Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. 综合素质评价(含答案 无听力音频素材 有文字材料).docx

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1、Unit 11综合素质评价(限时:120分钟总分值:120分)第一局部(听力 共30分)I.听选答案(共15小题,计20分)第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的 内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。(共10小题,计10 分)1. A. It made her laugh a lot. B. It made her sleepy.C. It made her want to leave.2. A. It often breaks down. B. The man got it from his father.C. The man bought

2、 it 30 years ago.3. A. Good. B. Boring. C. Terrible.4. A. The man is a doctor.B. The man has a stomachache.C. The woman will go to see a doctor.5. A. It makes her relaxed.B. It makes her happy.C. It makes her uncomfortable.6. A. Tiring. B. Scary.C. Exciting.7. A. He hopes to take the test as early a

3、s possible.8. He is very worried about it.9. He feels very upset.8. A. The well-made ad. B. The low price. C. The beautiful shape.9. A. Near the sea. B. On the farm. C. In the city.10. A. Boring. B. Relaxing. C. Sad.第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几道小题。请根据每段对话的内容,从 所给的问题和三个选项中选出最恰当的一项,每段对话读两遍。(共5小题,计10 分)听第11段对话,

4、回答第11、12小题。11. What happened to Colin?A. He was kicked off the football team.手).So it meant that our practice time was 65. Also, the girls were too nervous to calm down in the game. That was why we lost too many points in the 66.round. So we failed because we had the wrong meth-ods (方法)and attitudes

5、(态度).Life is full of unexpected(意想不到的)failures. We should 67.the fact and have self-examination to find out why we 68. . Sometimes, we are 69.with ourselves. Because of our hard work, we will win. And also because of our faults, we may 70.vn.任务型阅读:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成以下各题。(共5小题,计io 分)A team is a group o

6、f people with a common goal. A schools football team has two goals. One goal is to win. That is what the team wants to do. The other goal is to build character. Character is what a person values and how a person gets along with others. That is why schools have football teams. They want to help stude

7、nts build good values.Each team member builds character. They learn to cooperate(合彳乍).They learn to make good decisions. They work hard. They practice every day. They learn to follow the rules.Each team member has a position. Each position is part of winning. No player has the ability to win the gam

8、e for the team. Only if the team works together does a team win. People often say, There is no I in the TEAM. That is just what teamwork means.Whether the team wins or loses, at the end of the game they congratulate the other team. That is called sportsmanship. While they fight to win during the gam

9、e, it is just a game. They cannot be angry with the other team. If they are, theyll hear from their coach.The coach makes sure the team reaches the schoofs goal. The coach cares about the whole team. The coach gives each player advice. When the team wins, everyone celebrates. And the coach is glad.

10、But after the season is over, the coach is still happy. The coach gets to see the players as they go to school every day. The character they have built is part of their success in school, too.Some coaches say that if you go into a classroom at their school, youll be able to tell the players. It is n

11、ot that they are bigger than the other students. It is the ones who are helping other students work. Teamwork is part of their lives.71. Why do schools build football teams?Schools build football teams mainly to help students.72. Who makes sure the team reaches the schools goal?makes sure the team r

12、eaches the schoofs goal.73. Why are football players different from others according to some coaches?Some coaches think football players are different from others because they are more.74. What does There is no I in the TEAM. mean?“There is no I in the TEAM. means comes first during the game.75. Wha

13、t does teamwork mean to players?Teamwork is.vm.补全对话(共5小题,计5分)根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个恰当的语句,使对话恢复完整。A: Alice, you donft look well.76.?B: My friend Judy invited me to have dinner in a restaurant.A: That sounds great.B: But she was late.77.A: How long did you wait?B: About an hour. She said she failed to

14、catch the crowded buses so she took a taxi there. But the traffic was terrible in such a rush hour.A: And then?B: As soon as we sat down, she said the music in that restaurant made her sleepy.A: 78.?B: Yes, we went to another one. But when we arrived, it was too late and therestaurant had been close

15、d.A: 79.B: By the way, how is it going with you recently, Stephen?A: Everything is OK with me. 80.B: That is all right.IX.书面表达(共1题,计15分)我们经常在谈论幸福,但幸福是什么?你幸福吗?怎样才能幸福?请你以“My Thoughts on Happiness”为题写一篇英语短文,阐述你对“幸福”的认识。要求:1. 语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于80。2. 文中不得使用真实姓名、校名。My Thoughts on HappinessUnit 11综合素质评价【

16、听力材料】I .听选答案第一节:听下面io段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对 话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。3. W: So, what do you think of the movie last night?M : Oh, it made me sleepy. I dont want to see it anymore.W : Really? But it made me laugh a lot. I think the prime minister in it is humorous.Q: What does the woman say abo

17、ut the movie?4. W; I wish you wouldnt waste so much time washing your old car. Why dont you just sell it?M: I cant It used to belong to my father! Its over 30 years old! And it makes me think of the life in the past.Q: What do we know about the car?5. W: Did you and Ray go on a ski trip last month?M

18、 : Yes. We had a really good time.W : Was there a lot of snow?M: Yes. The sky was so gray and later there was a heavy snowfall. It really made us have a great time.Q: How was the mans ski trip?6. M : Mary, your face looks pale. Whafs wrong with you?W : I have a stomachache. I feel really bad. I will

19、 go to see a doctor. Can you go with me?M : Of course.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?7. M: How about this DVD?W: Oh, man! Who is that?M : Its a group called Two Bad. The DVD is called Hard Wired.W : Please turn it off! It makes me feel terrible!Q: How does the woman feel about the music?

20、8. W: Why do you like scary movies so much, Ted?M: Because they always make me excited.Q: How are scary movies in Teds eyes?9. W: Are you worried about the test next week, Sam?M : Not really. In fact, to me, the earlier, the better.Q : How does Sam feel about the test?10. W s Simon, will you buy a p

21、roduct just because its ad is well made?M: Why not? At least it means when they do something, they try to do it well.Q : What will make Simon decide to buy a product?11. W: Where would you like to go for the coming vacation, Rick?M : To my uncles home. Living on the farm always makes me feel at home

22、.Q: Where does Ricks uncle live?12. W: Let*s go to Blue Ocean. The soft music makes me relax.M : Not me. It makes me sleepy.Q: What does the man think of the music?第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几道小题。请根据每段对话的内容,从 所给的问题和三个选项中选出最恰当的一项,每段对话读两遍。听第11段对话,回答第11、12小题。W : Do you know Colin, Mark?M: Yeah, he is my brother

23、s best friend. They are on the school football team. He and my brother Tim will play a match together this Saturday.W: Im afraid Colin will be absent from the match.M: What happened?W: Colin had a car accident at 6 oclock last night. He broke his left leg. Then he was sent to the hospital.M: Oh, Im

24、sorry to hear that. Fm sure that will make my brother sad.听第12段对话,回答第13至15小题。W: Im so angry with Isabelle. She nearly drives me crazy.M : What happened, Carrie?W: Well, you know that she took a job in a dance club.M: Yes, she told me. She likes it a lot.W : Thats the problem. Shes working so many ho

25、urs that she is not spending enough time on her schoolwork.M : Oh, dear.W : Well, Fve been telling her not to work so much. She just got her grades yesterday: one C and three Ds. If she continues to be like this, it will be impossible for her to graduate. Do you think you could talk to her, Steven?

26、You*re her favorite uncle.M: Well, TH try.n.听填信息此题你将听到一段独白,读两遍。请根据独白内容,用所听到的单词或短语 完成以下各题。(每空限填一个单词)Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are studying? If you do, you need to control your feelings and stop getting angry. Getting angry with people may cause you to lose friends.An Am

27、erican high school teacher, Gary Egeberg has written a book. Its called My Feelings Are Just like Wild Animals. It tells teenagers how to keep cool when something makes them angry. You just need to tell yourself not to be angry all the time.The book gives the following advice to help you when you ge

28、t angry easily. First, write down the reasons that make you angry. Second, ask your friends not to talk to you when youre angry. Third, do something different.答案I . 1-5 ABACC 6-10 CAABA11-15 BCCBA13. 16. lose friends 17. cool 18. teacher 19. different 20. Threem.第一节:【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。作者从四个方面说明怎样过幸福的生活,

29、号召人们带着愉快的心情生活,享受每天的美好时光。21. B 点拨:考查定语从句。句意为“事实上,没有一件不值得做的事情或你 不能做的事情”。此处缺少定语从句关系词,修饰物,用thatoC 点拨:考查形容词最高级。句意为“所以用轻松的心过快乐的生活是你 一生中最重要的二 应选C。22. C 点拨:考查主谓一致。句意为“那种使你想帮助别人的感受停留在你心 底”。主语为The feeling,为第三人称单数,应选C。23. C 点拨:考查被动语态。句意为“通过帮助别人,你也会被给予更多”。故 选C。24. A 点拨:考查非谓语动词。句意为“看到他们满意的笑容,你会为你做的 事情感到骄傲。make s

30、b. do sth.使某人做某事,应选A。25. C 点拨:考查不定代词。句意为“每个人都可能遇到困难”。根据下文“No one can avoid them.”没人能逃避它们,可知前句是说每个人可能都会遇到困 难,应选C。26. A点拨:考查现在完成时。句意为“关注过去几年你所经历的美好的事情”。in the past few years在过去的几年里,用于现在完成时。27. A 点拨:考查副词。句意为“你可能在生活中经常陷入绝境,但是你总是 能找到出路”。根据前面“You may find many dead ends in your life “你可能在 生活中经常陷入绝境,结合连词bu

31、t可知后面的意义发生转折,应是积极的 方面,所以此处是指“但是你总是能找到出路”,应选A。28. B 点拨:考查词形辨析。句意为“焦虑不会改变任何情况也不会解决任何 问题”。29. D 点拨:考查被动语态。句意为“也许,不是每个梦想都会被实现”, 应选D。第二节:【主旨大意】本文通过老人让孩子们折断棍子的故事告诉我们,无论 是家庭、城市还是国家,只要人们齐心协力、 互相帮助,就会变得富强。30. C 点拨:考查介词。句意为“一些敌人决定通过让他们争吵来骗取他们的 财产”。on在上;in在中;by通过;for为了。分析“Some enemiesdecided to cheat them out

32、of their property(贝才产)making them quarrelabout it.”可知,此处强调方式。31. D 点拨:考查代词。句意为“有一天,这位善良的老人把他的儿子们叫到 身边”。根据The good old man”可知,这里指“他B 点拨:考查名词。句意为“他把七根用绳子捆在一起的棍子放在他们面 前”。candles 蜡烛;sticks 棍子;pencils 铅笔;rulers 尺子。根据后文“broke the sticks”可知,是棍子o32. C 点拨:考查动词。句意为“他们试了很屡次,但都失败了。missed思念, 错过;wondered 想知道;fail

33、ed 失败;refused 拒绝。根据They all said that it could not be done.”可知,他们认为不可能完成,所以是失败了。33. A 点拨:考查名词。boys 男孩;daughters 女儿;enemies 敌人;students 学生。根据前文“An old man had seven sons”可知,是七个男孩。34. B 点拨:考查副词。句意为“然后他解开那捆棍子,很容易地一根一根地 折断了它们quietly安静地;easily容易地;happily开心地;carefully仔细 地。根据it is easy enough to do it”可知,是

34、很容易地折断了。35. D 点拨:考查副词。句意为“只要你们一起努力,互相帮助,你们就会做 得很好,没有人能伤害你们人out向外;alone单独;hard努力地;together 一起。根据后文“when they work together”可知,强调团队的重要性。36. C 点拨:考查动词。句意为“但是如果你们吵架和打架,你们就会像这几 根折断在地上的棍子一样。jump跳;play玩;fight打架,竞争;run跑。 分析“But if you quarrel and.”可知,此处与quarrel意思相近。37. A 点拨:考查形容词。句意为“但是如果你们吵架和打架,你们就会像这 几根折断

35、在地上的棍子一样。broken破碎的;separated别离的;beaten打 败的;hidden 隐藏的。根据前文“He then untied the bundle, and broke the sticks” 可知,棍子被折断了。38. D 点拨:考查固定搭配。句意为“事实上,无论是家庭、城市还是国家, 只要人们齐心协力、互相帮助,就会变得富强”。Whetheror.无论还 是o 分析“In fact. it is a home, city, or country, people will grow rich andstrong when they work together and h

36、elp each other.可知,无论在什么范围内, 齐心协力都是重要的。IV.第一节:A【主旨大意】本文主要探讨了“钱怎样才能给人带来快乐”的问 题。用钱能买到的东西只能给人带来短暂的快乐,而帮助他人才能让人得到 真正的快乐。快乐的关键就是让别人快乐。39. B 点拨:推理判断题。分析第二段的句子结构可知,后面的句子“Instead, its giving money to others that makes people happy.”表示“相反,给别人钱能使 人快乐”,故处应用表转折关系的句子与前句“Studies have found that money can, in fact,

37、 make people happier.”衔接,所以处适合放置本句。40. C 点拨:推理判断题。由第二段内容可知,作者对拿钱买快乐的现象进 行了剖析,并认为用钱来帮助他人才是真正获得快乐的根本,并在第三段中 用孩子们参加比赛的事例来进一步论证该论点,所以第三段的故事能使作者 的看法更为清晰。41. B 点拨:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,作者通过探讨“钱怎样才能给人带 来快乐”的问题,从而得出“快乐的关键就是让别人快乐”这一主题。B【主旨大意】每个人都会悲伤。悲伤的情绪发生得相当频繁。超过一半的青 少年每个月至少经历一段悲伤。悲伤的情绪通常不会持续很长时间,几个小 时或一两天。当你伤心难过的时

38、候,你就会哭,这样会让你的心情变得好一 些。如果悲伤的时间持续很长,就是抑郁症。如果发现自己或孩子得了抑郁 症,就要及时去治疗。42. B 点拨:推理判断题。由文中“When sadness starts to go away, it feels like a heavy blanket is being lifted from your heart.可知,当悲伤开始离去时,就 像一条沉重的毛毯从你心上掀开,你会感到放松。43. B 点拨:细节理解题。由文中“Children who have depression may not know it. Often, its a parent or

39、 teacher who notices changes in childrens behavior.“可 知,父母或老师通常会注意到孩子患了抑郁症。44. B 点拨:推理判断题。文章讲述了如何缓解你的悲伤情绪,是与身心健 康有关的,应选B。C【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了来自瑞典的Felicia在一次车祸 中失去了双腿,只得坐着轮椅四处走动,但这并没有阻止她追逐成为顶级骑 手的梦想,经过刻苦的训练,她又可以骑马了,而且在瑞典锦标赛中获得银牌,现在她正在为东京残奥会做准备的励志故事。45. B 点拨:细节理解题。根据“When she woke up in the hospital,

40、 she found both of her legs were missing.可知,Felicia 在车祸中失去了 双腿,应选 B。46. D 点拨:词义猜想题。根据下文“She wanted to get back on the horse.”她想 重新开始去骑马,可知她并没有放弃实现自己的梦想,quit的意思应是“放弃、 停止,与stop意思相近,应选D。47. C点拨:细节理解题。根据“But that didnt stop her from following her dreamof becoming a top horse rider.以及The horses have mean

41、t a lot to me, Felicia said. When I sit on a horse, I donft feel like the disabled Felicia. T feel like the confident(自信的)Felicia J”可知,A、B、D选项均符合题意,应选C。48. A 点拨:推理判断题。根据“Felicia Grimmenhag from Sweden doesnt let anything get in her way, even a life-changing accident.以及What I have learned from all th

42、is is that you should dare to challenge yourself and remember that you are the only person that sets your own limits(限制),Felicia said.”可知 A选项“永不言败”符合题意,应选A。第二节:【主旨大意】文章介绍的是原谅的重要性。原谅他人是一种美德,但原 谅他人不是一件容易的事情。文章给出了一些原谅他人的方法。最后说到, 自我原谅是最大的挑战。49. B 52. F 53. G 54. D 55. EV. 56. felt left out 57. to be too

43、 hard on58. drove 59. was kicked off 60. take your positionVI. 61. feeling 62. competed 63. myself 64. beat65. wasted 66. second 67. face 68. failed 69. fighting 70. losew.【主旨大意】本文是一篇教育文化类短文。一个团队是有着同一个目标的一 群人,学校的足球队有两个目标,一个是赢球,这是球队想要做到的,另一 个是帮助孩子形成良好的价值观,价值观是人的价值以及怎样和他人相处, 这就是学校有足球队的原因,可以帮助孩子形成良好的价值

44、观。71. build good values 72. The coach 73. helpful74. teamwork 75. part of the players* livesVUL 76. What happenedB. He broke his leg last night.C. He bought a new car.12. What is the relationship between Tim and Colin?A. Strangers. B. Brothers. C. Teammates.听第12段对话,回答第13至15小题。13. Whats wrong with Is

45、abelle?A. She gives up her study.B. She doesn*t like her job.C. She spends too much time on work.14. What is the woman worried about?A. Isabelles job.B. Isabelles study. C. Isabelles health.15. What will the man do?A. Talk with Isabelle.B. Give the woman some advice.C. Teach Isabelle on weekends.n.听

46、填信息(共5小题,计io分)此题你将听到一段独白,读两遍。请根据独白内容,用所听到的单词或短语完成 以下各题。(每空限填一个单词)16. You may if you get angry with people easily.17. Gary Egeberg*s book is about how to keep.18. Gary Egeberg is a.19. When you get angry easily, you can do something.20. pieces of advice in the book can help you when you get angry eas

47、ily.第二局部(笔试共90分)in.完形填空(共20小题,计20分)第一节:阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从所给的 四个选项中选出一个最正确答案,使短文连贯完整。Be happy to do anything even though it is very small. In fact, theres no single thing 21.is not worth doing or you are not able to do. So living a happy life with a light heart is 22.in your life. A good mo

48、od(/D/IW)decides your quality of life. Then how can you live a happy life?Make each day meaningful by helping someone or just making someone smile.77. Waiting for her made me very angry78. Did you leave there 79. Thafs too bad 80. Thank youIX.范文:My Thoughts on HappinessPower, wealth and fame cant always make people happy. For example, the important people are unhappy, because they are afraid of losing power, while the p


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