【PEP】五年级下英语Unit2《Part B Read and write & Let's check & Let's wrap it up & Part C》优质课课件.pptx

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《【PEP】五年级下英语Unit2《Part B Read and write & Let's check & Let's wrap it up & Part C》优质课课件.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【PEP】五年级下英语Unit2《Part B Read and write & Let's check & Let's wrap it up & Part C》优质课课件.pptx(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、My favourite seasonPart B(Read and write & Lets check & Lets wrap it up)Part C(Story time),Unit 2,Warm up,Chain game,Which season do you like best? Why?,Winter. Because I can skate and make a snowman.Which season do you like best?Why?,Spring. Because I can fly kites.,Lead in,Which season does Robin

2、like best ?,Presentation,Read and write,First step:,Fast reading,Look through the question, underline the key sentences on your book.,Q:Why does Robin like them all?,Fourth step:,Intensive reading,Read carefully.First answer the question.Then finish the Page 19 “Read and tick.”.,Q:Why does Robin lik

3、e them all?,He likes spring.Because he likes beautiful flowers everywhere.,He likes summer.Because the weather is hot.,He likes autumn.Because he loves fall.,He likes winter.Because he can play in the snow.,Read and tick.,1. The last fall means_. autumn pretty cute cool2.Which season does Robin like

4、? Spring. Autumn. Summer. All the four seasons.,Which season do you like best? Why? Complete the sentence.I like _ best.Because _.,Lets check,Listen and write.,Lets check,Boy:_?Girl:_.Boy:Do you like summer?Girl:No,I dont.Its too hot.Boy:_?Girl:_.The colours are beautiful.I can pick fresh apples.,Ti

5、ps:听音前,先通读对话,熟悉所给对话内容,然后根据上下文推测录音内容。听音时,注意抓住关键词语,如“When、summer、best、Which season ”等,然后根据关键词语补全句子。,Boy:_?Girl:_.Boy:Do you like summer?Girl:No,I dont.Its too hot.Boy:_?Girl:_.The colours are beautiful.I can pick fresh apples.,When is your birthday,Its in summer,Which season do you like best,Autumn,Bo

6、y: When is your birthday?Girl: Its in summer.Boy: Do you like summer?Girl: No, I dont. Its too hotBoy: Which season do you like best?Girl: Autumn. The colours are beautiful. I can pick fresh apples.,听力原文,Lets wrap it up,Fill in the question words.,what when where which why,First step:,Read the words

7、 loudly.,Second step:,_ do you like spring best?Because the weather is nice._ season do you like best?I like spring best._ do you go to school?I go to school at 8 oclock._ do you often do on the weekend?I often go shopping._ is your photo?Its on the wall.,whatwhenwherewhichwhy,Fill in the blanks.,Why,Which,When,What,Where,点击图片,播放视频,Story time,或点击此处播放视频,Summary,(听、说、认读、写)词汇:spring, summer, autumn, winter, season, go on a picnic, pick apples, make a snowmango swimming.句子:1.Which season do you like best,Mike? Winter.2.Why? Because I like summer vacation!,


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