牛津英语模块五Unit1 grammar五.ppt

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1、Grammar and usage To-infinitive2021/8/8 星期日1Figure out the meanings of the proverbs and the usage of the underlined part.To know everything is to know nothing.It is easier to get money than to keep it.Eat to live,but not live to eat.什么都知道一如什么都不知道。挣钱容易,攒钱难。吃饭是为了生活,但活着不是为了吃饭。2021/8/8 星期日2I.The to-infi

2、nitive can be1.subject of a sentenceTo see is to believe.百闻不如一见。了解英语是一回事,会英语是另一回事。_ something about English is one thing;_ English is quite another.先制定个计划是个好主意。_ a plan first is a good idea.To knowto knowTo make2021/8/8 星期日3学好英语很难。_ is difficult.=It is difficult _.再见到你真高兴。Its a great pleasure to see

3、 you again.To study English wellto study English well2021/8/8 星期日4Tip:动词不定式和不定式短语做主语时,常用it做形式主语,其句型结构为:It is+形容词或名词(或词组)+不定式短语。这时的形容词常为easy,difficult,hard,good,useful,wrong,right,necessary,impossible,important 等。名词或词组常为a fact,a great day,a great thing,a pity 等。2021/8/8 星期日5如要说明动词不定式的动作的执行者,可在不定式前加一个

4、介词for引导的短语,其句型结构为:It is+形容词+for sb+不定式短语。如:Mr White thinks that it is right for rich people to help poor people.2021/8/8 星期日6但如果表语是kind,nice,clever,wise,foolish,careless 等描述动作执行者的性格品质的形容词时,则应在不定式前加一个of引导的短语,而不用for,句型结构为:It is+形容词+of sb.+不定式短语。如:Its kind of you to help me with my math.2021/8/8 星期日7固定

5、结构It takes/took sb.some time to do sth.(做某事花费某人多少时间)。如:他花了5个月的时间学开车。It took him five months to learn to drive.2021/8/8 星期日8动词不定式还可以和what,where,how,when,which等连接代词(副词)连用,在句中做主语。如:如何使用电脑是个问题。_ is a problem.How to use the computer2021/8/8 星期日92.object英语中能以不定式作宾语的动词很多,常见的有afford,decide,expect,hope,learn

6、,want,offer 等。如:Indians _ hot food.(喜欢吃)They _ a map.(需要看)like to eatneed to look at2021/8/8 星期日10疑问词+带to的不定式结构可作动词宾语。这些疑问词是who,what,when,where,which,how等。和这结构连用的动词(词组)有find out,decide,know,tell,forget,understand,wonder等。如:我不知道如何用电脑。I dont know how to use a computer.We havent decided _.(什么时候开始)when

7、to start2021/8/8 星期日111.I couldnt decide _.(买哪辆自行车)2.Ask him _.(什么时候把它打开)3.I told her _.(怎么找到我)which bicycle to buywhen to open ithow to find me2021/8/8 星期日123.object complement1)动词+宾语+带to的不定式作宾语补足语。常见的这类动词(词组)有ask,teach,tell,want,like,ask for,wait for,advise,invite,have,warn,wish,get等。如:Who taught

8、you to play the piano?He told me not to bring you anything.2021/8/8 星期日132)动词+宾语+不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。用于这结构的是使役动词和感官动词,如feel,hear,listen to,see,look at,watch,notice,let,make,have等。这些动词后宾语补足语不用to;在动词help后的不定式宾语补足语,to可有可无。如:2021/8/8 星期日14我们看男孩子们踢足球。We watched the boys play football.It was raining heavily ou

9、tside.The father made _(让孩子们呆在房间里)in the room.the children stay2021/8/8 星期日15Tip:hear,listen to,see,look at,watch,notice,make,have等在被动语态中,不定式作宾语补足语必须加上to;let不能用于被动语态。如:-I saw Betty go to Grandpa Zhangs home just now.-Yes,she is often seen to help the old man with his housework.2021/8/8 星期日164.attrib

10、ute动词不定式作定语时,要放在它所修饰的名词或代词后面,与被修饰的名词有逻辑上的动宾关系。如:Every day he made one of the smaller animals bring him something to eat.2021/8/8 星期日17若动词不定式是不及物动词时,则要带上与之搭配的介词,构成及物动词短语。如:She has no house to live in.没有要担心的事了。There is nothing to worry about.2021/8/8 星期日181.I havent got a chair _.A.to sit B.for to sit

11、 onC.to sit on D.for sitting2.When I handed the report to John,he said that George was the person_.A.to send B.B.for sending itC.to send it to D.for sending it to2021/8/8 星期日194.Lets find a box _.A.for us to put the box in it B.to put the books in C.to put the books in it D.to put the books2021/8/8

12、星期日205.Because of air pollution being reduced,this city is still_.A.a good place for livingB.lived as a good placeC.a good place to live inD.living in as a good place2021/8/8 星期日21此外,不定式还可用来修饰被序数词、最高级或no,all,any等限定的中心词。他是第一个飞越大西洋的人。He was the first man to fly across the Atlantic.2021/8/8 星期日22Columb

13、us was the first _ the New Continent.A.to have discoveredB.to discoverC.discovering D.having discoveredthe first/next/last/best这样的词语时,后面用to do.2021/8/8 星期日235.predicative动词不定式用在连系动词后,作表语。常见的连系动词有be,seem等。常见句型:主语+be+to do sth.It seems to be an interesting book.我的工作是帮助病人。My job is to help the patient.

14、2021/8/8 星期日246.adverbial1)表示目的。(not)to do sth.也可用in order(not)to do sth./so as(not)todo sth代替,但so as(not)todo sth不放在句首。如:You can hide under my seat when the conductor comes to check the tickets.2021/8/8 星期日25She explained the word again with some examples in order to make herself understood.In orde

15、r to/To make herself understood,she explained the word again with some examples.2021/8/8 星期日262)表示结果。动词不定式作状语表示结果时常与副词too或enough连用。如:Its too heavy for little Tom to carry.Is the river deep enough to swim in?2021/8/8 星期日27II.不定式的基本形式时态/语态主动被动一般式 to doto be done完成式to be doing/进行式to have doneto have be

16、en done2021/8/8 星期日28She was too surprised _(see)how angry her father was.I plan to attend the meeting _(hold)tomorrow.He pretended _(sleep)when I came in.to seeto be heldto be sleeping2021/8/8 星期日29Im terribly sorry _(keep)you waiting.Harry Potter series of novels are said _(translate)into dozens o

17、f languages.to have keptto have been translated2021/8/8 星期日30Whats more1.Why not,Will you please,Youd better,would rather,let后不用to,直接跟动词原形。You look rather tired.Why not _(stop)to take a rest?Will you please _(turn)it down?Its too noisy.stopturn2021/8/8 星期日31你最好骑车去学校。Youd better go to school by bike.

18、_(我宁愿待在家里),doing nothing than go to the party with him.I would rather stay at home2021/8/8 星期日322.and,but*,or,except后。He wants to do nothing but _(go)out.He wants to believe anything but _(take)the medicine.goto take2021/8/8 星期日33III.consolidationTurn to page 9 and complete the letter.Report the let

19、ter to your desk mate,using your own language.2021/8/8 星期日34Homework:C1 on page 100 in Workbook.Relevant exercises in Assessment book.2021/8/8 星期日35 动词动词不定式不定式 综合巩固练习综合巩固练习2021/8/8 星期日36Jane is said _ to China three times.She loves China so much.A.to have been B.to have gone C.to go D.be in2021/8/8

20、星期日37With many details _,we cant give you a reply now.A.remain to check B.remaining to be checked C.remained to check D.remained to be checked2021/8/8 星期日38As a young fashion model,she was not yet used _ in public.A.to be looked at B.to being looked at C.being looked at D.to look at2021/8/8 星期日39I r

21、emember putting the bike in front of the building,but it is nowhere _.A.to find B.to be found C.finding D.to be finding2021/8/8 星期日40-Does your brother intend to study German?-Yes,he intends _.A.C.so D.thatB.to2021/8/8 星期日41He gave us some advice on how_ English.A.learning B.learned D.learnC.to lear

22、n2021/8/8 星期日42Mrs.Smith warned her husband _ after drinking again and again.A.never to drive B.to never drive C.never driving D.never drive2021/8/8 星期日43To master a foreign language,_.A.a lot of practice is needed B.it needs practice C.practice is in need of D.one needs a lot of practice 2021/8/8 星

23、期日44The harder we study,the more questions we think of _.A.asked C.asking D.askB.to ask2021/8/8 星期日45Eddie is said _ a new computer program recently,but I dont know when she will finish it.A.to design B.to be designing C.to have been designing D.to have designed2021/8/8 星期日46Wu Dong wanted to surf o

24、n the Internet,but his father told him _.A.not to do B.not do it C.do not toD.not to2021/8/8 星期日47-Do you have anything more _,sir?-No.You may have a rest or do something else.A.typing C.typed D.to typeB.to be typed2021/8/8 星期日48She reached the top of the hill and stopped _ on a big rock by the side

25、 of the path.A.to have rested B.resting C.to rest D.rest2021/8/8 星期日49They knew her very well.They had seen her_ up from childhood.B.grew C.was growing D.to grow A.grow 2021/8/8 星期日50lThe murderer was brought in,with his hands _behind his back.A.being tied B.having tied C.to be tied D.tied2021/8/8 星

26、期日51The monument was built in honor of the explorer who was believed _ the river.A.to have discovered B.to have been discovered C.to discover D.having been discovered2021/8/8 星期日52The sun was shining brightly,_ everything there _ more beautiful.A.making;lookB.to make;lookedC.and made;lookingD.And ma

27、king;be looked2021/8/8 星期日53They looked forward with hope _ a chance to receive further education.A.for getting B.of getting C.to get D.to getting2021/8/8 星期日54Towards evening,the patient opened his mouth as if _ something to his son.A.said B.say D.to have saidC.to say2021/8/8 星期日55At no time does t

28、he salesgirl get up late in the morning,for she is always too busy _ a good rest.B.taking C.taken D.took A.to take 2021/8/8 星期日56Mr Green is said _ an experiment to prove the new method of solving the problem when young.A.to do C.to be doing D.to have been doing B.to have done 2021/8/8 星期日57In a wor

29、d,all of us should spend our valuable time just on the right things we find _.A.worth being done B.to be worth doing C.them worth doing D.worth doing them2021/8/8 星期日58-Ill be away on holiday for a few days.Would you mind looking after my dog?-_.A.No,Id like it.B.Id better not.C.Never mind.D.No,Id b

30、e happy to.2021/8/8 星期日59To read aloud the English text before breakfast seemed to me a rule _.A.to never break B.never to be breaking C.never to have broken D.never to be broken2021/8/8 星期日60-Do you have any trouble in reading the book?-No,in fact,I find _.A.easy for readingB.it easy readingC.it ea

31、sy to readD.easy to read it2021/8/8 星期日612021/8/8 星期日622021/8/8 星期日639、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。2022/11/272022/11/27Sunday,November 27,202210、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。2022/11/272022/11/272022/11/2711/27/2022 4:01:44 PM11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。2022/11/272022/11/272022/11/27Nov-2227-Nov-2212、故人江海别,几度隔山川。2022/11/272022/11/272022/11/27Sun

32、day,November 27,202213、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。2022/11/272022/11/272022/11/272022/11/2711/27/202214、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。27 十一月 20222022/11/272022/11/272022/11/2715、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。十一月 222022/11/272022/11/272022/11/2711/27/202216、行动出成果,工作出财富。2022/11/272022/11/2727 November 202217、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。2022/11

33、/272022/11/272022/11/272022/11/279、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。2022/11/272022/11/27Sunday,November 27,202210、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。2022/11/272022/11/272022/11/2711/27/2022 4:01:44 PM11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。2022/11/272022/11/272022/11/27Nov-2227-Nov-2212、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。2022/11/272022/11/272022/11/2

34、7Sunday,November 27,202213、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。2022/11/272022/11/272022/11/272022/11/2711/27/202214、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。27 十一月 20222022/11/272022/11/272022/11/2715、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。十一月 222022/11/272022/11/272022/11/2711/27/202216、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。2022/11/272022/11/2727 November 202217、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。2022/11/2720

35、22/11/272022/11/272022/11/279、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。2022/11/272022/11/27Sunday,November 27,202210、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2022/11/272022/11/272022/11/2711/27/2022 4:01:44 PM11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。2022/11/272022/11/272022/11/27Nov-2227-Nov-2212、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。2022/11/272022/11/272022/11/27Sunday,November 27,202213、知人

36、者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。2022/11/272022/11/272022/11/272022/11/2711/27/202214、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。27 十一月 20222022/11/272022/11/272022/11/2715、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。十一月 222022/11/272022/11/272022/11/2711/27/202216、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2022/11/272022/11/2727 November 202217、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。2022/11/272022/11/272022/11/272022/11/27MOMODA POWERPOINTLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.Fusce id urna blandit,eleifend nulla ac,fringilla purus.Nulla iaculis tempor felis ut cursus.感感 谢谢 您您 的的 下下 载载 观观 看看专家告诉2021/8/8 星期日64


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