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《罗兰贝格—薪酬体系的设计与管理.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《罗兰贝格—薪酬体系的设计与管理.ppt(149页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、薪酬体系的设计与管理薪酬体系的设计与管理2009年年3月月1日日工资管理工资管理薪酬管理的宏观战略薪酬管理的宏观战略本节目标本节目标在本节中,您会了解到以下内容:薪酬的定义 薪酬管理的原则薪酬总体构成薪酬战略的组成部分薪酬管理的步骤人是任何企业中最关键的资源,没有了他/她,公司 的财力、物力均不能得到最佳的发挥People are the key resource in any organization.Without them neither its physical resources nor the financial resources will be used to their be

2、st effect.薪资的定义薪资的定义薪资:由一位雇主对一位受雇者,为其已完成和将要完成的工作或已经提供或将要提供的服务,可以货币结算并由共同协议或国家法律或条例给予以确定而凭书面或口头雇佣合同致富的报酬或收入。薪资的定义薪资的定义薪资管理的目标薪资管理的目标 组织目标组织目标 1、保证组织可以招聘到所需要的人才;2、稳定有绩效的员工;3、给予员工报酬以增进绩效;4、以工作对组织价值为取向,划定各工作之间的合理差距,并 维持薪资给付的全面平衡;5、具有随市场及组织变动以机动调整的弹性;6、便于解释、了解、作业及控制;7、讲求成本效益而不耗时耗资。薪资的定义薪资的定义 薪资管理的目标薪资管理的

3、目标 员工目标员工目标 员工觉得所获待遇合理及公平,并能配合生活费及劳动力市场之水准和职责之增加,并随之调整,进而从中建立至我期许的信心。薪资的定义薪资的定义 工资管理的原则工资管理的原则 公平性;准确性;合理性。薪资的定义薪资的定义 薪资政策薪资政策 1、薪资水准主位中位随位薪资的定义薪资的定义 薪资政策薪资政策 2、薪资架构 3、薪资基准 4、薪资异动 5、薪资控制 6、薪资沟通薪资的定义薪资的定义 薪资作业过程薪资作业过程 政策之发展政策之发展 技术技术 结构及给付结构及给付 步骤步骤 推行推行薪资水准薪资晋升薪资计划薪资沟通工作分析工作评价薪资调查薪资咨询薪资预算工作划等核薪薪资审核薪

4、资成本内在结构外在趋势薪等给付水准员工服益薪资架构薪资架构 薪资架构的理念:薪资架构的理念:对内公平性 对外公平性薪资架构薪资架构 薪资架构的形成:薪资架构的形成:建立公司薪资给付政策线进行薪资调查建立薪等薪级制度薪等薪级的扩延薪资架构薪资架构 薪资架构的选择:薪资架构的选择:等幅式薪资架构连续式扇状走向薪资架构复式薪资架曲线型给薪趋势线薪资管理操作的必须步骤:薪资管理操作的必须步骤:岗位分析岗位评估市场情况薪酬政策对内公平对外公平公平Class Overview (课程展望)课程展望)Session 1:Compensation Program Management 薪酬管理概述Sessio

5、n 2:Market Survey 市场调研Session 3:Statistic Basics&Application 统计学基础及应用Session 4:Pay Structure Design 薪酬架构的建立Session 5:Merit Pay System 基于业绩的加薪计划Session 6:Compensation Cost 薪酬成本计算Session 7:Salary Administration 薪酬管理Compensation Management薪酬管理概述薪酬管理概述薪酬管理的任务薪酬管理的任务To develop and deliver total compensat

6、ion solution which must be:开发与实施整体薪酬计划,从而达到以下目的:Attracting,retaining and motivating the best talent the company have吸引,保留及激励本企业中的最佳人才Flexible enough to support both business strategy and employees needs具有足够的灵活性来支持业务战略及员工需求Balanced with both competitiveness and affordability达到具有竞争力及企业可负担的平衡Easy to ad

7、ministrate/operate便于日常管理和操作To communicate the programs with clarity that make sure:清晰地对计划进行沟通,从而:The program is understood/accepted使薪酬计划能被理解The expectations are well managed使员工的期望值处在适当的水平薪酬策略薪酬策略Focus on total compensation programs专注于整体薪酬体系的设计Leverage effective market survey to get competitive marke

8、t information有效利用市场调研提供的市场信息Differentiate pay with the following to make sure equity 制定两极分化的薪酬制度,使薪酬与以下因素相联系Skills Using a skills based job system技能技巧 工作设置系统Performance linking with performance mgmt system工作表现 绩效考评系统Value to the business using retention programs for top talent对业务的价值 留才计划Efficient la

9、bor cost management “Using the money wisely”有效的人才成本管理 花钱的智慧薪酬管理目标薪酬管理目标 -平衡平衡Employee员工:Balance point平衡点:Competitiveness竞争性Affordability可负担性Flexibility灵活性Company公司:Equity公平性Consistency一致性Valuable自我价值的体现Labor cost management劳动力成本管理Merit system绩效工资体系薪酬管理角色分工薪酬管理角色分工Compensation position工资政策Competitive

10、 position竞争水平Labor cost人力资源成本Company Executive-Decision 高层经理 决策Human Resources-Proposal 人力资源部 提议Managers-Execution 中层主管 执行Job Evaluation system职位评估系统Compensation System工资体系Benchmarking市场调研Labor cost analysis人力成本分析Job description evaluation职位描述,评估Performance evaluation工作表现评估Salary increase decision工资

11、增长幅度的决定Discussion(讨论)讨论)What makes you to be a compensation professional?薪酬管理人员的素质薪酬管理人员的素质薪酬管理人员的素质Internal understanding 内部气候的了解Understand the company business strategy and priorities公司业务战略及重点Understand organization structure and jobs in the organization公司组织结构及业务分布External understanding 外部环境的了解Eco

12、nomic environment 经济环境Labor market situation and trend 人力资源市场状况及趋势 Labor law/policy update 劳动法规政策的变化Networking/interpersonal skills 人际关系网Have a resources pool to leverage for information sharing for other companys practices可以有可信的资料来源Analytical skills for interpreting the market information分析能力及解释市场信

13、息Have fun with numbers!与数字共舞Good communication skills both oral and writing良好的口头,笔头沟通能力Program Management Cycle 项目管理周期项目管理周期Companys Strategy and plan公司策略Human Resources Strategy人力资源策略Compensation Strategy薪酬策略Evaluation 评估Design 设计Communication&Training沟通与培训Administration 管理Implementation 实施Market S

14、urvey市场调查市场调查市场调查的种类市场调查的种类Self conducted survey由本公司执行进行Buy survey report购买调查报告Company sponsored survey公司召集的调查Participant in group sponsored survey参加小组召集的调查衡量各种市场调查的方法的投资回报率衡量各种市场调查的方法的投资回报率Easy to conduct 实施的难易度Data quality 数据的质量Cost 成本Turn over time 周期不同调查方法之间的比较不同调查方法之间的比较Easy to conduct 易于实施Cost

15、 费用Data quality 数据质量Turn over time 时效性Conduct your own survey 本公司自己进行Buy survey report 购买调查报告Attend group sponsored survey参加小组召集的调查Company sponsored survey 本公司召集的调查服务申请的提出服务申请的提出Purpose of the survey 调研目的Target market 目标市场Target jobs 目标工作种类Information required 所需要的信息Data of delivery expected 所需要的时间C

16、ontents of report required/Format 所需要的内容形式Additional request,if any 其他要求等服务申请的提出服务申请的提出-练习练习Your company is a IT multi-national company based in Beijing,the company is gong to set up a R&D center in Tianjin,you do not have branch there currently.As a compensation professional,you are invited by the

17、project office to give come advise on how to set up Tianjin R&D centers compensation and benefits terms.As you do not have contact in Tianjin,you decide to get some information from consulting company.Raise a ROS to state your needs贵公司是一家全球行的信息公司的北京分公司,现在天津并没有任分支机构。现要在天津建立一个研发中心,筹建处要求你帮助建立研发中心的薪酬福利体

18、系,鉴于你在天津没有任何联系,你希望咨询公司可以帮助你拿到一些资料请练习提出服务申请自我实施的调研自我实施的调研Purpose 目的Target market 目标市场Information needed 所需信息Method of survey 方法Telephone calls 电话访谈Email questionnaire 问卷Design your questionnaire 设计问题/问卷Report 报告Result analysis 结果分析Define your market 定义市场定义市场Your companys basic profile 你公司的基本情况Industr

19、y you are in 行业Type of organization 组织形式Major competitors 主要竞争对手Other considerations in talent competing,image competing,management system competing,etc其他竞争,人才,形象,管理风格等Size of the market 市场的大小No less than 10 companies 不能少于10家公司Consistency consideration 连贯性Should maintain 80%repeated rate ever year t

20、o keep consistency每年80的一致性Contents of survey 调研内容调研内容Cash Compensation items 现金项目Benefits practice 福利政策Pay policies 工资政策Retention policies 留才计划Company profiles 公司的情况Define your questions 问题设定问题设定Use common terms,put in explanations if necessary用通用的术语,必要时有解释Use closed question with YON answer instead

21、 of open ended questions用是否问题,不要用自由发挥问题Make choices available for participants尽量使用选择题Exercise (练习)练习)Company want to revisit the relocation allowance policy as the number of relocation is growing and the allowance is relative high and without update for 3 yearsPlease design a questionnaire so that y

22、ou could ring around to get some market information公司现有的派遣津贴已经有年没有变化了,并且随着业务量的增加,派遣人员总数不断上升,公司担负不断增加,想调整津贴金额请设计调查问卷以收集市场信息Importance of Job Matching 工作类比的重要性工作类比的重要性Understand the methodology of survey companys benchmarking system了解调研公司的类比系统及方法Understand the benchmarking job description provided by

23、survey company了解调研公司提供的标准工作描述Understand internal organization and job description 了解本公司的组织及工作种类及工作内容Invite business manager to participant in job matching activities why?必要时要邀请业务经理参加工作类比会议-为什么?Survey data categories 调研数据的分类调研数据的分类Base pay 基本薪资Monthly base salary times 12基本月薪*12Guaranteed pay 固定收入Inc

24、luding allowances,year end bonus without measurements包括津贴,年底固定奖金Total cash 全部现金收入Including any variable bonus,incentive with measurements抱愧浮动奖金,销售奖金Total compensation Any cash payment or benefits portion包括其它及福利 Total Remuneration BenefitsIncentive pay variable bonusAllowance(s)Fixed bonus(es)Base pa

25、yTotal RemTotal CashGuaranteed CashAnalysis of Survey Data 分析调研数据分析调研数据To understand 理解How data was collected 数据采集的方法 How to read the survey report 如何解读调研报告What the data represents for 数字会说话How can we use the data 如何运用数据Your competitive position 你公司的竞争水平Define your future salary structure制定薪酬架构 Surv

26、ey reports contents 调查报告内容调查报告内容Executive summary 概述A high level economic/labor market trend report对经济情况及人才市场走势的概述Detailed remuneration dataUsually by job families 分工作种类Market position comparisonWhat is your companys pay position 你公司与市场平均水平的比较Questionnaire analysis 问卷分析Salary administration policies

27、 薪酬政策Benefits programs 福利项目Retention programs 留才计划Statistic Basics&Application统计学基础及应用统计学基础及应用Statistics Terms 统计学基础统计学基础Mean 平均值平均值Unweighted mean 不加权平均值不加权平均值Weighted mean 加权平均值加权平均值Median 中值中值Percentile 百分位值百分位值Quartile 区间区间Mean 平均值平均值The average of a set of data points.it is sum of the data divi

28、ded by the no.of points 一组数据的综合除以个数Unweighted mean 不加权平均值Obtained by computing the average of the values of the data points直接平均法Weighted mean 加权平均值Obtained by weighting each value by the no.of data occurred then computing the average考虑每个数据的个数因素然后加以平均Example of Computing Mean CompanyAverage Salary(RM

29、B)No.of IncumbentsAverage salary X No.Of IncumbentsA100,000202,000,000B120,000101,200,000C140,000101,400,000Total360,000404,600,000Unweighted mean(直接平均值)直接平均值)of the 3 companies:360000/3=120000Weighted mean(间接平均值)间接平均值)of the 3 companies:4600000/40=115000Exercise of Computing Mean Refer to Survey Da

30、ta计算平均值的练习计算平均值的练习Exercise of Calculating Mean 计算平均值的练习计算平均值的练习unweightedweightedpositionlevelincumbents50pmeanmeanJunior accountant11056000secretary12160000HR Assistant11469000Median 中值中值The point along an ordered data points at which an equal no.of data points fall above and below在一组数据中,排序后有一半的数据在

31、此之上,一半的数据在此之下For an odd no.of data points,median is the middle data points在奇数个数据中,中值就是排在最中间的那个数的值For an even no.of data points,median is the average of the 2 middle-most data points在偶数个数据中,中值就是排在最中间的两个数的平均值Example of computing median(1)计算中值的练习(计算中值的练习(1)Unordered dataOrdered data median7400062500545

32、0042800332002600013100Example of computing median(2)计算中值的练习(计算中值的练习(2)Unordered dataOrdered data median8300074000625005450042800332002600013100Computing Percentile 计算百分位计算百分位Definitions (定义)Px,the desired percentile points,wherePx,为所需的百分位点x,the percentile rank desired(e.g.10,25,etc.)x,为所需的百分位v,the r

33、ank order position(from bottom)for the percentile point value of interest,v is calculated as follows:V=x/100*(n+1)v,为从上至下排序后百分位点的位置V=x/100*(n+1)n,the number of data points in the samplen,为数据的总量Example of Computing Percentile(1)计算百分位的练习(计算百分位的练习(1)Computing P25 v=25/100*(7+1)=2P25 should be the 2nd d

34、ata point P25为下数第二个数据Which is 2800 So,p25=2800Please calculating P75 by self请计算P75Salary Rank40007350063200531004300032800225001Example of Computing Percentile(2)计算百分位的练习(计算百分位的练习(2)Computing P25 v=25/100*(8+1)=2.25P25 should be the 2.25th data point which in between 2nd and 3rd data,P25为下数第2.25个数据,

35、也就是在第2与第3数据之间的一个数值Which is in between 2800 and 3000 So,p25=2800+0.25*(3000-2800)=2850Please calculating P75 by self请计算P75Salary Rank6000840007350063200531004300032800225001Quartiles 区间区间 In compensation analysis,percentiles are often expressed in terms of quartiles.there are 4 quartiles in a set of

36、data points把每一个区域分成4个区间1st quartile:the AREA where the bottom 25 percent of values occur,corresponds to 25th percentile第一区间,市场上最低的25数据2nd quartile:the AREA where the 2nd 25 percent of values occur,corresponds to 50th percentile第二区间,市场上25P-50P之间的数据3rd quartile:the AREA where the 3rd 25 percent of val

37、ues occur,corresponds to 75th percentile第三区间,市场上50P-75P之间的数据4th quartile:the AREA where the top 25 percent of values occur,corresponds to the 100th percentile第四区间,市场上最高的25的数据Market survey analysis市场调研结果分析市场调研结果分析Read&understand the reports运用统计学知识读懂报告Data comparison apple to apple 数据比较Time:age market

38、 data 与时俱进的市场数据Value:market comparable base pay 可比性工资Position to market:market index 市场系数Analysis survey result分析调查报告分析调查报告Data数据Information信息Knowledge知识Evaluation评估 Mgmt Decision管理决策Aging market data市场数据的与时俱进市场数据的与时俱进Determine annual aging factor 增长指数的计定Data coming from survey reports,salary increa

39、se plan%reported by participating companies从市场报告中对未来年薪资增长的预料 Determine date to which to age data 设定市场数据预估时间Effective date of salary structure 新的工资架构的生效日期或数据的日期Lead,lag,or lead/lag philosophy 用Lead,lag,or lead/lag 方法Lead,structure will compete the year end marketLead,工资结构与年底的市场水平看齐Lag,structure will

40、compete the year end marketLag,工资结构与年初的市场水平看齐Lead/lag,structure will compete the midyear marketLead/lag,工资结构与年中的市场水平看齐Example of aging market data 预估市场数据的例子预估市场数据的例子Survey data effective date is October 1,2002市场调查报告生效日为2002年10月1日Annual aging factor is 8%for 2002,6%for 2003预估值为2002年8,2003年6The compan

41、ys structure will effective July 1,2003新的工资架构生效日为2003年7月1日Please calculate the aging factors separately for lead,lag,and lead/lag policy请用lead,lag,and lead/lag 的方式分别计算市场预估指数Come out market comparable base pay把市场数据转化成与本公司的工资有可比性把市场数据转化成与本公司的工资有可比性You get annual pay data from survey,which need to be c

42、onverted to your companys monthly salary amount从市场报告中你得到年底薪酬,你需把它转化成月薪What is your companys pay policy?你公司的工资结构是什么?What is the market annual pay includes?你的市场数据包括了什么内容?Base payGuaranteed cash Total cashTotal remunerationABC Company Pay Practices ABC公司的工资结构公司的工资结构ABC company pay practicesABC 公司的工资结构1

43、2 months salary annually每年12个月月薪1 month year end fixed bonus 年底1个月固定奖金1month variable bonus measured by company performance年底1个月浮动奖金根据公司的业绩Monthly allowance of RMB 500 per month每月500元津贴Housing subsidy of 10%monthly salary paid by cash每月10月薪的现金住房补贴Calculating Market Comparable Base Pay计算市场可比性工资计算市场可比

44、性工资Benchmark PositionABCLevelMeanComparable Base PayJunior accountantI56000AccountantH81000Sr AccountantG109000Finance SupervisorF170000Finance ManagerD270000Market Index市场系数市场系数Compare company average salary with market average salary本公司平均工资与市场平均工资的比较Make Apple to Apple comparison要完全同须知的比较Same poin

45、t of time 同一时间Same job 同一工作Same pay components 同样的工资内容Base to base,total cash to total cash基本月薪,或全部年薪An exercise of data comparison数据比较的练习数据比较的练习Market Index市场系数市场系数PositionLevelNumber of EEsAverage Salary MarketMeanMarket IndexJunior accountantI833003289AccountantH546004934Sr AccountantG265006776Fi

46、nance SupervisorF1900010789Finance ManagerD11700017368Pay Structure Design设计工资架构设计工资架构Something about pay structure 关于工资架构关于工资架构An Ideal Compensation Program理想的薪酬设计理想的薪酬设计Internal equity 内部公平性External competitiveness 外部竞争性Affordability 可负担性Legally defensible 合法的Understandable/salable 可理解的/易服人的Effici

47、ent to administer 易管理的Safeguards the organizations resources 对公司资源的保护Flexible 灵活的Meets the organizations unique needs 为企业特别定制的General and Specific Factors Affecting Pay Structures影响工资架构的一般与特殊因素影响工资架构的一般与特殊因素Corporate culture and values 企业文化及价值观Management philosophy 管理宗旨External economic environment

48、外部经济环境Labor market demand and supply 市场的供求比Corporate strategy and policy 公司的战略与政策Centralized compensation policy统一的工资政策Decentralized compensation policy分管的工资政策Short-term vs.Long-term consideration短期与长期的考虑Example of a Pay Structure工资架构的例子工资架构的例子 876543217800680058004800380028008800GradePay Structure

49、Design工资架构的设计工资架构的设计Base pay policy line 基本工资政策线Number of job grades/bands 级别的设置Midpoint progression 级差Range spreads 级宽Range overlap 级间重叠区Number of pay structures 工资架构的数目Profile of a Base Pay Structure典型的工资架构典型的工资架构a:Range min 最低点 dc:Range overlap 级间重叠区b:Range max 最高点 e-f,f-g:Range progression 级差a-b

50、:Range spread 级宽 e-f-g:Base pay policy line 基本工资政策线 agcbdefBase Pay Policy Line$Job ValueRange Spreads级宽级宽Plus and minus midpoint percent中点距两极的距离中点距两极的距离(1+desired)/(1-%desired)-1=range spread(1+20%)(1-20%)=0.5 or 50%Minimum to maximum最低点与最高点的距离最低点与最高点的距离(max min)/min=range spread(4500-3000)/3000=0.


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