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《广东省广州市天河区华南师范大学附属中学2022-2023学年高三上学期11月月考英语试题含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省广州市天河区华南师范大学附属中学2022-2023学年高三上学期11月月考英语试题含答案.pdf(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1|P a g e学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司华南师大附中 2022-2023 学年度高三月考(二)华南师大附中 2022-2023 学年度高三月考(二)英英语语第一部分 阅读第一部分 阅读(共两节共两节;满分满分 50 分分)第一节第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。ASearching for the perfect

2、gift can be difficult,especially age-appropriate material forteenagers.Look no further!We have a list of the best teen magazines.Give the gift ofreading for your teens today!Girls LifeMagazineDesigned for 10 to 15-year-olds,GirlsLife provides inspiration andentertainment for every reader.Shell find

3、tips for dealing withstress,navigating high school,achieving academic success,andbeauty and fashion advice.This print magazine delivers up funquizzes,reader submissions,and morehelping guide youngwomen through their teen years while still allowing them to beyoung.MuseFor teens up to age 14,Muse Maga

4、zine teaches,challenges,andexcites readers of both genders.Sponsored by the SmithsonianInstitute,this magazine features award-winning authors and focuseson science,history,and the arts.Whether your teen is interested ingenetics,video games,outer space,beekeeping,robots,ormythology,this magazine has

5、it all!Sports Illustrated KidsPerfect for sports fans aged 8 to 14,SI Kids supplies readers withinteresting sports news they wont want to miss.Articles on favoriteathletes feature incredible photography and illustrations.Girls andboys alike will enjoy the advice from athletes,coaches,and expertsin t

6、he field:theyll find tips on nutrition,performance,morale,andmore.National Geographic KidsWhile designed for kids aging six and up,this magazine features alot of important,fun information about the world around us.Discover great stories about wildlife,current events,pop culture,science,technology,ot

7、her kids adventures,and more!Theyll feellike theyre exploring the places themselves,with stunningphotography,lively stories,and excitingfacts.2|P a g e学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司1.Which of the following can you learn from G

8、irls LifeMagazine?A.News about award-winning authors.B.Information about interestingevents.C.Suggestions from coaches aboutnutrition.D.Advice on improving academicperformances.2.Who is the passage mainly written for?A.Parents.B.Teachers.C.Kids.D.Teenage girls.3.Which magazine has the youngest reader

9、s?A.GirlsLife MagazineB.MuseC.Sports Illustrated KidsD.National Geographic KidsBFive-year-old Willard Wigan struggled to tell the difference between an M and a W ora 6 and a 9.Unfortunately,his schoolteacher knew nothing about dyslexia(阅读障碍症),alearning disability that can make letters and numbers co

10、nfusing.She didnt try tohelp him.Not surprisingly,Willard didnt like school.Usually,his mind driftedto playingoutside,to his dog Maxie,or to the ants that lived near his familys garden shed.Willardwas especially curious about those ants.He felt like themsmall and insignificant.Thus,when he noticed s

11、ome ants trying to build a house,he decided to help them!Willardconstructed a little building.Then he sprinkled sugar inside to encourage the ants to movein.When they did,Willard built more houses.At school,Willard still struggled,but now he knew he could do something special.Maybe hewasnt afailure

12、after all.If he had trouble with his reading or math,Willard wouldlater go home and creat tiny furniture for the ant houses.He even built an ant school,withteeny swings,ladders,seesaws,andamerry-go-round.His artisticskillincreased,and alovefor little things began to grow in hisheart.At age nine,Will

13、ard began carving faces on toothpicks.He discovered that his abilityimproved when he held his breath as he worked.When he quit school at age 15 to helpsupport his family,Willard still spent his spare time carving.His confidence grew as morepeople appreciated his talent.Eventually,he quit his factory

14、 job to pursue his dream ofbecoming one of the best artists in the world.Now,years later,Willard carves the tiniestartwork in the world!His sculptures are so small that several can fit on a period at the endof a sentence.Because of their beauty and rarity,his sculptures have made Willard a wealthy m

15、an.But he says,“Success isnt about material things like an expensive watch or a costly ring;its about persevering and achieving your dreams.”Willard Wigan,microsculptor,has done just that.The man who felt small as a boy hasshown the world that something small can really be BIG.4.Which of the followi

16、ng best describes Willardsteacher?A.Sympathetic.B.Unhelpful.C.Impatient.D.Careless.5.Why did Willard become interested in building homes forants?A.Because he had a love for littlethings.3|P a g e学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司B

17、.Because he was absent-minded in class.C.Because he wouldnt have to struggle atschool.D.Because he thought they both seemed unimportant.6.What can we infer from the 4th paragraph?A.Willard gave up his study in school to pursue his dream.B.Willard became popular when more people appreciated his work.

18、C.Willard was able to carve small artwork in a short period of time.D.Willard found a way to make better artwork when he was at school.7.Which of the following may Willard agree with?A.Failure is the mother of success.B.Success belongs to those who dont giveup.C.Dreaming big is the first step in ach

19、ieving yourgoals.D.Talent is sometimes more important for success than hard work.CAnton was thrilled about his new job as an intern(实习生)for his favorite director,Selma Honor.Seeing her documentary about race-car drivers had convinced Anton that hewanted to be a filmmaker.When he found out that she w

20、as filming a documentary about thelocal basketball team,he wrote her a letter offering his help.Getting the call from Selmasassistant had been the thrill of alifetime.Being on the set turned out to be quite different from what Anton had expected.He hadimagined he would be standing behind Selma,watch

21、ing her make crucial decisions duringfilming.Instead,the assistant director,Joe,had given Anton a box of index cards to placein alphabetical order,which is what Anton was doing in the gym when Selma arrived.Shelooked around quickly and said,“Whats that kid doing in the shot?Get him out of here.”Joe

22、hurried over and told Anton to finish his work in thehallway.Anton sat on the hallway floor,carefully sorting the index cards while listening to thecrew setting up for the big game that night.He heard Selma and Joe arguing,and then Joecame slamming through the gym doors.“She wants symbolism in a hig

23、h school gym,”hemuttered angrily,“as if being a teenager werent symbolic enough!”Anton asked what Joemeant,and Joe explained that Selma was looking for a way to give the game a symbolicboost about choosing sides.Joes bright red shirt gave Anton anidea.Four hours later,the crowd was divided into two

24、halves.All of the fans for the hometeam wore red shirts;all of the fans for the away team wore gray shirts.Selma smiled as shestarted to film,noting that Antons idea really did add an additional competitive elementtothe game.She winked at Anton.He trailed behind heronce again certain that he had the

25、best job in the world.8.Which is one theme of thepassage?A.Ambition can get you introuble.B.Disappointment is usuallytemporary.C.Creativity can make bad situationsworse.D.All movies should have somesymbolism.9.What do Selmas actions tell you abouther?A.She always treats her team withpatience.4|P a g

26、 e学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司B.She does not allow anyone to influenceher.C.She is willing to listen to other peoplesideas.D.She makes all of her decisions before filmingbegins.10.What does Antons experience show?A.Do not gi

27、ve up even when you havesetbacks.B.Sometimes you have to give in to a bosss demands.C.It is necessary to take time to make carefuldecisions.D.It is very important to be friends with people you work for.11.How can Anton be described?A.Strong and pushy.B.Honest and loyal.C.Competitive and demanding.D.

28、Creative and determined.DReflexology is a natural treatment dating back to ancient times.It is based on the ideathat there are zones,or areas,in thefeet andhands thatare related to otherparts and systemsof the body.For example,the tips of the toes and fingers are related to the head and neck,and the

29、 ball of the foot is related to the heart and chest.A reflexologist applies pressure tospecificareas inapatients feetandhands torelievesymptoms orpaininotherrelatedareas.This type of treatment does not cure or diagnose specific health problems,and it doesnot involve any medicine or drugs.Yet many pa

30、tients find that it successfully relievessymptoms of stress and disease.Reflexology is effective for pain,headaches,and sleepingdifficulties,among other ilnesses.Applying pressure to the feet and hands relieves tension,improves blood circulation,and relaxes muscles.It promotes the natural,healthy fu

31、nctionsand well-being of the entire body.Reflexology is often used along with other types oftreatments,including conventionalmedicine.This gentle therapy is safe and simple.A reflexologists only tools are his or her hands.Pressure is strong,but not uncomfortable.Its not uncommon for patients to fall

32、 asleepduring treatments.A typical treatment session lasts one hour.Treatment is usually focused on the feet formost of the session.A patient is asked to remove his or her shoes and socks,to sit in acomfortable reclining chair,and then to relax as the reflexologist warms the patients feetwith his or

33、 her hands and applies pressure to the appropriate parts of the foot.The last tenminutes of the session are dedicated to thehands.After relieving specific problems,many patients continue a regular program oftreatment to maintain good health.Some reflexologists suggest building at least a five-minute

34、 reflexology session into every day for long-term relief of stress andpain.12.What is a reflexologist?A.a scientist who studies reflexologypractice.B.a patient who receives reflexologytreatment.C.a person who provides reflexologytreatment.D.a person who supports the reflexology theory.13.Which of th

35、e following is true about reflexology according to thearticle?A.It can deal with problems with thefeet.B.It works wonderfully with somediseases.5|P a g e学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司C.It is often combined with othertreatments

36、.D.Many people do it at least five minutesdaily.14.In a typical session of reflexology,about how much time is spent on thefeet?A.One hour.B.Fifty minutes.C.Ten minutes.D.Half the time.15.In ideas,which of the following is similar toreflexology?A.Chinese herbal therapy.B.Spiritual healing method.C.Tr

37、aditional western medicine.D.Chinese acupuncture(针灸).第二节第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)阅读短文,从短文后选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。有两项为多余选项。Many of our memory systems are driven by one single,powerful urge:to survive.Weseem to have an inborn instinct(本能)to remember routes,so we can navigate our localenvironments saf

38、ely.16Ever since we lived in groups,us humans have needed toknow whos“part of the group”,and who isnt,as a vital part of staying safe.And wereexcellent at remembering things that might put our wellbeing at risk.Arecent research studyshowed that were remarkably accurate at recalling anything connecte

39、d withinfection.In the study,volunteers were shown a set of objects that they would be tested on later.But there was a twist.Some of the items were held by a researcher who was said to haveCOVID.And guess what?17None of the volunteers would ever have to touchthose things themselves.But their minds s

40、till prioritised them,locking in the informationfor laterjust in case it could keep themsafe.18When youve got something important to remember,why not“tag”it withone of those unpleasant feelings that your brain cant help holding onto?19Picture the bottle,and imagine opening it only to discover that i

41、ts weeksout of date.Think about how it would lookand smell!Thanks to the power of disgust,youll have a much better chance of remembering to buy what youneed.Maybe you have tovisit the library before it closes.Torefresh your memory,visualisethe library tables piled high with all the foods you absolut

42、ely hate.See if your instinct forself-protection keeps the library in your thoughts more thannormally!And how about learning the password for your credit card by imagining that only thecorrect buttons on the ATMare safe?The first time you type the password,pretend that allthe other keys are covered

43、in deadly germs.20Dont try this technique too often,though,or youll end up always feeling on edge!Butwhen your memory needs a boost a small bit of disgust can be very healthy for yourrecall.A.Make use of your drive to survive.B.And its what you can use to your advantage.C.Keep the“dangerous”pattern

44、on your memory.D.Werealso naturally talented at recognising faces.E.Even imaginary dangers can sharpen our memory skills.F.Worried about forgetting the milk from your shopping list?G.Those“infected”objects proved to be significantly easier torecall.第二部分 语言运用第二部分 语言运用(共两节共两节;满分满分 30 分分)6|P a g e第一节第一

45、节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Myfatherhad been acorporatesales trainer who taughtpresentationskills.Hetraveledacross theworld for21andcompetedintennistournamentsontheweekends.“Lifeis good,”he would say,with a twinkle in his eye.However,everything22during my sophomo

46、re year of high school.a suddenstroke left him with a severe physical disability and loss of23.One afternoon,I came home to find my dad watching a(n)24video of usplaying tennis.What used to be such a25pleasure was now impossible.I26us on the screen,fascinated by that27memory.We watched in silence un

47、til I couldnt hold in my28any longer.I foundmyself shaking and29while the video played in the background.My heart brokefor us both and30for what we could no longer do together.Moving his lips,my dad 31 wanted to say something,but he was powerless.Although his movement was limited,he closed the gap b

48、etween us and gave my hand a32squeeze.Later,on a family trip to Tahoe,my dad saw a group of people parasailing on thelake.He and I had gone afew times33his stroke,but years had passed since then.“Youand me!”he managed to34.Wefloated high above the water,eyes fixed on the setting sun.Then,my dad look

49、ed atme with a familiar expression.“Lifegood.”After coming back home,my father worked 35torecover what he lostandregained a fair amount of his speech.“Life is good.”Three simple words.But my dad injected true meaning into thephraseby refusing to let his sickness overshadow the days he hadleft.21.A.a

50、dventure22.A.happenedB.workB.arrivedC.competitionC.changedD.pleasureD.started23.A.speechB.confidenceC.sightD.energy24.A.oldB.shortC.liveD.online25.A.greatB.rareC.personalD.simple26.A.glancedoverB.stared atC.looked intoD.smiled to27.A.sharedB.bittersweetC.distantD.virtual28.A.griefB.memoryC.angerD.ex


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