Unit9 SectionA Grammar Focus-3c 课件-人教版英语八年级上册.pptx

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1、Unit 9 Can you come to my party?Section A Grammar Focus3c学习目标学习目标543 1.New words:invite,accept,refuse,invite sb.to do sth.,refuse to do sth.2.Grammar:能用can发出邀请;学会接受或拒绝邀请,并说明原因;情态动词can,must,have to,must等的用法。A:Can you come to my birthday party?B:Sure,Id love to.birthday partyA:Can you go to the concer

2、t?B:Im sorry,I cant.I have to prepare for an exam.go to the concertprepare for an examA:Can you go to the movies?B:Im sorry,I cant.I have to go to the doctor.A:Can he go to the movies?B:No,he cant.He has to go to the doctor.go to moviesgo to the doctor A:Can you go to the zoo?B:Sorry,I cant.I have t

3、o help my parents.A:Can he go to the zoo?B:No,he cant.He has to help his parents.go to the zoohelp my parentsA:Can you play computer games with me?B:Sorry,I cant.I have to go to the baseball game.A:Can he play computer games with me?B:No,he cant.He has to go to the baseball game.play computer gamesg

4、o to the baseball gameGrammar FocusCan you come to my party on Saturday?Can you go to the movies tomorrow night?Sure,Id love to.Sorry,I must study for a math test.Sure.That sounds great.Im afraid not.I have the flu.Can he go to the party?Can she go to the baseball game?Can they go to the movies?No,h

5、e cant.He has to help his parents.No.shes not available.She must go to the doctor.No,theyre not free.They might have to meet their friends.情态动词情态动词 can用法1.can 表示能力,表示“能,会”。eg.She can play the piano.2.can 表示许可,表示“可以”。相当于may(比may更口语化);此外,could的语气更为委婉。eg.May I come in?Could you help me?can表示邀请时常用一般疑问句句

6、式,结构为:Can+主语+动词原形+其他?can表示邀请的用法 might,can,must 它们都是它们都是_动词,用来动词,用来表达某种感情。表达某种感情。1.might 意思是意思是“_”。2.can 意思是意思是“_”。3.must 意思是意思是“_”。(主观)(主观)4.have to 意思是意思是“_”。(客观)(客观)情态情态必须必须不得不不得不能;会能;会可能;也许可能;也许Can you.?意为意为“你能你能吗吗?”,可用,可用于邀请别人或委婉地请求某人去做某事。其肯于邀请别人或委婉地请求某人去做某事。其肯定回答常用定回答常用 Sure,Id love/like to.,否定

7、回答,否定回答常用常用 Im sorry,I cant./Sorry,I cant.等。如:等。如:-Can you go to the baseball game?你能去参加棒球比赛吗?你能去参加棒球比赛吗?-Im sorry,I cant.对不起,我不能。对不起,我不能。Explanation 情态动词情态动词have to与其他的情态动词如与其他的情态动词如can、may、must和和should”不同。不同。(1)这)这4个情态动词没有人称的变化个情态动词没有人称的变化,而而have to有。它的第三人称单数为有。它的第三人称单数为“has to”。You/He should stud

8、y hard.你你/他应该好好学习。他应该好好学习。He has to study hard.他不得不好好学习。他不得不好好学习。have to 的用法的用法(2)这)这4个情态动词在一般疑问句中将它们放在个情态动词在一般疑问句中将它们放在句首句首,在否定句中直接在他们后边加在否定句中直接在他们后边加not即可。即可。我们以我们以can为例为例:Can he go with us?他能和我们一起去吗?他能和我们一起去吗?He cant go with us.他不能和我们一起去。他不能和我们一起去。而而have to要加助动词要加助动词do,does或或 did 才才可能完成其疑问、否定句。可能

9、完成其疑问、否定句。have to 与 must二者都有二者都有“必须必须”之意,但之意,但 have to 表示表示“客观上的需要客观上的需要”,有人称和时态的变化,有人称和时态的变化,否定形式为否定形式为 dont/doesnt/didnt have to(没没必要必要);must 表示表示“主观上的要求主观上的要求”,无人称,无人称和时态的变化,否定回答一般用和时态的变化,否定回答一般用 neednt 或或 dont have to(不必不必)。mustnt 表示表示“禁止禁止”。如:如:比一比比一比 You dont have to tell him about it.你不一定要把此事

10、告诉他。你不一定要把此事告诉他。You mustnt tell him about it.你一定不要把这件事告诉他。你一定不要把这件事告诉他。Must I be home before eight oclock?8点之前我必须回家吗?点之前我必须回家吗?Yes,you must./No,you neednt./No,you dont have to.是的,必须回家。是的,必须回家。/不,不必。不,不必。3aComplete the answers with might and one of the phrases in the box.1.A:What are you going to do

11、on Saturday?B:Im not sure.I might_2.A:What are you planning to do after school?B:I dont know._3.A:When will you finish the science homework?B:_4.A:Who are you going to the movies with?B:_5.A:Are you free to come to my place on Saturday?B:_watch TVon the weekendmy cousinvisit my grandparentspractice

12、the violinI might watch TV.I might go with my cousin.visit my grandparents.I might finish it on the weekend.I might practice the violin.Complete the sentences below.Use the words in brackets to help you.3b1.Inviting:_(can/play tennis)Accepting:_2.Inviting:_ (would like to/go to the movies)Refusing:_

13、 Reason:_(might have to)Can you come to play tennis?Sure,that sounds great.Would you like to go to the movies?Im afraid not.I might have to do my homework.3.Inviting:_ (can/hang out with us tonight)Refusing:_ Reason:_(must)4.Inviting:_ (would like to/come to my birthday party)Accepting:_Can you hang

14、 out with us tonight?No,I cant.I must practice the violin tonight.Would you like to come to my birthday party?Sure,Id love to.I will have a birthday party this Saturday!Name AcceptRefuse(Reasons)Li Li 3cWrite down everything you have to do next week.Choose a day and time to have a party.Then invite

15、classmates to your party.A:Can you come to my party?B:When is it?A:Next week,on Thursday night.B:Im sorry.I have to study for a math test.MON.TUE.WED.THUR.FRI.SAT.SUN.REVIEWInvitation:Can you come to my party?Acceptation:Sure,Id love to.Yes,I d love to.Declination:Im sorry,I cant.I have to Id love t

16、o,but I have to 单项选择:单项选择:1.Joe _ go to the doctor.His leg is broken.A.have to B.can C.has to D.may2.Can you help me with my English?Sure,_.A.Id like B.Id love C.Id love to D.I have to1.Whose schoolbag is this?It _ be Lilys.Her name is on it.A.must B.should C.might D.may2.I _ her invitation because

17、I must prepare for an exam.A.rewardedB.accepted C.refused D.received3.Jim invited us _ come to his party.A.come B.to come C.came D.comingCAB当堂训练4.Thanks a lot for _ me _ your party.A.invite;for B.invite;to C.inviting;for D.inviting;to 5.Sorry,Im busy today.I have _ homework to do.A.much too B.too much C.too many D.many too 句型转换:句型转换:1.I have to study for a test this evening.(改改为为否定句否定句)I _ _ _ study for a test this evening.2.They can go to the concert.(改改为为一一般般疑疑问问句句)_ they _ to the concert?dont have toCan go3.Can Mary go to your birthday party?(作否定回答作否定回答)_,she _.Sorry/No cant


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