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1、 Unit 2 Neighbours Revision1.邻居邻居2.参观者参观者3.愿意帮助的愿意帮助的4.技能技能5.问题问题6.工程师工程师7.检查检查8.损坏的损坏的9.修理修理10.学院学院11.幸运的幸运的12.经理经理13.警察警察14.邮递员邮递员15.人人16.年纪较长的年纪较长的17.将来将来18.艺术家艺术家19.听起来听起来20.生病的生病的21.通知通知22.信息信息23.更好更好24.组,群组,群neighbour visitorhelpfulskillproblemengineercheckbrokenfixcollegeluckymanagerpoliceman

2、 postmanpersonelderfutureartistsoundsicknoticeinformation bettergroup1.1.他们当中的大部分他们当中的大部分2.2.在社区中心在社区中心3.3.分享他们不同的技能分享他们不同的技能4.4.各种难题各种难题5.5.要求某个人修理它要求某个人修理它6.6.大学生们大学生们7.7.打扫他们的公寓打扫他们的公寓8.8.等待等待.9.9.在镇中心在镇中心most of themat the community centreshare their different skillsall kinds of problemsask some

3、one to fix itcollege studentsclean their flatswait for.in the town centre10.10.哥哥哥哥11.11.为为.效力效力12.12.乘火车乘火车/船船13.13.在将来在将来14.14.病人病人15.15.在三月五号的下午在三月五号的下午16.16.感觉好点儿感觉好点儿17.17.担心我的学习担心我的学习18.18.对对.了解很多了解很多19.19.在这里帮忙在这里帮忙elder brotherwork for.by train/shipin the futuresick peopleon the afternoon of

4、 March 5feel betterworry about my studyknow a lot about.be here to help1.有空有空2.先给他打电话先给他打电话3.等他们回电话等他们回电话4.后天后天5.带些水带些水6.生火生火7.分享他们不同的技能分享他们不同的技能 8.帮助我们处理各种问题帮助我们处理各种问题9.买些东西买些东西10.乐意做某事乐意做某事be freecall him firstwait for them to call backthe day after tomorrowbring some watermake a fireshare their d

5、ifferent skillshelp us with all kinds of problemsdo some shoppingbe ready to do sth1.Can I have a new schoolbag,mum,?The old one is _(break).2.Will you do some _(shop)with me this weekend?3.Hes very _(luck)to get the small red flower at school.4.Will they share their different _(skill)with us?5.Can

6、you find any _(volunteer)in your community centre?6.Annies bike is broken,and shes going to ask someone _(fix)it.1.7.Can you find someone _(help)me with my homework.2.8.The centre also _(help)old people.brokenshoppingluckyskillsvolunteersto fixto helphelps9.Her e_ sister often takes her to the park

7、at the weekend.10.Jack wants to be an _(艺术家艺术家)in the f_.11.His idea _(听起来听起来)like a good one.12.We can use our computer to search a lot of i_ around the world now.13.When you are s_,you can go to a doctor for help.14.The _(people whose jobs are to send letters)are busy every day.lderuturesoundsnfor

8、mationickpostmenartist15.Ill be _(luck)to get any of my money back16.Dont worry a_ me.I feel better now.17.The doctors and nurses in Health centre make Simon _(feel)better.18.She has no time today.She is busy _(work).19.At the weekend,they usually do some _(shop)to spend their free time.20.The delic

9、ious dish tastes really _(well).21.It is very kind _(invite)me to your party.luckyboutfeelworkingshoppinggoodto invite1.We can practise the dialogue in _(组2.Please put up these _(通知通知)on th front wall of the classroom.3.If you have _(难题),please call me.4.Answer each of the qusestions _(下面的下面的).5.Man

10、y jobs today need computer _(技能技能).6.Our English teacher _(检查)our homework twice a week.groupsnoticesproblemsbelowskillschecks1.I only know one of the _(拜访者拜访者).2.-How do you feel now,Jack?-I feel much _(well).3.You can find lots of _(信息信息)on the history at the library.4.Wendys _(old)sister works in

11、 a big company.5.I would like to be an _ because I like art.6.My brother is one of the most popular _(警察警察)in the neighbourhood.7.I cant find _(任何人)to help with my homework.visitorsbetterinformationelderartistpolicemenanyone1.恐怕他恐怕他们不会不会欢迎像你迎像你这样的拜的拜访者。者。2.住在像那住在像那样的小区里真好。的小区里真好。3.你的你的邻居居们为人怎么人怎么样?4

12、.你住在像那你住在像那样的一个小区里真幸运。的一个小区里真幸运。Im afraid they wont welcome visitors like you.Its good to live in a neighbourhood like that.What are your neighbours like?You are lucky to live in a neighbourhood like that.5.你将来打算当什么?你将来打算当什么?6.我打算成为一名电脑工程师。我打算成为一名电脑工程师。7.那听起来像个好主意。那听起来像个好主意。8.我们的工程师们在这里帮助解决难题。我们的工程师

13、们在这里帮助解决难题。What are you going to be in the future?Im going to be a computer engineer.That sounds like a good idea.Our engineers are here to help with problems.1.在在健康中心健康中心_2.在在修理俱乐部修理俱乐部_3.你在担心派对上穿什么或如何设计你的家吗?你在担心派对上穿什么或如何设计你的家吗?_4.我们所有的组员都对风格和色彩很了解我们所有的组员都对风格和色彩很了解_5.他们将会很高兴给你一些主意的!他们将会很高兴给你一些主意的!_

14、6.如果洗衣机出故障了,人们将会得到一些帮助。如果洗衣机出故障了,人们将会得到一些帮助。_at Health Centre at the Fix-it ClubAre you worring about what to wear to a party or how to design your home?All our group members know a lot about styles and colours.They will be happy to give you some ideas!People will get help if theres something wrong

15、with their washing machine.1.Tony,_his father,_ walking from home to school.A.likes;like B.likes;likes C.like;like D.like;likes 2.If it rains this afternoon,_ your umbrella _ me.A.share;with B.use;with C.share;to D.use;to3.There is _in todays newspaper.A.important something B.anything special C.impo

16、rtant anything D.nothing exciting4.There is going to _ a football match in our school.A.have B.has C.is D.be5.Here is the knife.You can ask your mother _the apple for you.A.cut B.cuts C.to cut D.cutting1.There is _ in todays newspaper.A.important something B.anything importantC.important anything D.

17、something important 2.Our maths teacher often _ us _ difficult problems.A.help;with B.help;to do C.helps;with D.helps;for3.Tony _ walking to school,_ his father.A.likes;like B.likes;likes;C.like;like4.It is great _ me _ have my own bedroom.A.to;for B.with;for C.for;to D.to;toDCACdoctorDoctors work i

18、n the _.When people are _,they can make people _.sick/illhospitalfeel betterHe is a _.He works in a _.When you dont know what _(order)to eat,you can ask him for help.waiterrestaurantto orderpolicemanpolicemenpolicewomanpolicewomenThe _ are kind and _.They work in the _ _.They always help people _ th

19、eir _.policemenhelpfulpolice stationwithproblems office workerThis lady is an _ _.She works in a big_.Her _ gives her much work every day.She is always _.Her home is _ _ her company,so she goes to _ _ _.companymanagerbusyfar away fromwork by carpostmenpost officeThis _ is very happy in the _ _postma

20、npostmanThis _ is very clever.He lives in the same community with me,so he is my _.When _with my fridge,I often ask him _for me.engineer neighboursomething is wrong to fix it artistHe is an _.He is good at _.drawingHobo is _ _ _ his new neighbours.Eddie is also _ _ visit his new neighbour.But Hobo i

21、s _ they _welcome _like Eddie.Because Eddie just wants _ _ _.going to visitgoing to afraidwontvisitorsto eat foodA:_ do you _,Simon?s:I live _ a flat in City Garden in _ Street.A:_ _ _ are there in your _?s:There are about 20 buildings._ _ _ have 14 _.A:What do you _ _ your neighbourhood?s:We have _

22、,_,a _ and a _.A:Do you like _ _?s:Yes._ good _ _ in a neighbourhood _ that.WhereliveinNinthHow manybuildingsneighbourhoodMost of themfloorshave aroundsupermarkets restaurantsschoolhospitallivingthereIts to livelikeWrite about Simons neighbours Simons neighbours are kind and .Some of them are .They

23、have different_ and often help others with all kinds of .They often meet at the _ and have a _meeting at the weekend.The volunteers help people _their computer and_something broken.Some _students are ready to_the students with their homework.They also do some_for the old.Simon feels_ to live in a ne

24、ighbourhood _ that.helpfulvolunteersskillsproblemscommunity centre“helping hands”checkfixcollegehelpshoppingluckylikeTenses习惯习惯现在的事实现在的事实客观真理客观真理正在发生正在发生发生在发生在将来将来某某个时间的动作个时间的动作或状态或状态非三单非三单主语+V原原三单三单主语+V-三单三单often,every Sunday,on Sundays.主语+be+V-ingnow;at the moment;right now;at presentIts 6 oclock;

25、Where is.?;soon,later;this.;next.;in the future;tomorrow;tonightin.主语+will/shall+V原主语+be going toV原一般将来时复习定义定义:一般将来时表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态。一般将来时表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态。构成:构成:be going to+动词原形动词原形 will +动词原形动词原形1.be going to 打算做某事(一般将来时)一般将来时)2.will 与与shall (一般将来时)区别:(一般将来时)区别:“I”与与 “we”和和 shall 搭配,除第一人称搭配,除第一人称外其它人

26、称都不可与其搭配。外其它人称都不可与其搭配。1.-Look at the clouds in the sky.-It _,I guess.A is sunny B is snowing C is going to snow D is windy 2.It _ windy later today.A is B be C will be D will is 3.-Where will they go next Sunday?They _ to the Great Wall.A will go B go C has gone D went 三、翻译下列句子。(注意句子的时态)三、翻译下列句子。(注意

27、句子的时态)1.今天我打算八点写家庭作业。今天我打算八点写家庭作业。I _ _ _ do my homework at eight today.2.这周六我们打算去野餐。这周六我们打算去野餐。We _ go to have a picnic this Saturday.3.我们打算下周去美国。我们打算下周去美国。I _ _ to America next week.4.我妈妈今天下午将要去购物。我妈妈今天下午将要去购物。My mother _ _ _ this afternoon.am going towillam goingwill gowill go shoppingCan you fin

28、d out the mistakes and correct them?I will buys some flowers for my mother.They shall have a party next week.He willnt go to school by bike.My parents will to go shopping this evening.buywillwontwill not=wontshall not=shantTIP1.There _ a football game this afternoon.(2015 武汉)武汉)A.will have B.is goin

29、g to be C.has D.are going to be2.My father is in Beijing.He _ back in three days.(2015 新疆)新疆)A.will come B.comes C.has come D.came此句考核此句考核There be结构的将来时,不能结构的将来时,不能用用haveReason1.Amy will do her homework tonight.否定句否定句:一般疑问句一般疑问句:肯定、否定回答肯定、否定回答:对划线部分提问对划线部分提问:Amy wont do her homework tonight.Will Amy

30、 do her homework tonight?Yes,she will.No,she wont.What will Amy do tonight?Tom _(buy)some food this afternoon._ it going to _(be)hot tomorrow?Annie never _(go)shopping on Mondays.He _(buy)her a beautiful hat on her next birthday.I _(visit)my grandparents every Sunday and I _(read)English now.Sandy _

31、(come)back in three days.I am going to _(be)an engineer in the future.What _ Millie often _(do)at the weekend?How long _ it _(take)to get there tomorow?_ we _(meet)at the school gate?Look at the dark clouds.It _(rain).will buyIs begoeswill buyvisitam readingwill comebedoes dowill takeShall meetis going to rain


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