高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 模块知识 Unit 4 Pygmalion课件 新人教选修8.ppt

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1、Unit 4Pygmalion2021/8/11 星期三1话题 文学艺术(2016宁夏一中高三第四次月考)假如你是学生会主席李华,你校学生会将于12月12日下午4点在学校报告厅举办高一、高二年级英语短剧大赛。请你根据以下信息,用英语写一篇书面通知。内容如下:活动目的:激发学生学习兴趣,丰富课外生活。2021/8/11 星期三2参赛要求:每班学生自编自导一个英文短剧。报名时间及地点:12月8日之前高一、高二年级英语老师办公室。评奖:年级前六名获奖。2021/8/11 星期三3【晨背范文】In order to motivate students to learn English and enri

2、ch their afterclass lives,an English short play competition will be held in the lecture hall at 4:00 pm.,December 12th.Each class of Senior One and Senior Two is required to perform one short play which will be created and directed by the students themselves.Those who would like to take part in the

3、competition are supposed to sign up in English Teachers Offices of Senior One and Senior Two before December 8th.2021/8/11 星期三4All the students in Senior One and Senior Two are welcome to join in this activity.The top six winners of each grade will be given prizes.Looking forward to your active part

4、icipation.December 3rdStudentsUnion2021/8/11 星期三5话题词汇1editionn版本2fictionn(虚构)小说3vividadj.栩栩如生的4on display展出5live up to ones reputation名副其实6enrich ones life丰富某人的生活2021/8/11 星期三6话题佳句1Not only can Beijing Opera bring me happiness but also help me understand Chinese history and culture better.京剧不仅能带给我快乐

5、,而且能帮助我更好地理解中国的历史和文化。2021/8/11 星期三72I am convinced that you will benefit a lot from the novel.我相信你将从这本小说中受益匪浅。3Music is the medicine of the breaking heart.音乐是医治心灵创伤的良药。2021/8/11 星期三8.单词速忆1_ vt.俯视;忽视;不理会2_ vt.谴责;使处于不幸(不愉快)的状态3_ vi.&n妥协;折衷4_ n谈论;言论;评述vt.&vi.谈论;评论;说起5_ n相识;了解;熟人overlook condemn comprom

6、ise remarkacquaintance 2021/8/11 星期三96_ adj.优秀的;较高的,上级的 n上级;长官7_ adj.光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的8_ vi.&vt.(使)褪色;减弱;逐渐消失9_vt.抢劫;盗窃;剥夺_ n抢劫(行为)superior brilliant fade rob robbery 2021/8/11 星期三1010_vi.犹豫;踌躇_ n犹豫;踌躇11_ vt.编排;分类;归类_ n分类;归类12_ n机会;运气;大笔的钱_ adj.幸运的_adv.幸运地13_ n适应(性);改编本_v改编;(使)适应hesitate hesitation cl

7、assify classification fortune fortunate fortunatelyadaptation adapt 2021/8/11 星期三1114_ adj.不舒服的;不安的;不自在的_ adv.不舒服地;不自在地_ n舒适,舒服vt.安慰15_ adj.(见解或判断上)错误的;不正确的_ n&v错误;误会16_ adj.可怕的;恐怖的_ n恐怖17_ adj.使人反感的;令人厌恶的_vt.厌恶;反感uncomfortable uncomfortably comfort mistaken mistake horrible horror disgusting disgus

8、t2021/8/11 星期三12.短语快译 1_ 带或领进来2_(声音、画面)逐渐模糊;渐淡3_ 结识;与相见4_ 冒充成;诈称为5_ 抢劫某人某物6_ 一般来说show in fade outmake ones acquaintance pass off asrob sb.of sth.generally speaking2021/8/11 星期三137_ 再一次8_ 需要9_ 就来说;从角度10_ 伪装(的);假扮的once more in need of in terms ofin disguise2021/8/11 星期三14.句式仿写1While watching,he makes

9、notes.(“while/when现在分词”作时间状语)仿写:我在图书馆对书籍进行分类的时候,发现了一本不同寻常的古书。_ in the library,I met with an extraordinary antique book.【答案】When classifying books2021/8/11 星期三152Will that be of any use to you?(“be of抽象名词”表示“具有某种特征或属性”)仿写:我认为英文字幕对英语学习者有很大的用处。As far as Im concerned,English captions _ English learners.

10、【答案】are of great use to2021/8/11 星期三163What if I was?(what if句式,“如果,又怎么样呢?”)仿写:明天要是下雨怎么办呢?我们还按计划举行运动会吗?_ tomorrow?Will we hold the sports meeting as planned?【答案】What if it rains2021/8/11 星期三174Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation.(形容词短语作状语)仿写:全神贯注地观看足球比赛,这个裁判没理会我。_ th

11、e football match,the referee overlooked me.【答案】Absorbed in watching2021/8/11 星期三18.单元语法过去分词作状语用所给的动词的适当形式填空1_(overlook)by his colleagues,the new worker was very uncomfortable.2_(know)for its extraordinary scenery,the village has attracted a lot of tourists.2021/8/11 星期三193_(trap)in the elevator,the

12、robber felt helpless.4The referee stood there,_(absorb)in his work.5Once_(understand),the rule is easy to memorize.【答案】1.Overlooked2.Known3.Trapped4.absorbed 5understood2021/8/11 星期三20.教材活用根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式My Fair Lady was the title of a successful musical and later a film _1._(bas

13、e)on Bernard Shaws classical Pygmalion.In the musical,Professor Higgins takes a bet from Colonel Pickering _2._ he can transfer an unrefined _3._(dirt)flower girl Elize Doolittle _4._a lady,and fool everyone into _5._(think)she really is.2021/8/11 星期三21He does,and thus young aristocrat Freddy Eynsfo

14、rd Hill falls 6._(mad)in love with her.When Higgins takes all the credit and _7._(forget)to acknowledge her efforts,Eliza angrily leaves him for Freddy.Only then _8._ Higgins realize he _9._(accustom)to her face and cant live _10._her.2021/8/11 星期三22【答案】1.based2.that3.dirty4.into5.thinking6madly7.fo

15、rgets8.does9.has been accustomed10.without2021/8/11 星期三231hesitate vi.犹豫;踌躇【考点激活】The Mullers didnt hesitate_ their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime.穆勒夫妇毫不犹豫地把自己的电话号码给街上那些(需要帮助的)人,并告诉他们可以随时打电话。2021/8/11 星期三24(1)hesitate to do sth.迟疑做某事;不愿做某事hesitate about/in/at/over(do

16、ing)sth.(做)某事犹豫不决(2)hesitationn.踌躇;犹豫without hesitation毫不犹豫地have no hesitation in doing sth.毫不犹豫地做某事【知识建构】2021/8/11 星期三25Hearing this,the mother hesitated for a while.听到这些,这位母亲犹豫了一会儿。(2013广东)I had no hesitation in accepting his invitation.我毫不犹豫地接受了他的邀请。2021/8/11 星期三26【即时巩固】语法填空Please do not hesitate

17、_(contact)me if you need detailed information.Without _(hesitate),he jumped into the river to save the drowning girl.【答案】to giveto contacthesitation2021/8/11 星期三272condemn vt.谴责;使注定【考点激活】Anderson suggests that television cannot _ without considering other influences.安德森表明不能在没有考虑其他影响的情况下就谴责电视。(2015广东

18、)2021/8/11 星期三28condemn sb./sth.for/as sth.因而谴责某人或某事condemn sb.to sth.迫使某人接受困境(或不愉快的状况)condemn sb.to do sth.迫使某人做某事condemn sb.to death判某人死刑condemnedadj.已被定罪的;受谴责的【知识建构】2021/8/11 星期三29The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking honesty.这家报纸的编辑被指责为不够诚实。【举一反三】be condemned to death意为“被判处死刑”be s

19、entenced to death;此时,condemn 与sentence 都有“判刑”之意。2021/8/11 星期三30【即时巩固】完成句子他的身体残疾使他度过了痛苦的童年。His physical disability_ to a bitter childhood.裁判没有因这个运动员的粗鲁而责难他。The referee didnt_ his rudeness.2021/8/11 星期三31敌人迫使他背叛了他的朋友。The enemy _ his friend.【答案】be condemnedcondemned himcondemn the athlete forcondemned

20、him to betray2021/8/11 星期三323fortune n财产;大笔的钱;机会;运气【考点激活】_ for him,a man offered to take him around the different spots for free.对他来说,幸运的是,一个人主动提出免费带他到不同的地方。(2014江西)2021/8/11 星期三33(1)seek ones fortune找出路;碰运气make a fortune发财try ones fortune碰运气(2)fortunateadj.幸运的;侥幸的 be fortunate to do sth.幸运做某事(3)for

21、tunatelyadv.幸运地【知识建构】2021/8/11 星期三34She made a fortune and wore diamonds and designer clothes.她发了大财,戴着钻石首饰,穿着设计师设计的服装。It was very fortunate for him that I arrived on time.算他运气好,我准时到了。2021/8/11 星期三35【即时巩固】用fortune的适当形式或相关短语填空When he was a child,he dreamed of _.When he grew up,he went to a big city _.

22、_,he found a good job and earned a lot of money.Later,he _ to marry a beautiful girl.【答案】Fortunatelymaking a fortuneto try/seek his fortuneFortunatelywas fortunate2021/8/11 星期三364compromise n&vi.妥协;折衷【考点激活】We were not prepared to compromise _safety.我们不准备在安全问题上妥协。2021/8/11 星期三37(1)reach/come to a com

23、promise和解;达成妥协make a compromise with与妥协by compromise折衷(2)compromise with sb.与某人和解compromise on sth.就某事折衷【知识建构】2021/8/11 星期三38In any relationship,you have to make compromises.在任何关系当中,人们都得作出让步。The dispute was settled by compromise.这个争端折衷解决。2021/8/11 星期三39【即时巩固】完成句子如果你想和解,你就必须和他达成妥协。If you want to_,you

24、 must _ him.就价格问题我们已经和那家公司妥协了。We have compromised _ the price _ that company.2021/8/11 星期三40【答案】onreach/come to a compromise;make a compromise withon;with2021/8/11 星期三411generally speaking一般来说【考点激活】_,_it contains no more than 75,000 entries,making it handy to carry to class and efficient to use.一般地,

25、它含有的词条不超过75 000个,这使得它便于携带到班里并高效使用。(2015湖南)2021/8/11 星期三42(1)honestly speaking诚实地说来frankly speaking坦率地说strictly speaking严格地说broadly speaking广义地说personally speaking就我个人而言scientifically speaking科学地讲roughly speaking粗略地讲exactly speaking确切地说【知识建构】2021/8/11 星期三43(2)in general总的来说;大体上as a general rule一般而言;在

26、通常情况下2021/8/11 星期三44As a general rule,solids expand as the temperature increases and contract when they are cooled.一般来说,固体热胀冷缩。Scientifically speaking,cleaning away dirt is good to health.科学地说,清除身上的灰尘有利于健康。2021/8/11 星期三45【举一反三】“副词speaking”的结构属于无着落分词或悬垂分词,在句中作评述性状语,用于引出说话人对某事的看法,使用时不改变speaking的形式,根据句

27、意选择不同的副词加以修饰。2021/8/11 星期三46【即时巩固】完成句子一般来说,很多男孩子喜欢踢足球。_,a lot of boys are fond of playing football.就我而言,我很幸运结识他。_,I was fortunate to make his acquaintance.2021/8/11 星期三47【答案】GenerallyIn general/As a general rule/Generally(speaking)Personally speaking/As for me/As far as Im concerned2021/8/11 星期三482i

28、n terms of 就而言;从角度【考点激活】The survey results are analyzed _ the respondents sex,age and nationality.调查结果是根据被调查者的性别、年龄和国籍来分析的。2021/8/11 星期三49come to terms with sb.与某人和解;让步;忍受be on good/bad terms with与关系好/坏in the long/short term从长远/目前来看in ones termsin ones opinion在某人看来【知识建构】2021/8/11 星期三50She is still c

29、oming to terms with her sons death.她还没有完全从儿子死亡的阴影中走出来。In my terms,he shouldnt have remarked on the ambassador.在我看来,他本不应该评论这位大使的。2021/8/11 星期三51【即时巩固】完成句子就薪金而言,这个工作倒是挺不错的。The job is great_.从长远来看,这个协议将会产生非常积极的影响。The agreement should have very positive impact_.2021/8/11 星期三52说实话,我和我所有的朋友关系都很好。Honestly

30、speaking,I am _ all my friends.【答案】in terms of in terms of salaryin the long termon good terms with2021/8/11 星期三533showin 带或领进来【考点激活】I was about to leave when the secretary showed a little girl _.我正要离开的时候秘书领进来一个小女孩。2021/8/11 星期三54(1)show sb.out领某人出去show sb.around/round领某人参观show off炫耀;卖弄show up出席;到场(

31、2)on show在展览【知识建构】2021/8/11 星期三55Finally,after weeks of preparation,I would show off all my hard work in a dance of performance.最后,经过几个星期的准备,我将在一次舞蹈表演中展示我所有的努力。Today his picture goes on show at the National Portrait Gallery.今天他的画作在国家肖像美术馆展出。2021/8/11 星期三56【即时巩固】语法填空We waited until five oclock,but he

32、 did not show_.Before you start to work,Ill show you _ the factory.He is always showing _ how well he speaks French,making us unhappy.【答案】inuparoundoff2021/8/11 星期三571What if I was?如果我是,又怎么样呢?句型提炼:what if?如果将会怎样?2021/8/11 星期三58(1)What if?完整的形式为:What will it be if sb.?常用来提出假设、建议、邀请、要求等,意为“倘若将会怎样?”“如果

33、将会怎样?”后面经常跟一般现在时,有时根据语境也可以跟虚拟语气。【句型剖析】2021/8/11 星期三59(2)相似句型:How come?怎么会这样?怎么搞的?How/What about?怎么样?What for?为什么目的?为何理由?So what?那又怎样?Why not do?为什么不?2021/8/11 星期三60What about going out with me tomorrow?明天和我一起出去怎么样?Why not call on me tomorrow?你干吗不明天就来看我呢?2021/8/11 星期三61【即时巩固】完成句子火车要是晚点会怎么样呢?_ the tra

34、in is late?如果她在美国待了五年,她的英语怎么会这样糟糕?If she spent five years in America,_ her English is so poor?2021/8/11 星期三62我得去看医生。看什么病?I need to see a doctor._?【答案】What ifhow comeWhat for2021/8/11 星期三632Will that be of any use to you?那对你有用吗?句型提炼:be of 抽象名词2021/8/11 星期三64(1)介词of后面接表示抽象意义的名词,如value,use,help,importa

35、nce,significance,benefit等,相当于该名词相对应的形容词。该名词前面可以用表程度的词加以修饰,如little,no,great,much,some等。(2)介词of后面还可接一些表示人或物属性的名词,如size,color,height,length,age,shape,quality等,用来描述人或事物的属性,在句中作表语或后置定语。【句型剖析】2021/8/11 星期三65Patience is of great importance to taking care of kids.耐心对照看孩子非常重要。Mary and Rose are of the same ag

36、e.玛丽和罗斯同岁。2021/8/11 星期三66【即时巩固】句型转换Confidence and determination are very significant to success.Confidence and determination are _ _ _ _ success.2021/8/11 星期三67Walking is very beneficial to your body shape.Walking is _ _ _ _ your body shape.【答案】of great significance toof great benefit to2021/8/11 星期三682021/8/11 星期三69


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