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《2013新目标九年级英语(全一册)Unit7period2.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2013新目标九年级英语(全一册)Unit7period2.ppt(31页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Period IIUnit 7 Where would you like to visit?计时开始Play a game109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0倒倒计计时时我要炸了!开始计时倒倒计计时时继续进行请你任意选择一题作答请你任意选择一题作答NO.1NO.2NO.3NO.4NO.5NO.6NO.7NO.8NO.9NO.10 问题1educational是什么意思?有教育意义的有教育意义的答案 问题1fascinating是什么意思?迷人的;有极大吸引力的迷人的;有极大吸引力的答案 问题1thrilling是什么意思?令人激动的令人激动的,震颤的震颤的答案 问题1peaceful是什

2、么意思?和平的;宁静的和平的;宁静的答案 问题1tiring是什么意思?引起疲劳的引起疲劳的;累人的累人的答案 问题1relaxing是什么意思?放松的放松的 答案 问题1dangerous是什么意思?危险的危险的 答案 问题1interesting是什么意思?有意思的;有趣的有意思的;有趣的答案 问题1wonderful是什么意思?令人惊叹的;绝妙的令人惊叹的;绝妙的答案Read 3a,answer the questions.No,it isnt.It costs a lot of money.No,it isnt.Its famous for Eiffel Tower and Notre

3、 Dame Cathedral.1.Is traveling around Paris by taxi cheap?2.Is wine very expensive in Paris?3.What is Paris famous for?Answer these questions after you read the article about Paris.1.Where is Paris?2.Are there any beaches?3.What is the most famous sight in Paris?4.Do Frenchmen speak English?5.If you

4、 go to Paris,how will you visit the city?6.What do you think of Paris?Explanation 1.For your next vacation,1.For your next vacation,why notwhy not considerconsider visiting Paris?visiting Paris?(1)(1)considerconsider是动词,意为是动词,意为是动词,意为是动词,意为“考虑,细想;认为,把考虑,细想;认为,把考虑,细想;认为,把考虑,细想;认为,把看看看看成成成成”。后跟名词、动名词或

5、。后跟名词、动名词或。后跟名词、动名词或。后跟名词、动名词或“what/howwhat/how等等等等+动词不定式动词不定式动词不定式动词不定式”做宾语。例如:做宾语。例如:做宾语。例如:做宾语。例如:He is considering a suggestion.He is considering a suggestion.We are considering changing the plan.We are considering changing the plan.Why dont you consider visiting Singapore?Why dont you consider

6、visiting Singapore?(2)(2)why not=why not=why dont youwhy dont you用来表示用来表示用来表示用来表示 提议、建议等。提议、建议等。提议、建议等。提议、建议等。not not 后接动词原形。后接动词原形。后接动词原形。后接动词原形。e.g.Why not come and see me tomorrow?e.g.Why not come and see me tomorrow?2.Paris is the capital of France,and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe.巴黎

7、是法国的首都巴黎是法国的首都,并且是欧洲最美丽的并且是欧洲最美丽的城市之一。城市之一。one of+最高级最高级+名词复数名词复数,意为意为“最最的之一的之一”。e.g.Beijing is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.3.For example,it has some fantastic sights,3.For example,it has some fantastic sights,(1)fantastic(1)fantastic做形容词,意为做形容词,意为做形容词,意为做形容词,意为“极好的极好的极好的极好的;了不起的了不

8、起的了不起的了不起的”,相当于相当于相当于相当于extremely goodextremely good或或或或excellentexcellent。e.g.The weather was absolutely fantastic.e.g.The weather was absolutely fantastic.You have got the job?Fantastic!You have got the job?Fantastic!3.For example,it has some fantastic sights,3.For example,it has some fantastic si

9、ghts,including the Eiffel Tower including the Eiffel Tower(2)including(2)including为介词,意为为介词,意为为介词,意为为介词,意为“包括包括包括包括在内在内在内在内”。e.g.Theyve got three days holiday including e.g.Theyve got three days holiday including New Years Day.New Years Day.include 为动词,意为为动词,意为“包括,使成为包括,使成为的一部分的一部分”。e.g.Your duties

10、includes answering the telepone and cleaning the office.4.Traveling around Paris by taxi can 4.Traveling around Paris by taxi can costcost a lot of money.a lot of money.乘出租车游巴黎会花掉一大笔钱。乘出租车游巴黎会花掉一大笔钱。乘出租车游巴黎会花掉一大笔钱。乘出租车游巴黎会花掉一大笔钱。costcost指东西值多少钱,主语一般是所买的东西等名词。指东西值多少钱,主语一般是所买的东西等名词。指东西值多少钱,主语一般是所买的东西等

11、名词。指东西值多少钱,主语一般是所买的东西等名词。spendspend 主语是人主语是人主语是人主语是人,taketake 主语是物或是主语是物或是主语是物或是主语是物或是it it 做形式主语做形式主语做形式主语做形式主语,costcost 主语是物。主语是物。主语是物。主语是物。spendspend的主语必须是的主语必须是的主语必须是的主语必须是“人人人人”,宾语可以是钱,宾语可以是钱,宾语可以是钱,宾语可以是钱,精力,时间精力,时间精力,时间精力,时间等,其后用等,其后用等,其后用等,其后用“on(for)+on(for)+名词或名词或名词或名词或 用用用用in(in(可省略可省略可省略

12、可省略)+)+动名词形式动名词形式动名词形式动名词形式”,不接不定式。不接不定式。不接不定式。不接不定式。e.g.He e.g.He spentspent a lot of money a lot of money forfor his new car.his new car.He He spendsspends much money much money onon books.books.cost,spend,take 的区别的区别(2)(2)taketake可用于表示花时间、金钱、勇气等。可用于表示花时间、金钱、勇气等。可用于表示花时间、金钱、勇气等。可用于表示花时间、金钱、勇气等。e.g

13、.It e.g.It tooktook the workers three years to build the bridge.the workers three years to build the bridge.建这座桥花了工人们三年的时间。建这座桥花了工人们三年的时间。建这座桥花了工人们三年的时间。建这座桥花了工人们三年的时间。(3)(3)costcost可用于表示花时间和金钱可用于表示花时间和金钱可用于表示花时间和金钱可用于表示花时间和金钱,其主语其主语其主语其主语 一般是一般是一般是一般是“物物物物”或或或或“事事事事”,表示表示表示表示“耗费耗费耗费耗费”。e.g.The book

14、 e.g.The book costscosts him one dollar.him one dollar.这本书用了他一美元。这本书用了他一美元。这本书用了他一美元。这本书用了他一美元。Homework Homework costscosts the children much time.the children much time.家庭作业要花孩子们许多时间。家庭作业要花孩子们许多时间。家庭作业要花孩子们许多时间。家庭作业要花孩子们许多时间。5.So unless you speak French yourself,its best to travel with someone who

15、can translate things for you.所以除非你本人说法语所以除非你本人说法语,最好和一个最好和一个 能替你翻译法语的人一起来巴黎旅游。能替你翻译法语的人一起来巴黎旅游。unless“除非除非”,引导条件状语从引导条件状语从句。句。比比“ifnot”略微正式。略微正式。Pairwork A Sample dialogue A:where would you like to go,Kathy?B:Id like to visit Hongkong.A:Isnt it supposed to be very crowed?B:Yes,it is.Im only going to

16、 places of a few people.Hongkong is interesting,and it has great entertainment.3 bA A:Where would you like to go,Kathy?:Where would you like to go,Kathy?B B:Id like to visit:Id like to visit Mexico CityMexico City.A A:Isnt it supposed to be very:Isnt it supposed to be very relaxingrelaxing?B B:Yes,i

17、t is.But Mexico city is also:Yes,it is.But Mexico city is also excitingexciting.We have.We have a lot ofa lot of things things to doto do.Sample Conver-sation 2:Sample Conver-sation 3:A A:Where would you like to go,Kathy?:Where would you like to go,Kathy?B B:Id like to visit:Id like to visit New Yor

18、kNew York.A A:Isnt it supposed to be very:Isnt it supposed to be very touristytouristy.B B:Yes,it is.But New York is:Yes,it is.But New York is fascinatingfascinating,and it has and it has lots of lots of wonderful gallerieswonderful galleries.Sample conversation 4:A A:Where would you like to go,Kath

19、y?:Where would you like to go,Kathy?B B:Id like to visit:Id like to visit SydneySydney.A A:Isnt it supposed to be very:Isnt it supposed to be very expensiveexpensive?B B:Yes,it is.But Sydney is also:Yes,it is.But Sydney is also beautifulbeautiful and it has lots of and it has lots of fantastic beach

20、esfantastic beaches.4.Pairwork Think of a city you know.Make a list of things you like and things you dont like about the city.Then talk to your partner about it.BeijingBeijingThings you likeThings you likeThings you dont likeThings you dont likebeautifuleducationalexcitingexpensivenoisytoo hot根据汉语根

21、据汉语,补全句子。补全句子。1.我想今年夏天去中国东部的某个地方去旅游。我想今年夏天去中国东部的某个地方去旅游。I want _ _ a trip this summer _ _the east _ China.2.他每周用约两个小时的时间帮妈妈做家务。他每周用约两个小时的时间帮妈妈做家务。_ _ _ about two hours _ _ his mother _ the housework every week.3.星期天为什么不到这个小山上转转?星期天为什么不到这个小山上转转?Why _ _ _ the hill on Sunday?to take somewhere inofIt ta

22、kes himtowithnot get aroundhelpExercises4.你可以考虑下周去度假。你可以考虑下周去度假。You may consider _ _ _ next week.5.别打算放学后踢球了。我们有许多作业要做。别打算放学后踢球了。我们有许多作业要做。Dont _ _ _ soccer after school.We have _ homework _ _.6.我希望有一天能到巴黎去。我希望有一天能到巴黎去。I _ _ _ to Paris _ _.go on vacationplan on playingmuchto dohope to gosome dayHomeworkChoose a thing that you would like to do and talk about your plan.Write it down on your exercise book.


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