Unit 1 Teenage Life Section C Reading for Writing教案-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册.docx

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1、Unit 1 Teenage LifeSection C Reading for Writing 教学设计 科目:英语 课题:Section C Reading for Writing课时:1课时 教学目标与核心素养:矢口识 目标:Figure out the organisation and language features of a letter of advice.能力 目标:Identify the useful patterns and expressions to make suggestions from the reading text.情感目标: Write a lette

2、r of advice by using the language in the reading text.教学重难点教学重点:Identify the useful patterns and expressions to make suggestions from the reading text.教学难点: Write a letter of advice by using the language in the reading text.课前准备:多媒体,黑板,粉笔教学过程: 一、Pre-class 1. Greeting 2. Leading-in 教师活动:根据语境和汉语提示写出单词

3、1. I set off for a new(冒险)in the United States on the first day of the new year.2. He had been a talented musician in his(青年时期).3. They may hate what he does but their(生存)depends on him.4. After I had read the book I could fairly claim to be an(专家)Such(彳亍为)is common to all young people.5. My(一代人)hav

4、e grown up without the experience of a world war.6. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an(成年人).7. On the table beside an empty(盘子)was a pile of books.词 汇 微 空 间动词+-tion 名 词attract 吸弓I-attraction 吸弓|donate捐赠-捐赠contribute 贡献贡献educate教育一教育distribute 分发分发二、While-class 教师活动:Activity 1: Read the lett

5、er and gather information.10 September 201 8BodyBodyCloseSignatureVbu wrote that you are very worried about your friend, Chen Lei. I understand quite well that you are anxious and feel terrible. Vbu think that your friend plays computer games too often and spends too much time online.I recommend tha

6、t you talk to your friend about his behaviour. It is not unusual for teenagers of your generation to be attracted to computer games and the online world. But spending; too much time online is unhealthy and. makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life. Some students even become addicted

7、to the Internet and cannot concentrate on school and family life. I think you should encourage your friend to try new hobbies. Why not discuss the problem together? T am sure he will listen to you, since you are his good friend.All the best.Dear Worried Friend,What is Worried Friends problem?He is w

8、orried that his friend, Chen Lei, plays computer games too often and spends too much time online.1. What suggestions does Susan Luo give to Worried Friend?Talking to Chen Lei about his behavior;Encouraging him to try new hobbies and discuss together.2. Besides suggestions, what else does Susan Luo s

9、ay in her letter?She understands Worried Friends problem and feeling.She also talks about the negative effects of computer addiction.Activity 2: Work in groups and talk about the questions.l.Do you think Ms Luos advice is useful?Why or why not?2.1f you are his friend,whats your advice to him?参考答案:1

10、.Perhaps the advice is useful,because it is always good to talk to a friend about his or her problem and offer advice.2.1 would tell Chen Lei that he should spend his time more productively with an eye on his future.For example,instead of playing computer games,he could learn computer programming.Wh

11、o knows?He might become a great figure in that field when hes old.Activity 3 Reading for structures and language features.Read the text again and study the organisation and language features.1 .Find and mark the parts of the letter that match the following points.A I know what the problem is.B I und

12、erstand how you feel.C This is my advice and reason(s).D I think my advice will help.2 .Think and share:Do you think which part is necessary in a letter of advice?Why?3 .Find out the expressions Ms Luo use to make suggestions.参考答案:1 .A You wrote that you are very worned about your friend,Chen Lei.Yo

13、u think that your friend plays computer games too often and spends too much time online.B I understand quite well that you are anxious and feel terrible.C I recommend that.his behaviour.lt is not unusual.world.But spending.in life.Some students.family life.I think.new hobbies.Why not.together?D I am

14、 sure he will listen to you,since you are his good friend.2 .The body part is necessary because the purpose of the letter is to give advice.3.1 recommend that;I think you should;Why not学生活动:Writing a letterActivity 1 Preparations for writing.1 .Read through the three situations on Page 19.Sum up the

15、 problems and talk about the possible suggestions and reasons.PersonProblemSuggestionReasonEricXu TingMin Ho参考答案:PersonProblemSuggestionReasonEricunhappy or upset,with little communicatio n with hisparentsTry listening to your parents.Invite them out for something to eat.Maybe they dont listen to yo

16、u because you dont listen to them.This will give you a chance to speak to them without distractions.PersonProblemSuggestionReasonXu Tinglonely,with her parents far awayJoin a volunteer group.Connect with your parents online.This will give you a chance to be around other people,and help you realize t

17、hat other people have problems,too.Just because they are far away,it doesn*t mean that you can*t talk to them.Min Hotoo shy to express his feelingAsk a mutual friend to introduce you to her.Find chances to get together in groups where she is a group member.Your friend will be able to help you break

18、the ice with her and provide encouragement for you.If you are in a group,it takes all the pressure off,and you can interact with her in a relaxing setting.2 .Choose one situation to write about.Activity 2 Writing a letter of advice.Write a letter of advice according to the outline below.Write the da

19、te and greet the reader.Show the reader that you know what the problem is. Tell the reader that you understand how he/she feels. Tell the reader what you think he/she should do.Explain your reason(s). Tell the reader what you think will happen.Close and sign the letter.三、After-class学生活动:Activity 4:

20、Assess your writing.10 September 2018Dear Xu Ting,You wrote that you always feel lonely after school because your parents work in another city. I understand how you feel. It is common for teenagers to feel lonely when they live far away from their parents.I think you can try joining a volunteer grou

21、p that helps other people. This will give you a chance to meet and be around others. It will also help you realize that you are not alone in having problems and other people have problems too. Helping other people also makes us feel better.You can also connect with your parents online. Just because your parents are far away, it doesnt mean you cant talk to them . I am sure that youll make new friends and get a chance to speak to your parents more often. This will help drive away your loneliness.Best wishes,Susan Luo作业布置:完成同步课时作业。


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