高中英语 Unit3AustraliaLearning about language课件 新人教选修9.ppt

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《高中英语 Unit3AustraliaLearning about language课件 新人教选修9.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit3AustraliaLearning about language课件 新人教选修9.ppt(59页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Language points 1.Which of the pictures below do you associate with the following places in Australia.你把哪些图片与澳大利亚的下列地方联你把哪些图片与澳大利亚的下列地方联系起来系起来?2021/8/11 星期三1associate vt.to join(people or things)together to connect(ideas,etc.)in ones mindassociateassociate sb./sth.with把某人把某人/物与物与联系起来联系起来Bear them in

2、 your mind!be associated with 与与有关有关,与与有瓜葛有瓜葛2021/8/11 星期三2eg.Ive never associated you with this place.我从未把你和这个地方联系在一起过。我从未把你和这个地方联系在一起过。These problems are associated with cancer treatment.这些问题与治疗癌症有关。这些问题与治疗癌症有关。2021/8/11 星期三32.GLIMPSES OF AUSTRALIA 澳大利亚小览澳大利亚小览glimpse vt.to see sb for a moment n.a

3、 sight of sb.or sth.glimpseglimpses sb/sth瞥见某人瞥见某人/某物某物get/catch a glimpse of瞥见瞥见,看见看见2021/8/11 星期三4其名其名词形式形式为association,意思是,意思是“协会;会;联合;合;结交;交;联想想”。如:如:I am sure you will benefit much from your association with him.我相信你和他交往将受益匪浅。我相信你和他交往将受益匪浅。They are said to form an association to promote social

4、welfare.据据说他他们要成立一个要成立一个协会以促会以促进社会福利。社会福利。2021/8/11 星期三5小小试 翻翻译下列句子。下列句子。1.我我们与一些与一些电影明星影明星联合,合,为无家可无家可归的人筹款。的人筹款。2.人人们常把幸福和常把幸福和钱联系到一起。系到一起。We are working in association with some film stars to raise money for the homeless.People often associate happiness with money.2021/8/11 星期三6glance 与与 glimpse

5、Compare!glance 与与 glimpse 的区别正在类同于的区别正在类同于look与与see;take a glance at(看一看看一看)的结果便的结果便是是get a glimpse(瞥见了瞥见了)eg.He took a glance at her face.他匆匆地看了一下她的脸。他匆匆地看了一下她的脸。短语连接短语连接gaze at 盯着看盯着看,注视着注视着 stare at 盯着盯着glare at 怒视怒视 fit ones eyes on盯着看盯着看2021/8/11 星期三73.It is a mainly dry country with only a few

6、 coastal areas that have adequate rainfall to support a large population.这是一个干旱为主的国家这是一个干旱为主的国家,只有少只有少数沿海地区有足够的降雨数沿海地区有足够的降雨,可以维可以维持众多的人口的生存。持众多的人口的生存。2021/8/11 星期三8常用搭配常用搭配be adequate for sth.充足充足to doing sth.胜任做某事胜任做某事eg.The money is adequate for the trip.This is a solution adequate to the problem

7、.短语连接短语连接be fit for 适合适合胜任胜任be equal to doing sth.胜任胜任2021/8/11 星期三94.However,Australia has a federal government responsible for matters that affect people all over the country,such as defence,foreign policy and taxation.然而然而,澳大利亚有一个联邦政府澳大利亚有一个联邦政府,它负它负责管理涉及全国人民的事务责管理涉及全国人民的事务,如国防如国防,外交政策和税收等。外交政策和税

8、收等。2021/8/11 星期三10be responsible for 对对负责负责eg.Who is responsible for the accident?单词积累单词积累responsibly adv.负责地负责地,可靠地可靠地responsibility n.负责负责,责任责任2021/8/11 星期三11短语连接短语连接 have/take responsibility for 对对负责负责 assume/accept responsibility for 承担承担责任责任 have a responsibility to do sth 应有做应有做.义务义务 be respon

9、sible to sb.对某人负责对某人负责Bear them in your mind!2021/8/11 星期三125.The federal parliament is located in Canberra.联邦议会坐落于堪培拉。联邦议会坐落于堪培拉。be located in 坐落于坐落于,位于位于eg.The hospital is to be located in your town.belocatedsituated in=lie in归纳归纳2021/8/11 星期三136.On 26 January,Australia Day,in over 200 locations a

10、cross the nation,more than 9000 people will become Australia citizens.在在1月月26日日,澳大利亚日那天澳大利亚日那天,全国全国200多多个地方个地方,9000多人将成为澳大利亚公民多人将成为澳大利亚公民.2021/8/11 星期三14Word Studynation国家国家national 国家的国家的,民族的民族的 international国国际的的 nationwide全国范全国范围的的 nationality 国籍国籍 2021/8/11 星期三15 归纳归纳more than 1.more than+数数词,以上

11、以上,多多于于,有余有余,等于等于overeg.By then he was more than forty years of age.2021/8/11 星期三162.more than+名名词,不只不只,不不仅仅,超超过,远不止不止,不同于不同于eg.Peace is much more than then absence of war.和平决不和平决不仅仅意味着没有意味着没有战争。争。3.more than can/could+v.不能不能 more than 表示否定表示否定,相当于相当于noteg.Thats more than I can tell you.那一点我是不能告那一点我

12、是不能告诉您的。您的。2021/8/11 星期三174.more than+adj./adv 在在语义上表示很高上表示很高的程度的程度,意意为“非常非常”“十分十分”“更加更加”等等eg.Im more than happy to hear that.5.more than one不止一个不止一个,作主作主语时,谓语动词应用用单数数.eg.More than one student has seen it.2021/8/11 星期三186.On this 4352-km journey from Sydney to Perth via Adelaide youll view some of A

13、ustralias unique scenery from the superb Blue Mountains to the treeless plains of the Nularbor.在从悉尼经有阿德莱德到佩思的在从悉尼经有阿德莱德到佩思的4352千米的千米的旅途中旅途中,你会看到一些澳大利亚的独特风景。你会看到一些澳大利亚的独特风景。既有巍峨秀美的蓝山既有巍峨秀美的蓝山,也有望不见树木的纳也有望不见树木的纳勒博平原。勒博平原。2021/8/11 星期三19Word Studyvia prep.by way of(sth)经,通通过,经由由eg.We flew to Athens via

14、 Pairs.superb adj.wonderful;excellent;splendideg.She is a superb teacher.The food was superb.2021/8/11 星期三207.Along the way youll spot a fascinating variety of wildlife.沿着这条路沿着这条路,你会发现多种多样的奇妙你会发现多种多样的奇妙的野生动物。的野生动物。spot vt.find,identify 发现,辨辨认出出 n.a particular place or area 地点地点2021/8/11 星期三21eg.She

15、spotted someone coming out of the building.As the only man on the spot,he was in a position to take vital decisions.2021/8/11 星期三228.It is also possible to climb the rock,but most people dont do this out of respect for the Aboriginal people who consider the rock to be sacred.爬上岩石也是可能爬上岩石也是可能的的,但大多数人

16、出于尊敬那些土著居民而但大多数人出于尊敬那些土著居民而不那样做不那样做,因为他们认为这块岩石是神圣因为他们认为这块岩石是神圣的的.out of respect=because of respect.2021/8/11 星期三23Word Study out of respect 出于尊敬出于尊敬 out of curiosity 出于好奇出于好奇 out of kindness 出于好意出于好意 out of generosity 出于慷慨出于慷慨 Bear them in your mind!2021/8/11 星期三249.Ill be back in Sydney in a fortni

17、ght because Ive made a reservation on the Indian Pacific train to Perth.两周后我就会回到悉尼两周后我就会回到悉尼,因为我已经订因为我已经订了去佩思的印度洋了去佩思的印度洋-太平洋号的火车太平洋号的火车票票.make a reservation 预定定eg.I made a reservation for a table for two.2021/8/11 星期三25fortnight 是是fourteen nights 的缩写的缩写,意思是意思是“14 天,两周天,两周”。如如:a fortnights vacationH

18、es had three accidents in the past fortnight.在过去两周他出了三次事故。在过去两周他出了三次事故。2021/8/11 星期三261.His account of what happened that night _ the witness version.2 When invited to a party,_ for the host,we must dress well.associate with,make a reservation,be made up of,out of respect,correspond with,talk.into,h

19、ave no effect on,be aware that,far from,be responsible for,relieve.of,decide on用方框内所给词组的适当形式完成下列句子用方框内所给词组的适当形式完成下列句子(其中有两个词组是多余的)。(其中有两个词组是多余的)。corresponded/corresponds without of respect2021/8/11 星期三273 Mary is going to _ his father _ buying a new dress for her.4 I dont want my children to _drug-a

20、ddicts and alcoholics.5 Hard as she tried,her answer is _ satisfactory.talk;associate with,make a reservation,be made up of,out of respect,correspond with,talk.into,have no effect on,be aware that,far from,be responsible for,relieve.of,decide onintoassociate withfar from2021/8/11 星期三286 Every citize

21、n _ the preservation of public order and security.7 The doctor said that this kind of medicine _ sleeping.associate with,make a reservation,be made up of,out of respect,correspond with,talk.into,have no effect on,be aware that,far from,be responsible for,relieve.of,decide onis responsible forhad no

22、effect on2021/8/11 星期三298.If you want to go to the concert,youll have to _ ,or there will be no tickets.9.The education experts are thinking how to _students _ hard work.10.As is known to all,China _many provinces.associate with,make a reservation,be made up of,out of respect,correspond with,talk.in

23、to,have no effect on,be aware that,far from,be responsible for,relieve.of,decide onis made up ofmake a reservationrelieveof2021/8/11 星期三30Learning about language 2021/8/11 星期三31Complete the sentences with words below.1.The majority of Australians are _ from many different _.In fact,the only _ whose

24、ancestors have lived here for more than 200 hundred years are the _ people.backgrounds nation citizens tolerance Aboriginal homelands migrants respectcitizens/migrants Aboriginalcitizensnations/backgrounds2021/8/11 星期三32Most Australians believe that having people from so many different _ creates _ a

25、nd _ and makes Australia a stronger _ and a more interesting place to live.respectnations/backgrounds/homelandstolerancenation2021/8/11 星期三332.Read the paragraph below,paying particular attention to the underlined words,some of which may be new to you.Try to work out the definitions of these words a

26、nd write them down in the second column.Then check your answer using an English-English dictionary and write the dictionary definitions in the third column.2021/8/11 星期三34 The first migrants arrived in Australia after a long voyage on small sailing ships.Life was very tough at first because they did

27、 not have adequate equipment or food.One of the first things they did was to dig the soil and sow vegetable seeds.However,it wasnt easy to grow enough food for everyone and in the first few years they faced starvation.Despite all the hardships 2021/8/11 星期三35 of those early years,many of the migrant

28、s succeeded in building a good life for themselves.In the early days,There were not nearly as many women migrants as there were males,so many of the men remained bachelors.Many dreamed of having a wife who would share their life and work alongside them as they built houses and established2021/8/11 星

29、期三36 farms.Within a reasonably short time some had established large sheep farms and began to export meat and wool back to England.We know a lot about these early years of European settlement because most migrants corresponded with their families at home and many of their letters still survive.These

30、 early settlers owed their survival to hard work and determination to succeed.2021/8/11 星期三37例句例句根据语境推断根据语境推断owe一词在一词在1-3句句中的含义,并从中的含义,并从a-c中找出与每句话中中找出与每句话中的的owe相符合的含义。相符合的含义。1.He owes me five dollars.2.You owe it to me to be honest with me.3.She owes her good health to diet and exercise.b.归因于,归功于归因

31、于,归功于 c.欠(情)欠(情)a.欠债欠债2021/8/11 星期三38owing to 由于,其中由于,其中to为介词,为介词,其同义短其同义短语有:语有:because of,as a result of,on account of,due to,thanks to等。等。翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。1.买食品要买食品要4英镑,可玛丽只付了英镑,可玛丽只付了3英镑,英镑,因此她还欠因此她还欠1英镑。英镑。The food cost 4,but Mary only paid 3,so she still owed 1.2021/8/11 星期三392.我们欠父母很多。我们欠父母很多。3.这

32、个学生把自己的成功归于他教授的这个学生把自己的成功归于他教授的鼓励。鼓励。4.约翰没有出席会议约翰没有出席会议,因为他病了。因为他病了。We owe our parents a lot.The student owed his success to his professors encouragement.John didnt attend the meeting because of being ill.2021/8/11 星期三40difficult or unpleasant conditions of lifeput seeds in the ground so they will g

33、rowenougha person who goes from one place to live in another(also immigrant)hardshipsowadequatemigrant Dictionary definition Word2021/8/11 星期三41to need to pay or give sth.to sb.because they have given or lent sth.to you or have done sth.for youcommunicate by writing an unmarried maleowecorrespondbac

34、helorDictionary definitionWord2021/8/11 星期三42 You will find it easier to learn English words in clusters.Read aloud the following words and write down as many words related to them as possible.Compare your lists with a partner.3.2021/8/11 星期三43Example:rain,rainbow,rainfall,rainy,raindrop,raincoat,ra

35、inforest,rainwater rain tax home rust time night autonomy defend tolerate celebrate nation city birth associate reserve way2021/8/11 星期三44tax:taxation,taxed,taxable,taxman taxpayerhome:homework,homely,homeland,homeless,homemaker,homecoming,homesickrust:rusty,rustprooftime:timely,timing,timekeeper,ti

36、mer,timepiece,timesaving,timetable,timeless2021/8/11 星期三45night:nightly,nighttime,goodnight,nightclothes,nightclub,nightfallautonomy:autonomous,autonomouslydefend:defence,defender,defenceless,defendant,defensive,defensibletolerate:tolerance,tolerant,toleration,tolerantly,tolerable,tolerably,tolerabi

37、lity2021/8/11 星期三46celebrate:celebration,celebratory,celebrated,celebrant,celebritynation:national,nationality,nationalize,nationally,nationalist,nationwide2021/8/11 星期三47city:citizen,citizenship,citywide,cityscapebirth:birthplace,birthdate,birthday,birthplace,birthmark,birthrightassociate:associati

38、on,associative,associatedreserve:reservation,reservedway:pathway,roadway,waylay,wayside,wayworn2021/8/11 星期三48Exercises in the Workbook on P692021/8/11 星期三49Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.2.1.If you associate _ criminals,you are likely to get in trouble with the police too.2._ o

39、f respect for my family,I try to lead an honest life.3.I have been corresponding _ my penfriend for over five years now.withOutwith2021/8/11 星期三504.We tried to talk Jim _ changing his mind,but with no success.5.That all Australians are blond and blue-eyed is far _ the truth.Australians are of many d

40、ifferent races and almost every eye,hair and skin color is represented.6.I am not responsible _ keeping a record of the meeting.Jim is.intofromfor2021/8/11 星期三513.defend/defence/defensive1.We must take _ action immediately to protect ourselves from the enemy.2.I am taking karate lessons to learn how

41、 to _ myself.3.The villagers only _ against the enemies were sticks and stones.defensivedefenddefence2021/8/11 星期三524.They fought _ against the wind to bring the boat into shelter before the storm broke.5.There is a _ need to get food and blankets to the earthquake victims.6.In _ they jumped out the

42、 window of their fifth floor apartment to escape the fire.desperately/desperation/desperatedesperatelydesperationdesperate2021/8/11 星期三53tolerate/tolerant/tolerable/tolerance7.Having friends at work is the only thing that makes my job _.8.I think his parents are far too _ with him and thats why he i

43、s so badly behaved.9.I think you need to develop more _ towards people who are different from you.10.I cant _ his heat any more.Im going inside where its cooler.tolerabletoleranttolerancetolerate2021/8/11 星期三5411.Im sorry you cant sit there.This table is _.12.I would like to make a _ for four people

44、 on the 23rd at 8 pm.13.Im sorry I cant go on Sunday.I 14.always _ Sundays for visiting my 15.grandparents.reserve/reserved/reservationreservedreservationreserve2021/8/11 星期三5514.If you change your mind about going on the tour,your deposit is not _.15.After they arrested him,the police went to the t

45、hiefs house to _ the stolen jewellery.16.After the accident his _ was slow and he was in hospital for nearly six months.recover/recovery/recoverablerecoverablerecoverrecovery2021/8/11 星期三56My name is Steve Papas.Although my _ is Greece,I have lived in Australia for a long time and I am now an Austra

46、lian _.Even though I havent visited my original _ for over 20 years,I am still proud of my Greek _.I live in4.heritage birthplace homeland celebrations fortnight citizenheritagehomelandcitizenbirthplace2021/8/11 星期三57Melbourne where a lot of other Greek migrants live.As well as celebrating great events in Australia we hold _ for Greek events too.When Greece won the 2004 European Soccer Championship,for example,we celebrated in Melbourne for a _.celebrationsfortnight2021/8/11 星期三582021/8/11 星期三59


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