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《2022届广东省廉江高考仿真卷英语试题含解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022届广东省廉江高考仿真卷英语试题含解析.docx(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷考前须知.考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。1 .试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一局部必须用2B铅笔作答;第二局部必须用黑 色字迹的签字笔作答。2 .考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。第一局部(共20小题,每题1.5分,总分值30分)“Could we put off the meeting? she asked.He answered politely. uThis is the only day everyone is available.”A. Not likelyB. Not exactlyC. Not

2、 nearly D. Not really- May I speak to Mr. Smith?一 I am afraid not. He is at a meeting now. Ifs notA. reliableB. convenientC. beneficial D. availableI have something important to tell John. But I cant find him.His cell phone is here, so he have gone too far.A. mustntB. needntC. wouldnt D. cant1. One

3、of the true tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem it becomes an emergency.A. whenB. beforeC. after D. unless2. As is expected, AI is an area China may appear as a leading force.A. thatB. whereC. which D. when3. My toothache me. I thought it was going away, but it is getting worse

4、 now.A. killsB. is killing C. has killed D. killedNot until they left school how much their teachers loved them and helped them.A. they realizedB. did they realizedC. the would realized D. had they realized4. Our boss is too strict with us. I cant in with the work situation here.A. fit B. get C. mak

5、e D. takeRaising the incomes of the poor is likely to be ineffective in a wealthy society,accompanied by other measures.A. once B. whenC. if D. unless5、A.holyB.youngC.matureD.mysterious6、A.raiseB.watchC.ignoreD.abuse7、A.honorB.goodC.creditD.justice8、A.useB.spiritC.lifeD.hope9、A.trustB.sadnessC.betra

6、yalD.affection10、A.approvalB.oppositionC.optionD.dilemma11、A.winsB.rejectsC.requiresD.withdraws12、A.spaceB.timeC.companyD.nutrition13、A.sinceB.forC.yetD.so14、A.benefitsB.chancesC.locationD.appearance15、A.piling upB.speeding upC.keeping upD.mixing up16、A.wishB.intendC.allowD.expect17、A.in placeB.in o

7、rderC.in declineD.in question18、A.evenB.stillC.everD.once19、A.short ofB.sick ofC.free ofD.full of20、A.gloryB.functionC.impactD.balance第二节(每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27. (15 分)Mobile payments have made our life more convenient andl Early in the morning, we joined in other participa

8、nts of different age At 8:30, they gathered at the starting point, prepared ourselves for the long distance walkings As soon as the signal was giving, we set off along the walking route around the Sports Park、Some people walked fast, when others just took their time to enjoy the fresh air and the be

9、autiful natural sceneryMy friends and I cheered each other on, and reached flnishing line、 Regularly activities like this not only keep us fit, but also help get us closer with nature 第二节书面表达(总分值25分)(25分)假定你是李华,你的外教老师Mr.Tenry即将退休。请用英语给他写一封信,内容包括:1 .向他表示祝贺;.感谢他对你的帮助;2 .建议他实现旅行和写书的计划。注意:L词数100左右;.可以适当

10、增加细节,以使行文连贯;3 .开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mr. Terry,Congratulations on your retirement!Best wishes. We will miss you very much.Yours,Li Hua参考答案第一局部(共20小题,每题L 5分,总分值30分)1、D2、B3、D4、B5、B6、B7、B8、B9、D10、D11、C12、D13、C14、C15、D16、D17、B18、C19、B20、A第二局部阅读理解(总分值40分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。21、 1、 D2、B3、C4、A

11、5、C1、 B2、D3、C4、A1、 C2、B3、D4、BThis course offers instruction in vocal (唱歌的)technique.选项 Instruction in vocal technique.1、A细节理解题。根据“Mood of the Fifth”中的第一句This course begins by giving parents and teachers asolid foundation in the basics of western music”分析本句可知本课程中可学得西方音乐。2、D细节理解题。根据文章中屡次出现的“online,更为重

12、要的是第大写局部“CLICK HERE FOR MOREINFORMATION CLICK HERE FOR REGISTER OUR ONLINE COURSES”其中的click点击这儿可获得更多的网上课程,由此可判断出是来自网页上,应选D。22、 1、 B2、D3、C4、A第三局部 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每题L 5分,总分值30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、 C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项.23、 1、 B2、C3、D4、A5、C6、C7、B8、A9、D10、B11、A12、A13、D14、B15、A16、D17、C18、B19、C20、D第二节(

13、每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27、1. enjoyableinstantly2. usingthe3. secondsexplains4. to readare kept5. forwhere第四局部写作(共两节)第一节短文改错(总分值10分)28 1 take-took2、joined 后去掉 inage-ages3、 theyweprepared-preparing4、 giving-givenwhenwhile8、reached 后加 the9、 Regularly-Regular10 withto第二节书面表达(总分值25

14、分).29、Dear Mr. Terry,Congratulations on your retirement!We are sad to see you leave. You have been a precious possession to our school. We always knew that we students were in good hands when we were with you because you were patient and sensitive to our needs. I can count the times I have come into

15、 your office this year alone to ask for advice. We have appreciated what you did, which were often beyond your normal duties.Retirement will be an adjustment but also an opportunity. I hope you will finally do the traveling you have been talking about, and that you will also write that planned book.

16、Best wishes. We will miss you very much,Yours,Li Hua10. British scientists have produced they believe is the worlds smallest Christmas card.A. which B. who C. that D. what11. Recently some hospitals in China have adopted they call a robot-doctor,will be used to operate onpatients with more accuracy.

17、A. what; that B. that; whichC. what; which D. which; what12. We should bear in mind that social development and balance of nature should go in.A. company B. sympathy C. association D. harmony13. 一I am afraid this pair of shoes is a little expensive.If you really want to buy them, I will give you a o

18、f 10 percent.A. quantity B. amount C. discount D. account14. After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane her job as a doctor in the countryside.A. set out B. took over C. took up D. set up15. Why do you want a new job youve got such a good one already?A. thatB. whereC. which D. when16.

19、John had planned to make a compromise, but he changed his mind at the last minute.A. anyhowB. otherwiseC. therefore D. somehow17. A large number of excellent films all over the world over the past decades.A. have producedB. have been producedC. were produced D. produced18. Thrn off the TV, Jack. You

20、r homework now?Mum, just ten more minutes, please.A. Should you be doingB. Couldnt you be doingC. Shouldnt you be doingD. Will you be doing19. Can you come on Monday of Tuesday?一I*m afraid day is possible.A. eitherB. neitherC. someD. any20. Are you satisfied with this house? We cant have a nicer one

21、A. Not a little B. Not a bit C. A little D. A bit第二局部阅读理解(总分值40分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。21. (6 分) Moving in with a boyfriend causes women to eat more unhealthily and put on weight. But the opposite is true for men, whose long-term health benefits when they move in with a female partner.Di

22、eticians at Newcastle University said both partners try to please one another, and so change their dietary habits to suit their other half.It leads men to eat more light meals, such as salads, fruit and vegetables, while women choose to make creamier, heavier dishes curry or rich pasta sauces, which

23、 may please their partner. Women still have the strongest long-term influence over the couplers diet and lifestyle, as they still have the traditional role of shopper and cook in most households.The report, by Newcastle Universitys Human Nutrition Research Centre, reviewed the finding of a variety o

24、f research projects from the UK, North America and Australia, which looked at the eating and lifestyle habits of couples.The research shows that women are more likely to put on weight and increase their consumption of foods high in fat and sugar when they move in with their partner.Women also use fo

25、od as a comfort when dealing with emotional stress and have been found to gain weight when a relationship ends, while the same finding has not been observed in men.Many couples reported food as being central to their partnership, and eating together in the evening was particularly important to many.

26、Report author and registered dietician Dr. Amelia Lake said, “The research has shown that your partner is a strong influence on lifestyle and people who are trying to live healthier lives should take this factor into consideration/5 1、 According to the passage, moving in with a girlfriend, men.A. ha

27、ve few changes of their dietary habitshave to eat more unhealthy foodsB. dont like foods high in fat and sugar at alltry to eat foods that their girlfriends like2、The underlined word ulight(in Paragraph 4 ) probably means.A. not very heavyB. less in fat and sugarC. gentleD. not serious or important3

28、、According to the report by Newcastle Universitys Human Nutrition Research Centre,women put on weight only because they want to suit their other halfA. when men are faced with emotional stress, they will change their dietary habitseating together in the evening is a good way to communicate for coupl

29、esB. it is wrong to change your dietary habits to suit your partner 4、From the passage, we can infer thatwomen should pay more attention to their partners influence on themA. more men will play roles of shopper and cook in most householdscouples will not change their dietary habits and lifestyle to

30、please their partnerB. long-term health of men benefits when they move in with a female partner5、What would be the best title for the passage?A. Dont be silly any more, women!B. Which are better dietary habits?C. Boyfriends make you fatDr. Amelia Lake and his study22. (8 分) Science is finaly beginni

31、ng to embrace animals who were, for a long time, considered second-class citizens.As Annie Potts of Canterbury University has noted, chickens distinguish among one hundred chicken faces and recognize familiar individuals even after months of separation. When given problems to solve, they reason: hen

32、s trained to pick colored buttons sometimes choose to give up an immediate food reward for a slightly later (and better) one. Healthy hens may aid friends, and mourn when those friend die.Pigs respond meaningful to human symbols. When a research team led by Candace Croney at Penn State University ca

33、rried wooden blocks marked with X and O symbols around pigs, only the O carriers offered food to the animals. The pigs soon ignored the X carriers in favor of the O*s. Then the team switched from real-life objects to T-shirts printed with X or O symbols. Still, the pigs walked only toward the O-shir

34、ted people: they had transferred their knowledge to a two-dimensional format, a not inconsiderable feat of reasoning.Ive been guilty of prejudiced expectations, myself. At the start of my career almost four decades ago, I was firmly convinced that monkeys and apes out-think and out-feel other animal

35、s. They*re other primates(灵长目动物),after all, animals from our own mammalian(哺孚L动物的)class. Fairly soon, I came to see that along with our closest living relatives, whales too are masters of cultural learning, and elephants express profound joy and mourning with their social companions. Long-term studi

36、es in the wild on these mammals helped to fuel a viewpoint shift in our society: the public no longer so easily accepts monkeys made to undergo painful procedure kin laboratories, elephants forced to perform in circuses, and dolphins kept in small tanks at theme parks.Over time, though, as I began t

37、o broaden out even further and explore the inner lives of fish, chickens, pigs, goats, and cows, I started to wonder: Will the new science of nfood animals* bring an ethical (伦理的)revolution in terms of who we eat? In other words, will our ethics start to catch up with the development of our science?

38、Animal activists are already there, of course, committed to not eating these animals. But what about the rest of us? Can paying attention to the thinking and feeling of these animals lead us to make changes in who we eat?1、According to Annie Potts, hens have the ability of.A. interactionB. analysisC

39、. creationD. abstraction2、The research into pigs shows that pigsA. learn letters quicklyB. have a good eyesightcan build up a good relationshipC. can apply knowledge to new situations3、Paragraph 4 is mainly about.A. the similarities between mammals and humansthe necessity of long-term studies on mam

40、malsB. a change in peoples attitudes towards animalsa discovery of how animals express themselves4、What might be the best title for the passage?A. The Inner Lives of Food AnimalsThe Lifestyles of Food AnimalsB. Science Reports on Food AnimalsA Revolution in Food Animals23. (8 分) When youre working y

41、our way through one of lifes storms, it is human nature to focus on getting back to normal, to “bounce back” as quickly as possible to a place where things are calm, familiar and comfortable.However, actually it is unrealistic to think we can ever truly return emotionally and intelligently to where

42、we were before the storm because every experience changes us in some way. For example, when we experience a major health scare, possibly involving some hospital time, we can never go back to being the person we were before the event even if we fully recover because we have experienced firsthand the

43、fragility(脆弱)of life, not to mention coming face to face with death.So, now that we can never return, what should we do?Consider this .how is it that two people can be faced with the same hardship and while one becomes hopeless and feels anger and upset, the other is able to overcome their circumstances and grow stronger than ever as a result of theexperience?At one extreme, we may choose to accept the role of unlucky victim, or become trapped in the “Why is it always me!” negative and frustrating(令人沮丧的)situations. Either


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