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《黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市八校联合体2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市八校联合体2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022-2023学年度上学期八校联合体期中试卷高三英语试题(考试时间:100分钟满分120分)本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分第1卷(选择题部分共70分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分.满分30分)阅读F列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选顼中,选出最住选项,并在答题卜上将该项涂 黑。A.ir 订;Paragliding (滑翔伞运动)is a kind of flying, but instead of the wing (机网)being made of metal, wood or plastic, it is made

2、of nylon or polyester. 1 he wing is attached to a harness安全号)by lines where a pilot sits, similar to a pamchule (降柩伞).Is it safe?Paragliding is as safe as sailing and dccp-sca diving, he big advantage is that it飞 probably the slowest Rm cHying, so if you do crash. oull hit the ground quite gently! I

3、t s a very relaxing sport as youre mostly sitting down. Yet, youll probably experience (Ktiri u the parts of the body yon didriX know you had while learning, but many of those will be due to the walk up the training hill to start.Where do i learn?There are lots of schools, mainly based inland by sui

4、table hills or mountains, and there are also schools on the coast near high mountains. These arc very attractive, though the scenery of landing in the sea seems to discourage beginners! Ii lakes seven days (o gel your basic license; then youre free to fly independently at sites across tlie country.W

5、ht do I need?Pilots nonnally wear warm clolhes in case they gel very high up. and a helmet in c&sc ihcy fall down on landing. In terms of equipment, schools provide ba5ic training, canopies, harnesses, etc. I lowever, youll probably wunl to buy your own more advanced equipment, which you 11 be able

6、to choose much better once ycifve tried some out on your course.Who can do it?rheres no upper age limil if your insinicior judges you are able, but the youngest is 14. Anybody with good eyesight and good balance is a good (yaraglider pilot.Flying a paraglider is a great sport. Wc hope to see you in

7、the air with us this season!号:英语试卷第i JL What do you know about paragliding?A. Its exciting but tiring.B, It s safe and relaxing.hs attractive but expensive,DJIs fast and challenging.2. What basic requirement should you meet if you want to leam paragliding? A. You keep your balance well.n. You need t

8、o be 14 years old.C. You need to have very good sight and nerve.D. You should bring your own paragliding equipment.3, Where can the text be tbund?A. People.U. Business Week.C. Sports World.D. Science.DAs the song Bridge Over Troubled Water3* echoed across the ice rink at the Beijing 2022, Chinese sk

9、aters Sui Wcnjing and Han Cong completed their touching but powerful performance on Long Program, uliich successfully eurned them their lirstvcr Olympic championship title and Chinas second gold in the pair skating event at the Olympic Games. ( I he first was from Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo at 2010 Va

10、ncouver Winter Olympics.) Also, it was a perfect conclusion to their 15 years ”cooperulion.Sui and I Ian, bom in 1995 and 1992 respectively, had won almost every youth competition they took part in when they were young, yet constant injuries and accidents created a massive harrier to overcome when i

11、t came to reaching the Olympic podium (领奖台).In 2014, an ankle injury caused Sui constant pain, forcing ihc pair lose iheir qualiiication Ibr (he 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. I hat should have been their first opportunity for Olympic gold. Il was a huge regret for us after preparing so much/ recalled

12、Sui.In 2016, Sui llnally urulerwent loot ligament surgery, a Her which she went through a long recovery period. The doubt about whether she would ever skate again almost left her in despair. For I fan the iniining arena and the hospital were the only two places that Han would go.After four years of

13、waiting, the pair had 1he churice to cornpele al Pyeongchang 2018. Their performance tlwrc won them a silver medal.Anol her tbur years later in Beijing, the then two-time world champions finished their entire routine with a total of 155.47 points, surpassing Team Chinas top competilor, ROCS Evgenia

14、Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov, who won silver.Talking about her fulure carver direction, Sui said she is applying to be a choreography major, as she believes figure skating is a combinalion of diis an Ibrrn and skating techniques. I have too rruniy creative ideas for figure skating. It requires cont

15、inuous learning and of course an endless passion for skating as ell as (?crseveniiion. which is I he key to success.MWhat does the first paragraph focus on?A. Good performance of (he two skaters.Ik Sui and Ilan s Olympic charnpianship.C. Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.D, Chinas two golds in great spor

16、ts events.4, What can we know about Sui and Hans experiences?A. I heir 15-year cooperation was filled with ups and downs,Physical problems had bothered the pair for 4 years.B. Han had to stop practising when Sui was in hospital.C. I he 2014 Olympics laid the foundation for their final success.6. Wha

17、t saying can be used(o summarize the pair s struggles and fighting?A. Practice makes perfect.B. No way is impossible to courage,Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.C. I he path to glory is always rugged.7. What can be inferred from the text?A. The pair have participated in four Olympic Gaines.B. Su

18、i may retire after winning this Olympic championship.C. Ranking second in 2018 made the pair completely disappointed.D. The two gold medals at the Olympic Games are eight years apart.CSleeping and learning go hand in hand, which studies have shown for yeans. Even a brief sleep can improve your memor

19、y and sharpen your thinking. But according to a new study the relationship goes deeper than that it turns out that a sleeping brain can be taught a rhing or two, which is contrary to most scientists5 thought.“rhe brain is not passive while you arc sleeping; you can do quite a lot of things while you

20、 are asleep/ said Anat Arzi. w!h)researched the sense of smell and also worked on the new study.Arzi and her coworkers didnt try to teach the sleeping volunteers any complex information, like new words or facts. Instead the scientists taught sleeping volunteers to inarch smells and sounds.When vve s

21、mell something nice, we automatically take deep breaths. When we smell something bad. we automatically take short breaths. Arzi and her coworkers based their experiment on these reactions. It is common sense that our senses dont tum ofT while wc are sleeping.Once the volunteers fell asleep in the la

22、b, the scientists went to work. I hey gave the volunteers a whifT (一阵气 味)of something pleasant, like shampoo, and al the same time played a particular musical note. Ihe volunteers didnt wake up. but they did hear and sniff (用鼻子闻)deeply. I hen the scientists gave the volunteers a whilTot something tw

23、ulsive, like bad fish, and played a different musical note. Again, the volunteers heard and smelled a short snort ( 息声)this time but didnl wake up.After just four repetitions, volunteers made a connection between the musical notes and their paired smells When (he scientists played the musical tone t

24、liat went with good smells, the sleepers breathed in the air deeply even though there was no good smell to sniff And when the scientists played the musical lone that went with unpleasant smells, the sleepers breathed in the air briefly despite there being no bad smell. 8, What did most scientists us

25、e to think?A. Sleep could not improve ones memory.8. Sleep could not make one think quickly.9. Sleeping and learning were not closely connected.10. A sleeping brain couldnt learn anything new,On whal knowledge did the researchers base their experiment?A. Thar our senses dont stop working while wc sl

26、eep.B. That people are more influenced by smell than by yund.C. That people may be woken up if they smell something bad.D. That our breathing rate is controlled by the brain.9. What docs the underlined word “repulsive in paragraph 5 probably mean?A, Strong.B. Unpleasant.C. Unfamiliar.D. Sweet.10. Wh

27、at does the passage mainly talk about?A. Learning in sleep.B. Benefits of a good sleep,C Smells influence sleep.D. Music benefits sleep.Excessive (过度的)smartphone use is a distinctly 21st century issue, but thal doesnt make it any less problematic. Countless people spend Iheir days endlessly scrollin

28、g troin one social media feed or app to Ihe next. Many argue there?s an easy solution: place it in silent mode (模式).Now, however, researchers from Penn State find ihal Ihis approach chti Hclually hackre tor certain people. Study authors report people checked Iheir phones more oflen when their device

29、s were in silent mode. Notably, participants who scored high in t;tear of missing ouf? and need to belong personality tests checked their phones the most after placing them on silent. In some cases. Oiese individuals stayed on their phones fbr longer as well.This work is based on data collected from

30、 the screen time monitoring tool of 138 iPhone users. Researchers focused on how two distinct psychological trails ma influence how people act in response to placing (heir phones on citlicr silence or vibtaie. More speciiically, study authors analyzed people who tend to be especially preoccupied (专i

31、斗)with gathering infbnnation from others (fear of missing out, or FOMO), and people with a strong desire (o maintain interpersonal rclalionships (need to belong).Incredibly, in comparison to audio-aleit or vibrate modes, each participant checked (heir phones more often when it was in silent mode. Wh

32、en tlw phone s sound and vibntiion was cri, the groups checked their devices 52.9 times daily c)n average. When their phones were silent, that average rate nearly doubled to 98.2 times a day. Volunteers identified as having high levels of FOMO checked Iheir phones roughly 50 times daily when their d

33、evice was on vibrate, while in silent riuxle, they checked their phones about 120 times daily, and they also tended to keep scrolling significantly longer if their phones were in silent mode.Participants with high levels of the necd-to-bclong trail aclually didnt check their phones more in silent mo

34、de; however, they did stay on their phones longer if the devices were in cither silent or vibraiion-only mode.At the end of the day. smartphone use habits come down to the individual. Researchers conclude the first step toward developing healthier lech hubits for everyone is understanding that diffe

35、rent people react to apps, notillcations, and various tech features diilerently,What can wc know about excessive smartphone use?A. It is easy lo get rid otlB. 1( has existed for centuries.C. It is a serious problem.D. It is re longer considered a problem.11. What docs the underlined word “backfire-

36、probably mean?A, 1 have any ettect.B. Have the opposite effect.C. Bring certain benefits.I). Cause some rouble.12. What can be inferred about tlic research?A, It may have limitations.B. Its researclwis collected the data themselves.C. It focused on the participants* psychological traits.D. It ibund

37、silen! mode a fleeted participants interpersonal relationships.15. What can we say about people with high levels of I ()M() when their phones were in silent mode?A. They checked tlicir phones almost as often as usual.B. They showed healthier tech habits than people with the nccd-to-bclong trait did.

38、C. They stayed on their phones longer than people with die neel-to-helong Indi.D. They reacted differently from people with the nced-to-belong trait第二节共5小鹿;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳城项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A casual carpool (临时拼车)is an interesting concept tliat has arisen due to the

39、 large number of drivers who must commute (通勒)to distances (ar from home on h regular basis. Highways are often set up with caipool lanes, which can be used by commuters. 16 Also, many toll (通行贾)bridges do nol change the loll Ibr those who are carpooling.People often visit Internet sites in order t

40、quickly Inui h ride Io the city they need without any money. Those looking for a ride merely scan the Internet site tor dieir area, and might communicate with a driver the night beft)ru. Usually (he only thing Ihcy need to do is be at a designated (指定的)location by a certain time. 17A person can prea

41、rrange the casual carpool to be guaranteed a seat, or he or she may have to take his chances hy showing up al h cksuhI carpool site. ll*s often a fint-comennal arrangeineril exists wilh I he driver.The casual carpool is often regarded as a perfectly safe inode of transportation. 19 First, you dont k

42、now your driver and his/her driving abiliiies. Resides, you could potentially meet a predator (坏人).20 If youre traveling in a car with three people, and one person is taller than you, oflcr them the front seat. Dont chat about controversial subjects or criticize drivers, and also dont turn on the ra

43、dio without asking pennission.A. In tactt it is not always the case.B. There are some nileb fbr a casual caipool riderIhese usually make a commute go irurne quickly.C. The driver will only take the people who show up fiistI ” Su the driven neednl go oul of iheir way to pick up people in diverse area

44、s. H I here are some drivers who have driven so pnorly Ihnl you lear lor your life. G. Only accept a ride from someone who is known by regular casual carpoolers,第二部分完形填空(共20小题,每小题L5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A, R. C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A leut years ygo I used lo develop websites for clie

45、nts (客户). One day, 1 was 2by a local guy who wanted to start an e-cormnerce business arid was 22 sometmc who could build a site for him.11 is hmigd was prrlly 23 . so I set up a meeting with him and went to his place to discuss the 24. We discussed all the teclmicidilies in hric:L I lowcven upon 25

46、.1 came to know thathe was just a 26 small-scale businessman with kids and was willing to invest (投资)his entire _ 27 in building an e-commercc store, which was a 28 , He had almost no idea about online marketing and didnt know any other online markeliTig 2QI knew that this deal could bring me a good

47、 profit 30 I also knew ihal Ilie guy would lose all his money. The very next day 1 went to his place, and I explained to hi in how 31 it would beto make a pro lit oul 32 an e-commerce slorc. Instead, I suggested his 33 his products oncommcrcc sites like Amazon which was a inarkelplace. I diilnH niHk

48、e profit that day but deep inside I whs that I helped him save much money.After a few months I received call Imm him 35 me for suggesting his selling on Amazon and his business was 36 . Over the period of a year, he 37 nie 3 other clients for my designing their siles and I made three times as much money as Id ever been 38 by him. Had I been 39 the very Inst time, he would have lost money and 1 would have 40 my virtue; however, this was a win-win deal for us.21. A. guided22. A. looking fbi23. A. special


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