浙江省2013年高中英语 Unit2 Learning about language课件 新人教版必修2.ppt

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1、Unit 2 The Olympic Games 1.Find the word or expression for each of the following Meanings from the text.1._ to take part in a sports event.2._ to allow to enter(a course or sports competition)3._ someone who takes part in a sports competition4._ level of ability5._ happening every time with the same

2、 amount of time in between6._ to take the place of 7._ short sentence or phrase expressing the beliefs of a person or group8._ duty to be in charge and get in trouble if things go wrong9._ special hall for physical exercise10._ to join in competeadmitAthlete/competitorstandardRegular basisreplacemot

3、toresponsibilityTake part in gymnasium2.Choose the word or phrase that means almost the same as the word in italics.1.She rose to her feet in one 1.She rose to her feet in one swiftswift movement.movement.A.ShortA.Short B.quickB.quick C.immediateC.immediate D.hurryD.hurry2.2.NowadaysNowadays all cou

4、ntries can take part in if their athletes reach the all countries can take part in if their athletes reach the standard.standard.A.TodayA.Today B.TheseB.These days days C.receptionC.reception buildings buildings D.athletesD.athletes village village3.My son went to see the new 3.My son went to see th

5、e new stadiumsstadiums before the Olympic before the Olympic Games began.Games began.A.ConcertA.Concert halls B.sports halls halls B.sports halls C.receptionC.reception buildings buildings D.athletesD.athletes village village4.Li Yan wanted to take part in the Olympic Games as a volunteer.A.Someone

6、who offers help B.someone who offers to pay C.Someone who helps without pay D.someone who works part-time5.What do the five rings on the Olympics flag stand for?A.Support B.mean C.introduce D.look like3.Complete the passage with the words below in their proper forms.Standard athlete admit compete re

7、sponsibility olive wreath homelandHelena was a great _ in the 5000-metre running race.She had won many prizes and wanted to _ in the Olympic Games.So she practised hard every day in order to be _ as a competitor.It didnt take her long to reach the _ for entering the Olympic Games.This made Helena ea

8、ger to win a gold medal for herself and her _.Unfortunately during the final,she was in front in her race when another competitor pushed her on purpose so that she fell down.Poor Helena lost her chance of a medal but the other woman had to take _ for breaking the rules.The judges felt sorry for Hele

9、na and gave her a special prize of an _ instead.athletecompeteadmittedstandardhomelandresponsibilityOlive wreathUseful structure (30m)Useful structure (30m)Active and Passive Voice VoiceThevoiceofaverbtellswhetherthesubjectofthesentenceperformsorreceivestheaction.InEnglishtherearetwovoices,passivean

10、dactive.ActiveVoiceInactivevoice,thesubjectperformstheactionexpressedbytheverb:Thestudentwroteasong.PassiveVoiceInpassivevoice,thesubjectreceivestheactionexpressedbytheverb:Asongwaswrittenbythestudent.Forming Tenses of Passive VerbsForming Tenses of Passive Verbs TenseTense SubjectSubject AuxiliaryA

11、uxiliary PastPastParticipleParticiple SingularSingular PluralPlural PresentPresentThecar/carsThecar/carsisisarearedesigned.designed.PresentperfectPresentperfectThecar/carsThecar/carshasbeenhasbeenhavebeenhavebeendesigned.designed.PastPastThecar/carsThecar/carswaswaswereweredesigned.designed.Pastperf


13、gressiveThecar/carsThecar/carsisbeingisbeingarebeingarebeingdesigned.designed.PastprogressivePastprogressiveThecar/carsThecar/carswasbeingwasbeingwerebeingwerebeingdesigned.designed.Uses of Passive Voice Use the Use the passivepassive voice to:voice to:1.Callattentiontoreceiveroftheactionratherthant

14、heperformer:Theprofessorwashitbythreesnowballs.2.Pointoutthereceiveroftheactionwhenperformerisunknownorunimportant:HewasshotonNovember19,1923.ColorTVsaresoldinthatshop.3.Avoidcallingattentiontotheperformeroftheaction:TheworkbookswillbecollectedonMonday.Changing a sentence from the active voice to th

15、e passive voice involves 3 steps:1.movethedirectobjecttothesubjectofthesentence.2.movethesubjecttotheendofthesentence;addtheprepositionbybeforeit.3.changetheverb.Changing the verb involves three steps:1.checktheverbtense;usetheverb“be”inthesametense;2.changetheverbintoapastparticiple;putthisverbafte

16、rtheformof“be”;3.checkthatthenewverbgoeswiththenewsubject.Examples:The Future Passive Voicea.Hewillplantmoretrees.Moretreeswillbeplantedbyhim.b.Shewilltakecareofthechildren.Thechildrenwillbetakencareofbyher.Practice:1.Beijingwillholdthe29thOlympicGamesintheyear2008.The29thOlympicGameswillbeholdinBei

17、jingintheyear2008.Whenwillthe29thOlympicGamesbeholdinBeijing?2.MillionsofpeoplewillwatchthefinalmatchonTV.ThefinalmatchwillbewatchedonTVbymillionsofpeople.Wherewillthefinalmatchbewatchedbymillionsofpeople?Howwillthefinalmatchbewatchedbymillionsofpeople?1.1.This is Teds photo.We miss him a lot.He _ t

18、rying to save a child in the earthquake.A.killed B.is killed C.was killed D.was killing高考链接C 解析:答案解析:答案C C。根据题意,此处需用被动根据题意,此处需用被动形式表达被动意义,形式表达被动意义,B B项时态不对。项时态不对。2.Visitors _ not to touch the exhibits.A.will request B.request C.are requesting D.are requested高考链接D解析:答案解析:答案D D。题意为题意为“要求参观者不要要求参观者不要动展

19、品动展品”,需用被动结构。,需用被动结构。3.We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _ very well.A.worked out B.tried out C.went D.carried on高考链接A解析:答案解析:答案A A。题意为题意为“我们没有那样策我们没有那样策划我们的艺术展览,但结果却很好。划我们的艺术展览,但结果却很好。”只只有有A A项可表达出结果。项可表达出结果。B B项为项为“试验,试用试验,试用”,C C项意为项意为“进行,进展进行,进展”,不表示结,不表示结果,只表示进程,果,只表示进程,D D项意为项意

20、为“继续,进行继续,进行”,也表达不出结果。,也表达不出结果。4.It was raining heavily.Little Mary felt cold,so she stood _ to her mother.A.close B.closely C.closed D.closing高考链接A解析:答案解析:答案A A。从。从题意看出,此处表示具题意看出,此处表示具体意义,指距离近,所以体意义,指距离近,所以A A项正确。项正确。5.It is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a science.A.as art much as B.m

21、uch an art as C.as an art much as D.as much as art as高考链接D解析:答案解析:答案D D。根据题意,此处需用根据题意,此处需用asas asas 结构,所以结构,所以B B项不对,项不对,A,CA,C为语序为语序错误,只有错误,只有D D项结构正确,全句意为项结构正确,全句意为“一一般认为,教学如同科学一样是一门艺术。般认为,教学如同科学一样是一门艺术。”6.At this time tomorrow _ over the Atlantic.A.were going to fly B.well be flying C.well fly D.

22、were to fly高考链接B解析:答案解析:答案B B。根据时间状语确定,此处根据时间状语确定,此处表示将来某一时刻在做的事,需用将来进表示将来某一时刻在做的事,需用将来进行时态,行时态,C C项不是最佳答案,项不是最佳答案,A,DA,D强调计划、强调计划、打算,意义不当。打算,意义不当。7.I keep medicines on the top shelf,out of the childrens _.A.reach B.hand C.hold D.place高考链接A解析:答案解析:答案A A。本题考查固定短语本题考查固定短语out of out of sbssbs reach reach,意为意为“某人够不到的地方。某人够不到的地方。”1.Summarize the rules of the Future Passive Voice in your own way.2.Finish the exercises of“Discovering useful structures”on Page 13.


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