Unit 4 Information Technology Lesson 2 Apps 知识点讲义-高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第二册.docx

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1、UNIT 4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYLesson 2 APPS一 日常用语1Would you mind opening the window?你介意打开窗户吗? 2I wondered if you could buy me some pencils. 我不知道你是否能替我买些铅笔。 3Would you be so kind as to lend me some money? 你能借给我一点儿钱吗? 4Can you help me with something?你能帮我一个忙吗? 5What can I do for you? 我能为你做些什么? 6Is there

2、 anything I can do for you?我能为你做些什么? 7Let me give you a hand.我来帮你一把。 8Dont worry. Ill do it for you.别着急,我帮你做。 9Do you need any help?你需要帮忙吗? 10Id like to help if I can.如果可以,我愿意帮助你二 单词和语言点1accommodation n. 住处 provide accommodation for 为提供膳宿 travel and hotel accommodations旅行及酒店住宿 The government will pr

3、ovide temporary accommodation for up to three thousand people.政府将为多达3000个无家可归的人提供临时住所。 They offered me frees and homeless people accommodation a year.他们免费为我提供一年的住宿。 accommodate v. 提供住处,留宿;容纳;适应 顺应 accommodate/adapt to 适应 The hotelcan accommodate up to 500guests.这家旅馆可供500位旅客住宿。 Her eyes took a while

4、to accommodate to the darkness 她的眼睛过了一会儿才适应应黑暗。 2. subscribe vi. 订阅,订购;同意,赞同 subscribe to(prep) subscribe to a magazine 订阅杂志 subscribe to a view 赞同某一观点同意,赞同 subscribe to a theory赞同某一理论拓 subscriber 订阅者 a subscriber to的订阅者 subscriber n.订阅(费) an annual subscription一年期订阅 My main reason for subscribing _

5、to_ New Scientist is to keep abreast of advances in science. 我订阅新科学家主要是为了了解科学的最新进展。 3.powerful adj. 能效高的,强壮的,强有力的 powerfully adv. 强壮地,强有力地 power n. 权利 powerless adv. 无权的 a powerful effect on children 对孩子们强有力的影响 an extremely powerful runner 一个极其强壮的跑步运动员 a powerful body 健壮的体魄 a powerful engine 大功率引擎 a

6、 powerful voice洪亮的嗓音 n.+ ful adj. peace peaceful adj.平静的;和平的 stress stressful adj.充满压力的,紧张的 skill skillful adj.灵巧的,熟练的 4. latest adj. 最新的,最近的 the latest news 最新消息 the latest craze/ fashion/ trend最新时尚/款式/动向 his latest novel他最近出版的小说 be late for 晚;迟到of late(=lately) 近来;最近 better late than never 迟做总比不做好

7、 the former.,the latter.(两者中)前者,后者搭拓 5reality n. 现实 真实 real adj. 真正的,真实的 really adv 真实地 in reality 实际上,事实上 turn.into(a)reality把变为现实 bring. back to reality使回到现实 become a reality 变成现实 face/accept reality 面对/接受现实 make sth.a reality 使某事成为现实 the difference between fantasy and reality幻想和现实的不同 6. software

8、n. 软件 download software下载软件 specially designed software专门设计的软件 educational/music-sharing software 教育/音乐共享软件 install/run a piece of software 安装/运行一个软件 7account n. 账户 ;描写,叙述 ;解释 v. 把视作,认为;解释,说明 account for 占一定数量或比例;视为 ,认为是 give an account of 解释(理由);描述 take.into account/take account of 考虑到,顾及;体谅 open/s

9、et up an account 开户 close an account 销户 on account of 因为 on no account 决不 Wealsoneed to take into account the cost producing new print.我们还需要考虑印刷新闻的成本。 On no account canwetolerateviolence againstchildren.我们决不能容忍对儿童的暴力行为。(位于句首,句子部分倒装) Sheretiredearlyon account of ill health.她体弱多病,所以提前退休。8They also ens

10、ure that students can all enjoy the same learning materials.它们也能确保学生们都能享受同样的学习材料ensure vt. 确保,保证 ensure sb. sth. 向某人保证A good sleep will ensure you quicker recovery.好好睡一觉将保证你更快复原。 ensure that (从句) 确保 Please ensure that all lights are switched off. 请确保将所有灯都关掉。 ensure sb from/against 保护不受 No one can en

11、sure you from failure. 没有人能保证你不会失败9They also ensure that students can all enjoy the same learning materials.它们也能确保学生们都能享受同样的学习材料material n. 材料, 素材 building materials 建筑材料 teaching materials 教材 adj. 物质的,非精神上的;重要的; material comforts 物质享受 the material world 物质世界 material evidence 重要的证据 10First press th

12、e “Sign up” button . press vt. / n. 按,压 pressure n. 压力 ,紧张 Presshere! Itsdisappeared.按一下这里!消失了。(动) Hegave thebellanotherpress.他又按了一下铃。(名) button n. 按钮 ,纽扣 Ipushedthebuttonfor thetop floor. 我按了到顶层的按钮。Thisbuttonisforadjustingthe volume.这个按钮是调节音量的。 Pressthe playbutton.按下播放按钮。Anyonecansew on a button,in

13、cludingyou.任何人都能缝钮扣,包括你。11gender n. 性别. gender difference性别差 gender role性别角色 gender discrimination 性别歧视 Takeyourageandgenderinto account.把你的年龄和性别考虑进去。 Europeis notagender-equalityheaven.欧洲不是性别平等的天堂。12. Can you do me a favour and find out whats going on ? favour=favor do sb a favour 帮某人一个忙,给某人面子 ask

14、sb. a favour 请某人帮一个忙owe sb a favour 欠某人一个人情 in onesfavor对某人有利 in favor of有利于;支持;赞同Those presentwerein favour ofchange.在座的人都赞成变革。 Shewas willing tobendthe rulesinMarysfavour.她愿意放宽规定以有利于玛丽。 CanIask youa favour?我能请你帮个忙吗? Youowemea favour!你还欠我个人情哪!13. I placed an order using your app two weeks ago , but

15、 I still havent received the goods. place an order 下单 goods n. 商品. Pricesaremarkedon thegoods.价格标在商品上。 Wedeliverthe goodsin batches.我们分批交付货物。 The goodsare readyfor shipment.货物备妥待运。 . Moneycan beexchanged forgoodsorservices.钱可以用来换取商品或服务。14Would you like me to confirm my account details? 需要我确认我的账户信息吗?

16、 confirm vt. 确认;证实;证明;确定. confirm sth证明/确认某事 confirm that. 证实 It has been confirmed that. 已经确定 What you have said confirms my opinion.你的话证实了我的看法。 Has everyone confirmed that theyre coming?他们是不是每个人都确认过一定会来? It has been confirmed that the 32nd Olympic Games will be held in Tokyo.已经确定第32届奥运会将在东京举行。 15W

17、ell, according to my records, Ms. Smith, your order was delivered last week.好的,史密斯女士,根据记录,你的订单是上周交付的。according to 根据 deliver vi.& vt. 递送;传送;接生;发表(演说等);践诺 deliver sth. To sb.投递/传送某物给某人 deliver a speech 发表演说 be delivered of a babygive birth to a baby 生孩子Itcandelivercoffeetosleepypeople.它可以为瞌睡的人送咖啡。She

18、 was delivered of a healthy baby girl in the hospital last night. 昨夜她在医院里产下一个健康的女婴。 The presidentwilldeliver aspeechaboutschools. 校长将发表关于学校的演讲。 Can Biden deliver his promise to the nation? 拜登能履行他的诺言吗? 16error n. 错误 in error adv. 错误地. Ifyoufindtheseinerror,pleasesendmean E-mail.如果您发现这些设置中有错误,请给我发e- mail。 Mostof theproblemsweredue tohumanerror.多数问题都是人为错误造成的。 17. enquire about 询问Icalledthe stationto enquire abouttraintimes.我打电话到车站询问了火车时刻。 18. assist sb with = help sb with 帮助某人 学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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