2009 Huaer 2009 Manas 2009 ngrev篆刻篆刻雕版印刷雕版印刷klgrfi书法书法 t tmbmb(r)(r)木结木结构构brked锦缎锦缎Mazu belief and customs 2009 Nanyin 2009 Regong arts 2009 Sericulture and silk craftsmanship of China 2009 T

19、ibetan opera 2009 Traditional firing technology of Longquan celadon 2009 Traditional handicrafts of making Xuan paper 2009 Xian wind and percussion ensemble 2009 Yueju opera 2009 Acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine 2010 Peking opera 2010 Chinese shadow puppetry 2011 Chinese Z

20、husuan,knowledge and practices of mathematical calculation through the abacus 2013 The Twenty-Four Solar Terms,knowledge of time and practices developed in China through observation of the suns annual motion serserk kltlt 养蚕养蚕 kjkjp p ktkt nd m nd mksiksib bststnn针灸针灸Chinese cultural heritage Chines

21、e cultural heritage on the World Heritage List on the World Heritage List 【文化遗产(31处)】1周口店北京猿人遗址(北京,1987.12 文化遗产)2长城(中国,1987.12 文化遗产)3敦煌莫高窟(甘肃,1987.12 文化遗产)4明清皇宫(北京故宫(北京),1987.12;沈阳故宫(辽宁),2004.7 文化遗产)5秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑(陕西,1987.12 文化遗产)6承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙(河北,1994.12 文化遗产)7曲阜孔府、孔庙、孔林(山东,1994.12 文化遗产)8武当山古建筑群(湖北,1994.

22、12 文化遗产)9布达拉宫(大昭寺、罗布林卡)(西藏,1994.12 文化遗产)10福建土楼(福建,2008.7.7 文化遗产)11丽江古城(云南,1997.12 文化遗产)12.平遥古城(山西,1997.12 文化遗产)13苏州古典园林(江苏,1997.12 文化遗产)14颐和园(北京,1998.11 文化遗产)15天坛(北京,1998.11 文化遗产)16大足石刻(重庆,1999.12 文化遗产)17明清皇家陵寝(明显陵(湖北)、清东陵(河北)、清西陵(河北),2000.11;明孝陵(江苏)、十三陵(北京),2003.7;盛京三陵(辽宁),2004.7 文化遗产)18皖南古村落(西递、宏村

23、)(安徽,2000.11 文化遗产)19龙门石窟(河南,2000.11 文化遗产)20都江堰青城山(四川,2000.11 文化遗产)21云冈石窟(山西,2001.12 文化遗产)22高句丽王城、王陵及贵族墓葬(吉林,辽宁,2004.7.1 文化遗产)23澳门历史城区(澳门,2005 文化遗产)24安阳殷墟(河南,2006.7.13 文化遗产)25开平碉楼与古村落(广东,2007.6.28 文化遗产)26登封“天地之中”历史建筑群(河南,2010.8.2 文化遗产)27元上都遗址(内蒙古自治区,2012.6.29 文化遗产)28哈尼梯田(云南,2013.06.22 文化遗产)29中国大运河(北京

24、市,天津市,河北省,山东省,河南省,安徽省,江苏省,浙江省,2014.6.22 文化遗产)30.丝绸之路:长安天山廊道的网路(河南省,陕西省,甘肃省,新疆维吾尔自治区,2014.6.24 文化遗产)跨国遗产联合哈萨克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦申报 两国分别有8处遗产点和3处遗产点在其国境内 我国境内包含22处遗产点。31土司遗址(湖南省,湖北省,贵州省,2015.7.4 文化遗产)【文化景观遗产(3处)】1庐山(江西,1996.12世界文化景观)2五台山(山西,2009.06.26 世界文化景观)3杭州西湖文化遗产(浙江,杭州,2011.06.24 世界文化景观)【自然遗产(自然遗产(10处)处)】1

25、.武陵源风景名胜区(湖南省,武陵源风景名胜区(湖南省,1992.12.20 自然遗产)自然遗产)2.九寨沟风景名胜区(四川省,九寨沟风景名胜区(四川省,1992.12.20 自然遗产)自然遗产)3.黄龙风景名胜区(四川省,黄龙风景名胜区(四川省,1992.12.20 自然遗产)自然遗产)4.云南三江并流保护区(云南省,云南三江并流保护区(云南省,2003.07.03 自然遗产)自然遗产)5.四川大熊猫栖息地(四川省,四川大熊猫栖息地(四川省,2006.07.13 自然遗产)自然遗产)6.中国南方喀斯特(云南省,贵州省,重庆市中国南方喀斯特(云南省,贵州省,重庆市 2007.6.28 广西广西壮

26、族自治区壮族自治区 2014.06.22 自然遗产)自然遗产)7.三清山国家公园(江西省三清山国家公园(江西省 2008.07.07 自然遗产)自然遗产)8.中国丹霞(贵州省,广东省,福建省,湖南省,浙江省,江中国丹霞(贵州省,广东省,福建省,湖南省,浙江省,江西省西省 2010.08.02 自然遗产)自然遗产)9.澄江化石遗址(云南省澄江化石遗址(云南省 2012.06.29 自然遗产)自然遗产)10.新疆天山(新疆维吾尔自治区新疆天山(新疆维吾尔自治区 2013.06.22 自然遗产)自然遗产)【文化与自然双重遗产(文化与自然双重遗产(4处)处)】1.泰山(山东省泰山(山东省 1987.1

27、2 双重遗产)双重遗产)2.黄山(安徽省黄山(安徽省 1990.12 双重遗产)双重遗产)3.峨眉山峨眉山乐山大佛(四川省乐山大佛(四川省 1996.12 双重遗产)双重遗产)4.武夷山(福建省武夷山(福建省 1999.12 双重遗产)双重遗产)1.Every two years the directory is enlarged.世界文化名录世界文化名录每两年扩充一次每两年扩充一次.every two years 表示表示“每两年每两年”或或“每隔每隔一年一年”也可以写成也可以写成 every second year 或或 every other year.这种句式的构成方式是这种句式的构成

28、方式是:every+基数词基数词+时间词时间词(复数复数)every+序数词序数词+时间词时间词(单数单数)every other+时间词时间词(单数单数)every three years every third year every other two years(1)表动词,表动词,“使使变变”shortenv缩短缩短darkenv变黑变黑sharpenv削尖削尖straitenv使狭窄使狭窄hastenv促进促进dampenv使潮湿;使沮丧使潮湿;使沮丧broadenv加宽加宽sweetenv变甜变甜enrichv使富有使富有encourgaev使有勇气使有勇气(short短)短)(d


30、mn celebrations reflect Chinese cultural traditions.reflect v.反映,归咎反映,归咎E.g.The results reflect the greatest credit upon all concerned.Her sad looks reflected the thought passing through her mind.The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes.【拓展拓展】reflection n.反映,沉思,映像反映,沉思,映像 Your cloth

31、es are a reflection of your personality.On further reflection she saw her mistake.The cat felt curious when she saw her own reflection in the mirror.5.With more than 50 million Chinese living and working overseas,the Mid-Autumn Festival reminds them of their Chinese origins and would help to unite C

32、hinese people all over the world.中国有五千万人生活和工作在海外中国有五千万人生活和工作在海外,中秋中秋节使他们回想起中国人的根源节使他们回想起中国人的根源,有助于团有助于团结全世界的中国人。结全世界的中国人。看下列句子总结看下列句子总结with 的复合结构的构成的复合结构的构成.1 The thief came in with his hands tied behind.2 Dont sit with your feet pointing to another person.3 With lots of work to do,he felt very worr

33、ied.4 He likes sleeping with lights on.5 With the house empty,Jack felt lonely.6 He came in with a smile on his face.With+宾语宾语+过去分词过去分词 (表被动表被动)With+宾语宾语+现在分词现在分词 (表主动表主动)With+宾语宾语+不定式不定式 (表将来表将来)With+宾语宾语+副词副词 With+宾语宾语+形容词形容词 With+宾语宾语+介词短语介词短语 巩固练习巩固练习The cat is sleeping,_ with a duck doll in her

34、 arms.The young man is shooting at a dog,_ with a gun in his hands.The moon is moving in the space,_ _.with a new manmade satellite moving around it 人造卫星人造卫星manmade satelliteTwo twin babies are sleeping together,_ with their feet crossed A deer,the mans pet,is driving his car home,_ with the man bou

35、nd on the car.绑绑 bind bound bound The dog is waiting for its owner quietly,_ with its big mouth open.Two men _ are floating along the river.with life jackets on _,Granny Wang has to get up early every morning.With a lot of work to do 用用with翻译句子翻译句子1.He was taken to hospital,_(腿在流血腿在流血bleed).2.The fe

36、llow stood there,_(双手交叉双手交叉cross在背后在背后)3.Dont talk _(嘴里满满嘴里满满的的)with his leg bleeding with his hands crossed behind her back with your mouth full4.I told her the bad news,_(心跳动心跳动beat地厉地厉害害).5._(嘴里含着一根勺子嘴里含着一根勺子fork),the little girl cried.6._(电视机还开着电视机还开着),the old man fell asleep.with her heart beat

37、ing fastWith a fork in her mouthWith the TV on6.UNESCOs agenda for the worlds tangible and intangible heritage is also to act as a warning system for sites which are at the mercy of redevelopment,pollution or even the effects of tourism,and cultural activities which are in the mercy of受受支配

38、,在支配,在的掌控之中的掌控之中E.g.They were lost at the sea,at the mercy of the wind and weather.【拓展拓展】mercy常见短语:常见短语:show mercy on(upon)对对有怜悯心。有怜悯心。show mercy to对对表示同情表示同情E.g.The peoples enemies will be shown no mercy.The king showed no mercy and killed all the prisoners.They showed mercy to their enemies.7.UNES

39、CO undertakes to take sites off the World Heritage list if their present state is threatened by an absence of protection.undertake是及物动词,主要有以下三层是及物动词,主要有以下三层含义:含义:1)意为意为“承诺;答应;保证承诺;答应;保证”,后常跟动,后常跟动词不定式或词不定式或that从句。从句。如如:He undertook to finish the job by Friday.他答应在星期五之前完成这项工作。他答应在星期五之前完成这项工作。Icannotu


41、艰难的实验。他欣然承担起那项艰难的实验。2.While the bid is going through,the state government allocate funds for each items protection.go through此句中意为此句中意为“被通过被通过”。此。此外,还有外,还有“经历、经受、履行、把经历、经受、履行、把 进行到底进行到底”的意思。的意思。E.g.Certain formalities have to be gone through before one can emigrate.The dictionary has gone through te

42、n editions.3.If TCM is accepted on the UNESCO list,doctors and practitioners would advocate both its advantages and its legal status abroad.advocate v.主张,提倡;主张,提倡;E.g.(a)I advocate a policy of gradual reform.n.提倡者,拥护者提倡者,拥护者This judge is a strong advocate of prisonreform.remind v.提醒提醒,使想起使想起 This story reminds me of my childhood.Please remind me to write to my mother tomorrow.Travelers are reminded that malaria tablets are advisable.


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